• It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
    It Felt Like Love is a 2013 independent drama film, the first feature film directed by Eliza Hittman.

    Fourteen year old Lila envies the ease with which her best friend Chiara, on the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, deals with boys. Chiara has been sexually active, although she has only gone to third base with her current boyfriend, Patrick. With no experience whatsoever on the sexual front, Lila has no adult guidance with her mother having passed, and she and her father often being at odds with each other. Lila's primary exposure to sex or sexual foreplay is being the third wheel in Chiara and Patrick's outings. In her naivety, Lila believes that what she sees between Chiara and Patrick has the potential to last forever. Regardless of her total inexperience, Lila likes to portray herself as having at least gone to third base, she doing so by mimicking what she hears from Chiara and other sexually active teens. In her own mind, Lila wants to lose her virginity, despite, if she was honest with herself, being more closely emotionally mature to her twelve year old neighbor, Nate, than Chiara, Nate who would most likely be her confidante if she were to tell the truth about the issue of her sexuality. She believes the easiest candidate to be her first is Sammy, an older teen, who purportedly will sleep with anyone. As such, Lila begins to insert herself into Sammy's life, he who would not have even known who she was if she didn't do so.
    Director: Eliza Hittman.
    Cast: Gina Piersanti, Giovanna Salimeni, Ronen Rubinstein, Jesse Cordasco, Nick Rosen, Richie Folio, Case Prime, Kevin Anthony Ryan, Nugget, Sophia Jurewicz.
    USA, 2013.
    Language: English.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download It Felt Like Love. 2012,
    It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
    It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
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  • Anthology of short films. Part 73.
     The new issue of the collection of short films number 73, today the program has 10 mini-films, including a very ancient one.
    1. Na hory / On the Mountains. 2018. HD.
    Příběh o tom, co dětem může způsobit obyčejné brouzdání po internetu. A rodičům změnit život...
    Director: Brano Holícek.
    Cast: Pavla Beretová, Martin Finger, Gabriela Mícová.
    Czech Republic, 2018.
    Language: Czech.
    1920x1080 HD
    2. Commando Maria. 2014. HD.
    Two mischievous young boys armed with peashooters go to the beach to snipe unsuspecting sunbathers, but find themselves distracted by an attractive young Swedish woman.
    Director: Anna van Keimpema.
    Cast: Maas Bronkhuyzen, Damien Bonning, Emma Waslander, Sofie Ott De Vries.
    Netherlands, 2014.
    Language: Dutch, Swedish.
    1280x720 HD
    3. Stolknoveniye. 2019. HD.
    A boy from the USSR pioneer camp falls into a modern children's recreation camp.
    Director: Irina Volkova.
    Cast: Artyom Berdnik, Ksenia Yartseva, Dmitry Urosov, Maxim Kiseev.
    Russia, 2019.
    Language: Russian.
    1920x1080 HD
    4. 9 pasos / 9 Steps. 2017. HD.
    Saul's father is losing patience with his son who wakes him up every night. But Saul is very afraid of the dark corridor between his room and the bathroom.
    Directors: Marisa Crespo, Moisés Romera.
    Cast: Jordi Ballester, Pablo Muñoz.
    Spain, 2017.
    Language: Spanish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    5. Teeth and Pills. 2018. HD.
    Teeth and Pills is a surrealistic and grotesque black comedy short set in timeless American suburbia. Imagine mixing some odd characters from a Todd Solondz movie, weird vignettes from Miranda July, the absurd humour of Quentin Dupieux and the attention to detail of Wes Anderson. Then add 500 grams of black humor and two spoons of provocation, cook it slowly in a 1950's American kitchen and you will have an idea of what this short movie will taste like...
    Director: Andrea Vinciguerra.
    Cast: Lela Bergeron, Robert Dunn, Agatha Ayling Eynon, Gemma Goggin.
    UK, 2018.
    Language: English, Russian.
