
    La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005. HD.
    At first glance, not much is happening in My Grandmother's House. A grandmother is taking care of her grandchild while her parents are at work. Six-year-old Marina is expected to conform to the daily rituals that determine 75-year-old Marita's conservative and religious life in a dull industrial town in the Spanish Alicante province. The girl rebels in her own impulsive and headstrong way against her grandmother's strictness and sombre outlook on life. Adan Aliaga visualises the naturalness of their contact and the seemingly insurmountable differences between their worlds. Simple actions are the starting point from which the director, in short chapters, zooms in on recalcitrant sensitivities and ironic details. This makes the film a poetic and subtle exploration of Marina's still unbiased and innocent attitude on the one hand and Marita's repressed pain and growing despair on the other. The fact is that the house Marita has lived in for 52 years has to be demolished, and she cannot stand the thought of moving. Playfully and tenderly, My Grandmother's House shows the bickering and the nevertheless invariable love between a grandmother and her grandchild.
    Director: Adan Aliaga.
    Cast: Marita Fuentes, Marina Pastor, Miguel Such, Ana Jimenez, Asuncion Ferrando, Remedios Ferrando, Elena Pastor, Vicente Aliaga, Rosa Zornoza, Juan Carlos Pastor, Pedro Montes Garamillo.
    Spain, 2005.
    Language: Spanish, Catalan.
    1280x720 HD
    Download La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005.


    La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005. HD.
    La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005. HD.
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    Ecce homo Homolka / Behold Homolka. 1969. FULL-HD.
    CZ. Rodina Homolkových opouští každou neděli zaprášenou Prahu a vyráží na celodenní výlet do přírody. V dědově taxíku se v plném počtu - děda a babi, jejich syn Ludva s manželkou Heduš a dvojčaty Péťou a Máťou - vydávají do lesů. Tady nejprve v rojnici vyrážejí na houby a po marném hledání odpočívají na poetickém paloučku. Idylku vyruší volání o pomoc, a tak Homolkovi po krátké diskusi raději nasednou do auta a odjedou. V Praze zasednou k improvizovanému obědu, který tvoří buřty s hořčicí. Po obědě sice přichází na řadu nedělní pohoda, ale ve skutečnosti je to klid před bouří. Vše začíná, když se Ludva pokusí přemluvit Heduš, aby šla s dětmi a babi na dostihy sama a jeho nechala jít s dědou na fotbal.
    EN. It is a beautiful Sunday and the Homolka family are having a picnic in a forest not far from Prague. The grandfather and grandmother have settled comfortably in the grass, their son Ludva romps about in the river with his two young twin sons and his podgy wife Hedus dances among the trees, while the beer gets cooled in the water.
    Director: Jaroslav Papoušek.
    Cast: Josef Šebánek, Marie Motlová, František Husák, Helena Růžičková, Petr Forman, Matěj Forman, Yvonne Kodoňová, Jiří Dědík, Růžena Pružinová, Karel Fridrich, Julie Kučerová-Nezavdalová, Miroslav Jelínek.
    Czechoslovakia, 1969.
    Language: Czech.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Ecce homo Homolka / Behold Homolka. 1969.
    Ecce homo Homolka / Behold Homolka. 1969. FULL-HD.
    Ecce homo Homolka / Behold Homolka. 1969. FULL-HD.



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  • Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.
    A rare and risky Danish coming of age 10 minute short film by Lasse Nielson (Producer of “Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978” and “La' os være / Leave Us Alone. 1975“) showing bisexual relationships.
    Director: Lasse Nielsen.
    Cast: ...
    Denmark, 1980.
    Language: Danish.
    Download Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.
    Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.
    Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.


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    La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.
    IT. La canta delle marane è un documentario del 1961, diretto Cecilia Mangini con testi originali di Pier Paolo Pasolini.
    Documentario sulle periferie cittadine, ispirato dal romanzo Ragazzi di vita. Storie di ragazzi della periferia romana degli anni '60, che si ritrovano per trascorrere i momenti torridi dell'estate nella marrana e passano momenti di gioia e di vacanza, amicizie e botte, tuffi e giochi, con fuga all'arrivo delle guardie (non si può fare il bagno nella marrana).
    EN. A sensual and vibrant vision without euphemisms about the children of the Roman suburbs and their summer hobby, swimming in the ponds, with commentary by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
    On a hot summer day, a gang of boys from the Roman suburbs play and laugh in one of the many streams that surround the city. The camera scrutinizes them, approaches them, reveals gestures and looks, and wraps them in a kind of visual dance, while the words of the commentary – entrusted to the poetic sensibility of Pier Paolo Pasolini – tell their stories, desires, dreams, their future.
    Director: Cecilia Mangini.
    Writer: Pier Paolo Pasolini.
    Italy, 1961.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: English, French, Danish, Spanish.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download La Canta delle Marane. 1961.
    La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.
    La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.



