• Няня с усами / El nano: Niñera con bigotes. 1971.
     ES. Los esposos Claudia y Antonio se van a Europa de vacaciones, dejando a sus siete hijos con el mayordomo y la ama de llaves. Ellos se aprovechan para robar la casa y huirse. Capulina se queda a cuidar a los niños hasta que llege su tia. Ella acusa a Capulina del robo, entoces Capulina tiene que capturar a los verdaderos culpables para probar su incocencia.
    EN. Rich family's lovable-oaf groundskeeper is charged with caring for the children when Mum and Dad go on vacation.
    Director: Gilberto Martínez Solares.
    Cast: Gaspar Henaine, Julián Bravo, Evita, Jose Manuel Bravo, David Bravo, René Cardona III, Rocío Brambila, Alfredo Melher, Antonio Henaine, Guillermo Hernandez H., Adolfo Martínez Solares, Rebeca Iturbide.
    Mexico, 1971.
    Language: Spanish.
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    Няня с усами / El nano: Niñera con bigotes. 1971.
     El nano: Niñera con bigotes. 1971.
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  • Виктор... Пока не стало слишком поздно / Victor... pendant qu'il est trop tard. 1998.
    FR. Temoin malgre lui d'une scene traumatisante, Victor, dix ans, s'enfuit en pleine nuit de chez lui. A la fete foraine, ou il etait venu s'etourdir, un jeune proprietaire de manege lui propose de le raccompagner. Devant le refus de l'enfant, il le conduit chez Triche, une jeune prostituee dont il est amoureux.
    EN. Victor, a lad of 8 or 9, runs away from his neglectful parents. That night he makes his way to a carnival, where Mick, who runs one of the rides, takes him late at night to the apartment of Triche, his sometime girlfriend who is a prostitute. The boy and the young woman develop a relationship that gives Victor a loving place to call home and gives Triche strength to figure out what she wants to do with her life. There's Mick, who's here for awhile then on the road; there's Robert, the kid downstairs who becomes Victor's friend until things go awry; and, there's Mira, a hardhearted whore to whom Triche owes money. Triche's birthday approaches and it's time for decisions.
    Director: Sandrine Veysset.
    Cast: Jérémy Chaix, Lydia Andrei, Mathieu Lané, Skan Guenin, Chantal Malebert, Paulette Benson, Nicole Richard, Maryline Destor, Laurent Fruleux, Catherine Winterman, Valérie Bourrioux.
    France, 1998.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: Dutch, Russian.
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    Виктор... Пока не стало слишком поздно / Victor... pendant qu'il est trop tard. 1998.
    Victor... pendant qu'il est trop tard. 1998.
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  • Среди друзей / Mellem venner. 1995.
    EN. Danish television series follows three preteen children, two boys and a girl, as they interact with each other and their families.
    DK. Frø og Singh er bedste venner. I hvert fald indtil Louise dukker op og vil have Frø for sig selv. Vil Frø svigte Singh? Og hvis han gør, hvad betyder det så for Singh? Men kan bedste venner overhovedet skilles? Og hvordan har Louise det egentlig? Frøs far og mor skændes. Bliver det værre? Eller kan alle problemer i familien løses? Når det hele bliver lidt for svært, har Frø et fristed, en hemmelig hule. Singh kommer også i hulen, når han altså ikke skal passe jobbet som vaskebjørn. Louise finder også frem til hulen.
    Spilletid: 285 minutter.
    Director: Anette Pilmark.
    Cast: Nastja Arcel, Mette Bratlann, Henrik Emmer, Morten Hauch-Fausbøll, Simon Holk, Hari Kishore, Sara Mosegaard Mihn, Anne Vibeke Mogensen, Asger Lund Pedersen, Hans Henrik Voetmann, Steen Svare.
    Denmark, Danmarks Radio (DR), NRK Drama, Ríkisútvarpið-Sjónvarp RÚV, 1995.
    8 episodes.
    Language: Danish.
    Среди друзей / Mellem venner. 1995.
    Mellem venner. 1995.
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  • Море начинается в деревне / Moře začíná za vsí. 1987.
