• Anthology of short films. Part 17.
     The seventeenth issue of a collection of short films, three documentaries on the theme of nudism and naturism.
    1. Centres Naturistes En France Et En Grece.
    About special resorts for naturists in France...
    2. Randonue De La Voie De La Liberte.
    Video report about the campaign of the militant group of French naturist, they made September 6, 2009 in the beautiful corners of nature, their adventures, including clashes with police.
    3. Nature Zones.

    Beautiful music video about nudists near a waterfall...
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 7.
    Seventh issue of a collection of short films, 7 very different but interesting short films from the whole world.
    1. Mimozemstan.
    Napinavy pribeh o tom, co se stane, kdyz svet kolem vas zacne najednou fungovat jako vase oblibena pocitacova hra.
    Reziser Karel Janak nataci dalsi z uspesne serie kratkych filmu pro deti, ktere vznikaji ve spolupraci s EBU (Evropska vysilaci unie). Hrdina filmu, osmilety Michal, travi vetsinu casu pronasledovanim mimozemstanu ze sve pocitacove hry. Sam si ovsem pripada tak trochu mimozemstan ve sve sportovne zalozene rodine. Jsem soustavne nicen tremi nejhorsimi vecmi na svete: mym bratrem Viktorem, ktery me nuti byt jako on, zdravou vyzivou, kterou by podle me meli zakazat jako jiny mucici nastroje, ale hlavne pravidelnymi sobotnimi vylety na kolech. Nesnasim soboty!? A prave na takovem vylete se Michalovi prihodi neco neuveritelneho. Svet kolem nej zacne fungovat jako pocitacova hra. Michal ovsem velmi brzy ke svemu zdeseni zjisti, ze tentokrat je tou vyhlednutou obeti on sam. Z pronasledovatele je najednou pronasledovany?
    Director: Karel Janak.
    Cast: Vlastimil Kanka, Josef Tucek, Lenka Vlasakova, Vasil Fridrich.
    Czech Republic, 2012.
    2. Daughter.
    Very scary story...
    Director: Eduardo Rodriguez.
    Cast: Jennifer-Ashlyn Qualey, Marcie Seklecki.
    USA, 2002.
    3. Cachorro. 
    A funny story about a dad with his son on the beach...
    Director: Miguel Albaladejo.
    Cast: Jorge Amat, Daniel Diaz Moreno.
    Spain, 1996.
    4. Pandora.
    Three Irish boys found a porn magazine...
    Director: Paul Farren.
    Cast: Cain Williams, Conor McEvoy, Daniel Brocklebank.
    Ireland, 2005.
    5. Peter's Room / Peters rum.
    It's late morning, but Peter's mother is unable to get him to get out of bed. Could there be another reason why the boy is pretending to be asleep?
    Director: Nicolas Kolovos.
     Cast: Peter Alvden, P-A Ericson, Emilie Strandbergm, Jerker Fahlstrom, Anders Axen.
    Sweden, 2010.
    6. This is It.
    About the adventures of a baby on a nearby world space.
    7. Naakt / Naked.
    A little boy goes to a sauna with his mother. The required nudity is a bit scary at first, but interesting after a while. After all he enjoyed it.
    Director: Diederik Ebbinge, Albert Jan van Rees.
    Cast: Sem Roeters, Marike van Weelden, Frederieke Pijl.
    Netherlands, Cake TV, 2006.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 6.
     Sixth issue of a collection of short films, various countries and genres. 6 films but content some of these let it remain a mystery.
    1. All Over Brazil.
    With Scotland in the World Cup in 1974, Stephen (Iain de Caestecker) is more into Glam Rock than football. A story of a family coming to terms with change in uncertain times.
    Director: David Andrew Ward.
    UK, 2004.
    2. Secret.
    Director: Rob Birks.
    USA, 2009.
    3. Pinchas.
    Nine-year old Pinhas and his mother, a non-practicing Jew, are new immigrants from Russia. His mother barely makes a living working night shifts, and devotes her spare time to an affair she has with a married man. On the third floor lives a religious family. Pinhas is drawn to the warmth and unity that characterize this family. He meets a girl his age, and her older brother, who slowly introduce him to religion.
    Director: Pini Tavger.
    Cast: Anthony Berman, Michael Coresh, Jenya Dodina, Jonathan Rozen.
