
    Seppan. 1986. HD.
    SE. Trakterna kring Tullingesjön utanför Stockholm. Några barackliknande hyreshus vid sjön har i folkmun fått namnet Seppan efter den närbelägna fabriken Separator AB (senare Alfa-Laval), där de flesta av familjefäderna i husen arbetar. Nästan alla familjerna i Seppan är invandrare: finnar, ryssar, österrikare, polacker. I närheten ligger också lite mer ståtliga disponentvillor där de svenska fabrikscheferna bor.
    Vintern 1961. Svenska Sara, som bor i en av disponentvillorna, och finska Pirjo, som bor i Seppan, är trots klasskillnaderna bästa kompisar. Deras föräldrar tycks vara varandras motsatser. Saras mamma är kylig och förbjudande, och Sara söker sig till fadern för kärlek. Pirjos pappa, en veteran från finska vinterkriget, är däremot lynnig och våldsam, i synnerhet när han blir full.
    Pirjo uppvaktas blygt av klasskamraten Seppo, som vägrar läsa morgonbön och prata annat än finska i skolan...
    EN. It is 1961, and Sweden has become a haven for refugees fleeing the Iron Curtain. In this story, a boardinghouse has become a kind of international way-station, with families from Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Finland, Russia, Poland and Hungary. It is also a place where passions run high, fueled by love affairs, political disagreements, and rivalries of all kinds. All the same, this dreary building and its environs are the only home the children of these foreigners know, and they cope with their chaotic circumstances better than their parents do. Despite this, there are tragedies among them, too.
    Director: Agneta Fagerström-Olsson.
    Cast: Nina Lager, Sofie Mällström, Jesper Lager, Janne Niemimaa, Mariana Vodovosoff, Karolina Palutko, Dani Modrusan, Fetije Alije, Krister Ax, Tomas Laustiola, Peter Stormare, Elisabeth von Gerber.
    Sweden, 1986.
    Languages: Swedish, Finnish.
    1280x720 HD
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    Seppan. 1986. HD.
    Seppan. 1986. HD.


    Seppan. 1986. HD.
    Seppan. 1986. HD.
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    Los primeros días / The first days. 2013. FULL-HD.
    ES. Durante dos años el cineasta Juan Rayos documenta el proceso de diálogos, batallas, ensayos y viajes, que comienza de puntillas, buscándose a sí mismo, y acaba convirtiéndose en "Materia Prima". Una creación escénica de la compañía La tristura, que transforma la mirada de cuatro niños y que acaba llevándolos de gira por España, Francia o Brasil. "Los Primeros Días" es una película sobre esos cuatro rostros, sobre la fugacidad de su belleza, sobre ese momento de la vida en el que pensar, hablar y arder son una misma cosa.
    EN. Over a two-year period, the Spanish filmmaker Juan Rayos documented a series of dialogues, battles, rehearsals and travels, a process that starts with bubbling and ends up turning into Materia Prima, a theater piece by the company La Tristura which transforms the perception of four kids and takes them on a tour around Spain, Brazil and Poland. Los Primeros Días is a film about four faces, their fleeting beauty and about that moment in life in which thinking, talking and burning are all the same thing.
    Director: Juan Rayos.
    Cast: Ginebra Ferreira, Gonzalo Herrero, Siro Ouro, Candela Recio, Itsaso Arana, Pablo Fidalgo, Violeta Gil, Celso Giménez.
    Spain, 2013.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920X1080 FULL-HD
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    Los primeros días / The first days. 2013. FULL-HD.

    Los primeros días / The first days. 2013. FULL-HD.