    Dětský film o přátelství, zradě a o velkém námořním dobrodružství, které začíná hned za humny. Parta vesnických kluků plánuje ve své skrýši za vsí výpravu na moře. Chlapci nejprve složí krví spečetěnou přísahu, potom si rozdělí hodnosti a nakonec začnou s pečlivými přípravami. Shromažďují zásoby jídla a vše, co budou k výpravě potřebovat. Vyrazit by chtěli prvního srpna ráno, ale protože rodiče nemají pro jejich hru pochopení, staví malým námořníkům do cesty neustále nové a nové překážky. K rozkolu však dochází i v samotné partě cestovatelů, do které je přijata i slovenská holčička Katarína... Jak dopadne soupeření mezi kapitánem Jakubem a prvním důstojníkem Bohoušem uvidíme v dětském filmu o všedních starostech a o touze po dobrodružství, který podle námětu Ireny Dobrovolné natočil režisér Zdeněk Flídr.
    Director: Zdenek Flídr Sr.
    Cast: Filip Novotný, Pavel Špachman, Katarína Hazuchová, Tomáš Baťha, Ondřej Veselý, Jan Olšakovský, Kryštof Ungrád, Jiří Schmitzer, Jan Hrušínský, Dana Bartůňková, Zdeněk Mucha, Oldřich Vlach, Marta Hrachovinová, Markéta Světlíková, Jaroslav Urban .
    Czechoslovakia, 1987.
    Language: Czech.
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    Море начинается в деревне / Moře začíná za vsí. 1987.
     Moře začíná za vsí. 1987.
    Море начинается в деревне / Moře začíná za vsí. 1987.
    Moře začíná za vsí. 1987.
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  • Мятеж Иова / Job lazadasa / The Revolt of Job. 1983.
    HU. Gyongyossy Imre Oscar-dijra jelolt filmje a masodik vilaghaboru dramai es fajdalmas idoszakarol szol.
    A zsido Job, felesegevel, Rozaval, egy kis magyar faluban el. Het gyermekuket a felnottkor elerese elott eltemettek, ezert a csalad utod nelkul maradt. 1943-ban orokbe fogadjak a katolikus neveltetesu Lackot. Job ugy akar tekinteni a fiura, mint a sajat gyermekere. A ferfi elkezdi tanitani Lackot az elet bolcsessegere es a zsido vallasra. A hazaspar nagyon orul, mert a gyermek fogekonynak bizonyul az uj hit felvallalasara. Egy nap azonban Jobot es Rozat koncentracios taborba hurcoljak. Vajon mi fog tortenni a maganyos Lackoval?
    EN. Hungary, 1943. An elderly Jewish couple, Job and Roza, adopt an unruly non-Jewish child to whom they intend to pass on their wealth and knowledge before Nazi oppression engulfs Hungary.
    The story is based on the life experience of the director,as the little boy.
    Director: Imre Gyongyossy, Barna Kabay.

    Cast: Hedi Temessy, Ferenc Zenthe, Gabor Feher, Heinrich Starhemberg, Istvan Verebes, Leticia Cano, Nora Gorbe, Peter Rudolf, Laszlo Galffi, Ferenc Bencze, Andras Ambrus, Ivan Angelusz.
    Hungary, 1983.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download Job lazadasa / The Revolt of Job.

    Мятеж Иова / Job lazadasa / The Revolt of Job. 1983.
    Job lazadasa / The Revolt of Job. 1983.
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  • Меня зовут Джимми / Az én nevem Jimmy. 1987.
     Hungarian TV Mini-Series.
    Gál tanár úrnak, a biológiai tábor vezetőjének pár napra Pestre kell mennie. Helyettesítésre idős kollégáját kéri meg. Távollétében Jimmy, egy meteorológiai robot száll le a tábor közelében.
    Director: Bohák György.
    Cast: Bajor Imre, Rosta Sándor, Pálfi György, Hegedűs Csaba, Bohák Ildikó, Csoma Judit, Mátyássy Szabolcs, Lukács Dávid, Borok Róbert, Fabricius Gábor, Papp Tibor, Lakner Judit, Bajor Imre, Márton András, Szerednyey Béla, Juhász Viktória.
    Hungary, Magyar Televizio, 1987.
    Language: Hungarian, Russian.
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    Меня зовут Джимми / Az én nevem Jimmy. 1987.
    Az én nevem Jimmy. 1987.
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  • Ивана в нападении / Ivana v útoku / For Boys Only Is for Girls Too. 1964.