    Israel, 2008.
    4. Musen.
    Love, cowardice, and jealousy lie at the core of this story about 10-year-old Liv, who receives a mouse as a present from her classmate, Mike. They start dating. However, when Liv's friend, a popular girl, starts flirting with Mike at school, Liv becomes exceedingly jealous.
    Director: Pil Maria Gunnarsson.
    Cast: Eva-Theresa Jermiin Anker, Frederikke Hjort Arentz, Magnus Wettendorff Dyring, Christine Exner.
    Denmark, 2009.
    5. Vestido nuevo.
    Director: Sergi Gomez Perez.
    Cast: Ramon Novell, Kevin Puertas.
    Spain, 2009.
    6. 13 ans.
    Director: Rudi Rosenberg.
    France, 2009.
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    Anthology of short films. Part 6.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 5.
    The fifth issue of a collection of short films, two old Soviet propaganda documentary films.
    1. U tyoplogo morya / By the warm sea.
    Soviet propaganda film from 1940 about pioneers rest in the most famous Soviet pioneer camp Artek.
    Director: Nikolai Solovyov.
    USSR, 1940.
    2. On meie keskel suvi.
    Estonian musical documentary about a cheerful holiday for young musicians.
    Cast: the Theatre of Song "Entel-Tentel".
    USSR, Eesti Telefilm, 1974.
    Anthology of short films. Part 5.
    Anthology of short films. Part 5.
    Anthology of short films. Part 5.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 4.
    The 4th issue of a collection of short films of independent filmmakers from around the world, this time consisting of 6 mini-movies.
    1. 2 minutter.
    A boy lies in a bathtub, holding his breath. He is trying to break his personal record - 2 minutes.
    Director: Jacob Tschernia.
    Cast: Mark Emil Schwarz, Frederik Schwarz.
    Denmark, 2001.
    2. A visszhang titka.
    A filmben szereplo furcsa kislany visszahangokat gyujt, s csodalatos gyujtemenyet megmutatja kis baratjanak is. Kesobb a kisfiu is dicsekedni akar a visszahangokkal, de a hegyek nemak maradnak.
    Director: Karoly Wiedermann.
    Cast: Rita Orosz, Tamas Albert, Jozsef Molnar.
    Hungary, 1972.
    3. Dat zit wel snor.
    Director: Tamara Miranda.
    Netherlands, 2004.
    4. Engel en Broer.
    A young boy and his young sister are playing on a rubbish dump, acting out their parents' divorce. For this they use their father's things which their mother brought to the dumping ground out of anger. The girl only wants to use their fathers things, but the boy finds something that he finds much more interesting.
    Netherlands, 2004.
    5. Jimmy.
    Tim alone in his family...
    Director: Jamille van Wijngaarden.
    Cast: Rogier d'Ancona, Jeremy Bruin, Jennefer Siegrist, Rene Maasbach, Bente Reutelingsperger.
    Netherlands, 2010.
    6. Lover Boy.
    For his ninth birthday Myles (Jackson Quinn Gray) asks for nothing but wood. With his once vivacious grandmother slowly dying, and his burdened mother struggling for relevance he is constructing the everlasting life he desires. Within this wintry upstate New York world, there are indeed mighty forces at play.
    Director: Zia Anger.
    Cast: Jackson Quinn Gray, Lynn Sher, Sueanne Cunliffe.
    USA, 2008.

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  • Anthology of short films. Part 2.
    The second issue of a collection of short films of independent filmmakers from around the world, this time consisting of 5 mini-movies.
    1. La Valiente.
    Girl for a few seconds closes his eyes trying not to think about anything but her fears attack and those seconds seem like an eternity...
    Director: Isabel de Ayguavives.
    Spain, 2004.
    2. Lille Mand / Little Man.
    Junior Matias got a job at school to write an essay on a free topic...
    Director: Esben Tonnesen.
    Cast: Nikolaj Rasmussen, Malene Rasmussen.
    Denmark, 2006.
    3. Marzipan.
    Surrealism. Beautiful young woman rides in a cart drawn by boys and collects it all the girls he meets on his way.
    Cast: Robert Bosser, Christoffer Gabbor, Leo Hoffmann, Benjamin Keferstein, Falco Pieczonka, Maximillian Wegner, Levi and Seph Blouw-Espinosa.
    Director: Carolina Feix.
