• Галчонок / Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012.
     NL. Jojo, een levenslustige jongen van 10 uit een gebroken gezin waar de vader stemmingswisselingen heeft en de moeder afwezig is, vindt troost in een onverwachte vriendschap met een jonge kauw. Hij moet de kauw verborgen houden voor zijn vader, want die houdt er niet van dieren in huis te hebben. Jojo belt dagelijks stiekem met zijn moeder, maar vertelt haar niet over de kauw. Jojo wil zijn moeder op haar naderende verjaardag verrassen met de vogel. Jojo’s vader wil absoluut niet de verjaardag vieren van iemand die afwezig is. Omdat de vader van Jojo driftbuien heeft, moet Jojo erg oppassen. Door de speciale vriendschap met de kauw en het aanpassingsvermogen dat alleen kinderen hebben, weet Jojo de muur rond het hart van zijn vader te breken.
    EN. Jojo, a lively 10-year-old with a difficult home life marked by a volatile father & an absent mother, finds solace in an abandoned baby jackdaw. Through the special friendship he builds with the bird, the wall between him & his father will be brought down.
    Director: Boudewijn Koole.
    Cast: Rick Lens, Loek Peters, Cahit Ölmez, Susan Radder, Ricky Koole.
    Holland, 2012.
    Language: Dutch, Russian.
    Галчонок / Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012.
    Kauwboy / Jackdaw Boy. 2012.

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  • Тоби / Тоби, ребёнок с крыльями / Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978.
     Tobi (or Tobi el niño con alas) is a 1978 Spanish dramedy film written by Horacio Varcarcel and Antonio Mercero and directed by Antonio Mercero. Starring Lolo Garcia, Francisco Vidal, Norma Aleandro, Antonio Ferrandis, and Walter Vidarte, the film is about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
    Director: Antonio Mercero.
    Cast: Lolo García, María Casanova, Francisco Vidal, Silvia Tortosa, José Lifante, Andrés Mejuto, Norma Aleandro, Antonio Ferrandis, Walter Vidarte, Willy Rubio, Manuela Camacho, Lorenzo Ramírez.
    Spain, 1978.
    Language: Spanish.
    Download Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas.
    Тоби / Тоби, ребёнок с крыльями / Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978.
    Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978.
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  • Голод / De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.
     NL. De Honger’ heet die nieuwe film. Aanvankelijk was de naam ‘1963. Het verhaal speelt zich ook in 1963, meer bepaalde op een een woensdagnamiddag, op 29 mei om precies te zijn. Die namiddag gaan drie jongetjes spelen in de duinen. Hun spel wordt onderbroken wanneer ze een ontdekking doen die hun leven voorgoed zal veranderen. Een ontdekking ook die ze altijd geheim zullen houden.
    EN. Wednesday afternoon, 29 May, 1963. Three boys are playing soldiers in the vast dunes of the Flemish coast. When one of them finds his sister making love deep in the dunes, their brother-sister relationship is put severely to the test.
    Director: Benoit de Clerck.
    Cast: Vincent Collin, Dorien De Clippel, Griet De Wolf, Carlos Dewulf, Mathias Van Mieghem, Daan Roofthooft, Julian-Benjamin Lens.
    Belgium, 2013.
    Language: Dutch.
    Subtitles: English.
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    Голод / De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.
    De Honger / The Hunger. 2013.
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  • En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia. 1988.
    ES. Víctor, un niño de clase media, escapa de su casa en busca de su padre; después de múltiples travesías lo encuentra donde menos lo espera, con la ayuda de dos pequeños que viven en la calle.
    EN. Victor, a middle-class child, escapes from his home in search of his father; after multiple crossings find it where you least expect, with the help of two small living on the street.
    Director: Manuel de Pedro.
    Cast: Daniel López, Virginia Urdaneta, Mario Antonini, Nelson Marquina, Frank García, Ramón Hinojosa, William Moreno, Freddy Galavis, Freddy Pereira, Antonio Briceño, Alejo Felipe.