     Příběh tohoto dětského filmu vznikal v dobách, kdy děvčata prostě některé sporty provozovat nemohla. Titulní hrdinka Ivana vynikala v kopané, zastínila i malé sportovce, dosud hrající jen na plácku mezi domy, dokonce o ni projevil zájem opravdový trenér. Jenže v ryze "klukovském" sportu není pro Ivanu místo. Aby mohla zaskočit za zraněného hráče, nechá se ostříhat a trenér ji považuje za kluka...
    Director: Josef Pinkava.
    Cast: Eva Járková, Vlastimil Vidlicka, Jiri Kudela, Vladimir Honig, Rudolf Jurda, Eva Matalova, Miloslav Jaksik, Vojtech Stasa, Eliska Hrncirova, Eva Spacilova, Зденек Винклер / Zdenek Winkler, Мария Дурнова / Marie Durnova, Petr Sobotka, Libuse Havelkova, Eva Klepacova.
    Czechoslovakia, 1964.
    Language: Czech, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
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    Ивана в нападении / Ivana v útoku / For Boys Only Is for Girls Too. 1964.
     Ivana v útoku / For Boys Only Is for Girls Too. 1964.
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  • Мушетт / Мушка / Mouchette.Мушетт / Мушка / Mouchette.

     Mouchette is a young teenager living in the tough country. Her mother is going to die, and her father does not take care of her. Mouchette does not manage to express her rebellion against the humiliations she undergoes. One night, in the wood, she meets Arsene. Arsene is the poacher of the village. He thinks he has just killed Mathieu, the rural policeman. He tries to use Mouchette to build an alibi.
    Director: Robert Bresson.
    Cast: Nadine Nortier, Jean-Claude Guilbert, Marie Cardinal, Paul Hebert, Jean Vimenet, Marie Susini, Liliane Princet, Suzanne Huguenin, Raymonde Chabrun.
    France, 1967.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
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    Мушетт / Мушка / Mouchette.
    Mouchette. 1967.
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  • Танец тростника Умхланга. Свазиленд / Umhlanga Reed Dance Ceremony, Swaziland. 2012.
     Umhlanga, or Reed Dance ceremony, is an annual Swazi and Zulu tradition held in August or September. Tens of thousands of unmarried and childless Swazi/Zulu girls and women travel from their villages to participate in the eight-day event. In Swaziland they gather at the Queen Mother's royal village, which currently is Ludzidzini Royal Village, while Nongoma is the site of the royal reed dance in Zululand. After arriving at the Queen Mother's royal residence, or Enyokeni Palace in Zululand, the women disperse the following night to surrounding areas and cut tall reeds. The following night they bundle them together and bring them back to the Queen Mother to be used in repairing holes in the reed windscreen surrounding the royal village. After a day of rest and washing the women prepare their traditional costumes consisting of a bead necklace, rattling anklets made from cocoons, a sash, and skirt. Many of them carry the bush knife they used to cut the reeds as a symbol of their virginity.
    Swaziland, 2012. 
     1920x1080 FULL HD 
    1280x720 HD
    Download Umhlanga Reed Dance Ceremony, Swaziland. 2012.
    Танец тростника Умхланга. Свазиленд / Umhlanga Reed Dance Ceremony, Swaziland. 2012.
     Umhlanga Reed Dance Ceremony, Swaziland. 2012.
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  • Dreamwood. 1972.
     DREAMWOOD is James Broughton’s most surreal, abstract, dreamlike and bizarre movie. A man plagued by an industrial, modern world hates what he has become, has visions of a strange woman and goes on some kind of quest on an island where he encounters all kinds of tests, tribulations and adventures. This includes naughty nuns, materialism in the form of a man in front of a dresser with drawers full of pigeons which he promptly axes, a swarm of aggressive naked children, naked river nymphs, a leather-clad dominatrix, an alternate version of himself, what may be a succubus helped by masked men, and various other odds and ends, until he makes love to nature and defecates on her. Dream-like super-impositions, cinematography and sound add to this hippy-esque and symbolic fantasy-cum-parable.
    Director: James Broughton.
    Cast: Henry Taylor, Margo St. James, Diane Nelson, Roger Somers, Monica Taylor,Claxton Taylor.
    USA, 1972.
    Language: English.
    Dreamwood. 1972.
    Dreamwood. 1972.

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  • Артун / Ártún. 2014. HD.
