• Подростки / Las adolescentes / The Adolescents. 1975.
     A shy girl named Ana is sent to an English boarding school. After a period of adjustment, she travels to London with two of her more world weary classmates and becomes the target for a trio of men who take illicit photographs of young girls to be published in 'Estimulation' Magazine. 
    Director: Pedro Masó.
    Cast: Anthony Andrews, Koo Stark, Susan Player, Victoria Vera, Eduardo Bea, Maria Perschy, Trevor Thomas, Cristina Galbo, Victor Petit, Beatriz Galbo, Eduardo Fajardo, Isabel María Pérez.
    Spain, 1975.
    Language: Spanish.
     Download Las adolescentes / The Adolescents. 1975.
    Подростки / Las adolescentes / The Adolescents. 1975.
    Las adolescentes / The Adolescents. 1975.
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  • Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.
    EN: The director of Meztelen Vagy was imprisoned for many years during the latter part of the Stalin era and is known for his highly imagistic and symbolic storytelling techniques. This film tells its story in the same way, and at no point is the story made explicit. Images of love, death, suicide, violence and mutilation dominate.
    HU: Gera sikeres cigany festo, am elege lesz „diszciganysagabol”, elegeti festmenyeit, es visszakoltozik ovei koze a telepre. Kitaszitott tarsainak eletet akarja szebbe, jobba tenni, es azt is tudja, hogy az elso lepeseket nekik maguknak kell megtenni. Torekvesei, elkepzelesei azonban suket fulekre talalnak. A ciganyok egy ongyilkos kislany halotti torat ulik, am a szertartasbol folklorbemutatot csinalnak. Gera duheben a tuzbe veti az asztalokat, amivel verig serti a ciganyokat. Szornyu bosszut allnak Geran es „feher tarsan”.
    Director: Imre Gyongyossy.
    Cast: Sandor Oszter, Istvan Szegho, Iren Racz, Jozsefne Seres, Tiborne Fenyes, Erzsi Cserhalmi, Karoly Lakatos, Karolyne Lakatos, Tibor Bodi, Jozsef Racz, Liza Balogh.
    Hungary, 1972.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Download Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men.
    Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.
    Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.
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  • Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978.
     EN. Phil, 10 years old, living with his mother, has fallen in love with a girl of his age. He also likes skateboarding with his friends.
    FR. Phil, 10 ans, vit avec sa mere, aime la planche a roulettes et... il est tombe amoureux d'une fille de son age.
    Director: Michael Schock.
    Cast: Lionel Melet, Anny Duperey, Berangere de Lagatinerie, Martine Sarcey, Henri Garcin, Franck Fitoussi, Stephane Leborgne, Cem Aykac, Elfie Weiss, Philippe Barry de Longchamp, Patrice Melennec.
    France, 1978.
    Language: French.
    Download Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue.
    Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978.
    Trocadéro bleu citron / Trocadero Lemon Blue. 1978.

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  • Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984.