    Venezuela, 1988.
    Language: Spanish.
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    En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia. 1988.
    En Sabana Grande siempre es de dia. 1988.
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  • Красавица / Gražuolė. 1969.
     LT. Negražią, šlakuotą mergaitę Ingą, gyvenančią su vieniša mama – mašininke mėgsta visi kiemo vaikai, ir žaidžiant (ratu susėdę vaikai vidury šokantįjį apipila pagyromis arba patyčiomis) ją visada išrenka „gražuole“. Ji – širdingiausia ir tiesiog spindinti mergaitė didelėje kiemo kompanijoje. Tik vienas berniukas atvirai pasako kad ji negraži. Jis neseniai atsikėlė gyventi į šį kiemą, gavo „Nebylio“ pravardę ir nežada pripažinti nesuprantamas žaidimo taisykles. Inga išgyvena krizę. Viktoras, pastebėjęs Ingos pasimetimą, atneša jai gražią gėlę. Inga seniai apie tokią svajojo. Ji ir vėl laiminga.
    One of the best European movies about childhood. It transcends totalitarian realities of a post-war Soviet-occupied town to address the most important eternal questions faced by children and their parents alike: self-identity, value human relations, love, vulnerability of a human being, meaning of innocence.
    EN. The cruelty of children is offered in all its unadorned ugliness in "Grazuole". The title character is a 9-year-old girl, shunned by her classmates because of her alleged homeliness. 
    Director: Arūnas Žebriūnas.
    Cast: Inga Mickytė, Lilija Žadeikytė/, Sergejus Martinsonas, Tauras Ragalevičius.
    USSR, Litovskaya Kinostudiya, 1969.
    Language: Lithuanian, Russian.
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    Красавица / Gražuolė. 1969.
     Gražuolė. 1969.
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  • Мёд осы / Med osy. 1990.
     Rare Belarusian film, surreal psychological drama with elements of animation. The film tells about the fate of the twin brothers Boris and Gleb, whose childhood coincided with the first post-war years. Through religion, Boris and Gleb come to eternal universal human values, at the same time realizing that in real life there is much suffering and people do not always adhere to Christian morality..
    Director: Igor Volchek.
    Cast: Andrei Bubashkin, Dmitri Kamenka, Aleksandr Labush, Marina Levtova, Ivan Matskevich, Tamara Muzhenko, Gennadiy Ovsyannikov, Aleksandr Sajko, Olga Sizova, Mikhail Yasuchek.
    USSR, Belarusfilm, 1990.
    Language: Russian.
    Мёд осы / Med osy. 1990.
    Med osy. 1990.

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  • Полуночник / Naktibalda. 1973.
    LT. Mažas nedrąsus berniukas svajonėse ir sapnuose mato save – didvyrį – atliekantį įvairius žygdarbius. Režisierius šiame tragikomiškame pasakojime stengiasi atskleisti vaiko individualybės ir jo fantazijų paslaptį.
    EN. In his dreams little Tomas escapes from his every day live to experience a lot of thrilling and exciting adventures.
    Director: Arūnas Žebriūnas.
    Cast: Gediminas Girdvainis, Vytautas Paukštė, Bronė Braškytė, Doloresa Kazragytė, Jonas Pakulis, Artūras Pravilionis, Eglė Gabrėnaitė, Darius Bratkauskas, Daiva Daujotytė, Artūras Vegys, Zigmas Vyšniauskas, Kazys Tumkevičius.
    USSR, Litovskaya Kinostudiya, 1973.
    Language: Lithuanian, Russian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Полуночник / Naktibalda. 1973.
     Naktibalda. 1973.
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  • Den Store Badedag / The Great Day on the Beach. 1991.
    DK. Et arbejderkvarter på Vesterbro i midten af trediverne. Her møder man den seksårige Gustav Adolf, hans storskrydende far, og hans kærlige, naivt-kloge mor, der er svensker. En udflugt til stranden, som familien en søndag foretager sammen med andre af kvarterets særprægede beboere, får et uventet forløb og betyder, at Gustav Adolfs beundring for faderen får et knæk.
