• Utánam, srácok! 1975.
     A lakótelepen két egymással szemben álló fiúcsapat alakult ki. András csapata elsősorban leleményességgel, Andris ötletességével, technikai bravúrjaival, a Lada vezette csapat viszont erőszakosságával, verekedésével tűnik ki. Andrisék egy ügyes szerkezet - a hídrakéta - felhasználásával megleckéztetik Ladát. Lada csapata erre kiássa a csatabárdot.
    Director: Tamás Martos.
    Cast: Berkes Gabor, Kovacs Krisztian, Szergej Elisztr, Berkes Zoltan, Tamas Martos, Erika Gabos, Gabriella Kiss, Krisztian Kovacs, Gabor Berkes.
    Hungary, 1975.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Duration: 6 episodes of 30 minutes.
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    Utánam, srácok! 1975.
    Utánam, srácok! 1975.
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  • Маленький беглец / Little Fugitive.Little Fugitive. 1953.
     Joey, a young boy, runs away to Coney Island after he is tricked into believing he has killed his older brother. Joey collects glass bottles and turns them into money, which he used to ride the rides.
    Director: Ray Ashley, Morris Engel.
    Cast: Richie Andrusco, Richard Brewster, Tommy DeCanio, Winifred Cushing, Jay Williams, Will Lee, Charlie Moss, Ruth Orkin.
    USA, Little Fugitive Production Company, 1953.
    Language: English.
    Little Fugitive. 1953.
    Little Fugitive. 1953.
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  • Poletje v školjki / A Summer in a sea-shell. 1985.
    Young Tomaz has many problems. Not only is he quite lonely, but he also has to leave his hometown and move to the city with his family because of his father's new job. In these difficult times, during the middle of summer, his only help is his computer Vedi. Even the rivalry between local children gangs from Piran and Portoroz can not solve any problems, at least not until both gangs get a common enemy - motorcyclists who steal shells.
    Director: Tugo Štiglic.
    Cast: Дэвид Слуга, Кайя Штиглиц, Борис Краль, Марьяна Карнер, Даре Валич, Майда Потокар, Альма Благданич, Жига Кобилица, Юре Сотлар, Uros Rus, Zlatko Causevic, Joze Suhadolnik.
    Yugoslavia, 1985.
    Language: Serbian.
    Subtitles: Russian.
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    Poletje v školjki / A Summer in a sea-shell. 1985.
    Poletje v školjki / A Summer in a sea-shell. 1985.
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  • Балетные мальчики / Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys. 2014.
     Ballet Boys takes you through disappointments, victories, forging of friendship, first loves, doubt, faith, growing apart from each other, finding your own way and own ambitions, all mixed with the beautiful expression of ballet.
    The film follow three young Norwegian teenagers from Oslo, 14-15 years old in 2012, all attending the same school and loving ballet, with great ambitions. They all tell about their lives, ambitions, everyday life, teacher conversations, parents relations, stage performances, hopes and joys. We meet them right in the age when they really have to decide if they are to really take the step up from being amateurs to go for it to become professionals. We follow them through a year, through competitions as well as in every day struggles with things every teenager might go through.
    The documentary is really well made, is very true to the environment portrayed, and the film is building up interest in a perfect way. It helps, of course, that the youngsters are opening up to their inner thoughts; and are charming and interesting to get to know. It's an inside look of the demands, tests, the physiological and psychological test and the training they go through as they all try to become students at a higher level. Impressive film making by Kenneth Elvebakk.
    Director: Kenneth Elvebakk.
    Cast: Lukas Bjorneboe, Syvert Lorenz Garcia, Torgeir Lund.
    Norway, 2014.
    Language: Norwegian.
    Subtitles: English.
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    Балетные мальчики / Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys. 2014.
     Ballettguttene / Ballet Boys. 2014.

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  • Путешествие Гонзика / Honzíkova cesta. 1956.
     Pětiletému Honzíkovi Tichému přišel do školky dopis, v němž ho dědeček zve k sobě na návštěvu. Chlapci se na venkově u prarodičů loni moc líbilo a rád by jel znovu. Rodiče ale nemají čas ho tam zavézt. Honzík maminku přemluví a ta nakonec svolí, aby jel sám vlakem. Cesta dobře dopadne a dědeček čeká s vozem taženým koněm na nádraží v Koníkově. Honzík se brzy spřátelí s místními dětmi, nejvíc s malou školačkou Terezkou. Jenom se zlobivým Ferdou má problémy. Kluci se nakonec poperou a Ferda Honzíkovi ukradne skleněnou kuličku. Honzíka se zastane starší kluk…
    Director: Milan Vošmik.
    Cast: Miroslav Červenka, Marcela Jandová, Josef Kruml, Václav Venhoda, Zdeňka Baldová, Vladimír Hlavatý, Karel Höger, Vlasta Chramostová, Radovan Lukavský, Otomar Korbelář, Stanislav Neumann, Štěpánka Haničincová, Viola Zinková, Václav Trégl, Jiřina Bohdalová, Josef Hlinomaz, Josef Steigl, Hermína Vojtová, Vladimír Huber, Milan Neděla.
    Czechoslovakia, 1956.
    Language: Czech.
    Subtitles: Czech.
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    Путешествие Гонзика / Honzíkova cesta. 1956.
     Honzíkova cesta. 1956.