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    Vyprávěj / Wonderful Times - DDR. 2010. FULL-HD.
    CZ. Poměrně dramatické a smutné léto vylepší dovolená.
    A tak se nejen Honzík ale i Karel s Evou podívají poprvé k moři! Cílem se má stát německý Prerov, a tak Josef, ač s těžkým srdcem, půjčuje Karlovi svého čtyřkolého miláčka, milované embéčko. Na cestě rodinka potkává rodinu Kohoutkových, kteří si Dvořákovy vyloženě oblíbí a „pronásledují" je potom na každém kroku. Karla s Evou to navzdory mírné krizi vztahu spojuje a vypadá to, že dovolená všem vyloženě prospívá, i když ani v Německu není o zajímavé situace nouze, třeba Karlův a Evin první pobyt na FKK nebo věčná snaha zbavit se přízně Kohoutkovic rodinky. Doma zatím Josef trne, zda se s jeho embéčkem v zahraničí nic nestalo, a kvůli tomu napětí se v noci stává náměsíčným. Nejprve si to nechce přiznat, poté zkouší všechny osvědčené tipy kolegů z práce, ale nakonec mu nezbyde, než navštívit psychologa... Po návratu z dovolené to vypadá na rodinnou idylku, ale v noci zvoní u bytu Dvořákových zvonek. Za dveřmi stojí zbitá a vyděšená Karlova sestřenice Renata...
    EN. A retro-series about recent Czech and Slovak history told via the microcosm of a single Czech family. A mosaic of three generations blending nostalgia with the bitter reality of the socialist regime.
    Director: Biser A. Arichtev.
    Cast: Svatopluk Skopal, Veronika Freimanová, Andrea Růžičková, Roman Vojtek, Nina Divíšková, Jaromír Nosek, Hana Vagnerová, Alžbeta Stanková, Ondřej Veselý, Veronika Žilková, Vojtěch Kotek, Jan Budař, Sandra Pogodová.
    Czech Republic, 2010.
    Language: Czech.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Vyprávěj / Wonderful Times - DDR. 2010.


    Vyprávěj / Wonderful Times - DDR. 2010. FULL-HD.
    Vyprávěj / Wonderful Times - DDR. 2010. FULL-HD.
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    Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. FULL-HD.
    DE. Der Architekt und Familienoberhaupt Markus Larsen lebt heimlich seine bisexuelle Tendenzen aus, während seine Frau Christine, zusammen mit der gemeinsamen 11jährigen Tochter Elisabeth, in unerträglicher Einsamkeit ertrinkt. Als Markus den 12 jährigen Johannes - Sohn seines Kollegen - kennen lernt, fühlt er eine sofortige Zuneigung für den Jungen. Markus beginnt sich Johannes langsam zu nähern und schafft eine Intimität, über die er zunehmend die...
    EN. The architect and head of the family Markus Larsen secretly lives out his bisexual tendencies while his wife Christine and their 11-year-old daughter Elisabeth drown in unbearable loneliness. When Markus gets to know the 12-year-old son of a colleague, he feels an immediate affection for the boy. Slowly, Markus begins to approach Johannes and creates an intimacy of which he increasingly loses control. While his wife and daughter are damagingly affected by their symbiotic relationship, Johannes is playing his own secret game which, in the end, leads to disaster for every family member.
    Director: Curtis Burz.
    Cast: Sten Jacobs, Anna Altmann, Jaspar Fuld, Nina Splettstößer, Natascha Zimmermann, Felix Witzlau, Tobias Frieben, León Delor, Stephan Bürgi.
    Germany, Focusing Films, 2014.
    Language: German, English.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
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    Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. FULL-HD.
    Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. FULL-HD.


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    Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978. FULL-HD.
    ES. Tobi, un precioso niño rubio, lleva una vida feliz y normal hasta que un día, de manera inexplicable, le nacen unas alas en la espalda que le dan un aspecto angelical. La investigación médica llevada a cabo en el Instituto de Biología Molecular no da ningún resultado. El padre es partidario de que le hagan al niño una operación que lo libre de las alas para que sea un niño como los demás.
    EN. Tobi (or Tobi el niño con alas) is a 1978 Spanish dramedy film written by Horacio Varcarcel and Antonio Mercero and directed by Antonio Mercero. Starring Lolo Garcia, Francisco Vidal, Norma Aleandro, Antonio Ferrandis, and Walter Vidarte, the film is about a little boy who grows a pair of wings on his back, giving him the appearance of an angel. The boy draws the attention of his community including doctors, scientists and schoolmates. The wings are surgically removed but eventually they grow back.
    Director: Antonio Mercero.
    Cast: Lolo García, María Casanova, Francisco Vidal, Silvia Tortosa, José Lifante, Andrés Mejuto, Norma Aleandro, Antonio Ferrandis, Walter Vidarte, Willy Rubio, Manuela Camacho, Lorenzo Ramírez.
    Spain, 1978.
    Language: Spanish, Russian.
    Subtitles: English, Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978:
    3 parts archive:
    Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978. FULL-HD.
    Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978. FULL-HD.


    Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978. FULL-HD.
    Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978. FULL-HD.
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  • Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970. FULL-HD.
    A true masterpiece of Czechoslovak cinema!
    CZ. Valerie a týden divů je československý surrealistický horor, který natočil v roce 1970 Jaromil Jireš podle stejnojmenné prózy Vitězslava Nezvala z roku 1935. Předloha je ovlivněna surrealismem a pohrává si s motivy z pohádek i z pokleslé hororové četby. Využívá logiku snu, v níž neplatí kauzalita a postavy libovolně mění svoji identitu. Leitmotivem je dospívání mladé dívky, která objevuje tajemství sexuality a bouří se proti represivním institucím jako rodina nebo církev.
    Filmové zpracování je výrazně stylizovanou podívanou, využívající secesní dekorace i atmosféru vesnických poutí s jejich panoptiky. Nezvyklou působivost podtrhuje scéna Ester Krumbachové, kamera Jana Čuříka a hudba Luboše Fišera. V titulní roli debutovala Jaroslava Schallerová. Film se natáčel ve Slavonicích.
    Příběh se odehrává během léta ve starobylém městečku, kde žije Valerie se svou přísnou babičkou. Přijíždějí komedianti, mezi nimiž je netvor zvaný Tchoř a jeho syn Orlík. Valerii pronásledují vidiny, v nichž vystupuje babička jako upírka, která se proměňuje v mladou přitažlivou ženu. Zároveň se Valerie dovídá, že Tchoř je její otec, takže Orlík, který se jí dvoří, je vlastně její bratr (incestní motiv). Objevuje se také přítelkyně a zasvětitelka Hedvika, mladá žena, která se má provdat za bohatého statkáře, a perverzní kněz Gracián, který se Valerii pokusí znásilnit a když neuspěje, chce ji upálit jako čarodějnici. Nakonec Valerie díky své nevinnosti ze všech nástrah vyvázne a pozná své skutečné rodiče.
    EN. Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (Czech: Valerie a týden divů) is a 1970 Czechoslovak surrealist fantasy horror film directed by Jaromil Jireš, based on the 1935 novel of the same name by Vítězslav Nezval. It is considered part of the Czechoslovak New Wave movement. The film portrays the heroine as living in a disorienting dream, cajoled by priests, vampires, and men and women alike. The film blends elements of the fantasy and gothic horror film genres.
    A thief awakens Valerie, just 13, taking earrings left to her by her mother. By morning, the earrings have been returned, Valerie's first period has begun, and a troupe and a missionary have arrived in her Medieval town. The thief is Orick; he reports to a cloaked constable who may also be the missionary. Attention to sexuality is everywhere: Valerie's grandmother's puritanical nature, the missionary's sermon to the town's virgins, the parish priest's attempt to seduce Valerie, and lusty adults at play. Valerie's nascent sexuality puts her in great danger. Can she navigate the passage from innocence to experience, a route teaming with vampires, a murderer, and an obscure family tree?
    Director: Jaromil Jireš.
    Cast: Jaroslava Schallerová, Helena Anýžová, Petr Kopřiva, Jiří Prýmek, Martin Wielgus, Jan Klusák, Alena Stojáková, Karel Engel, Libuše Komancová, Eva Olmerová, Jana Andresíková, Jiřina Machalická, Alice Auspergerová, Bedřiška Chalupská, Michaela Klocová, Zdenka Kovářová, Otto Hradecký, Eva Hnátková, Kristina Maarová, Jarmila Langášková, Karel Bělohradský, Antonín Cmíral, Karel Medek, Jan Berka, Robert Nezval, Jan Žižka, Viola Zinková, Nina Divíšková, Josef Abrhám .
    Czechoslovakia, 1970.
    Language: Czech, English (music).
     Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970:
    2 parts archive:
    Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970. FULL-HD.
    Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970. FULL-HD.
    Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970. FULL-HD.
    Valerie a týden divů / Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. 1970. FULL-HD.
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    Aban. 2022. FULL-HD.
    Under constant pressure from her ex-husband, Nazanin should turn their child - Aban, nine years old - away from a very driven feminine taste. One day, Aban goes to the hospital thinking of undergoing life-changing surgery.
    Directors: Abbas Taheri, Mahdie Toosi.
    Cast: Shadi Amiri, Ali Khoshbin, Katayoon Saleki, Zand Akbari Janan.
    Iran, France, 2022.
    Language: Persian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Aban. 2022.
    Aban. 2022. FULL-HD.
    Aban. 2022. FULL-HD.


     Full Anthology of short films is HERE.