     Mauro, jovem engenheiro ferroviario e muito bem casado com a linda Katia vive em completa harmonia junto de seu sogro, o irmao de Katia, Beto, Adriana esposa de Paulo e Kika a namorada de Beto. Num dos passeios da familia ao terminal ferroviario, Mauro sofre violenta queda e fica em coma. Levado as pressas para o hospital, se restabelece porem pela gravidade do ferimento interno, torna-se definitivamente impotente. Mauro incorfomado pela nova situacao passa o tempo todo embriagado, passando a ser um peso morto para a familia e principalmente para a sua jovem esposa. A familia passa todos os fins de semana numa chacara as margens de uma represa e ali, dao vazao a toda a sorte de libidinagem. A empregada Nora passa a ter relacoes sexuais com Sergio, o sogro, agora o suposto chefe da familia. Adriana alem de ter relacoes com o proprio sogro, tem tambem com Nora e Beto, que por sua vez transa tambem com Adriana, sua cunhada. Claudinha vem a conhecer Marcos. Um jovem topografo, e com ele inicia um romance, relacionando-se sexualmente com ele. Katia que ja experimentara tudo, descobre nova maneira num ancoradouro de barcos. Meninos pescando todos os dias. Ganha a amizade deles e passa a ter relacoes sexuais com todos. Espalhando-se o fato, a garotada faz fila para transar com ela. A familia nao suporta mais a situacao, e Mauro sempre semi bebado diverte-se com tudo. Chefiada pelo sogro, a familia arma um plano para eliminar Mauro na ferrovia, simulando um acidente. Todos concordam, pois assim haveria total liberdade, incluindo a posse de sua fortuna. Aguardam uma oportunidade. Tudo se precipita quando Mauro percebe o que esta acontecendo entre sua mulher e os garotos. Entao num acesso de furia tenta mata-la, no que e impedido por sua familia. Levam-no ate o terminal ferroviario e o prendem dentro de um vagao. Atraves de choques eletricos, pretendem incendiar o trem e assim mata-lo fazendo com que pareca um acidente. Marcos o solta e, Mauro transtornado e completamente louco, faz virar o feitico contra o feiticeiro. Prende Marcos num determinado lugar e fecha toda a familia dentro de um dos vagoes. Aplica choques de alta voltagem no mesmo e vai eliminando um a um, terminando por atear fogo em toda a familia.
    Director: Fauzi Mansur.
    Cast: Dalileia Ayala, Livi Bianco, Mara Carmem, Малкольм Malcolm Carlos Costa, Enio Goncalves, Sergio Hingst, Andre Loureiro, Fabio Alves Pinto, Rubens Pignatari, Marthus Mathias.
    Brazil, 1984.
    Language: Portuguese.
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    Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984.
    Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984.
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  • Ο κήπος με τ' αγάλματα / O kipos me ta agalmata / Garden with statues. 1981.
    GR. Μια παρέα παιδιών περνά τις καλοκαιρινές διακοπές της σε ένα χωριό. Ανακαλύπτουν σε έναν σκουπιδότοπο αρχαία αγάλματα και τα μεταφέρουν στον κήπο. Κρύβουν την ανακάλυψή τους από τους μεγάλους και γίνονται φίλοι με τα αγάλματα, παίζουν και μιλάνε μαζί τους. Όταν κάποτε το μυστικό τους αποκαλυφθεί και η αρχαιολογική εταιρεία παραλάβει τα αγάλματα, τα παιδιά θα αισθανθούν ότι έχασαν αγαπητούς φίλους.
    EN. A group of children spends their summer holidays in a village. They discover ancient statues in a garbage dump and transport them to the garden. They hide their discovery from the big ones and become friends with the statues, play and talk with them. Once their secret is revealed and the archaeological company receives the statues, children will feel they have lost dear friends.
    6 episodes x 30 min.
    A warning: poor video quality but better not yet found
    Director: Pantelis Voulgaris / Παντελής Βούλγαρης.
    Cast: Μίμης Φωτόπουλος , Θόδωρος Μορίδης , Γιώργος Μοσχίδης , Άννα Γεραλή , Βασίλης Τσάγκλος , Ειρήνη Κουμαριανού , Κώστας Τσιάνος , Στέλιος Λιονάκης , Σοφία Σεϊρλή , Δημήτρης Αρώνης , Μενέλαος Ντάφλος , Χρήστος Ζαρκάδας , Γιώργος Ζωγράφος (I) , Κώστας Τζουβάρας , Γιώργος Παϊτέρης.
    Greece, Hellenic Radio & Television, 1981.
    Language: Greek.
    Download Ο κήπος με τ' αγάλματα / O kipos me ta agalmata / Garden with statues.
    Ο κήπος με τ' αγάλματα / O kipos me ta agalmata / Garden with statues. 1981.
    Ο κήπος με τ' αγάλματα / O kipos me ta agalmata / Garden with statues. 1981.
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  • Наконец-то лето! / Na végre itt a nyár / It's Summer at Long Last. 2002.
     HU. A Na végre, itt a nyár! színes magyar ifjúsági vígjáték, melyet 2002-ben mutattak be, és melyet az alkotók később egy 13 részes televíziós sorozattá bővítettek. A történet főszereplői napjaink Magyarországán élő gyerekek, akikre izgalmas, mulatságos és megható kalandok sora vár.
