• 囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz. 2008.

    囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz. 2008.
     CN. 兩位囧男孩在學校常作弄女生欺騙同學,而被老師分別稱為「騙子一號」與「騙子二號」。本片透過一號與二號的童真之眼,追求虛構的異次元空間同時,而在現實的充滿悲劇環境下成長,用詼諧的手法來陳述他們所面臨的生離死別。 電影大致上分為三個段落,一號暗戀對象林艾莉媽媽的過世與艾莉的離開,二號對大人的賴皮而預謀妹妹的綁架事件,最後一段是卡達天王與異次元抉擇,讓一二號之間關係破裂,最後一號偷竊而被警察帶走.
    EN. More than just naughty, they play tricks on classmates, tease girls at school, fight with other boys, and lie to everyone until their teacher breaks down. They are named Liar No. 1 and Liar No. 2. The most important act planned in their life is to go to the mysterious water park, where they can leap through the portal at the end of the water slide to the fairy-tale world OZ and live as grown-ups happily ever after. However, the commitment is torn by a careless betrayal.
    Director: Yang Ya-Che.
    Cast: Bamboo Chu-Sheng Chen, Chi-wen Hsu, Kuan-yi Lee, Na-Dou Lin, Chih-Hsiang Ma, Fang Mei, Chin-Yu Pan, Na-Do, Chen Chia-Hsiang.
    Taiwan, 1 Production Film, 2008.
    Language: Chinese (Mandarin).
    Download 囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz.
    囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz. 2008.
     囧男孩 / Jiong nan hai / Orz Boyz. 2008.

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