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    Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa. 2001. FULL-HD.
    Nowhere in Africa (German: Nirgendwo in Afrika) is a 2001 German drama film that was written and directed by Caroline Link. The screenplay is based on the 1995 autobiographical novel of the same name by Stefanie Zweig. It tells the story of the life in Kenya of a German-Jewish family that emigrated there in 1938 to escape persecution in Nazi Germany. The film won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film as well as the 2001 German Film Award (Deutscher Filmpreis) in five categories, including Best Fiction Film.
    A Jewish family in Germany emigrate short before the Second World War. They move to Kenya to start running a farm, but not all members of the family come to an arrangement with their new life. Shortly after their departure, things are changing in Germany very quickly, and a turning back seems impossible. So everyone has to arrange himself with the new life in a new continent.
    Director: Caroline Link.
    Cast: Juliane Köhler, Merab Ninidze, Matthias Habich, Matthias Habich, Lea Kurka, Karoline Eckertz, Gerd Heinz, Hildegard Schmahl, Maritta Horwarth, Regine Zimmermann, Mechthild Großmann, Joel Wajsberg.
    Germany, 2001.
    Language: German, Swahili, English.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa. 2001.
    Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa. 2001. FULL-HD.
    Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa. 2001. FULL-HD.





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    Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994. HD.
     DE. Eine Gruppe rumänischer Kinder entdeckt ein herrenloses Jaguar-Cabriolet. Der zehnjährige Fane will die Freunde zum Meer fahren. Alkohol und eine Pistole aus dem Kofferraum lassen die fröhliche Anarchie der Rasselbande bald in gefährliche Protzerei umschlagen… Die jungen Darsteller in dieser klugen und preisgekrönten "Herr der Fliegen"-Variante sind ein echter Volltreffer.
    EN. A group of young boys, and one girl, find and steal a Jaguar convertible, and decide to drive to the sea. What starts out as a lark deteriorates into a rather grueling journey.
    Director: Bogdan Dumitrescu.
    Cast: Silvia Gheorghe, Alexandru Cirstea, Alexandru Anghel, Cristian Paulica, Viorel Patrut, Constantin Tanase, Danut Podzo.
    Germany, Romania, 1994.
    Language: German.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994.


    Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994. HD.
    Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994. HD.
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    Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD
    DE. Biologie! ist ein Spielfilm der DEFA von Jörg Foth aus dem Jahr 1990 nach dem Roman „Wasseramsel“ von Wolf Spillner aus dem Jahr 1984.
    Eine Kleinstadt im Norden. Die fünfzehnjährige Oberschülerin Ulla und Winfried lieben sich. An einem Waldbach außerhalb der Stadt verbringen sie ihre erste gemeinsame Nacht. Kurz darauf wird der Bach zum Streitobjekt - nicht nur zwischen ihnen. Bei einer Klassenexkursion zu dem Gewässer, an dem Pflanzen und Tiere bisher ungestört existieren konnten, entdecken die Schüler, daß hier jemand Datschen baut und den Bach für eine Forellenzucht anstaut. Ulla lehnt sich gegen diesen Eingriff im Landschaftsschutzgebiet auf. Doch der da baut, ist Winfrieds Vater, Generaldirektor und einflußreich. Alle beugen sich der Macht, nur Ulla nicht. Am Ende steht sie vor einem Schultribunal und wird relegiert.
    EN. In a small East German town shortly before the fall of the Wall, Ulla, a sensitive and principled 10th-grader, meets computer-obsessed Winfried, son of a chemical plant manager. On a field trip with her biology class, Ulla discovers that a trout farm and weekend homes are being built illegally in a local conservation area. The situation gets complicated when she discovers that Winfried’s family is responsible. She nevertheless passionately agitates to stop the construction project, even soliciting Winfried to help her create a touched-up photograph of a rare bird as "evidence" that the conservation area is home to an endangered species. When Ulla's deception is discovered, she faces serious consequences.
    Director: Jörg Foth.
    Cast: Stefanie Stappenbeck, Cornelius Schulz, Carl Heinz Choynski, Katrin Klein, Peter Prager, Heide Kipp, Peter Dommisch, Axel Werner, Horst Rehberg.
    DDR, DEFA, 1990.
    Language: German.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
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    Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD.
    Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD.