    A történet helyszíne egy fiktív falu, Modolány. A Virág gyerekek évek óta nagyszüleiknél nyaralnak, amit ők egymás között Poldi ligetnek hívnak, ám úgy tűnik, idén töltik itt a nyarat utoljára. A nagyszülőknek ugyanis 5 000 000 forintnyi tartozásuk van a falu gazdag üzletembere, Sima Lajos (Reviczky Gábor) felé. Ha nem fizetik vissza ezt a kölcsönt legkésőbb augusztus végéig, akkor Simáé lesz Poldi liget. Kiderül, hogy azért kellett ennyi pénz, mert Virág apuka (Rudolf Péter) repülős cégét ebből alapították meg, az üzlet azonban több mint veszteséges. Virág anyukának (Nagy-Kálózy Eszter) elege lesz férjéből és hazudozásaiból, és úgy dönt: elválik...
    EN. When the home where they grew up and spent the best days of their childhood is threatened, a group of kids bands together to try and save it.
    Director: Gergely Fonyó.
    Cast: Margit Földessy, Tamás Végvári, Gábor Reviczky, Andrea Szulák, József Szarvas, Ildikó Tóth, István Hunyadkürthy, Zoltán Rátóti, Péter Rudolf, Eszter Nagy-Kálózy, Mihály Szabados.
    Hungary, Megafilm Kft, 2002.
    Language: Hungarian.
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    Наконец-то лето! / Na végre itt a nyár / It's Summer at Long Last. 2002.
    Na végre itt a nyár / It's Summer at Long Last. 2002.

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  • Het Verdriet van België / Le chagrin des Belges / The Sorrow of the Belgians. 1995.
     NL. België, tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het verhaal van de jonge Louis, die overeind blijft ondanks oorlog, hypocrisie, leugens, onderdrukking, zijn collaborerende vader en zijn verbitterde moeder, die het aanlegt met een Duitse officier. Louis heeft talent om te schrijven en mede daardoor weet hij afstand te nemen en toch plezier te hebben in het leven.
    EN. TV adaptation of Hugo Claus's novel, story of the childhood and youth of Louis Seynaeve (Claus's alter ego) in the Flemish village of Walle from 1939 to 1947, coinciding with the period Second World War, the German occupation of Belgium, and its aftermath.
    Two series x 90 min.
    Director: Claude Goretta.
    Writer: Hugo Claus.
    Cast: Marianne Basler, Damiaan De Schrijver, Mathias Engelbeen, Ronny Cuyt, Dirk Roofthooft, Louis Bogaerts, Rik van Uffelen, Hilde Uitterlinden, Greta Van Langhendonck, Daan Hugaert, Marisa Berenson, Louis Bogaerts, Ronny Coutteure, Wim Van Den Driessche, Rudi Van Vlaenderen.
    France, Netherlands, Belgium, 1995.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: French.
    Download Het Verdriet van België / Le chagrin des Belges / The Sorrow of the Belgians.
    Het Verdriet van België / Le chagrin des Belges / The Sorrow of the Belgians. 1995.
    Het Verdriet van België / Le chagrin des Belges / The Sorrow of the Belgians. 1995.
    Het Verdriet van België / Le chagrin des Belges / The Sorrow of the Belgians. 1995.
    Het Verdriet van België / Le chagrin des Belges / The Sorrow of the Belgians. 1995.
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  • Robinsonka. 1974.
     CZ: Dospivajici Blazena travi s nekolika kamaradkami bezstarostne leto na divcim tabore, kdyz je jeji pobyt necekane a ve spechu ukoncen. Tata, ktery si pro ni prijel, nese tolik ocekavanou radostnou novinu - narodil se ji braska Petrik. Jenze vzapeti se Blaza dovida, ze maminka bohuzel zaplatila cenu nejvyssi a jeji laska k miminku i radost jsou krute potlaceny.