    1280x720 HD
    6. Fremde Kinder: Kiran. 2012. HD.
    The story of Kiran, who lives with his mother in a yurt in the Pyrenees. Kiran is eight years old and knows how to plant lettuce, which meadow-plants taste good and which you should not eat. His greatest wish is to go to school to learn to read and write at last...
    Directors: Alexander Riedel, Bettina Timm/
    Germany, 2012.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: German.
    1280x720 HD
    7. Two Naughty Boys Teasing the Cobbler. 1898.
    Boys blow peas at the cobbler, who throws a boot and hits a woman.
    Director: James Williamson.
    Cast: Alan Williamson, Colin Williamson.
    UK, Williamson Kinematograph Company, 1898.
    8. Andrea. 2010.
    Director: Alicia Segovia.
    Cast: Clarissa Malheiros, Danae Reynaud.
    Mexico, 2010.
    Language: Spanish.
    9. Dingi. 2012.
    „Dingi“ – a short film by renowned German film-maker Veit Helmer in cooperation with Goethe-Institut is heading towards the Big Apple!!
    Director: Veit Helmer.
    Bangladesh, Germany, 2012,
    10. The Lumière Brothers' First Films. 1895-1897.
    A collection of short films made by the Lumiere brothers, a team of pioneering filmmakers in turn-of-the-century France. Three fragments in which for the first time in the history of cinema on the screen you can see children.
    Directors: Louis Lumière, Auguste Lumière.
    Cast: Mrs. Auguste Lumiere, Antoine Lumière, Auguste Lumière, Bertrand Tavernier, Félicien Trewey, M. Winckler.
    France, 1895-1897.
    Language: None.
    Download Anthology of short films. Part 73.
    Anthology of short films. Part 73.
    Anthology of short films. Part 73.
    Anthology of short films. Part 73.
    Anthology of short films. Part 73.
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  • Für immer und immer. 1997.
     «Ein Kind, zwei Frauen. Ein Kampf auf Liebe und Tod.»
    DE. "Ich bin deine Mutter", mit diesem Satz bricht Melanie nach fünf Jahren plötzlich in das Leben der kleinen Maria ein. Mit Geschenken, Schmeicheleien und Verführung will sie das Mädchen um jeden Preis aus der heilen Welt ihrer Pflegefamilie herauslocken. Und sie hat die Mittel dazu: Geld und das Gesetz, das ihr die Möglichkeit gibt, ihr Kind zurückzufordern, obwohl sie es seit der Geburt nicht gesehen hat. Maria findet es aufregend, zwei Mütter zu haben. Begeistert geht sie auf die Versprechungen von Melanie ein: ein großes Haus, ein Hundebaby. Schweren Herzens überlassen Marias Pflegeeltern ihrer kleinen Tochter selbst die Entscheidung, über ihr künftiges Zuhause, mit Rücksicht auf das Kindeswohl und weil ihnen klar ist, dass sie Maria sonst einem jahrelangen gerichtlichen Tauziehen aussetzen müssten.
    EN. Drama in which five-year-old Maria appears to have two mothers; one who gave birth to her and one who raised her as her own. But now her biological wants Maria back. No matter what.
    Director: Hark Bohm.
    Cast: Johanna ter Steege, Jeannette Arndt, Heinz Hoenig, Robert Giggenbach, Angela Roy, Ulrike Kriener, Lili Bohm, Hark Bohm, Klaus Rathjens, Patrick Wicher, Mila Mladek, Volker Kuhn, Beke Rathjens.
    Germany, 1997.
    Language: German.
    Download Für immer und immer. 1997.
    Für immer und immer. 1997.
    Für immer und immer. 1997.
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  • Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
     DK. Alberte er 6 år... og 3 dage. Det er søndag og hendes mor og far sover længe, så Alberte skal være stille. Hun står op og vil spise morgenmad - franskbrødet er tørt, så hun beslutter sig for at bage et nyt brød. Mor kommer op og bliver sur over rodet i køkkenet. Alberte bliver vred, så hun beslutter sig for at flytte og vil hedde Kurt. Hun bygger hus på boden, der ligger ved badebroen. Hun får hjælp til byggeriet af damen i en båd, der måske er en tryllebåd. Mor og far savner hende og kommer tit på besøg - meget tit. Pludselig har de ikke så travlt mere, er ikke sure og vil gerne lege.