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    Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.
     «Aglaja - Life hangs on a hair's breadth»
    This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in the dome of the circus while juggling with burning torches. Every night Aglaja is terrified by the fear of losing her mother. But, on some day, she has to follow the family tradition and become the "Woman with the Hair of Steel".
    Director: Krisztina Deák.
    Cast: Eszter Ónodi, Babett Jávor, Piroska Móga, Zsolt Bogdán, Janka Dobi, Tamás Keresztes, Ráhel Solténszky, Gergely Kovács, Iván Kamarás, Adél Jordán, Enikö Börcsök, Kati Lázár, Piroska Molnár, András Bálint.
    Hungary, Romania, Poland, 2012.
    Language: Hungarian, Romanian, English, German.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012.
    Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.
    Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.



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    The Pond. 2008. HD.


     "The Pond" explores the relationship between Maisie, Tom and Joe, three children who regularly visit a pond in the village on their way home from school. For Maisie, the Pond is a place to escape her troubled home life and explore her strengthening allure to the boys, it is the place where she holds all the power over them. What she doesn't know is that the pond also holds its own deep dark secret.
    Director: Sonja Phillips.
    Cast: Rory Bain, Beth Pope, Theo Hodkin, Alan Stocks, Ashley Vere, Tim Allen, James Thompson, Vahid Gold.
    UK, 2008.
    Language: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download The Pond. 2008.
    The Pond. 2008. HD.
    The Pond. 2008. HD.

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    快傑ライオン丸 / Kaiketsu Raion Maru / Swift Hero Lion Maru. Episode 47. 1972. FULL-HD.
    JP. 快傑ライオン丸』(かいけつライオンまる)は、1972年(昭和47年)4月1日から1973年(昭和48年)4月7日までフジテレビ系で毎週土曜日19:00 - 19:30に全54話が放送された、ピー・プロダクション製作の特撮テレビ番組。
    EN. Kaiketsu Lion-Maru (快傑ライオン丸, Kaiketsu Raionmaru, lit. The Extraordinary Lion Knight, also translated as The Vigilant Lion Knight and Swift Hero Lion Knight), was a Japanese tokusatsu television series in the Lion-Maru franchise that aired in 1972-1973, produced by P Productions and set during Japan's Sengoku period (the Age of Warring States).
    A ninja swordsman, able to transform into a lion-headed warrior, defends Japan from an army of demons who murdered his master.
    Episode 47. 地獄の棺桶 怪人ジェンマ / Jigoku no Kanoke: Kaijin Jenma / The Coffin of Hell: Monster Jenma.
    Creators: Kôji Bessho, Tomio Sagisu.
    Cast: Tetsuya Ushio, Shingo Fukushima, Yoshitaka Fukushima, Kazuo Kamoshida, Akiko Kujô, Daisaku Shinohara, Naruhiko Umechi, Kiyoshi Kobayashi.
    Japan, 1972-1973.
    Language: Japanese.
    1440x1080 FULL-HD
    Download 快傑ライオン丸 / Kaiketsu Raion Maru / Swift Hero Lion Maru. Episode 47. 1972.


    快傑ライオン丸 / Kaiketsu Raion Maru / Swift Hero Lion Maru. Episode 47. 1972. FULL-HD.
    快傑ライオン丸 / Kaiketsu Raion Maru / Swift Hero Lion Maru. Episode 47. 1972. FULL-HD.
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    Una semana solos / A Week Alone. 2008. HD.
    A handful of children are left to their own devices in this subtle drama from Argentine filmmaker Celina Murga. Maria (Magdalena Capobianco) is a girl in her early teens whose family lives in an upscale gated suburb. Maria's parents are going out of town for a week, and rather than leave her with relatives or hire a babysitter, Maria is put in charge of looking after her little sister Sofia (Eleonora Capobianco), with housekeeper Esther (Natalia Gomez Alarcon) serving as a nominal adult authority figure, though for the most part she lets Maria and the others do what they please. With only their parents bedroom off-limits, Maria and Sofia have the run of the house, and soon they and their friends Facundo (Lucas Del Bo), Quique (Federico Pena), Rodrigo (Ramiro Saludas) and Timmy (Mateo Braun) are spending their days exploring the place. As the kids begin creating their own rules to run counter to the ones their absent parents set down, Esther brings a young relative, Fernando (Gaston Luparo), to play with them, and the privileged kids begin to get a notion of they ways of the outside world. Una Semana Solos (aka A Week Alone) was an official selection at the 2008 Buenos Aires Film Festival.
    Director: Celina Murga.
    Cast: Natalia Gomez Alarcon, Ignacio Gimenez, Lucas Del Bo, Gaston Luparo, Magdalena Capobianco, Ramiro Saludas, Eleonora Capobianco, Federico Pena, Manuel Aparicio, Mateo Braun.
    Argentina, 2008.
    Language: Spanish, Italian.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Una semana solos / A Week Alone. 2008.
    Una semana solos / A Week Alone. 2008. HD.
    Una semana solos / A Week Alone. 2008. HD.