     A young boy dreams of his first kiss but has little luck in the small fishing village he lives in. His best friends tell him tall tales of the girls in the city, who get high and are down for anything when they’ve had a few smokes. He has a hard time believing them but his curiosity gets the best of him when he decides to take a trip to the city.
    Director: Guðmundur Arnar Guðmundsson.
    Cast: Þórunn Snjólaug Gunnarsdóttir, Viktór Leó Gíslason, Kristrún Amelía Halliwell, Flóki Haraldsson, Daníel Óskar Jóhannesson.  Hekla Líf Júlíusdóttir, Þórunn Eva Sigurðardóttir, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson.
    Iceland, Denmark, 2014.
    Language: Icelandic.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1280x720 HD.
    Download Ártún.
    Артун / Ártún. 2014. HD.
    Ártún. 2014. HD.
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    Izpiti po nikoe vreme / Examines out of time. 1973. DVD.
     BG. Две новели са обединени от общи герои и проблемите, свързани с разминаването на желанията на различните поколения.
    Две деца намират портмоне. Радостта е голяма. Малкият Марко черпи всички със сладолед, боза и пасти. По-големият му брат Славчо решава, че постъпката им е неправилна и настоява да намерят на кого е портмонето и да го върнат. Така заедно със сина на адвоката те се срещат с редица хора, докато открият собственика – това е тяхна съседка – Иванова, която винаги им се кара и се оплаква на родителите им. Вместо благодарност те получават отново упреци.
    „Концерт за цигулка“
    Синът на сем. Пенчеви – Митко, ходи на уроци по цигулка. Майката иска детето ѝ да стане голям музикант. Но Митко не желае да свири и се уговаря с по-малкия си съименник Малкия Митко да ходи на уроците вместо него. Накрая планът им е разкрит по време на училищния концерт. Това не разколебава Пенчева в амбициите ѝ – тя купува пиано.
    EN. Two novels united by common characters and a never-settled problem. First story, "Temptation": Two kids find a wallet. They are very happy. Little Marko treats everyone with ice cream, soft drinks and cakes. His elder brother Slavcho insists on finding the wallet's owner. Together with their friend, a lawyer's son, they visit people listed on a piece of paper found in the wallet. After all, the kids discover that the owner is the lady next door, Ivanova, who always yells at them and constantly complains to their parents about them. Giving back the wallet to her, they get nothing but a load of reproaches in return. Second story, "Violin Recital": Mitko, son of the Penchevs, takes violin lessons. His mother believes he has a talent and wants him to become a great musician. But Mitko doesn't want to play and talks his younger namesake Little Mitko into attending the violin lessons in lieu of him. After all, their secret plan is revealed during the school concert. Mrs Pencheva doesn't change her mind - and buys a piano.
    Director: Ivanka Grebcheva.
    Cast: Dimitar Ganev, Wojciech Todorow, Ani Bakalova, Georgi Rusev, Yanko Yankov, Ognian Zheliazkov, Nikolay Teoharov, Mihail Lazarow, Vera Salieva, Petya Miladinova, Dimitar Dimitrow, Rositza Danailova, Georgi Rusakov, Svetoslav Peev, Peicho Peichev.
    Bulgaria, 1973.
    Language: Bulgarian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
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    Izpiti po nikoe vreme / Examines out of time. 1973. DVD.
    Izpiti po nikoe vreme / Examines out of time. 1973. DVD.
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  • Лайм / Lime. 2001.
     From User Reviews in imdb: "The subject of the movie is quite interesting, although not very original. A young girl is forced to leave her friends in the city because her mother gets a job in the countryside. But the director spoils what could have been a good movie by focusing way to much on her young actress' body. What is for example the point in the scene from the girls locker room? And do we have to see every time Tanja changes her clothes? It's a film, not Big Brother. There are also several other scenes that could have been done a lot better."©
    Director: Nathilde Overrein Rapp.
    Cast: Rita Kvist, Kristoffer Berre Alberts, Mina Martine Lystad, Kjetil Nilsen, Petter Noddeland, Anneke von der Lippe, Christopher Mortensen, Eirik E. Johnsen, Rikard Wolff.
    Norway, 2001.
    Language: Norwegian.
    Лайм / Lime. 2001.
    Lime. 2001.

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  • Мы лучше всех / Abbasso Tutti, Viva Noi / Three Cheers For Us. 1974.