    EN. Copenhagen 1930. Through the eyes of a boy, his family and the outside world is depicted. A well knit, working class family. The boy has great expectations on his father. This leads to the involuntary unmasking of the father.
    Director: Stellan Olsson.
    Cast: Erik Clausen, Nina Gunke, Benjamin Rothenborg Vibe, Jesper Klein, Hans Alfredson, Liselotte Lohmann, Bjarne Liller, Kirsten Rolffes, Yvonne Schaloske, Karina Rasmussen.
    Denmark, Sweden, 1991.
    Language: Danish.
    Den Store Badedag / The Great Day on the Beach. 1991.
    Den Store Badedag / The Great Day on the Beach. 1991.
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  • Хюго и Юсефина / Hugo och Josefin. 1967.
     SE. Filmen handlar om en flicka (Josefin) som är dotter till en präst och bor på landet. Josefin har inga vänner, men en dag möter hon Hugo, Hugo är systerson till trädgårdsmästare Gudmarson. Tillsammans med honom och Gudmarson (Beppe Wolgers) upplever hon en fantastisk sommar.
    EN. Josefin is a six year old girl who lives isolated in the countryside, where her father is a priest. She has no friends until she meets Hugo. He is a carefree boy who rather walk in the forest than goes to school. Together with the gardener they make up fun things to do.
    Director: Kjell Grede.
    Cast: Fredrik Becklén, Marie Öhman, Beppe Wolgers, Inga Landgré, Helena Brodin, Karl Carlsson.
    Sweden, 1967.
    Language: Swedish.
    Subtitles: Russian.
    Хюго и Юсефина / Hugo och Josefin. 1967.
    Hugo och Josefin. 1967.

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  • Я буду ей отцом / Le farò da padre. 1974. DVD.
     In order to convince Raimonda, a wealthy noble woman, to finance his project for a holiday resort, Saverio gets engaged to Clotilde, her mentally-disturbed and sex-obsessed adolescent daughter. He plans to have her kidnapped and raped by an accomplice so she won't be a virgin anymore and he'll have an excuse to get out of the impending marriage. But what he doesn't plan is to fall in love with the girl...
    Director: Alberto Lattuada.
    Cast: Gigi Proietti, Teresa Ann Savoy, Irene Papas, Mario Scaccia, Isa Miranda, Bruno Cirino, Lina Polito, Clelia Matania, Maria Pia Attanasio, Alberto Lattuada, Nina De Padova, Gabriella Ceramelli, Mario Cecchi.
    Italy, 1974.
    Language: Italian, Russian.
    Я буду ей отцом / Le farò da padre. 1974. DVD.
    Le farò da padre. 1974. DVD.
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  • Саламандра / Salamandra. 2008.
     Argentina during military dictatorship in the early 80s: Hoping for a new life after being released from prison, Alba takes her six-year-old son Inti with her to a remote hippie village in the foothills of the Andes. She settles in the house of a deceased physician and indulges in marijuana and free love. Inti, looking for support, and the other children in the community are on their own. Finally, Alba no longer endures the wild, chaotic life in the community. She emerges a small cabin without water and electricity. Threatened and humiliated by local peasant children, mother and son try to establish themselves under simplest conditions and make a new life for themselves.
    Director: Pablo Aguero.
    Cast: Joaquin Aguila, Dolores Fonzi, Nazareno Altamirano, Abatar Bregonzi, John Cale, David Catriman, Ruben Cobos, Maria Paz Cousigno, Julia de Osuna, Nehuen Diaz.
    France, Argentina, Germany, 2008.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: French.
    Саламандра / Salamandra. 2008.
    Salamandra. 2008.

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  • Внутренняя жизнь / Desideria: La vita interiore. 1980.