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    Skleněný dům / The Glass House. 1981. HD.
    CZ. Do dětského domova přichází nová dívka, asi dvanáctiletá Pavla. Snaží se chovat jistě a sebevědomě, ale necítí se v novém kolektivu nejlépe. Dostane se hned do konfliktu se starší vychovatelkou Morávkovou a její vzdor se začne stupňovat. Jediný člověk, ke kterému se Pavla citově přimkne, je mladá vychovatelka Jarmila. Svěří se jí se svou averzí vůči otci - alkoholikovi, pozná, že Jarmilu její trápení zajímá, a proto ji stále vyhledává. Během výletu, na který ji Jarmila vezme, se seznámí s jejím budoucím mužem. Je tím zaskočena a začne na Milana žárlit. Bojuje o Jarmilinu přízeň dětskými zbraněmi, není přístupná logickému vysvětlení, začíná být zlá, nespravedlivá a trucovitá. Chce si za každou cenu vynutit Jarmilinu přízeň jen a jen pro sebe. Onemocní jen proto, aby zjistila, jak na to bude Jarmila reagovat. Ostatní děti ji nezajímají, chce mít citové zázemí v dospělém člověku. V závěru se však přece jen s Jarmilinou svatbou i s jejím odchodem smíří a zvítězí u ní přirozená potřeba být s dětmi a zapojí se do normálního života v dětském kolektivu.
    EN. Pavla (Michaela Kudiackova) has been put in an orphanage, also a home for underprivileged children, while her father is "free" to concentrate on his own life. Pavla develops an unhealthy dependence on her group's housemother, Jarmila (Veronika Freimanova), to the point where she is jealous of Jarmila's fiance -- and has raised the shackles of the forbidding Mrs. Moravek (Anna Ferencova). Finally, Jarmila cannot continue in the role that Pavla has placed on her, and she takes measures to end the dependence, no matter what the outcome.
    Director: Vít Olmer.
    Cast: Michaela Kudláčková, Veronika Freimanová, Anna Ferencová, Andrea Sedláčková, Soňa Novotná, Michaela Kuklová, Jiří Kodet, Eva Holubová, Václav Knop, Petr Fiala, Jan Kreidl, Viktor Nejedlý ml., Jiří Kodeš, Jan Kehár, Věra Kalendová.
    Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1981.
    Language: Czech.
    1920x1080 HD
    Download Skleněný dům / The Glass House. 1981.
    Skleněný dům / The Glass House. 1981. HD.
    Skleněný dům / The Glass House. 1981. HD.



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    Égigérö fü / That Lovely Green Grass. 1979. FULL-HD.
    HU. Poldi bácsi, a parkőr nyugdíjba készül. Negyvenéves szolgálata alatt annyira megszokta a zöld füvet, a virágokat, hogy el sem tudja képzelni, mi lesz vele nélkülük. Misu, a kis rokongyerek azonban nem ismer lehetetlent. A házbeliek, a kukások, a rendőr, az orvos és minden ismerős bevonásával megszervezi, hogy felszedjék az udvar keramitkockáit, s helyükre gyeptéglákat telepítsenek...
    EN. Mr Poldi, a city worker, who works in public parks, is preparing for retirement. During his 52 years of employment the green grass and the flowers became a very important part of his life. He cannot imagine his life without them. Misu, his young nephew organizes the whole community of the apartment complex to put down grass in the middle of the courtyard. Iconic heartwarming Hungarian story where the viewers can experience the atmosphere of life in Budapest in the '70s.
    Director: Éva Janikovszky.
    Cast: György Hintsch, Mónika Ullmann, János Rajz, Márta Fónay, Margit Dajka, Andrea Drahota, Dénes Ujlaky, József Máriáss, Ferenc Zenthe, Gábor Harsányi, Krisztina Peremartoni.
    Hungary, 1979.
    Language: Hungarian.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Égigérö fü / That Lovely Green Grass. 1979.