    Netherlands, 2006.
    4. Rita.
    About a blind girl...
    Director: Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza.
    Cast: Marco Correnti, Marta Palermo.
    Italy, 2009.
    5. Things I Don't Remember.
    Remembering childhood, it's like watching a videotape forgotten that you once found in a corner of the basement...
    Director: Nicholas Santos.
    Cast: Jackson Quinn Gray, Parker Pogue, Alison Walter, Tyler Gardella.
    USA, 2011.

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    Anthology of short films. Part 2.
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  • Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
     MK. Белото Циганче е македонска тв серија снимена во 1984 година. Белото Циганче е роман за деца од македонскиот писател Видое Подгорец. За првпат, книгата била издадена во 1966 година. Исто така, таа била екранизирана од страна на Македонската Радио Телевизија.
    Во серијата се работи за едно дете кое било оставено за време на војната во некое село. Додека бегале од окупаторот, група Роми го пронашле и го одгледале. Момчето се викало Таруно и немало никаква врска со Циганите, но научило да ги почитува нивните обичаи, научило како да преживее, да заработи за живот плетејќи кошници. Имал пријатели - Цигани и не судел по бојата на кожата туку по карактерот. Останатите луѓе едноставно не го поднесувале Таруно и го викале Белото циганче. Tој бил срамежлив.
    Неколкупати се обидел да се спротистави на селските деца но секогаш завршувал во небрано. Таруно имал убав бел коњ по име Белка. Кога Белка ождребува, раѓа црвено ждребе со бел белег на предната нога. Таруно го одгледува ждребето како негово и го крстува Бреско. Кога Белка умира, кога Бреско е сеуште ждребе, немало кој да го рани и сите изгубиле надеж од него, но Таруно успеа да го одржи жив. Неколкупати Бреско бега и повторно се враќа. Некогаш го нема толку долго време што Таруно почнува да жали и плаче. Приказната за Белото циганче станува уште потрогателна со смртта на неговиот старател, Бабa Мулон го одгледал како свое дете и му помогнал да стане добар човек и умен човек.
    EN. Beloto cigance is a Macedonian television series filmed in 1984. Beloto cigance children's novel by the Macedonian writer Vidoje Podgorec. For the first time, the book was published in 1966. Also, it was filmed by the Macedonian Radio Television.
    The series is about a child who was left during the war in a village. While fleeing from the occupiers, a group of Roma found and bred. The boy was called Tarun and had no connection with the Gypsies but learned to respect their customs, learned how to survive, to earn a living weaving baskets. He had friends - gypsies and not judged by the color of their skin but by their character. Other people just tolerated Tarun and called White Gypsy. He was shy.
    TV series, 7 Episodes.
    Director: Aco Aleksov.
    Cast: Ilija Dzuvalekovski, Snezana Stameska, Kiril Andonovski, Krste Jovanovski, Rubens Muratovski, Aneta Durcevska, Hristos Popovski, Trajce Ivanoski, Igor Madzirov, Petre Arsovski, Salaetin Bilal, Zora Georgieva.
    Yugoslavia, Televizija Skopje, 1984.
    Language: Macedonian.
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    Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
    Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
    Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
    Белото Циганче / Beloto cigance. 1984.
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  • Мальчик / The Boy / Child. 2015.
     It’s the summer of 1989. 9-year-old Ted Henley (Jared Breeze) and his father John (David Morse) are the proprietors of The Mt. Vista Motel, a crumbling resort buried in the mountains of the American West. Since Ted's mother left, John has drifted into despondency—leaving Ted to fend for himself. In this isolation, unchecked by the bounds of parenting, Ted’s darker impulses begin to manifest. The arrival of a mysterious drifter, William Colby (Rainn Wilson), captivates young Ted and the two form a unique friendship - setting the stage for Ted’s final, unnerving metamorphosis. THE BOY is a chilling, intimate portrait of a 9-year-old sociopath's growing fascination with death.
    Director: Craig William Macneill.
    Cast: David Morse, Rainn Wilson, Jared Breeze, Bill Sage, Mike Vogel, Zuleikha Robinson, Aiden Lovekamp, David Valencia, Amalia Santa Maria.
    USA, 2015.
    Language: English.
    Subtitle: Russian.
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    Мальчик / The Boy / Child. 2015.
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  • Эволюция / Évolution. 2015.