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    Szép lányok, ne sírjatok! / Don't Cry, Pretty Girls! 1970. HD.
    HU. Savanyú és barátai egy üzemben dolgoznak munkásként. A lélekölő munka után az esti örömökben: bulikban, együttesek koncertjeiben, "csajozásban" keresik a kikapcsolódást. Savanyú komolyan udvarol Julinak, már az eljegyzést is megtartották, de nincs hely az intimebb jellegű találkozásokhoz. Illegálisan elfoglalnak tehát egy romos lakást, de a rendőrség elzavarja őket.
    Az Ifjúsági Park egyik koncertjén Juli megismerkedik a zenész Gézával, majd a zenekarral vidékre utaznak. Savanyú és barátai utánuk mennek, a riválisok között verekedés tör ki. Juli választás elé kényszerül.
    EN. Savanyú and his friends work at a plant. After the monotonous shifts they engage in the pleasures of the afternoon and the night: Sex, parties and concerts. Savanyú dates Juli, who works in workers' hostels with the other girls. They are already engaged, but have almost no time to spend together. At a concert held in the Park of Youth, Juli gets to know Géza. They flirt and eventually travel through the country with a pop-group. Savanyú goes after them and catches up with Géza and the pop-group. A minor fight cools the atmosphere. Juli must decide, and her choice is Savanyú. Nothing can stop the wedding now.
    Director: Márta Mészáros.
    Cast: Jaroslava Schallerová, Zala Márk, Blaskó Péter, Balázsovits Lajos, Bujtor István, Sir Kati, Kosztolányi Balázs, Tardy Balázs, Hegedűs Erzsi, Schütz Ila, Zalatnay Sarolta, Piros Ildikó, Tándor Lajos.
    Hungary, 1970.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Szép lányok, ne sírjatok! / Don't Cry, Pretty Girls! 1970.
    Szép lányok, ne sírjatok! / Don't Cry, Pretty Girls! 1970. HD.
    Szép lányok, ne sírjatok! / Don't Cry, Pretty Girls! 1970. HD.
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    푸른 주단우에서 / Purun chudanueso / On the Green Carpet. 2001.
    On the Green Carpet is a 2001 North Korean film directed by Rim Chang-bom. The film's title refers to the turf of the stadium which hosts the May Day mass games in Pyongyang.
    The film is a romantic comedy, which involves a coach who is preparing a group of schoolchildren for the May Day mass games, and a former colleague who has now become his superior. She feels that he is being too demanding of his young performers, as the show he has devised requires a series of multiple somersaults. However, the children are willing to work as hard as necessary to please their leader, Kim Jong-il, and the film culminates in a lavish display of their abilities.
    Everyday life in North Korea is presented as being pleasant and trouble-free, with no evidence of reported food shortages and an emphasis on the people's devotion to the "Dear Leader".
    Was the first North Korean film to be invited to the Berlin International Film Festival, where it was screened in 2004 as a special one-off event.
    Directors: Kwang-il Jon, Chang-bom Rim.
    Cast: Ri Gyong-hi, Ri Yong-ho, Ri Kum Suk.
    North Korea (DPRK), Korean Film Studio, 2001.
    Language: Korean.
    Subtitles: English.
    Download 푸른 주단우에서 / Purun chudanueso / On the Green Carpet. 2001.
    푸른 주단우에서 / Purun chudanueso / On the Green Carpet. 2001.
    푸른 주단우에서 / Purun chudanueso / On the Green Carpet. 2001.



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    泳隊 / Yong dui / The Summer of 12. 2019. FULL-HD.
    On just another day training in the pool for the young members of the swimming team, the cusp of early puberty threatens to turn innocent friendship and camaraderie into something much more. Sixth-grader Yu-Hsuan has a closely guarded secret, but this tide of feelings inside is brewing into a storm…
    Awarded Best Student Short at the 2020 Kashish Mumbai International Queer Film Festival, South Asia’s biggest LGBTQIA+ film festival.
    Director: Kuo Kuan-ling.
    Cast: LI Yi-Xuan, Dai-Ling, Chih-Hsuan Wu, Ming-You.
    Taiwan, 2019.
    Language: Chinese.
    Subtitles: English, Indonesian, Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Spanish.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download 泳隊 / Yong dui / The Summer of 12. 2019.
    泳隊 / Yong dui / The Summer of 12. 2019. FULL-HD.
    泳隊 / Yong dui / The Summer of 12. 2019. FULL-HD.