     The ugly duckling becomes a swan and exacts her revenge in this complex drama. All her life, the fat, homely child had been ignored by her rich, and gorgeous mother. The child bitterly resents this. Tensions explode when the daughter catches her mother in bed with her lover and the maid. The enraged mother tells the girl that she was bought from a hooker because the mother could not bear children. This drives the poor girl to suicide. She fails and is hospitalized. There she loses her weight and blossoms into a great beauty. She returns home with vengeance in her heart.
    Director: Gianni Barcelloni.
    Cast: Stefania Sandrelli, Lara Wendel, Klaus Lowitsch, Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Orso Maria Guerrini, Lory Del Santo, Rossana Marra, Francesca Giordani, Barbara Valmorin, Giovanna Mainardi.
    Italy, Germany, 1980.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: Spanish.
    Download Desideria: La vita interiore.
    Внутренняя жизнь / Desideria: La vita interiore. 1980.
    Desideria: La vita interiore. 1980.
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  • Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. DVD.
     A teen boy grows from playing and fighting with his German-shepherd dog, to playing kids and adult games with two equally young girls, in a dream-like forest which eventually turns eerie, and somber.
    Director: Pier Giuseppe Murgia.
    Cast: Lara Wendel, Eva Ionesco, Martin Loeb, shepherd Xylot.
    Italy, Germany, 1977.
    Language: German, Russian.
    Subtitles: English.
    Format : DVD5 / 720x576
    Duration : 91 min
    File Size : 4330 MB
    Download DVD Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love.
    Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. DVD.
    Maladolescenza / Spielen wir Liebe / Puppy Love. 1977. DVD.
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  • Haho, a tenger! 1971.
     Az ötéves Öcsi Évikétől tudja meg, hogy kistestvére lesz. Évikével mindent meg lehet beszélni, mert ő az egyetlen, aki szintén látja Öcsi mesés fehér lovát. A féltékenyen duzzogó kisfiút csak az vigasztalhatja, ha álmában látja a tengert. Apuval együtt Fantasztikus Építményt gyártanak. Amikor a babára várnak és átrendezik a lakást, a szerkezet a főhelyre kerül. Öcsi munka közben belátja, hogy a kistestvér fontos, mert ő lesz a barkácsoló nagyok kisinasa.
    Director: Gyorgy Palasthy, Sandor Koo.
    Cast: Krisztian Kovacs, Anna Muszte, Lajos Balazsovits, Hilda Gobbi, Ila Schutz, Laszlo Gyorgy, Laszlo Csakanyi, Alfonzo.
    Hungary, 1971.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Haho, a tenger! 1971.
    Haho, a tenger! 1971.
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  • Священник / El sacerdote / The Priest. 1978.
     EN. El Sacerdote (English: The Priest) is a 1978 Spanish film directed by Eloy de la Iglesia and starring Simon Andreu, Emilio Gutierrez Caba and Esperanza Roy. The plot centers on a Catholic priest who suffers a personal crisis when his sexuality is suddenly awakened. Unable to reconcile his deep conservative religious faith with his sexual obsession he spiral in a path of self punishment. The script was first offered to Pilar Miro.
    Obsessed with fantasies of sex, Father Miguel seeks professional help through his church but they are not listening; thus leaving the Father in a dilemma; leaving the church or should he try, on his own, to surrender to these temptations?
    ES. España, años 60. El Padre Miguel (Simón Andreu) es un cura en crisis para ejercer sus funciones como sacerdote ya que genera fantasías sexuales de muy diversa condición que pone en conocimiento de su superior, el Padre Alfonso (José Franco). Este último intentará ayudar a Miguel a superar sus perturbaciones.
    Director: Eloy de la Iglesia.
    Cast: Simón Andreu, Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, José Franco, Ramón Reparaz, Ramón Pons, Martín Garrido Ramis, Emilio Soriano, Fabián Conde, José Manuel Cervino, Antonio Gamero, Raúl Fraire, Eduardo MacGregor.
    Spain, 1978.
    Language: Russian (Spanish).
    Subtitle: English.
    Download El sacerdote / The Priest.