    Égigérö fü / That Lovely Green Grass. 1979. FULL-HD.
    Égigérö fü / That Lovely Green Grass. 1979. FULL-HD.
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    Utolsó padban. 1975.
    A better version of this movie has been found.
    HU. Az Utolsó padban 1975-ban bemutatott magyar ifjúsági film Kende Márta rendezésében.
    Lakatos Kati, a cigány kislány falujából felköltözik Budapestre, s izgatottan várja az első napot az iskolában. Mezítláb indul útnak, legszebb cigányos szoknyájában. A tanárnő, Györgyi néni kedvesen fogadja őt, azonban osztálytársai nem akarnak Kati mellé ülni, így a lány az utolsó padba kerül.
    EN. A young Gypsy girl moves to the city with her family, only to be faced with racial prejudice.
    Director: Kende Márta.
    Cast: Etelka Imre, Ernõ Mitzi, Sándor Téri, Ferenc Zenthe, Irén Varga, Piroska Molnár, Bertalan Solti, Kati Egri, Hedvig Demeter, Hanna Loránd, Mária Rákosi, Pál Digner, Sándor László.
    Hungary, 1975.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Download Utolsó padban. 1975.


    Utolsó padban. 1975.
    Utolsó padban. 1975.
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    Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
    A better version of this movie in HD has been found.
    DE. Gesellschaftsdrama nach Thomas Mann.
    Ende der 20er-Jahre: Für den Literaten Bernhard Fuhrmann (Julian Sands), seine Frau Rachel (Anna Galiena) und deren Kinder verläuft der Sommerurlaub im pittoresken Torre di Venere alles andere als angenehm. Die Show des Hypnotiseurs Cipolla (Klaus Maria Brandauer) endet in einer Tragödie…Brandauer enttäuscht mit seiner Adaption: Er ignorierte wichtige Passagen und änderte den Schluss.
    EN. Mario and the Magician (German: Mario und der Zauberer) is a 1994 German-language drama film directed by Klaus Maria Brandauer, based on the novel of the same name. It was entered into the 19th Moscow International Film Festival where Lajos Koltai won the Special Silver St. George for the Director of Photography.
    An enigmatic hypnotist casts a spell over a German family holidaying in Italy. Based on an autobiographical novella by Thomas Mann, the film shows the holiday of well-known liberal German writer Bernhard Fuhrmann and his family of three at the Italian seaside resort town, Torre di Venere, in the 1920s. Italian guests want him and his family moved to a different building, because his daughter took off her clothes on the beach and caused a scandal, even though she's only 8 years old. While they struggle with facism and intolerance as well as the decline of liberal European values, they encounter magician Cipolla, who fascinates and changes the lifes of several characters.
    Director: Klaus Maria Brandauer.
    Cast: Julian Sands, Anna Galiena, Jan Wachtel, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Nina Schweser, Pavel Greco, Valentina Chico, Rolf Hoppe, Philippe Leroy, Ivano Marescotti.
    Austria, France, Germany, 1994.
    Language: German.
    1280x720 HD
    Bonus: documentary behind the scenes.
    Download Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994.


    Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
    Mario und der Zauberer / Mario and the Magician. 1994. HD.
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    Emmanuelle. 1974. FULL-HD.