     Enrico, borghesuccio decenne, da Milano viene condotto dalla madre Elisa in un paesello del Lazio presso la zia Maria, scrittrice. Il ragazzo soffre molto per la lunga assenza del padre e non sa che lo stesso e morto. Fin dai primi giorni, vagando nella necropoli etrusca in cerca del cane Napoleone, Enrico incontra i vivaci ragazzetti del villaggio che giuocando agli indiani, lo accettano nella tribu e lo battezzano Cervo Bianco. E' con gli amici quando un barbone, Rufo, pittore, si stabilisce nella boscaglia e viene eletto stregone della tribu. Una sera avendo casualmente scoperto la verita sul padre dalla bocca incauta dei domestici della zia, Enrico fugge e si ferisce gravemente. Guidati da Rufo i ragazzi vegliano intorno alla villa per impedire alla Morte di raggiungere il compagno che, infatti, guarisce. Rufo, adempiuta la sua missione, si eclissa.
    Director: Luigi Mangini.
    Cast: Pier Paolo Capponi, Mara Venier, Angela Goodwin, Remo Capitani, Anna Maestri, Franco Giacobini, Vittoria Di Silverio, Franca Scagnetti.
    Italy, 1974.
    Language: Italian.
    Download Abbasso Tutti, Viva Noi / Three Cheers For Us.
    Мы лучше всех / Abbasso Tutti, Viva Noi / Three Cheers For Us. 1974.
    Abbasso Tutti, Viva Noi / Three Cheers For Us. 1974.
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  • Не ожидайте похвалы / Hwan-ho-bul-ga / Don't Expect Praises. 2012.
     Xiaobo and Yangjin are to spend the school holidays with their families in the countryside. Driving out of the city feels like going back in time. There’s hardly any traffic, only an antiquated bus that bumps along the unpaved road and a motorbike with a cargo rack that serves as a shared taxi. They may be the best of friends but Xiaobo and Yangjin are very different. One of them is tall, the other small. One knows everything you need to know at school and the other is the worst pupil in the whole class. But they are both equally cheeky. Xiabo loves to tell stories, like the one about the huge fish that bit his finger or the other about thousands of crabs he saw on the riverbank. Who knows if they’re true or the product of his lively imagination? His stories are animated and woven into the film, as are the other protagonists’ fantasies. Instead of going straight to his grandmother as he should, Yangjin first goes home with Xiaobo. Xiaobo’s father is strict and Xiaobo is only too glad to have his friend with him. Every day, Yangjin plans to go home, but every day he ends up staying on at Xiaobo’s place. And no wonder: the things they get up to just get better and better.
    Director: Jin Yang.
    Cast: Shuchen LI, Chen Wang, Zhang Yuxuan, Peng Kehao.
    North Korea, China, 2012.
    Language: Chinese.
    Subtitles: English.
    Download Hwan-ho-bul-ga / Don't Expect Praises.
    Не ожидайте похвалы / Hwan-ho-bul-ga / Don't Expect Praises. 2012.
    Hwan-ho-bul-ga / Don't Expect Praises. 2012.

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  • Семь веснушек / Sieben Sommersprossen.
     EN. Teens in a holiday-camp. First love, first sex, first self-made theatre performance of "Romeo and Julliet" - quite interesting to have a look at the east-German youth in the seventies.
    DE. Im Ferienlager begegnen sich Karoline (Kareen Schröter) und Robert (Harald Rathmann) wieder, die bis zu Roberts Umzug unzertrennlich waren. Jetzt mit 14 Jahren fällt es aber nicht mehr so leicht, sich die Gefühle gegenseitig einzugestehen. Karolines kleine Schwester und eine mit allen Wassern gewaschene Rivalin machen es Karoline und Robert aber nicht leicht zusammenzukommen. Dann sollen die Jugendlichen aber "Romeo und Julia" einstudieren - und Karoline und Robert sollen das Liebespaar geben…
    Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
    Cast: Kareen Schroter, Harald Rathmann, Christa Loser, Evelyn Opoczynski, Jan Bereska, Barbara Dittus, Hilmar Baumann, Janine Beilfuß, Carola Spindler, Sabine Schmich.
    DDR, DEFA, 1978.
    Language: German.
    Subtitles: Russian, English.
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    Семь веснушек / Sieben Sommersprossen.