     Nicolas is a boy living on a remote island set in the future, or another planet - or is it a dream? His village consists of white-painted houses located above the sea with a volcanic rock and black sand coastline, populated by young women and boys all of a similar age to Nicolas. Whilst swimming, Nicolas makes a discovery in the ocean, which is shrugged off my his mother, who, like all the women in the town has tied-back hair, is pale and wears a simple thin beige dress. Nicolas is curious, thinks that he is being lied to and starts to explore his environment, witnessing some unsettling scenes. He then finds himself taken to a hospital-like building where he along, with the others, undergoes a series of medical procedures by the women, dressed as nurses. He is befriended by one nurse, who becomes instrumental in the film's denouement. The film is not easy to categorise; it is not only enigmatic but beautifully filmed with deeply poetic imagery. It reflects the fear of the unknown, experienced by a boy on the cusp of adolescence.
    The only residents of young Nicholas's seaside town are women and boys. When he sees a dead body in the ocean one day, he begins to question his existence and surroundings. Why must he, and all the other boys, be hospitalised?
    Other interesting films of this director: surreal drama Innocence (2004) and a short film La bouche de Jean-Pierre (1996).
    Director: Lucile Hadzihalilovic.
    Cast: Max Brebant, Roxane Duran, Julie-Marie Parmentier, Mathieu Goldfeld, Nissim Renard, Pablo-Noé Etienne, Nathalie Legosles, Chantal Aimée, Laura Ballesteros, Eric Batlle, Mafer Blanco, Anna Broock, Celestino Chacon, Annie Enganalim, Silvia Ferre.
    France, Belgium, Spain, 2015.
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    Эволюция / Évolution. 2015.
    Évolution. 2015.
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  • Втората смена / Vtora smena. 1988.
     MK. Втората смена – македонска серија за деца и млади од 1988 година. Според романот „Втората смена“ на Велко Неделковски.
    Снимена е македонска ТВ-серија „Втората смена“ во 1988 година во Скопје и Струга која е направена според текстот на истоимената книга каде што како сценарист се јавува самиот автор и е во режија на Душан Николовски.
    EN. Adventures of a young boy who went to school excursion for the first time in life. There he faces responsibilities, but also new friends and first sweethearts.
    Beautiful book and wonderful series which take us in a time when school- organized holidays in the state's hostels brought new friendships, first love... The sense of togetherness is throughout all show. Everything in this series is seen with children's eyes, children entering the grown-up world. The children's characters are excellent portrayed so we can identify ourselves with their problems, wishes, hopes and dreams. Beautiful friendship, conflicts and solving "heavy" problems, always with a positive attitude, love disappointments, and also hope for new loves.
    Episode List:
    1. Radosna vest.
    2. Sobata broj 7.
    3. Margaretka.
    4. Stapica za kradecot.
    5. Cas za neplivaci.
    6. Zapis vo srceto.
    Director: Dušan Naumovski.
    Cast: Martin Trpcevski, Katerina Angelovska, Viktor Dojcinovski, Natalija Kunovska, Pavle Martinoski, Violeta Tanevska, Andrej Kiselicki, Simon Kiselicki, Marko Petrusevski, Rubens Muratovski.
    Yugoslavia, Televizija Skopje, 1988.
    Language: Macedonian.
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    Втората смена / Vtora smena. 1988.
    Втората смена / Vtora smena. 1988.
    Втората смена / Vtora smena. 1988.
    Втората смена / Vtora smena. 1988.
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  • Тиль Уленшпигель / Till Eulenspiegel. 1974.
     In medieval Germany, poor and witty Till Eulenspiegel fools and cheats citizens, churchmen, and landlords. Although in most cases he uses his wit for personal well-being, he often helps the poor and weak. Eventually, he gains an influential but also dangerous position as royal fool at the court of the emperor.
    Director: Rainer Simon.
    Cast: Winfried Glatzeder, Cox Habbema, Franciszek Pieczka, Eberhard Esche, Jurgen Gosch, Hans Teuscher, Walter Bechstein, Michael Gwisdek, Marylu Poolman, Horst Lebinsky, Werner Dissel.
    DDR, DEFA, 1974.
    Language: German.
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    Тиль Уленшпигель / Till Eulenspiegel. 1974.
    Till Eulenspiegel. 1974.

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