    Jenze zivot jde i pres nesmirny zarmutek dal, Petrik zatim zustava v kojeneckem ustavu, tata pokracuje ve sve profesi taxikare a nahle dospela Blazena prebira mamincinu roli v domacnosti. Uci se varit, prat, nakupovat - najednou ji pripada spousta veci neznama, nepratelska, tak si vytvori svuj imaginarni svet osameleho Robinsona, ktery ji pomaha tyto prekazky zdolat.
    A vedle chapaveho tatky je tady i mlada Tonicka, hodna a mila sousedka, ktera Blazence poda pomocnou ruku a pomaha ji v domacnosti. I spoluzak Jarda si vsimne, jak ji to slusi a velmi rad uci Blazu jezdit na kole, ktere se ted stava divcinym touzebnym, ale nedostupnym pranim.
    EN: Like the literary character Robinson Crusoe from the book written by Daniel Defoe, Blazenka likes to imagine she is on a desolate island and has to find a way how to survive. After the death of her mother she stays together with her baby brother and has to take care of the family. In this difficult situation, she plays this role-game that helps her to deal with the sudden loss of her mother.
    Kachyna again uses poetic images with symbols to present the inner world of the teenage girl (such as scene when he shows the girl lying in the bed with the horizon of an open sea to signify not only her loneliness and desolation, but also the presence of death or more exactly the world of dead symbolized by the sea).
    Mesice ubihaji a je zde predvanocni cas, prvni bez maminky. Blazena navic velmi onemocni, ale nakonec se vsechno v dobre obrati - Blaza se uzdravi, pod stromeckem najde vytouzene kolo a Stedry den slavi oba nejen s malym braskou, ale i s hodnou Tonickou.
    Director: Karel Kachyna.
    Cast: Miroslava Safrankova, Petr Kostka, Jaroslava Obermaierova, Vladimir Dlouhy, Marie Horakova, Jitka Vitnerova, Zdena Lacinova, Vera Bublikova, Renata Borova, Zdenek Martinek.
    Czechoslovakia, 1974.
    Language: Czech.
    Robinsonka. 1974.
    Robinsonka. 1974.
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  • Микросхема / La puce. 1999.
    Marion is a 14 year old girl, on holidays at the sea. She is in conflict with her mother and family. She meets a man there, to whom she feels close. Back in Paris, she goes to see him again. For the first time, she is gonna make love.
    Director: Emmanuelle Bercot.
    Cast: Jowan Le Besco, Leonor Graser, Kolia Litscher, Marc Dujarric.
    France, 1999.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: German.
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    Микросхема / La puce. 1999.
     La puce. 1999.
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  • Кровавые сёстры / Blodsostre / Blood sisters. 2006.
    "Blood Sisters", Danish filmmaker Louise Friedberg's sophomore short film, is the kind of flick that you simply can't take your eyes off of. It's a relatively simple story that has been played out time and time again: a young girl feels threatened by her best friend's new friend/neighbour, jealousy brews, and tempers flare.
    A slow but steady pace brings to mind late 20th century minimalist music, creeping along with perseverance and contemplative awe. The aura is distinctly Scandinavian: simultaneously chilly and warm, dominated by icy whites, whimsical laces and the splash of blood red. But what makes Friedberg's film resonate so loudly is how straight she plays archetype. There is no homage, no winking at the audience. Just bravura filmmaking that pulses with beauty, tension and breathtaking performances.
    Director: Louise Friedberg.
    Cast: Malou Z. Bruun, Angela Bundalovic, Liv Corfixen, Clara Bruun Sandbye.
    Denmark, 2006.
    Language: Danish.
    Download Blodsostre / Blood sisters.
    Кровавые сёстры / Blodsostre / Blood sisters. 2006.
    Blodsostre / Blood sisters. 2006.
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  • Saunasta sisua. 1957.
     Saunominen on suomalaiselle sekä taidetta että tiedettä. Kun maassa on lähes kaksi miljoonaa saunaa, erilaisia höyryhuoneita riittää joka lähtöön.
    Finland, 1957.
    Language: Finnish.
    Download Saunasta sisua. 1957.