    Священник / El sacerdote / The Priest. 1978.
     El sacerdote / The Priest. 1978.
    Священник / El sacerdote / The Priest. 1978.
    El sacerdote / The Priest. 1978.
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  • Поль и Виргиния / Paul et Virginie. 2014.
     Paul lives alone with his mother Virginie. Weakened by disease, she is unable to go about their daily life anymore. Paul, driven by the unbreakable bond of love that exists between him and his mother, tries to take matters into his own hands.
    Director: Paul Cartron.
    Cast: Igor van Dessel, Edith Van Malder, Laurence Warin,
    Belgium, 2014.
    Language: French.
    1280x720 HD.
    Download Paul et Virginie.
    Поль и Виргиния / Paul et Virginie. 2014.
    Paul et Virginie. 2014.

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  • Mon dernier été / My last summer. 2016.
     FR. Tom et Édith ont onze ans. Alors que la canicule s’abat sur Montréal, Tom fait la connaissance d’Édith et tombe amoureux d’elle. Mais il découvre bientôt qu’elle porte un terrible secret. Pris dans un dilemme, Tom finira par perdre son innocence à l’aube de ce premier amour qui devient pour lui le symbole de son dernier été.
    EN. As the heat wave struck Montreal, Tom, 11 years old, met Édith, also 11. He soon discovers that Édith carries a terrible secret. Tom eventually loses his innocence at the dawn of this first love, which becomes the symbol of his last summer.
    Director: Paul-Claude Demers.
    Cast: Antoine Marchand Gagnon, Christine Beaulieu, Émilie Brière, Frédéric Bouffard.
    France, 2016.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: German.
     1280x720 HD
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    Mon dernier été / My last summer. 2016.
    Mon dernier été / My last summer. 2016.
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  • A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches. 2005. DVD.
    Documentary author's cinema about a simple Russian family, the drama of life and how love, even in such inhuman conditions, wins out all the abomination of the situation. An independent view of the drama of life, controversial and ambiguous, but that is the whole value of this film. 
    Director: Alexander Malinin.
    Russia, 2005.
    Language: Russian.
    Download DVD A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches.
    A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches. 2005. DVD.
    A s det'mi - shestero. Semeynyye tsarapiny / And with the children - six. Family scratches. 2005. DVD.
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  • Четвертый / El cuarto / The Fourth. 2008.
     ES. Simón es un joven de 12 años que perdió a su padre en un accidente automovilístico. Enfrenta la difícil relación con su profesor, que ahora sale con su madre. Pero las intenciones de su nuevo padre no son tan buenas como parecen. Los oscuros secretos que encierra este siniestro personaje ponen en riesgo a Simón y Sara, su madre, tendrá que abrir los ojos para darse cuenta de lo que lo está pasando antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
    EN. A thriller about the dark and dangerous secrets shared by a 12 year old boy, his new teacher and the school principal, a catholic priest. Months after the death of his father, Simon discovers the affair his Mother is having with a charming but enigmatic new teacher. The boy discovers the teacher's intentions and his dark secrets, but with his mother in love, it seams there is nothing he can do to show her that their lives are in danger.
    Director: Gustavo Torres Gil.
    Cast: Manuel Bautista, Claudia Cadavid, Gavo Figueira, Natalia Morales, Glenmi Rodríguez, Antonio Santana, Julio Sastoque, Mateo Silva, Kevin Towers, Carlos E. Velásquez.
    Colombia, 2008.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
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    Четвертый / El cuarto / The Fourth. 2008.
    El cuarto / The Fourth. 2008.
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  • Трава до неба / Égigérö fü. 1979.