    Sieben Sommersprossen.
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  • Перед бурей / Före stormen / Before the Storm. 2000.
     Leo, a guy in the seventh grade gets harassed by a two years older boy in school and seeks revenge. At the same time, Ali, the father of a girl in Leo's class (who Leo has a crush on) is contacted by a opposition group from his home country that wants Ali to assassinate an important man for them. Otherwise, they'll kill the family that Ali left when moving to Sweden.
    These two stories about morale are connected to each other in Reza Parsa's remarkable debut. The direction is good, the acting is excellent (especially young Emil Odepark in the difficult role as Leo) and the photography is way better than it usually is in the Swedish movie industry.
    Director: Reza Parsa.
    Cast: Per Graffman, Maria Lundqvist, Sasha Becker, Anni Ececioglu, Emil Odepark, Tintin Anderzon, Christer Fant, Eric Lager, Naser Ghofranifar, Reza Shojanyan.
    Sweden, 2000.
    Language: Swedish, Russian.
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    Перед бурей / Före stormen / Before the Storm. 2000.
    Före stormen / Before the Storm. 2000.

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  • Куда, товарищи, куда идете? / Kam, panove, kam jdete? 1988.
     Hlavní postavou je čtyřicetiletý architekt Jan Kolvara, který sice zapomněl tašku se sportovním oblečením v telefonní budce, ale přesto se z jakéhosi trucu pustí do dálkového pochodu, společně se svým mladším kolegou Robertem, jeho dívkou Eliškou a také svým bývalým kamarádem a současným nadřízeným Crhou a jeho milenkou Vaňkovou. S přibývajícími kilometry se však blíží nejen cíl, kterým je sto ušlapaných kilometrů, ale také řada osobních rozhodnutí a vyřešení Janových pracovních i osobních vztahů nejen k Crhovi, který jemu a Robertovi nabídl vypracování projektu rehabilitačního sanatoria, aby je pak podrazil a prosadil zcela nevyhovující návrh své milenky, ale také k Elišce, která ho nepřestává svádět a manželce Madle, jejichž vztah má daleko do někdejší idylky.
    Uncensored version.
    Director: Karel Kachyňa.
    Cast: Karel Heřmánek, Soňa Valentová, Miroslava Pleštilová, Zuzana Geislerová, Alena Kreuzmannová, Oldřich Vlach, Antonín Procházka, Ivan Vyskočil, Václav Babka, Blanka Lormanová, Ladislav Gerendáš, Karel Hábl, Vladimír Salač, Lena Birková, Ivan Řezáč, Michal Krb, Petr Skarke, Adolf Kohuth, Markéta Světlíková, Dana Syslová.
    Czechoslovakia, 1987.
    Language: Czech.
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    Куда, товарищи, куда идете? / Kam, panove, kam jdete? 1988.
    Kam, pánové, kam jdete? 1988.

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  • Поджигатель / Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser. 1986.
     In 1915 four kids try to stop the arsonist who is terrifying their small New Zealand town, but no one believes them. Based on the novel by Maurice Gee. Screened on New Zealand television in 1986 under the title "The Fire-Raiser" as a 5 part mini series, was edited to movie length in Canada as "The Undercover Gang".
    Director: Peter Sharp.
    Cast: Jon Trimmer, Elizabeth Moody, Peter Hayden, Miles Murphy, Alix Chapman, Darryl Beattie, Emma Vere-Jones, Donna Akersten, Anne Budd, Gerald Bryan, Jane Waddell, Helen Moulder, Edward Campbell.
    New Zealand 1986.
    Language: English.
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    Поджигатель / Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser. 1986.
    Undercover Gang / The Fire Raiser. 1986.
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  • Видеть тебя во сне / Anoche soñé contigo / Anoche sone contigo / Dreaming Abuot You. DVD.
     It's summer break, so Toto (Altomaro) and Quique (Mora) can dream their life away by biking around their neighbourhood and spying on Quique's maid, Chabelita (Aguirre). When Toto's young and attractive cousin Azucena (Perdigon) arrives to spend some days in Toto's home the kid is attracted to her immediately. What Toto doesn't know is that her visit will bring him an experience he would never forget.
    Director: Marisa Sistach.
    Cast: Martín Altomaro, Leticia Perdigón, Socorro Bonilla,Moisés Iván Mora, Patricia Aguirre, José Alonso, Arturo Barba, Liliana Gomez, Vanessa San Roman.