    EN. The movie narrates the story of 6-year-old Alberte who decides to leave her parents, because they are always busy working or watching TV, and don’t have time to do fun things with her. She moves to the boat right outside her house, and decides that her new name is Kurt. She has always wanted to be a boy.
    Director: Thomas Winding.
    Cast: Gertie Jung, Olaf Nielsen, Alberte Winding, Thomas Winding.
    Denmark, 1969.
    Language: Danish.
    Download Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
    Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
    Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
    Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
    Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.

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  • El pacto / The pact. 1976.
     When they were children, Sergio and Teresa, brother and sister, made a promise to never leave each other. They grow up, and their unusual love becomes stronger. But Teresa has inherited the mental disease that led her mother to suicide. She only wants to live with her brother in her own world, and becomes violent against the rest of people.
    'El pacto' (which means 'The pact') is an intense Mexican melodrama, with many of its typical excesses, but also with interesting psychoanalitical elements. Sergio Vejar (camera operator in some Luis Bunuel's most popular films) writes and directs this strange story "based on true facts" with some reminiscences of Bunuel's melodramas.
    Directors: Sergio Vejar, Raúl de Anda.
    Cast: Fernando Allende, Ana Martin, Pedro Armendariz Jr., Roberto Canedo, Hortensia Santovena, Iyali Ballardo, Paris Ballardo, Jose L. Murillo, Victorio Blanco.
    Mexico, 1976.
    Language: Spanish.
    Download El pacto / The pact. 1976.
    El pacto / The pact. 1976.
    El pacto / The pact. 1976.
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  • Ophelia. 2013.
     The forest, the dunes, the ocean. Thomas and Simon, 12 and 9 years old, pedal fast. They know she comes to sunbathe here everyday, naked, on the beach. Away from the rest of the world.
    Director: Annarita Zambrano.
    Cast: Audrey Bastien, Léo Castell, Django Desplain.
    France, 2013.
    Language: French.
    Download Ophelia. 2013.
    Ophelia. 2013.
    Ophelia. 2013.
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  • Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
     The universally recognized topic of this light comedy is the struggle between refusing to fall in love only to be rejected, and falling in love, regardless. After a computer operator (Richard Bohringer) has been through a painful relationship, he is determined to look the other way every time any interesting woman enters his life. He has his other loves -- photography and model planes -- to challenge him anyway, though his mother is not about to understand how a model plane can replace a woman in his life. One day, a car breaks down in front of his house, and a young mother (Catherine Frot) with her 10-year-old daughter (Anne Clignet) come in looking for assistance. The daughter is endearing and would make a terrific subject for a photo contest. As both the young mother and the computer operator studiously ignore the flicker of romantic sparks, it is only a matter of time before the flame either grows or is extinguished. 
    Director: Jean-Marie Degèsves.
    Cast: Michel Bawedin, Liliane Becker, Richard Bohringer, Harry Cleven, Anne Clignet, Catherine Frot, Michel Galabru, Yvette Merlin.
    France, Belgium, 1984.
    Language: French.
    Subtitles: French. 
     Download Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
    Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
    Du Sel Sur La Peau. 1984.
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  • Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014.
     NL. De jonge Katelijne groeit op in een streng protestants boerengezin. Als enige meisje tussen zes broers wordt ze nauwelijks betrokken bij het werk op de boerderij en buitengesloten in de dagelijkse gesprekken. Hierdoor laat ze haar verbeelding de vrije loop door zich over te geven aan Bijbelse verhalen, roddels en zelfs sprookjes, hoewel ze die eigenlijk niet mag lezen. Tijdens de bruiloft van haar broer overdondert ze echter haar familie met literatuur, waarmee ze afscheid neemt van haar jeugd.