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  • Лягушка - пехотинец / Gyalogbéka. 1985.
     A Tinodi ors tagjai elhatarozzak, hogy indian tabort szerveznek. Ez azonban nem megy siman.
    1. Lázadás és bomba.
    2. A kiásott csatabárd.
    3. Táborvezető kerestetik.
    4. Gyaloghonvéd jelentkezem.
    5. Utazás szépséghibákkal.
    6. Sorakozó minden mennyiségben.
    7. Vannak még szabad indiánok.
    8. Közbeszólnak az elemek.
    9. Tornacsuka a sárban.
    10. Kísértetek éjfélkor.
    Director: Fejér Tamás.
    Cast: Foldi Teri, Bencze Ilona, Margitai Agi, Gieler Csaba, Reczei Tamas, Attila Gödör, Zsolt Nagy, Tamás Szabó, Péter Cseke, István Sztankay, András Csurai, Dömötör Racsmány, Csaba Gieler.
    Hungary, 1985.
    Language: Hungarian.
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    Лягушка - пехотинец / Gyalogbéka. 1985.
    Gyalogbéka. 1985.

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  • Ну что же ты, папа! / Aber Vati! 1974.
     Der Witwer Erwin Mai ist in seinem Betrieb ein angesehener Meister – tatkräftig, rührig und voller Ideen. Zu Hause jedoch lässt er gern Fünfe gerade sein. Seine Schwester Elsbeth, die ihm den Haushalt führt, hält ihn für einen ausgemachten Versager, vor allem in punkto Erziehung seiner beiden elfjährigen Sprösslinge. Und in der Tat, die Zwillinge Kalle und Kulle fangen an zu verlottern. Mit ihren Streichen bringen sie die Lehrer in der Schule und ihre erwachsenen Mitbürger im Wohngebiet allmählich zur Verzweiflung. Tante Elsbeth macht sich verständlicherweise Sorgen. Sie beschließt energisch, Erwin schnellstens wieder zu verheiraten. Auf das Ergebnis ihrer Bemühungen darf man gespannt sein, da sich nicht nur Vater Erwin, sondern auch seine beiden Rangen tatkräftig zur Wehr setzen.
    Director: Klaus Gendries.
    Cast: Erik S. Klein, Ralf Lemcke, Rolf Lemcke, Marianne Wunscher, Jochen Thomas, Martin Trettau, Helga Labudda Ewa Szykulska, Erich Petraschk, Ina Reuter.
    DDR, 1974.
    Language: German, Russian.
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    Ну что же ты, папа! / Aber Vati! 1974.
    Aber Vati! 1974.
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  • Большая поездка маленького машиниста / Des kleinen Lokführers große Fahrt. 1978.
     Der kleine Dirk möchte wie sein Großvater Lokführer werden. Die anderen Kinder bezweifeln, ob der alte Mann all die Abenteuer, von denen er erzählt, wirklich erlebt hat. Dirk wird dadurch unsicher, aber als er sich mit dem Großvater auf große Fahrt begibt, sind die Zweifel rasch zerstreut.
    Director: Hans Werner.
    Cast: Maik Saewert, Franziska Jahn, Sascha Geschonneck, Michael Stölzner, Erwin Geschonneck, Wolfgang Winkler, Horst Papke, Petra Hinze.
    DDR, DEFA, 1978.
    Language: German.
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    Большая поездка маленького машиниста / Des kleinen Lokführers große Fahrt. 1978.
     Des kleinen Lokführers große Fahrt. 1978.
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  • Мустанг / Mustang. 2015.
     Early summer. In a village in northern Turkey, Lale and her four sisters are walking home from school, playing innocently with some boys. The immorality of their play sets off a scandal that has unexpected consequences. The family home is progressively transformed into a prison; instruction in homemaking replaces school and marriages start being arranged. The five sisters who share a common passion for freedom, find ways of getting around the constraints imposed on them.
    Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven.
    Cast: Günes Sensoy, Doga Zeynep Doguslu, Elit Iscan, Tugba Sunguroglu, Ilayda Akdogan, Nihal G. Koldas, Ayberk Pekcan, Bahar Kerimoglu, Burak Yigit, Erol Afsin, Suzanne Marrot, Aynur Komecoglu.
    Turkey, France, Qatar, Germany. 2015.
    Language: Turkish.
    Subtitles: French.
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    Мустанг / Mustang. 2015.

    Мустанг / Mustang. 2015.
    Mustang. 2015.
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