    Mexico, 1992.
    Language: Spanish, Russian. 
    Subtitles: English.
    Видеть тебя во сне / Anoche soñé contigo / Anoche sone contigo / Dreaming Abuot You. DVD.
    Anoche soñé contigo / Anoche sone contigo / Dreaming Abuot You. 1992. DVD.
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  • Посчитать овечек  / Počítání oveček. 1981.
     Malá Hanička nemá lehký život - nejenže nemá tatínka ani maminku, ale navíc je těžce nemocná... Domov - to je pro ni děcák a nemocnice, mezi nimiž po celý svůj krátký život pendluje a díky svému zdravotnímu stavu nemá téměř naději na nějakou změnu. Ona sama to zatím nebere nijak tragicky, ale i jí při "počítání oveček" před usnutím chybí mámino pohlazení a tátova pusa na dobrou noc. A právě v nemocnici potkává jednu stejně osamělou osobu, jako je ona sama - uklízečku Anežku. Ty dvě se rozhodnou, že k sobě budou patřit a zkusí na cestu za štěstím vykročit společně. Tak jim držme palce, budou to totiž moc a moc potřebovat...
    Director: Karel Kachyňa.
    Cast: Žaneta Fuchsová, Věra Galatíková, Vlastimil Brodský, Naďa Konvalinková, Nina Divíšková, Peter Debnár, Jaroslav Heyduk, Karel Heřmánek, Pavel Zedníček, Zdeněk Ornest, Jaroslava Kretschmerová.
    Czechoslovakia, 1981.
    Language: Czech.
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    Посчитать овечек  / Počítání oveček. 1981.
    Počítání oveček. 1981.
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  •  ...und ich dachte, du magst mich.
     Die elfjahrige Lena fahrt zum ersten Mal in ein Ferienlager. Direkt auf der Hinfahrt verguckt sie sich in den alteren Wolfgang, und in den folgenden Tagen entwickelt sich eine innige Vertautheit zwischen den beiden. Allerdings treten bald Probleme auf, die ihre Freundschaft auf eine harte Probe stellen. So hat die fruhreife Antonia ein Auge auf den hubschen Wolfgang geworfen, au?erdem missbilligen sowohl Heimleiter Eichler als auch Lehrerin Busse die Annaherung ihrer Zoglinge. Um zu verhindern, dass die beiden Kinder zu viel Zeit miteinander verbringen, steckt man sie in unterschiedliche Gruppen, wodurch der Heimleiter den Zorn von Lena auf sich zieht. Der Konflikt spitzt sich zu, und nach einer Disco-Veranstaltung verschwindet Lena plotzlich. Alle Nachforschungen bleiben zunachst erfolglos, doch Wolfgang glaubt zu wissen, wo Lena ist. Er geht auf die Suche und bringt sie schlie?lich zuruck.
    Director: Hannelore Unterberg.
    Cast: Cindy Scholp, Sebastian Hattop, Peter Kube, Barbara Dittus, Gunter Naumann, Susanne Luning, Patrick Bahnemann.
    DDR, 1987.
    Language: German.
    Download ...und ich dachte, du magst mich.
     ...und ich dachte, du magst mich.
    ...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987.
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  • Тото-герой / Toto le héros / Toto the Hero. 1991.
    Thomas and Alfred were born around the same time; a fire in the nursery had nurses scrambling to save the newborns. Because he felt that he deserved Alfred's good fortune at being born into a wealthy family, Thomas conceives the idea that he and Alfred were switched at birth, and he can't help seeing that his unhappiness should be Alfred's, from the loss of his sister to his inability to have a relationship with the woman Evelyne. So, as his life is ending, he formulates a plan of revenge against his bitter enemy, his lifetime adversary, the man who stole his existence.
    Director: Jaco Van Dormael.
    Cast: Michel Bouquet, Mireille Perrier, Jo De Backer, Gisela Uhlen, Thomas Godet, Sandrine Blancke, Peter Böhlke, Didier Ferney, Hugo Harold-Harrison, Fabienne Loriaux.
    Belgium, France, Germany, 1991.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Download Toto le héros / Toto the Hero.
    Тото-герой / Toto le héros / Toto the Hero. 1991.
    Toto le héros / Toto the Hero. 1991.
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