    EN. The young Katelijne grows up in a strict Protestant peasant family. As the only girl between six brothers, she is hardly involved in farm work and is excluded from daily conversations. Hereby she lets her imagination run free by surrendering to Biblical stories, gossip and even fairy tales, although she is not allowed to read them. During her brother's wedding, however, she overwhelms her family with literature, saying goodbye to her childhood.
    Director: Tallulah Hazekamp Schwab.
    Cast: Hendrikje Nieuwerf, Suzan Boogaerdt, Steven van Watermeulen, Yannick de Waal, Tom van Kessel, Marie Louise Stheins, Genio de Groot, Beate Uma Haije.
    Netherlands, Belgium, 2014.
    Language: Dutch.
    Download Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014.
    Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014.
    Dorsvloer vol confetti / Confetti Harvest. 2014.
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  • Podróż / Journey. 2006. HD.
     PL. Bohaterką filmu jest Iwona (Gabriela Muskała). Ma męża i dwie córeczki. Stanowią pospolitą polską rodzinę mieszkającą w typowym, jak na polskie warunki, blokowisku. Iwona pracuje jako kasjerka w supermarkecie spożywczym. Jej mąż, Janusz (Jacek Braciak), jest bezrobotny i tylko od czasu do czasu dorabia pomagając przy przeprowadzkach. Brak pieniędzy i ciągłe kłótnie są w tej rodzinie na porządku dziennym. Pewnego dnia do Iwony dzwoni jej dawny przyjaciel Wojtek i proponuje wyjazd do niego, do Londynu i rozpoczęcie nowego życia. Dla Iwony ta propozycja z czasem staje się coraz bardziej kusząca...
    EN. It's a story of a young woman from Warsaw - Iwona who has two children and works in a supermarket. He lives with his unemployed husband in a block of flats. They are always short of money - that causes many quarrels and destroys their relationship . One day Iwona receives a great offer from her old friend - Wojtek. He wants her to move to London and start a brand new life.
    Director: Dariusz Glazer.
    Cast: Gabriela Muskala, Jacek Braciak, Karolina Paczynska, Katarzyna Paczynska, Maria Maj, Slawomir Orzechowski, Slawomir Grzymkowski, Aleksandra Poplawska.
    Poland, 2006.
    Language: Polish.
    Subtitles: English.
    1280x720 HD
    Download Podróż / Journey. 2006.
    Podróż / Journey. 2006. HD.
    Podróż / Journey. 2006. HD.
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  • Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011.
     She Monkeys (Swedish: Apflickorna) is a 2011 Swedish drama film directed by Lisa Aschan, starring Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin and Isabella Lindqvist. The film focuses on psychological power struggles between two teenage girls engaged in equestrian vaulting.
    «She Monkeys is a modern western about power, sex, and creatures.»
    When Emma meets Cassandra, they initiate a relationship filled with physical and psychological challenges. Emma does whatever it takes to master the rules of the game. Lines are crossed and the stakes get higher and higher. Despite this, Emma can't resist the intoxicating feeling of total control.
    Director: Lisa Aschan.
    Cast: Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin, Isabella Lindquist, Sergej Merkusjev, Adam Lundgren, Sigmund Hovind, Kevin Caicedo Vega, Nasrin Pakkho, Rebecka Ahlström.
    Sweden, 2011.
    Language: Swedish, Russian.
    Download Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011.
    Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011.
    Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011.
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  • De uanstændige / Topsy Turvy. 1983.
     Filmen foregеr i 1939, hvor den attenеrige Thomas (Lars Bom) har andet at tжnke pе end de store verdensbegivenheder. Han er fra et stift og smеborgerligt hjem, men mшdet med nabofamilien Thamms, der har tvillingerne Topsy (Nonny Sand) og Mick (Thomas Alling) pе hans egen alder, vender op og ned pе alt, han har lжrt. Det er et excentrisk kunstnerhjem, hvor han mшder en frigjort indstilling til alle former for sex.
    Director: Edward Fleming.
    Cast: Lars Bom, Nonny Sand, Thomas Alling, Axel Strobye, Lene Brondum, Jess Ingerslev, Gitte Naur, Lisbet Dahl, Jess Ingerslev, Elin Reimer, Torbjørn Hummel.