    Saunasta sisua. 1957.
    Saunasta sisua. 1957.

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  • Такова жизнь / C'est La Vie / La Baule-les Pins. 1990. DVD.
     Durant l'ete 1958, Frederique, 13 ans, et sa petite s?ur Sophie, 8 ans, partent comme tous les ans en vacances a La Baule pour aller voir leur oncle Leon, leur tante Bella et leurs cousins. Mais cette annee, Lena, leur mere, leur annonce qu'elle ne viendra que plus tard. Frederique ne trouve pas cette situation normale. En effet, en realite, Lena ne s'entend plus avec son mari Michel, qui, lui aussi, a decide de ne pas venir en vacances dans un premier temps. Lena qui souhaite le divorce, est tombee amoureuse de Jean-Claude, un artiste. Les deux amoureux vont a la plage de La Baule, mais leur relation doit rester discrete, alors que, pendant ce temps, les enfants decouvrent leurs premiers emois sentimentaux. Mais Michel et leurs enfants Frederique et Sophie finiront par decouvrir assez vite la realite, avec ses aller-retour un peu etranges et de sa nouvelle voiture dont Michel se demande a quoi elle peut bien lui servir.
    Director: Diane Kurys.
    Cast: Nathalie Baye, Julie Bataille, Richard Berry, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Vincent Lindon, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Didier Bénureau, Julie Bataille, Candice Lefranc, Alexis Derlon, Emmanuelle Boidron, Maxime Boidron, Benjamin Sacks, Jean-Claude de Goros, Gérard Chambre.
    France, 1990.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: Russian, English, French, Spanish.
    Такова жизнь / C'est La Vie / La Baule-les Pins. 1990. DVD.
     C'est La Vie / La Baule-les Pins. 1990. DVD.

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  • Клянусь, это не я! / C'est pas moi, je le jure! 2008.Léon is ten years old, has lots of problems and an overly fertile imagination. Of course, there is mom and dad who are always fighting, and those annoying neighbors who get to spend the summer at the beach. And then, there's Léa, the exasperating girl who's always right about everything. In the summer of '68, when mom decides to leave everything behind to start a new life in Greece, Léon is prepared to do anything to kill the pain. Destroy the neighbors' house, become a professional liar and even, why not, fall in love with Léa. Together, they will overcome the pain of growing up when you feel abandoned.
    Director: Philippe Falardeau.
    Cast: Antoine L'Écuyer, Gabriel Maillé, Catherine Faucher, Suzanne Clément, Daniel Brière, Anne-Marie Égré, Jules Philip, Léo Caron, Micheline Bernard, Jean Maheux, Denis Gravereaux, Catherine Proulx-Lemay.
    Canada, 2008.

    Language: French, Russian.
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    Клянусь, это не я! / C'est pas moi, je le jure! 2008.
     C'est pas moi, je le jure! 2008.
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  • Тренер / Tr?neren / The coach. 2009.
     A small-town tale of Niels, a 14-year-old boy with nothing on his mind but handball. His coach, recognizing his great goal-keeping talent, takes special care of him. On the night of the qualification rounds for the final Danish championships, the coach throws a party for the whole team and lets Niels and his girlfriend Pernille use his bedroom, but Niels falls asleep and things take a surprising turn, which puts Niels under pressure both on and off the field.
    Director: Lars Kristian Mikkelsen.
    Cast: Jens Albinus, Marina Bouras, Christian Bæk, Nikolaj Falkenberg-Klok, Nico Hansen, Mathias Jensen, Frederik Christian Johansen, Mads Larsen, Laura Bundgaard Rosenqvist.
    Denmark, 2009.
    Language: Danish.
    Subtitles: English.
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    Тренер / Tr?neren / The coach. 2009.
    Træneren / The coach. 2009.
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  • Куда доскачет ранняя пташка / Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987.
     Trochu bláznivá, trochu fantastická komedie pro děti: Působením blesku a dalších záhadných okolností se nadaný žák šesté třídy začne objevovat v dalších mutacích, které se od sebe charakterově liší...