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    Nung nawala ang aso ko / Puppy Love. 2017. FULL-HD.
    A young girl on the brink of puberty wakes up one morning to find that her pet dog had escaped, leaving her with a wound in her vagina. Thinking her dog had bitten her, she sets out to find traces of it, despite the persistence of her best friend to just let it go. Confused and distraught about her body and what the blood entails, she tries to make sense of herself and her tireless longing. She digs deep into her own flowery crevices to understand - clawing and howling.
    Director: Margarita Mina.
    Cast: Mara Agleham, Kath Castillo, Arielle Magno.
    Philippines, 2017.
    Language: Tagalog, English.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Nung nawala ang aso ko / Puppy Love. 2017.
    Nung nawala ang aso ko / Puppy Love. 2017. FULL-HD.
    Nung nawala ang aso ko / Puppy Love. 2017. FULL-HD.


     The full Collection of Short Films is available on our Forum Cinema Paradiso.



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    Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985. 2 episodes. FULL-HD.
    A two-part television film about the adventures of the pioneers during the summer holidays. Vasya, Oleg, Igor, Yana, Tanya and the youngest of them, Little Vova with his pet rooster Fyodor, go camping with a tent on their land. Ahead of them will meet with different people, both good and bad, they even succeed in an unequal struggle to neutralize criminals...
    Director: Vyacheslav Nikiforov.
    Cast: Olga Bogdanova, Vladimir Chubarev, Galina Makarova, S. Semenov, A. Bogdanov, Anastasia Girenkova, O. Kurochkin, A. Dvornikov, Starovoytov Sasha, Alexander Denisov, Valery Shalnykh, Vladimir Shevelkov, Sergei Scribe.
    USSR,  «BelarusFilm», 1985.
    Language: Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985. 2 episodes.
    Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985. 2 episodes. FULL-HD.
    Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985. 2 episodes. FULL-HD.


    Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985. 2 episodes. FULL-HD.
    Bolshoye priklyucheniye. 1985. 2 episodes. FULL-HD.
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    Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.
    NO. Filmen er basert på sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Den store pesten i Norge ble kalt svartedauen og herjet i Europa rundt 1350. Den rammet Norge svært hardt og to tredjedeler av befolkningen døde. En av de viktigste bærerne av håpet om en nasjonal gjenfødelse ble sagnet om en liten pike som overlevde. Sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Ola Solum har også regissert filmene Kvitebjørn Kong Valemon og Reisen til julestjernen.
    Alt begynner med fest og moro. I en liten dal ved Jostedalsbreen på Vestlandet feires det bryllup på gården. Det er folksomt rundt familien til Maren. Liv Bernhoft Osa spiller moren til Maren. Vi får tiltro til henne som mor for Maren med sin breie dialekt og trygge favn. Det blir brått kaotisk og svært dramatisk da pesten kommer. Alle skriker og løper rundt og ber for sitt eget liv og sine kjære. Imens andre elsker som om det skulle være deres siste time. Noen kler seg naken og ruller ned en gressskråning. Imens holder Maren til oppe i fjellene der hun er trygg.
    Det er hjerteskjærende å se den vesle jenta som plutselig opplever død og fordervelse rundt seg. Til og med foreldre er døende syke av pest, så hun ikke kan ha noe med dem å gjøre mer. Hun får ikke den omsorgen hun trenger og må klare seg på egenhånd. Hun begynner å snakke med seg selv og bruker det som trøst og leker med dyrene som er hennes eneste selskap. Hun har mareritt om nettene og har det tøft om kveldene når mørket kommer. Maren har blitt instruert av sin mor at hun må holde liv i ilden som er mye av livsgrunnlaget og måten å holde varmen på vinteren med...
    EN. Maren, a young girl, is the sole survivor of the Black Death in her Norwegian village. Using instincts, folklore, luck, and the clairvoyant powers granted her by being born with a "Victory Cap," Maren survives on her own, waiting for other people to discover her plight. Painstaking recreations of medieval customs and settings dominate the film.
    Director: Ola Solum.
    Cast: Julia Onsager Steen, Liv Bernhoft Osa, Bjørn Willberg Andersen, Reidar Sørensen, Baard Owe, Oddbjørn Hesjevoll, Knut Husebø, Bjørn Sundquist, Inger Heldal, Svein Rønning, Hallvard Holmen, Espen Skjønberg, Maria Bakketeig.
    Norway, 1994.
    Language: Norwegian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994.
    Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.
    Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.


    Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.
    Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994. FULL-HD.