    FR. 8,9 millions de spectateurs en France, plus de 100 millions à travers le monde. Sorti en juin 1974, Emmanuelle. Il est considéré aujourd'hui comme un film culte.
    Comme un porte-bonheur, Emmanuelle est resté à l'affiche de l'UGC Triomphe, sur les Champs-Élysées, treize années durant. « On figurait dans le circuit des tour-opérateurs japonais, entre le Louvre et la tour Eiffel, se souvient Just Jaeckin, son metteur en scène, artiste touche-à-tout, photographe, sculpteur et réalisateur de publicités. Les Espagnols franchissaient même la frontière pour le voir, car il était à l'époque interdit par le régime franquiste. »
    Au fil des mois et malgré les scandales qu'il déclenche, ce long métrage s'impose comme un véritable phénomène de société. « C'était le premier film érotique écrit par une femme (Emmanuelle Arsan), dont le succès a reposé sur les femmes, qui composaient une grande partie de son public », analyse Jaeckin. Au début, pourtant, personne n'y croyait. « Gainsbourg, l'un de mes copains, a refusé d'en faire la musique. C'était une petite production, tournée avec très peu de moyens, mais qui a profité de circonstances favorables : la pilule, la libération sexuelle, l'abolition de la censure avec l'élection de Giscard d'Estaing... »
    « Elle était si belle, si pure. J'aurais pris une fille plus aguicheuse, le film aurait été mort », reconnaît le réalisateur. Le cinéma et la télévision ont exploité le filon, donnant lieu à des suites malheureuses. « De film de cul, il est devenu culte, mais ce n'est pas aujourd'hui que j'aurais voulu l'entendre, déplore-t-il. Je n'oublie pas tout ce qu'on a écrit de virulent à mon sujet à sa sortie. J'ai vécu trois années de black-out total. Je ne vendais plus une seule sculpture, car les collectionneurs estimaient que je les avais trahis. Les journaux ne voulaient plus de mes photos, je ne pouvais plus tourner de publicités. J'étais devenu infréquentable. » À jamais « M. Emmanuelle ».
    EN. Emmanuelle is the first and most infamous of the French softcore-porn series about a young woman's awakening to new sexual dimensions. Sylvia Kristel became a star with her portrayal of Emmanuelle, the suppressed wife of a diplomat. By virtue of her husband's profession, Emmanuelle is introduced to any number of handsome, virile men and beautiful, adventurous women, all more than willing to escort the sheltered young lady to the farthest reaches of sensuality. Nudity and eroticism abounds in Emmanuelle, but the sex scenes are discreetly photographed (shadows and elusive camera angles predominate) to evoke eroticism and suggestiveness in lieu of raunch. As the Emmanuelle series dragged on, the sex became more perfunctory and the storylines overladen with gimmicks; this film is comparatively basic and straightforward. Emmanuelle is based on the allegedly autobiographical book by Emmanuelle Arsan.
    In the first 14 weeks after its released 2 1/2 million Frenchmen stood in line for it.
    Director: Just Jaeckin.
    Cast: Alain Cuny, Sylvia Kristel, Marika Green, Daniel Sarky, Jeanne Colletin, Christine Boisson
    France 1974.
    Language: French, English.
    Subtitles: English, Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    • An Erotic Success - A terrific documentary on the history of director Just Jaeckin's Emmanuelle. Producer Yves Rousset-Rouard, director Just Jaeckin, and critics talk about the many technical difficulties the film had to overcome, its history with the censors, the films that Emmanuelle inspired, its unprecedented success in France, etc. In French, with imposed English subtitles (if you set up the main menu in English). (54 min, 480p).
    • An Interview with Emmanuelle - Producer Yves Rousset-Rouard and director Just Jaeckin discuss Emmanuelle's character, how they met Dutch actress Sylvia Kristel, and what they wanted to accomplish with their film. In French, with imposed English subtitles. (31 min, 480p).
    • Trailer - The original theatrical Trailer (1 min, 480p).
    Download Emmanuelle. 1974.

    Emmanuelle. 1974. FULL-HD.
    Emmanuelle. 1974. FULL-HD.

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    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. DVD.
    FR. A Carcassonne, de nos jours. Daniel Dalbret (Daniel Sarky), garagiste, quadragénaire cordial mais manquant un peu de caractère, quitte, après 17 ans de vie commune, sa femme Sarah (Sarah Siritzky) au profit d'une jeune et jolie secrétaire de préfecture : Maité (Anne Letourneau). Mais Daniel et Sarah ont deux filles : Vanessa (Désirée Nosbusch), 16 ans et Lolo (Valérie Dumas), 13 ans qui, n'acceptant pas cet abandon, décident de tout mettre en oeuvre pour récupérer leur père. N'ayant pas réussi à convaincre Daniel de son "erreur", elles vont mettre en place une véritable stratégie. C'est une histoire où se révèlent les points de vue des adolescents (avec "leurs" problème et "leurs" solutions) aussi bien que des femmes adultes et où le fou rire et les facéties succèdent aux serrements de coeur et à la peur. A partir d'une situation dramatique et très quotidienne, c'est une comédie douce amère offrant une vue en coupe de la "nouvelle société", avec toutes les surprises que cela implique...
    EN. Daniel Dalbret, a cordial but pliable 40-year-old mechanic, leaves his wife Sarah after 17 years of living together in favor of a young and pretty prefecture secretary Maite.
    Director: Christian Lara.
    Cast: Valérie Dumas, Désirée Nosbusch, Sarah Siritzky, Daniel Sarky, Anne Létourneau, Gérard Ismaël, François Maistre, Rémi Laurent, Danielle Amerel, Françoise Guillaume, Valérie Kaprisky, Paul-Clément Devigny, André Chanal.
    France, West Germany, 1982.
    Language: German.
    Download DVD Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. DVD.
    Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982. DVD.