    Denmark, 1983.
    Language: Danish.
    Download De uanstændige / Topsy Turvy. 1983.
    De uanstændige / Topsy Turvy. 1983.
     De uanstændige / Topsy Turvy. 1983.
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  • 看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006.
    CN. 《看上去很美》(英語:Little Red Flowers)是一部於2006年3月18日在中国大陸上映的電影,由张元导演,根据王朔同名小说改编。
    影片由北京世纪喜讯文化发展有限公司和意大利的Downtown Picture联合出品。讲述3岁男孩方枪枪的成长故事,从孩子的视角看大人的世界,折射出了一些社会问题。
    EN. Qiang is a four-year-old little rebel, possessed of a pair of luminous eyes and a precociously indomitable will. His father deposits him at a well-appointed residential kindergarten in post-1949 Beijing, since his parents are often away. Life at the kindergarten appears rich and colourful, made up of a variety of cheerfully sunny rituals and games meant to train these children to be good members of society. But it's not so easy for Qiang to adapt to this kind of carefully organized, minutely scrutinized collective life. A fierce individualist in miniature, he tries but fails to conform to the model his teachers enforce. Yet he still craves the reward that the other students win: the little red flowers awarded each day as tokens for good behaviour. But Qiang doesn't win any flowers: he can't yet dress himself, and doesn't play together with the other kids. He even dares to talk back to the strict Teacher Li and Principal Kong when they try to impose some discipline on him. Gradually, his charisma and bravado start to win over his classmates: their stealthy little rebellions gain steam when he succeeds in convincing everyone that Teacher Li is a child-eating monster in disguise. When their attempt to capture her is thwarted, Qiang's resistance develops a more disturbing dimension, and he is forcibly ostracized from his companions. Will he succumb to the adult-enforced conformity around him, or will he insist on growing up his own way, by his own rules?
    Director: 张元 / Yuan Zhang.
    Cast: Bowen Dong, Yuanyuan Ning, Manyuan Chen, Zhao Rui, Xinyun Li, Yujia Sun, Ma Du, Runqiu Liu, Ziye Wang, Yanghao Zhang, Jiaheng Zhao, Huacheng Li.
    China, Italy, 2006.
    Language: Mandarin.
    Subtitles: Chinese.
    Video: MKV, 960x544
    Download 看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006.
    看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006.
    看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006.
    看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006. 花絮-制作特辑 / Highlights - Making Specials.
     花絮-制作特辑 / Highlights - Making Specials.
    Documentary about filming a movie 看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006.
    本片讲述了以方枪枪、陈南燕、陈北燕为主的一群小孩子,在幼儿园这个集体中成长的故事  。本片于2006年3月18日
    Director: 张元 / Yuan Zhang.
    Language: Mandarin.
    Download 花絮-制作特辑 / Highlights - Making Specials.
    看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006. 花絮-制作特辑 / Highlights - Making Specials.
    看上去很美 / Kan shang qu hen mei / Little Red Flowers. 2006. 花絮-制作特辑 / Highlights - Making Specials.
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  • Boys and girls alone. 2009.
     Ten boys and ten girls, aged between eight and eleven, are given the chance to experience life without adults for two weeks.
    An ambitious four-part documentary series sees ten boys and ten girls aged between eight and eleven being given the chance to experience life without mum and dad for two weeks. Living in two 'villages' and separated on gender lines, they decide everything about how they live - what they do, what they eat, when they get up, whether they clean and wash and how they organise and entertain themselves.
    Who will cope best without mum and dad? And who will build the better world - boys or girls?
    Episode 1:
    In the first programme, the children arrive in their exciting new surroundings and get to know each other. With comfy beds, and stocks of food, necessities and toys, there's everything they could need to have a...
    Episode 2:
    After only three days of adventure, the boys - most of who can't cook - are wet, hungry and missing their mums. Meanwhile, the girls have gone from baking cakes to splitting into warring gangs. Looking on, their...