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    La traversée du phare / Crossing the Lighthouse. 1999. HD.
    FR. Éric, 10 ans, est placé pour la énième fois dans une famille d'accueil par la DDASS. Cet enfant, considéré comme difficile, échoue cette fois chez les Pertuis, à Royan. Supportant mal ces déplacements forcés, le gamin décide de s'inventer une autre vie. Marie, du même âge qu'Éric, est également orpheline. Depuis que le père de la fillette, pêcheur, a disparu en mer, Corinne, sa tante, vétérinaire au Zoo de la Palmyre, et Pierre, le gardien du Phare de Cordouan, essaient de remplacer tant bien que mal les parents qu'elle n'a plus. Comme son papa l'appelait « petit mousse », Marie agit, s'habille et raisonne comme un garçon, et son comportement dérange. Sur les bancs de l'école, la rencontre des deux enfants est une révélation.
    EN. Crossing The Lighthouse is a story about the encounter of two ten-year old children (Jim Redler and Katty Loisel) who share a similar past. Two orphans who have taken refuge in lies to conceal a reality that causes them too much suffering. Two children who would like other people to stop treating them as though they are different, who want to live like everyone else. If this encounter is the result of chance, nothing will ever seperate them again. They need each other to learn to live again. The power of their friendship will be so great that it will change the attitude of the adults who come into contact with them.
    Director: Thierry Redler.
    Cast: Jim Redler, Katty Loisel, Corinne Touzet, Thierry Redler, Luc Bernard, Sophie Mounicot, Romain Redler, Jacques Dynam, Pierre-Marie Escourrou, Antoine Nouel, Aurélien Wiik, Guy Toffoletti.
    France, 1998/1999.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
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    Konec léta. 1967. FULL-HD.
     Film podle scénáře F. Pavlíčka a v režii V. Hudečka divákům nabídne hrubínovsky laděný letní obrázek malé vesnice a jejích obyvatel, kde se prolíná několik milostných vztahů. Na léto ke svému otci přijíždí mladá vdova s dospívající dcerou. Matka má románek s místním hajným. Ten se její dceři také líbí, jí ale nadbíhá stejně starý místní mládenec. Další dvojici tvoří dvě malé děti školního věku a jejich dětská zalíbení. Letní lásky se vyvíjejí a zanikají, léto končí…
    Director: Václav Hudeček.
    Cast: Blanka Bohdanová, Jaroslava Tvrzníková, Josef Kemr, Karel Pavlík, Ilja Racek, Rudolf Jelínek, David Schneider, Lucie Žulová, Zuzana Tomková.
    Czechoslovakia, 1967.
    Language: Czech.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
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    Konec léta. 1967. FULL-HD.

    Konec léta. 1967. FULL-HD.

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    長い散歩 / Nagai sanpo / A Long Walk. 2006. FULL-HD.
     JP. 06年度のモントリオール国際映画祭で最優秀作品賞を受賞した「少女~an adolescent」「るにん」に続く奥田瑛二監督の第3作。厳格すぎるゆえに家族とバラバラになってしまった松太郎は、質素なひとり暮らしを始める。しかし、隣室の少女が虐待されていることを知り、少女を救うため、自身の過去を清算するため、少女を連れて旅に出るが……。主演は日本を代表する名優・緒形拳。脚本の桃山さくらは、奥田監督の妻・安藤和津、長女・安藤桃子、次女・安藤サクラの3人をあわせた名義。
    EN. A Long Walk (長い散歩 Nagai Sanpo) is a 2006 film directed by Japanese director Eiji Okuda.
    Matsutaro Yasuda, a retired girl's High School Principal who has lost his wife to alcoholism and is forsaken by his Daughter, moves to an old apartment in a country town. Yasuda, at his new address, meets a little five years old girl who lives next door. Sachi, the little girl, clenches on an iron fence at the apartment. All alone, she is gazing into the distance. Angel's wings made of cardboard are on her back. She is barefoot and wears a summer dress in spite of it being winter. On her leg there are scratches and bruises. Yasuda speaks to Sachi but she does not smile or say a word. When night falls, violent voices can be heard from next door to the mother and her lover echoing in Yasuda's room almost every night. Yasuda blocked out his emotions. He didn't want to hear or see anything. However, little by little something moved his emotions we can call it passion. When he looked into the little girl's eyes, which are also lacking in emotion, something seemed to overlap his wounded heart. "Have you ever seen a blue sky? Where clouds appear like cotton candy and a white bird is flying high?". "Would you like to walk with me?" Yasuda and Sachi begin their long walk... During their walk, the two meet a young boy named Wataru at a small desolate train station. Wataru seems to be easygoing. However, he is also lonely and holds an empty feeling in his heart. The passing Wataru joins the two on their journey but the trip goes in an unexpected direction when one day Sachi begins to open her heart to Yasuda and Wataru. Cardboard Angel wings begin to fly toward a real sky...
    Director: Eiji Okuda.
    Cast: Ken Ogata, Hana Sugiura, Saki Takaoka, Shôta Matsuda, Eiji Okuda, Kiwako Harada, Midori Kiuchi, Masahiko Tsugawa, Tomokazu Ôhashi.
    Japan, 2006.
    Language: Japanese.
    Subtitles: English.
    !920x1080 FULL-HD
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    2 parts archive:


    長い散歩 / Nagai sanpo / A Long Walk. 2006. FULL-HD.
    長い散歩 / Nagai sanpo / A Long Walk. 2006. FULL-HD.
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    הקיץ של אביה / Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988. FULL-HD.
    Aviya's Summer (Hebrew: הקיץ של אביה‎; translit. Ha-Kayits Shel Aviya) is a Hebrew-language book that became a bestseller. The 1985 autobiographical novel by theater actress Gila Almagor was made into a film released in 1988. The 96-minute film acts as a memoir of Almagor's childhood and provides insights into Israeli society in the early post-state period. The film was shot on location in Kfar Avraham, Petach Tikvah, Israel.
    It is summertime, 1951, in an Israeli town where European immigrants continue to settle after World War II. Still scarred and raw from the Holocaust, they are often misunderstood and ridiculed by native Israelis.
    Aviya is a bright ten-year-old girl whose fiercely independent mother, Henya is traumatized by her own experiences as a Partisan during the war. Their affectionate, fragile and deeply poignant relationship is told through Aviya, who hopes for stability with her mother while still having fantasies of a father she refuses to believe is dead.
    An exquisite and courageous memoir providing profound insights into Israeli society. Based on the autobiographical book THE SUMMER OF AVIYA by Gila Almagor..
    Director: Eli Cohen.
    Cast: Gila Almagor, Kaipu Cohen, Eli Cohen, Marina Rossetti, Avital Dicker, Dina Avrech, Ya'ackov Ayali, Rami Baruch, Yossi Kantz, Ariella Rabinovich, Ruthy Wysenbeek, Sandra Sade, Yitzhak Goren.
    Israel, 1988.
    Language: Hebrew.
    Subtitles: English, German.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download הקיץ של אביה / Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988.
    הקיץ של אביה / Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988. FULL-HD.
    הקיץ של אביה / Ha-Kayitz shel Aviya / The Summer of Aviya. 1988. FULL-HD.
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    Children In Cinema. Part-71.
    A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Seventy One. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.
    Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections but in better quality video.
    Enjoy watching!
    30 clips.
    Download Children In Cinema. Part-71.
    Children In Cinema. Part-71.
    Children In Cinema. Part-71.



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    Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. FULL-HD.
    EE. "Värvilised unenäod" on 1974. aastal valminud Tallinnfilmi mängufilm.
    Väikese Kati mängukaaslasteks maal vanaema juures on nii külapoisid kui kogu loodus - loomad ja lilled, tuul ja kivid. Kati loitsib välja päikese ja hõljub lilleväljade ja kogu ilmamaa kohal. Tegelikkuse ja võlumaailma vahel ei ole siin piire. Kas sama mäng on ka linnakodus võimalik?
    EN. A 1974 Estonian language family film directed by Virve Aruoja and Jaan Tooming, starring Katrin Zilinska, Meelis Küttim and Laur Pihel. The film screened at Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in 2020.
    Directors: Virve Aruoja, Jaan Tooming.
    Cast: Katrin Zilinska, Meelis Küttim, Laur Pihel, Raine Loo, Jaan Tooming, Helene Pihel.
    USSR, Tallinnfilm, 1974.
    Language: Estonian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974.
    Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. FULL-HD.
    Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. FULL-HD.



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    Necktie. 2013. HD.
    An extremely short short film and a little silly about: 5 teens try to discover what happens when you die.
    Director: Yorgos Lanthimos.
    Cast: Jessica Hoare, Mia Jenkins, Callum May, Spike White, Macy Young.
    Greece, 2013.
    Language: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Necktie. 2013.
    Necktie. 2013. HD.
    Necktie. 2013. HD.