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    Les genoux cagneux. 1992.
    FR. Les Genoux cagneux est un téléfilm français réalisé par Hervé Baslé. L'œuvre est une adaptation du roman éponyme de Francis Ryck et Marina Edo paru aux éditions Presses de la Cité le 1er mars 1990.
    Mathieu a dix ans, un appareil dentaire et une furieuse envie de s’amuser. Pas toujours facile lorsqu’on vit dans une petite station balnéaire et qu’on est le fils de l’entrepreneur des pompes funèbres. Tout est toujours pareil : l’école, la plage, les enterrements… Mais l’été, tout change avec l’arrivée des vacanciers. La vie de Mathieu s’accélère soudain. Il tombe amoureux de Marie, fait des projets de mariage et s'amuse beaucoup avec ses nouveaux copains. Ensemble, ils vont vivre des moments inoubliables ; certains « hilarants » ; d’autres douloureux. Car, comme dit Marie : « Ce n’est pas toujours très drôle d’être des enfants ».
    EN. Les Genoux Cagneux is a French TV movie directed by Hervé Baslé. The work is an adaptation of the eponymous novel by Francis Ryck and Marina Edo published by Presses de la Cité on March 1, 1990.
    Director: Hervé Baslé.
    Cast: Thibaut Cornet, Sabine Le Roc, Jean-Pierre Bisson, Eléonore Hirt, Faye Gatteau, Pierre-Alexis Hollenbeck, Julien Boudon, Jean-Michel Leray, Charles-Robert Pestel, Liliane Rovère.
    France, 1992.
    Language: French.
    Les genoux cagneux. 1992.
    Les genoux cagneux. 1992.



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    Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes.


     DE. Einzug ins Paradies ist eine sechsteilige Fernsehserie des Fernsehens der DDR aus dem Jahr 1983, die erst 1987 gesendet wurde. Sie entstand nach dem Roman von Hans Weber.
    Fünf Familien ziehen in die obere Etage eines gerade fertig gestellten Neubaublocks in Berlin – Marzahn. Durch die unvollständig verschlossenen Trennwände der Balkone, auf ungewöhnliche Weise mit den Nachbarn verbunden, wird für jede der fünf Familien ihr Einzug nicht nur ein ganz persönlicher Neubeginn, sondern auch zur gemeinschaftlichen Erfahrung im Umgang miteinander. „Einzug ins Paradies“ erzählt (besetzt mit einem prominenten Schauspielerensemble) die Geschichten der fünf Familien über einen Zeitraum von sechs Tagen.
    EN. Einzug ins Paradies was a six-part East German television series, which dealt with the lives of five families who moved into a newly constructed apartment building.
    Directors: Achim Hübner, Wolfgang Hübner.
    Cast: Kurt Böwe, Alexander Heidenreich, Walfriede Schmitt, Friedhelm Eberle, Jutta Wachowiak, Christine Haase, Ursula Karusseit, Anne Kasprik, Rolf Ludwig, Michaela Hotz, Werner Tietze, Barbara Dittus, Erika Pelikowsky, Eberhard Esche, Thomas Nick, Gerhard Bienert.
    DDR, DEFA, 1983-1987.
    Language: German.
    Download Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes.
    Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes.
    Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes.

    Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes.
    Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes.

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    Desideria: La vita interiore / Desire, the Interior Life. 1980.
    IT. Desideria è un'adolescente brutta e sovrappeso, al contrario, la madre Viola è bella e vive spensieratamente, cambiando spesso compagno e ciò la infastidisce al punto da tentare il suicidio, ma fortunatamente finisce in ospedale. Durante il ricovero perde molto peso e gradualmente da corpulenta e grossolana si trasforma in una bellissima ragazza che attira le attenzioni maschili.
    Malgrado il miglioramento fisico, il rapporto con la madre non migliora, così Desideria decide di rintracciare il padre, che da tempo aveva abbandonato la famiglia. In un carosello di tradimenti e gelosie, Desideria spinge il suo amante Quinto a uccidere Erostrato, amante della madre; compresa la gravità dell'evento, Desideria uccide Quinto e inscena un omicidio-suicidio tra i due.
    EN. The ugly duckling becomes a swan and exacts her revenge in this complex drama. All her life, the fat, homely child had been ignored by her rich, and gorgeous mother. The child bitterly resents this. Tensions explode when the daughter catches her mother in bed with her lover and the maid. The enraged mother tells the girl that she was bought from a hooker because the mother could not bear children. This drives the poor girl to suicide. She fails and is hospitalized. There she loses her weight and blossoms into a great beauty. She returns home with vengeance in her heart.
    Director: Gianni Barcelloni.
    Cast: Stefania Sandrelli, Lara Wendel, Klaus Lowitsch, Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Orso Maria Guerrini, Lory Del Santo, Rossana Marra, Francesca Giordani, Barbara Valmorin, Giovanna Mainardi, Gabriella Cristiani.
    Italy, Germany, 1980.
    Language: Italian.
    Subtitles: Italian.
    Download Desideria: La vita interiore / Desire, the Interior Life. 1980.
    Desideria: La vita interiore / Desire, the Interior Life. 1980.
    Desideria: La vita interiore / Desire, the Interior Life. 1980.