     Uncle Poldi is an old park warden who is going to be retired in 5 days. He worked 52 years in the park and is always saying: "I will only miss that beautiful green lawn there!" Misu, a small boy in the house, wants to make his old friend happy and to organize of laying lawn tiles into the yard of the house. To do this, first all the residents of the house have to sign a petition, then the petition has to be brought to an office where the director has to sign it. One of the residents, Miss Kamilla, does not want to sign the petition. Misu and his friends, Mrs. Poldi and uncle Dezso, have to convince Miss Kamilla to sign it. They do finally this with the help of Oszkar the coal man and his mother. Finally all friends in the street help to lay the tiles and uncle Poldi can have the yard with his "beautiful green lawn" for his retirement years. Intended movie for children of about 5-7 years and their parents.
    Director: Palasthy Gyorgy.
    Cast: Gyuri Hintsch, Monika Ullmann, Janos Rajz, Marta Fonay, Margit Dajka, Andrea Drahota, Denes Ujlaky, Jozsef Mariass, Ferenc Zenthe.
    Hungary, 1979.
    Language: Hungarian, Russian.
    Трава до неба / Égigérö fü. 1979.
    Égigérö fü. 1979.

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  • Падаль / Carne. 1991.
     Carne is a 1991 French drama film written and directed by Gaspar Noé, starring Philippe Nahon and Blandine Lenoir. It tells the story of a horse butcher with a mute daughter. At a running time of 40 minutes, it was the first longer film directed by Noé. The narrative was continued in Noé's 1998 full-length debut, I Stand Alone.
    A nameless horse butcher, whose wife left him soon after their mute daughter was born, operates his own business while trying to raise the daughter. Despite the fact that she has become a teenager, the butcher continues to wash her like a baby, and struggles to resist the temptation of committing incest. On the day of the daughter's menstruation, the butcher misinterprets the situation and assumes that she has been raped by a worker, whom he immediately seeks out and stabs as revenge. The butcher is imprisoned for the assault and is forced to sell his butcher shop and apartment.
    Director: Gaspar Noé.
    Cast: Philippe Nahon, Blandine Lenoir, Frankie Pain, Marie Berto, Hélène Testud, Roland Guéridon, Zaven, Michel Berto, Pierre Jamin, Lucile Hadzihalilovic.
    France, 1991.
    Language: French, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
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    Падаль / Carne. 1991.
     Carne. 1991.
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  • Наш собственный дом / A Home of Our Own. 1975.
     A priest, Father Wasson who is assigned at a mostly mexican town meets some orphans. He decides to make a home for them. He takes keen interest in a boy named Julio, who's a little belligerent. But Father Wasson thinks that he is just acting out cause his parents are dead. He would grow up and become a doctor. One day his wife and daughter are killed. He then goes to visit his old home and Father Wasson.
    Director: Robert Day.
    Cast: Jason Miller, Pancho Cordova, Guillermo San Juan, Enrique Novi, Pedro Armendariz Jr., Richard Angarola, Carmen Zapata, Farnesio de Bernal, Rosario Alvarez, Nancy Rodman, Roland Rios, Arturo Rodriguez Doring.
    USA, 1975.
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    Наш собственный дом / A Home of Our Own. 1975.
    A Home of Our Own. 1975.

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  • Летние игры / Giochi d'estate / Summer Games. 2011.
     The story of an adult and a teenage couple during a brief summer holiday by the sea. While Nic's parents remain trapped in a precarious mutual dependency despite repeated attempts at reconciliation, their 12-year-old son tries to come to terms with his father's traumatizing violent outbursts in games with other children. He tries to teach Marie, who is of his age and suffers from her own relationship with her father, to feel nothing. In fact, both of them are transformed by their experience of the joys and pains of first love. A film about the first steps towards a life of one's own.
    Director: Rolando Colla.
    Cast: Fiorella Campanella, Armando Condolucci, Alessia Barela, Antonio Merone, Roberta Fossile, Marco D'Orazi, Aaron Hitz, Monica Cervini, Francesco Huang, Chiara Scolari, Giorgio Gobbi.
    Switzerland, France, 2011.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    Download Giochi d'estate / Summer Games.
    Летние игры / Giochi d'estate / Summer Games. 2011.
     Giochi d'estate / Summer Games. 2011.
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