    Episode 3:
    Last week the children struggled with money, and their self-appointed leaders faced revolution. Now they have a new challenge: a two-day camping trip in the great outdoors.
    Episode 4:
    The boys and girls face their biggest test: living with the opposite sex. It's not a prospect that thrills everyone - and as the girls make a grab for space they test their limits of the boys' hospitality...
    Director: Mark Henderson, Martin Fuller.
    United Kingdom, Channel4, 2009.
    Language: English.
    Boys and girls alone. 2009.
    Boys and girls alone. 2009.
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  • BBC: The Human Body. 1998.
     Documentary series "The Human Body" is a very unusual and fascinating story of how, in fact, functioning in the human body, interaction between its major systems and organs.
    Unique camera technology, using miniature cameras, introduced in the human body, and the use of specially developed computer graphics.
    The series consists of 8 films of 50 minutes each, there is a fourth film "Puberty".
    Director: Christopher Spencer.
    UK, 1998.
    Language: English, Russian.
    Download BBC: The Human Body.
    BBC: The Human Body. 1998.
    BBC: The Human Body. 1998.
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  • American Nudist. 2011.
     A young woman invites a filmmaker to follow her through the modern world of nudism. American Nudist is not what you will expect when you hear the term "nudist film." T. L. Young plays Taylor, a former nudist who claims he used to run a nudist club in his home town in Hawaii.More info - imdb.
    Director: Clinton H. Wallace.
    Cast: Tony T.L. Young, Magda Marcella, Alicia Arden, Martin William Harris, Bogdan Szumilas, Arielle Brachfeld, Andrea Harrison, Tiffany Bowyer, Leigh Davis, Edwin A. Santos, Marta Zolynska.
    USA, 2011.
    Language: English.
    Download American Nudist. 2011.
    American Nudist. 2011.
    American Nudist. 2011.
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  • Mustang. 2015. HD.
     Mustang is a 2015 internationally co-produced drama film directed by Turkish-French film director Deniz Gamze Ergüven in her feature debut. The film is set in a remote Turkish village and depicts the lives of five young orphaned sisters and challenges they face growing up as girls in a conservative society. The event that triggers the family backlash against the five sisters at the beginning of the film is based on Ergüven's personal life.
    Early summer. In a village in northern Turkey, Lale and her four sisters are walking home from school, playing innocently with some boys. The immorality of their play sets off a scandal that has unexpected consequences. The family home is progressively transformed into a prison; instruction in homemaking replaces school and marriages start being arranged. The five sisters who share a common passion for freedom, find ways of getting around the constraints imposed on them.
    Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven.
    Cast: Günes Sensoy, Doga Zeynep Doguslu, Elit Iscan, Tugba Sunguroglu, Ilayda Akdogan, Nihal G. Koldas, Ayberk Pekcan, Bahar Kerimoglu, Burak Yigit, Erol Afsin, Suzanne Marrot, Aynur Komecoglu, Enes Sürüm.
    Turkey, France, Qatar, Germany. 2015.
    Language: Turkish.
    Subtitles: French.
    1920x1080 HD
    Download Mustang. 2015. HD.
    Download Mustang. 2015. HDRip.
    Mustang. 2015. HD.
    Mustang. 2015. HD.
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  • Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.
    Der tapfere Schulschwänzer ist ein vom DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, Künstlerische Arbeitsgruppe (KAG) „Berlin“, produzierter Kinderfilm aus dem Jahr 1967. Regie führte inmitten der „kulturellen Eiszeit“, die im Dezember 1965 nach dem XI. Plenum des ZK der SED mit einschneidenden Verboten und Beschränkungen hereinbrach, der Dokumentarfilmer Winfried Junge. Der Kinderfilm blieb des Regisseurs einzige Spielfilminszenierung.
    Der Streifen wurde am 17. Dezember 1967 erstmals im Berliner Filmtheater Kosmos gezeigt und am 12. Dezember 1973, am Vorabend des Pioniergeburtstages, erstmals im Fernsehen der DDR ausgestrahlt. 