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    Plenilunio / Full Moon / Plenilune. 1999. FULL-HD.
    ES. Plenilunio es una película española producida en 1999, dirigida por Imanol Uribe y estrenada en el año 2000. Está basada en la novela homónima del escritor andaluz Antonio Muñoz Molina.
    En una pequeña ciudad de provincias, una niña aparece muerta en mitad de un bosque. Ha sido brutalmente asesinada. Obsesionado por el espantoso suceso, el inspector de policía a cargo de la investigación, recorre la ciudad buscando una mirada. La mirada del asesino. De la misma forma que sucede en la realidad, un suceso brutal no se acaba en el propio delito, sino que provoca cambios en las personas que están relacionadas con las víctimas y también con el asesino. El hallazgo de la niña muerta es la razón por la que una mujer y un hombre se encuentran, la razón por la que ese hombre reflexiona sobre un pasado oscuro, la razón por la que esa mujer conoce al hombre del que ha de enamorarse.
    EN. A lonely police detective tracks down a crazed child murderer. The movie develops both characters equally well. Most of us would be drawn more to the depiction of the killer as an aberrant type. He is well played as a person lost in his own world, with no friends, selling fresh fish, and drinking alone, unable even to ask for the check at one point, due to his acute inwardness. Our detective discovers the nude body of a young girl in the woods, the work of our killer. Unlike other films of this kind, this one moves (or plods) along at an absorbing pace, giving time for the detective to develop a relationship with an equally lonely school teacher. At one point, while they are making love, the killer is busy with another victim.
    Director: Imanol Uribe.
    Cast: Miguel Ángel Solá, Adriana Ozores, Juan Diego Botto, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Charo López, Chete Lera, María Galiana, Noelia Ortega, Chiqui Fernández, Antonio Muñoz Molina.
    Spain, France, 1999.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Plenilunio / Full Moon / Plenilune. 1999.
    Plenilunio / Full Moon / Plenilune. 1999. FULL-HD.
    Plenilunio / Full Moon / Plenilune. 1999. FULL-HD.

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    Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000. FULL-HD.
    ES. En el cálido escenario de Mazatlán se narra el presente y pasado de Minerva, una escritora que en busca de su gran novela, deja la ciudad de Los Ángeles para volver a su estado natal luego de treinta años de ausencia.
    EN. A writer facing a critical situation in her career decides to re-encounter her past (the fantastic world of her childhood). She is surprised by facts she never knew as a child and would've changed her life...
    Director: Óscar Blancarte.
    Cast: Angélica Aragón, Martha Lorena Osuna, Francisco Gattorno, Manuel Ojeda, Lumi Cavazos, Dolores Beristáin, Roberto Cobo, Luis Felipe Tovar, Claudia Pezzuto, Fernando Sarfatti.
    Mexico, 2000.
    Language: Spanish, English.
    Subtitles:  English.
    1920x1080 FULL-HD
    Download Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000.


    Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000. FULL-HD.
    Entre la tarde y la noche / The Magic Hour. 2000. FULL-HD.



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    Le sorelle Macaluso / The Macaluso Sisters. 2020. HD.
    IT. ROMA - Le Sorelle Macaluso di Emma Dante, dopo il concorso della Mostra del cinema di Venezia, dal 18 dicembre sarà nelle 50 sale virtuali di #Iorestoinsala, il circuito digitale di film in streaming in attesa della riapertura. Nel film, tratto dall'omonima piece teatrale parlano i corpi, i gesti identici a se stessi, mentre le fisionomie, come gli oggetti, inevitabilmente invecchiano.
    EN. Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia and Antonella are five sisters who live in an apartment in Palermo. When Antonella accidentally dies, the sisters' relationships are turned upside down for the rest of their lives.
    Director: Emma Dante.
    Cast: Alissa Maria Orlando, Susanna Piraino, Anita Pomario, Eleonora De Luca, Donatella Finocchiaro, Viola Pusateri, Simona Malato, Maria Rosaria Alati.
    Italy, 2020.
    Language: Italian.
    Le sorelle Macaluso / The Macaluso Sisters. 2020. HD.





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