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    Ο μικρός δραπέτης / O mikros drapetis / The Runaway Kid. 1968. FULL-HD.
    GR. Ένα μικρό αγόρι το σκάει από το αναμορφωτήριο και κρύβεται στο σπίτι μιας κοπελίτσας. Όταν κατά τύχη θα περάσει από την περιοχή ο περιοδεύων θίασος των γονιών του μικρού, εκείνοι θα τον ανακαλύψουν και θα τον πάρουν μαζί τους.
    EN. A young boy runs away from the reformatory school, intending to look for his mother who lives in Athens and has been separated from his father for the last 5 years. The boy hides in a house where he becomes friends with a young girl and her brother. They hide him until he meets his parents again.
    Director: Σταύρος Τσιώλης / Stavros Tsiolis.
    Cast: Maria Papaioannou, Nikos Economidis, Yorgos Zografos, Nancy Mandrou, Tasos Dardamanis, Damianos Zeis, Marivana Blanou, Petros Beretas, Angelos Antonopoulos, Nikos Pashalidis, Vasos Andronidis.
    Greece, 1968.
    Language: Greek.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Ο μικρός δραπέτης / O mikros drapetis / The Runaway Kid. 1968.
    Ο μικρός δραπέτης / O mikros drapetis / The Runaway Kid. 1968. FULL-HD.
    Ο μικρός δραπέτης / O mikros drapetis / The Runaway Kid. 1968. FULL-HD.
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    Cilvēka bērns / The Child of Man. 1991. FULL-HD.
    LV. Romāna “Cilvēka bērns” autora Jāņa Klīdzēja bērnības pasaule, stāsts par Latgales Pāvulānu ģimenes dzīvi, par tradīcijām un vērtībām, kas tiek nodotas no paaudzes uz paaudzi. Galvenais varonis Bonifācijs Pāvulāns, dzīvespriecīgais un zinātkārais Boņuks, kopš agras bērnības mācās veidot attiecības ar ģimenes locekļiem un pārējiem cilvēkiem, ar Dievu un dabu. Filma ieved mūs Latgales sētā, rādot latgaļu zemnieku gudro dzīvesziņu, darbīgo ikdienu un mazās sirds auklēto pirmo mīlestību.
    Trimdas rakstnieka Jāņa Klīdzēja romāna ekranizācija ir īpašs veltījums ne vien bērnībai, bet arī no pārējās Latvijas kultūras savrup stāvošajai katoliskajai Latgalei.
    Šis izjustais slavenā režisora Jāņa Streiča darbs jau sen ieņem pelnītu vietu starplabākajām filmām, kas tapušas Latvijā.
    EN. A story about Pavulans family life in Latgale, traditions and values that are passed down from generation to generation. Little Bonuks from an early age learns to build relationships with family members and others, with God and nature.
    He plots to stop his "sweetheart", a grown-up woman in his pre-World War II Latvian village, from marrying.
    Director: Jānis Streičs.
    Cast: Andris Rudzinskis, Akvelīna Līvmane, Jānis Paukštello, Boļeslavs Ružs, Uva Segliņa, Inese Laizāne, Maija Korkliša, Signe Dundure, Kristaps Streičs, Agnese Latkovska, Andris Korklišs, Nauris Klētnieks, Jānis Streičs, Felikss Deičs, Bērtulis Pizičs, Antons Kūkojs, Indra Roga.
    USSR, Latvia, studio «Tris», 1991.
    Language: Latgalian.
    Subtitles: English, French, Latgalian, Latvian, Russian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
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    Cilvēka bērns / The Child of Man. 1991. FULL-HD.
    Cilvēka bērns / The Child of Man. 1991. FULL-HD.
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    She-Pack. 2018. FULL-HD.
    NO. Det er fødselsdagsfest i et offentlig discobasseng, og underdogen Ronja utforder jentegjengens alfaleder for kontroll og dominanse. Kampen eskalerer kjapt, og etterhvert som makthungeren vokser mister både Ronja og de andre jentene kontrollen.
    EN. It is a birthday celebration at a swimming pool disco and underdog Ronja challenges the girl’s alfa to a battle for power. Things escalates fast causing Ronja and the other girls to lose control.
    Director: Fanny Ovesen.
    Cast: Elen Kippersund Frogner, Martine Hammerstad, Wiktoria Oliwia Grzegorczyk, Marita Apornram Torve, Viola Grønning Rognmo, Mathea Nathalie Hoholm, Caroline Jessen Jemtland, Live Seip Bjørnflaten.
    Norway, 2018.
    Language: Norwegian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download She-Pack. 2018.
    She-Pack. 2018. FULL-HD.
    She-Pack. 2018. FULL-HD.



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