    An einem schönen Sonnentag muss Thomas aus der Klasse 4a wie immer eine Station mit der Berliner U-Bahn fahren, um zur Schule zu gelangen. Doch der Tag ist zu schön, um ihn auf der Schulbank zu verbringen. So beschließt er, noch ein Stück weiter mit der U-Bahn zu fahren und durch Berlin zu bummeln. Dabei entdeckt er einen Wohnungsbrand und alarmiert die Feuerwehr. So wird er zum Lebensretter für zwei kleine Kinder, die in der Wohnung waren.
    Als die Feuerwehr seinen Namen notieren will, rennt er davon. Die Zeitung bringt am nächsten Tag einen Bericht über die Heldentat des unbekannten Jungen und auch in Thomas’ Klasse wird von der Lehrerin darüber gesprochen. Thomas jedoch kann sich nicht offenbaren, da er der Lehrerin vorgelogen hat, dass er wegen Zahnschmerzen am Vortag nicht in die Schule habe kommen können.
    Am Ende kann die Feuerwehr ihn zusammen mit den zwei geretteten Kindern ausfindig machen. Sie wollen ihm für seine Tat danken und Thomas gibt nun zu, die Schule geschwänzt und sogar die Lehrerin belogen zu haben.
    Director: Winfried Junge.
    Cast: Andre Kallenbach, Günter Ott, Ilse Voigt, Hartmut Tietz, Susanne Weser, Ingo Kallenbach, Jessy Rameik, Christoph Engel, Lutz Erdmann, Karl-Heinz Liedko, Dieter Stark.
    DDR, DEFA, 1967.
    Language: Russian (German).
    Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.
    Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.
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  • Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.
     While playing outside one day, nine-year-old Michele discovers Filippo, who is chained to the ground at the bottom of a hole. Michele witnesses town baddie Felice nearby and suspects something bad is happening. Michele is unsure whom he should tell about his discovery, eventually spilling the beans to his closest friend.
    Director: Gabriele Salvatores.
    Cast: Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Dino Abbrescia, Giorgio Careccia, Riccardo Zinna, Michele Vasca, Susi Sánchez, Antonella Stefanucci, Diego Abatantuono, Giuseppe Cristiano, Mattia Di Pierro, Adriana Conserva.
    Italy, Spain, UK, 2003.
    Language: Russian (Italian).
    Download Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.
     Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.
    Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.
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  • Interior. 2018. HD.
     NO. Det anstrengte forholdet mellom en ensom gutt og hans mor når et klimaks en kveld i et hjem som har blitt et fengsel for dem begge.
    EN. The fraught relationship between a lonely boy and his mother comes to a head within the home that has become a prison to them both.
    Director: Reed Van Dyk.
    Cast: Ane Dahl Torp, Jens Askær Iversen, Sebastian Bull Sarning, Stein Grønli, Albert Bendix, Annemette Andersen, Nikolas Kontomanolis.
    USA, Norway, 2018.
    Language: Norwegian.
    Subtitles: English.
    2048x858 HD
    Download Interior. 2018.
    Interior. 2018. HD.
    Interior. 2018. HD.
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  • La miel / Honey. 1979.
     ES. "La miel" cuenta la historia de un sacerdote que ejerce la profesión de maestro, Don Agustín. El profesor siente especial predilección por un alumno, Paco, no obstante las travesuras que éste suele cometer. El niño es listo, pero necesita una ayuda extra si quiere estudiar una carrera, así que su madre convence a su antiguo profesor para que le de clases particulares, algo que está prohibido en el colegio. Don Agustín acaba accediendo, por las súplicas de la madre y también por la presión de su hermana, aunque al final confunde la verdadera intención de ir a casa del joven. No es tanto por el afán pedagógico que se dirige hasta allí, sino por la atracción que despierta por la madre del niño, interpretada por Jane Brikin, una mujer de dudosa profesión. Imaginen el escándalo de la época, un sacerdote que asiste casi prohibidamente a casa de un alumno y termina casándose con una supuesta prostituta.