    Director: Drahomíra Reňáková-Králová.
    Cast: Pavel Diviš, Luboš Diviš, Lenka Termerová, Jana Smrčková, Dana Homolová, Blažena Holišová, Josef Somr, Miloslav Šimek, Jiří Ornest, Ladislav Županič, Marek Eben, Roman Bednář, Dana Hlaváčová, Jan Vávra, Miroslav Laňka, Helena Lehká-Rejšková, Renata Mašková, Jiří Petr, Vladimír Klapka, Vlastimila Vlková, Dáša Deylová.
    Czechoslovakia, Barrandov, 1987.
    Language: Czech.
    Subtitles: Czech.
    Download Kam doskáče ranní ptáče.
    Куда доскачет ранняя пташка / Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987.
    Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987.

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  • Женихи и невесты / Frajeri a frajerky. 1979.
     Príbeh trinásťročného chlapca, jeho prvej lásky a jeho túžby prekonať svoj vlastný strach.
    Director: Ludovit Filan / Ľudovít Filan.
    Cast: Tomas Dolinek / Tomáš Dolínek, Richard Stanke, Robert Cisár, Michal Suroviak, Pavlína Mourková, Zuzana Pravňanská, Andrea Novomeská, Jozef Adamovič, Štefan Halás, Miloš Kirschner, Vlado Kostovič, František Desset, Július Bulla, Helena Húsková, Jarmila Karasová, Lucia Bernusová.
    Czechoslovakia, 1979.
    Language: Slovak.
    Download Frajeri a frajerky. 

    Женихи и невесты / Frajeri a frajerky. 1979.

    Женихи и невесты / Frajeri a frajerky. 1979.
    Frajeri a frajerky. 1979.
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  • Вот и лето прошло... / Vot i leto proshlo... 1972.
     The old Soviet film about the future pioneers. Tyomka says goodbye to kindergarten and teacher. Tomorrow Tyomka will go to school in the first grade, so today he has a lot to do. The last summer day and real life is just beginning...
    Director: Alexander Igishev.
    Cast: Lyonya Naumov, Sveta Anisimova, Yura Zalessky, Vova Stankevich, Vova Kovalyonok, Sasha Korabelnikov, Zoya Osmolovskaya, Tamara Muzhenko, Alexandra Zimina, Galina Makarova.
    USSR, Belarusfilm, 1972.
    Language: Russian.
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    Вот и лето прошло... / Vot i leto proshlo... 1972.
    Vot i leto proshlo... 1972.
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  • Прогульщики / Iskolakerülök. 1989.
     In the country reformatory school both the teacher and the children are trapped by the circumstances. From among the pupils excels Sanyi, who cannot accept the fact that his mother does not love him and he keeps on escaping after her. From among the teachers it is Mr. Csőrös who distinguishes himself by listening to the children, looking for those who escaped, Sanyi feels affection to him. On summer holidays he camps out at the riverside with his family, prospecting. The mother of Sanyi slanders Csőrös in front of the boy, therefore Sanyi takes a revenge: he throws the gold collected by the man into the river. As it turns out that the slander had no ground, Sanyi begins to search for gold as well in order to make his error good.
    Director: Ferenc Kardos.
    Cast: Károly Eperjes, Dorottya Udvaros, Eszter Csákányi, Eszter Nagy-Kálózy, Erzsi Pásztor, Ildikó Bánsági, Miklós Székely, .
    Hungary, 1989.
    Language: Hungarian.
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    Прогульщики / Iskolakerülök. 1989.
    Iskolakerülök. 1989.
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  • Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.
     "El Pollo," a 13-year-old child in reform school, witnesses and experiences the brutalization of the guards and the other inmates.
    A beautiful, poetic movie regarding the tormented existence of young inmates in Argentinian's juvenile jails, more or less during dictatorship rule. The young "pollo" escapes from one male-directed prison only to be recaptured and sent to another one, led by women. In spite of the warden's ferocity and sadism, he manages to tie a relationship with the only female that seems to care for the kids, who is eventually discovered and punished. The film discloses the rueful sadic behaviour of adults, priests included, against the stray cats, and the magic of human relationships that mild in these desperate situations. Though it seems that from Argentina we only get movies about fascist and concentration-camp like prisons, of course this reflects the dramatic recent history. A praise for the little actors, especially the one playing "Lupini" is great.
    Director: Javier Torre.
    Cast: Norma Aleandro, Federico Luppi, Jorge Mayor, Isabel Quinteros, Lidia Catalano, Sara Benitez, Miguel Dedovich, Pompeyo Audivert, Julio Suarez, Andres Tiengo, Julio Arrieta, Eduardo Saucedo.
    Argentina, Spain, 1991.
    Language: Spanish.
    Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.
    Las tumbas / The Tombs. 1991.
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  • Полнолуние / Plenilunio. 1999.
     A lonely police detective tracks down a crazed child murderer. The movie develops both characters equally well. Most of us would be drawn more to the depiction of the killer as an aberrant type. He is well played as a person lost in his own world, with no friends, selling fresh fish, and drinking alone, unable even to ask for the check at one point, due to his acute inwardness. Our detective discovers the nude body of a young girl in the woods, the work of our killer. Unlike other films of this kind, this one moves (or plods) along at an absorbing pace, giving time for the detective to develop a relationship with an equally lonely school teacher. At one point, while they are making love, the killer is busy with another victim.
    Director: Imanol Uribe.
    Cast: Miguel Angel Sola, Adriana Ozores, Juan Diego Botto, Fernando Fernan Gomez, Charo Lopez, Chete Lera, Maria Galiana, Noelia Ortega, Chiqui Fernandez.
    Spain, France, 1999.
    Language: Spanish.
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    Полнолуние / Plenilunio. 1999.
    Plenilunio. 1999.
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  • Замечательный день / Kouzelny den. 1960.
     Honzik je pysny, ze nacvicuje se skolaky na spartakiadu, zejmena proto, ze jeste sam nechodi do skoly. Necekane se do obce pristehuje pan Horak se synem skolniho veku, ktery Honzika nahradi. Honzik si zoufa. V den oblastni spartakiady deti odjedou a Honzik je ve vesnici sam. Z chalupy Horaku vybehne jejich syn, ktery zaspal a nevi, co delat. Honzik vi, jak situaci resit. Jde za dedeckem Slipku a ten rychle vytahne brycku a zaprahne konika. Brycka nevydrzi vahu deti a dedecka, tak chlapci cestuji vselijak, ale do mesta se dostanou jen taktak. Spartakiadni cvicenci uz pochoduji, ale stane se, ze se deti mezi ne vmisi a ukaze se, ze jedno dite stejne chybelo.
    Director: Jan Valasek st.
    Cast: Jiri Lukes, Ladislav Holomcik, Jaroslav Bloch, Tomas Hadl, Josef Havlik, Ludek Simаk, Stepanka Hanicincova, Josef Mixa, Jarmila Krulisova, Oldrich Vykypel, Nina Jirankova, Eman Fiala, Vera Koktova, Lubomir Bryg, Jaroslav Drahokoupil, Vera Bila, Milan Brezina, Renata Milosovicova, Hana Brachtlova, Ivan Brachtl, Pavel Komarek, Tamara Vaneckova, Eva Remsova.
    Czechoslovakia, 1960.
    Language: Czech.
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    Замечательный день / Kouzelny den. 1960.
    Kouzelný den. 1960.
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  • Бутон гвоздики / Uova di garofano / Sweet War, Farewell. 1991.
     A man walks with his child on the grass of a hill. He reaches an old country house, where years before he had spent his childhood during World War II. The deserted and desolate rooms make him travel back in memory to the time when the war was ending. Episodes of family life pass before his eyes: father, mother, grandmother and six children, of which he, Silvano, the youngest, was made mute by the shock of a bomb exploding. He remembers the meetings with Crimen, an old man who lived alone on the mountain. People said that when he was young he ate his wife out of love for her. Fascism has crumbled. In the chaos of the Liberation, Silvano's father is threatened. The boy, returning home from a stay in the hospital, hears that Crimen is dead. After a fight with his father, Silvano runs away to the mountain to find Crimen, but after the long road there it's not the boy who arrives, but Silvano as an adult.