    EN. Don Agustín, a school teacher, visit the family of his former student Paco. Paco's mother asks don Agustín to exert influence over her son to make him being successful. The old professor accepts the challenge pressured by his sister, eager to spend all her money playing bingo. But don Agustín soon begins to suspect that the mother of Paco holds the oldest profession in the world.
    Director: Pedro Masó.
    Cast: Jane Birkin, José Luis López Vázquez, Jorge Sanz, Agustín González, Amelia de la Torre, Guillermo Marín, Eugenia Roca, Anastasia Campoy, Lorenzo Ramírez, Alfonso Castizo, Coral Pellicer, Joaquín Solís, Manuela Camacho, Lola Marín, Ernesto Bañes, Raquel Lando, Alexia Cobos, Pepe Yepes, Antonio del Real.
    Spain, 1979.
    Language: Spanish.
    Download La miel / Honey. 1979.
    La miel / Honey. 1979.
    La miel / Honey. 1979.
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  • Én és a nagyapám. 1954.
    Az Én és a nagyapám Gertler Viktor rendezte, 1954-ben készült színes, magyar ifjúsági filmszatíra. A film jeleneteit Dunaújvárosban (akkor még: Sztálinváros), Almásfüzitőn, illetve a budapesti Széchenyi-hegyi Gyermekvasút (akkor még: Budapesti Úttörővasút) Szépjuhászné (akkor még: Ságváriliget) állomásán forgatták.
    A szocializmus idején játszódó történet helyszíne egy új szocialista város, ahová mindenki vándormadárként érkezik, köztük Tóth Berci a részeges nagyapjával együtt, illetve a Daru család, akik faluról jöttek. Berci azért válik különccé az iskolában, mert mindenkinél ügyesebb és leleményesebb, Daru Kati meg a libája miatt. A két gyerek között barátság szövődik, és lassan az iskolába is beilleszkednek, hogy aztán mindketten úttörők lehessenek.
    Director: Viktor Gertler.
    Cast: Kálmán Koletár, Éva Ruttkai, Gyula Gózon, Samu Balázs, Gábor Agárdi, Artúr Somlay, György Bárdy, Sándor Pethes, Géza Asztalos, Gyula Bakos, Gábor Balassa.
    Hungary, 1954.
    Language: Hungarian.
    Download Én és a nagyapám. 1954.
    Én és a nagyapám. 1954.
    Én és a nagyapám. 1954.
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  • Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.
     Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns them: they have one week to succeed; if they resign now, then, tomorrow, facing life difficulties, they will always run away and become bums. Furthermore, all five must succeed, if one of them cannot do it, then all of them fail. Takashi is really worried and wonders if he won't be always the looser who couldn't succeed in the back pullover bar exercise.
    Director: Tetsuya Nakashima.
    Cast: Hidaka Yoshitomo, Nagi Noriko, Maki Ishikawa, Hiroko Taguchi, Rina Komuro, Fumiya Ôgane, Hironobu Mori, Airin Aoki, Toshikazu Suzuki, Masayuki Itô, Ayumi Itô.
    Japan, 1997.
    Language: Russian (Japanese).
    Download Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.
    Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.
    Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.
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  • Шанхай / Shanghai. 1996.
     A nostalgic, slightly sad film about the fall of the empire through the eyes of simple former Soviet people: the Soviet Union has already collapsed, but people of different nationalities still cling to each other in a small street of the old one intended for demolition of the district called "Shanghai"...
    Director: Aleksandr Baranov.
    Cast: Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Zhanas Iskakov, Dimash Ahimov, Amina Umurzakova, Artur Zagidullin, Ekaterina Petlyakova, Elena Doronina, Kasym Zhakibayev, Stanislav Chernyshev, Oksana Boychenko, Irina Miller, Vadim Efimov, Farhat Abdraimov.
    Kazakhstan, Kazakhfilm, 1996.
     Language: Russian.
    Шанхай / Shanghai. 1996.
    Shanghai. 1996.
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