    Director: Silvano Agosti.
    Cast: Paola Agosti, Federico Barone, Toti Barone, Roberto Brignani, Lou Castel, Alain Cuny, Lucia Gafa, Michele Meggiolaro, Elisa Murolo, Franco Piavoli.
    Italy, 1991.
    Language: Italian.
    Бутон гвоздики / Uova di garofano / Sweet War, Farewell. 1991.
    Uova di garofano / Sweet War, Farewell. 1991.

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  • ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    TH. เป็นหนังผีที่แหวกขนบหนังผีแบบไทยๆ หลายแง่มุม ซึ่งเล่าผ่านมุมมองของผู้กำกับชาวอังกฤษ พอล สเปอร์เรียร์ (Paul Spurrier) ที่อยู่ในไทยมากว่า 10 ปี โดยหนังได้ติดตามชายหนุ่มที่เพิ่งออกจากร่มกาสาวพัสตร์มาเป็นครูยังภาคอีสาน ดินแดนที่มีเรื่องเล่าถึงผีและวิญญาณมากมาย ซึ่งหนึ่งในลูกศิษย์เป็นเด็กหญิงที่ไม่ยอมพูดกับใคร และมักถูกเพื่อนร่วมชั้นรังแก จนทำให้ครูมือใหม่ต้องยื่นมือเข้าช่วย
    หนังเล่าถึงขั้วที่แตกต่างโดยใช้ครูหนุ่มและเด็กหญิงเป็นตัวเปรียบเทียบ แม้ว่าทั้งคู่ต้องเผชิญเรื่องราวร้ายๆ ที่มาพิสูจน์ความอดทนเช่นกัน แต่ครูหนุ่มก็พยายามปรับตัวเข้าหาโลกความเป็นจริงหลังจากที่ใช้ชีวิตในโลกอุดมคติมานาน ในขณะที่เด็กหญิงพยายามหลีกหนีจากความจริงอันโหดร้ายเข้าสู่โลกแห่งจินตนาการในป่า โดยมีเด็กหนุ่มลึกลับเป็นเพื่อน
    ประเด็นน่าสนใจสะท้อนผ่านหนังเรื่องนี้ ทั้งการปะทะกันของความจริงกับจินตนาการ การต่อสู้เพื่ออุดมการณ์กับการใช้อำนาจอย่างไร้เหตุผล บทบาทหน้าที่ซึ่งสังคมกำหนดกับความต้องการที่แท้จริงของแต่ละคน ความอัปลักษณ์ของภูติผีกับจิตใจที่ดำทมิฬของมนุษย์ การอยู่รอดของคนชายขอบ ความรัก ความตาย ความเศร้า และการยึดติด แต่ทั้งหมดนี้อยู่รวมกันอย่างปนเปและบางครั้งไม่มีการสานต่อ จนทำให้บางประเด็นสื่อสารได้ไม่คมเท่าที่ควร
    EN. The villagers may be afraid of the forest, but little Ja knows how to deal with it...
    A new teacher arrives at a small village in rural Thailand. He has just left the monkhood and has taken a job at the local school in a quest to discover life outside the monastery. He finds that one of his pupils is a mute girl who is being bullied by the other children in the class. Both the teacher and the girl must face the challenges and cruelties of the real world. The girl retreats into a fantasy world, finding solace in the forest with a strange wild boy. The teacher struggles to bring her back, whilst at the same time himself questioning the world of reality. The worlds of fantasy and reality clash with tragic consequences.
    Director: Paul Spurrier.
    Cast: Tanapol Kamkunkam, Thidarat Kongkaew, Natpatson Lhakkum, Vithaya Pansringarm, Asanee Suwan, Pongsanart Vinsiri, Ramphai Wintawong, Wannasa Wintawong.
    Thailand, 2016.
    Language: Thai.
    Subtitles: Polish.
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    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
    ป่า / The Forest. 2016.
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