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Stefanies Geschenk / Stefanie's Present. 1995. HD.

Stefanies Geschenk / Stefanie's Present. 1995. HD.

DE. Stefanie, ein 12 jähriges Mädchen findet sich in der Schule und mit ihren Eltern nicht zurecht. In ihren Tagträumen entwickelt Stefanie eine starke Aggression und attackiert ihre Eltern mit einem Morgenstern. Sie rebelliert nicht gegen das Böse,...

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Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. FULL-HD.

Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. FULL-HD.

She Monkeys (Swedish: Apflickorna) is a 2011 Swedish drama film directed by Lisa Aschan, starring Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin and Isabella Lindqvist. The film focuses on psychological power struggles between two teenage girls engaged in equestrian...

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Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995. FULL-HD.

Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995. FULL-HD.

All Things Fair (Swedish: Lust och fägring stor, literally "Great Lust and Beauty") is a Swedish drama film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 3 November 1995. Written and directed by Bo Widerberg, the film is about a sexual relationship between...

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Yaaba / Grandmother. 1989. FULL-HD.

Yaaba / Grandmother. 1989. FULL-HD.

Yaaba is a 1989 Burkinabé drama film written, produced, and directed by Idrissa Ouedraogo. It won the Sakura Gold prize at the 1989 Tokyo Film Festival. The film was selected as the Burkinabé entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 62nd Academy...

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꽃잎 / Ggotip / A Petal. 1996. HD.

꽃잎 / Ggotip / A Petal. 1996. HD.

KR. 1996년에 제작된 대한민국의 영화로 장선우 감독, 제작. 최윤의 소설 <저기 소리없이 한 점 꽃잎이 지고>가 원작이다. 이정현, 문성근 주연으로, 설경구, 추상미, 박철민, 박광정, 이영란[2], 허준호, 오지혜, 등이 출연했다. 영화 ‘꽃잎’은 1980년 5월 어머니를 따라 광주 시내의 시위대 대열에 동참한 소녀(이정현)의 이야기다. 소녀는 시위에 참석했다가 총에 맞아 죽어가는 엄마의 손을 뿌리친 채 도망간 뒤 정신분열증을 가지게 됐다....

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Maramao. 1987. DVD.

Maramao. 1987. DVD.

IT. Maramao è un film italiano del 1987, opera prima del regista Giovanni Veronesi e scritta da quest'ultimo assieme al fratello Sandro. Il quasi adolescente Sandro e il fratello minore Giannino sono in vacanza, assieme alla famiglia, su un'isola privata....

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À mains nues. 2005.

À mains nues. 2005.

À mains nues. 2005. FR. Laeti caresse Laeti tape Laeti séduit Laeti jalouse Du haut de ses douze ans... EN. Laeti is a twelve-year-old. Not a little girl any longer. Her body is changing and she is beginning to look at the bodies of others with different...

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Mamma, pappa, barn / Mother, Father, Child. 1977. FULL-HD.

Mamma, pappa, barn / Mother, Father, Child. 1977. FULL-HD.

SE. Mamma pappa barn är en svensk kortfilm från 1977 med manus och regi av Marie-Louise De Geer Bergenstråhle. Marie-Louise Ekmans nyskapande film om familjen, som sedd ur barnets ögon framställer vuxenvärlden i all sin komiska absurditet.... Mamman och...

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Douceur intacte de l'été. 2021. HD.

Douceur intacte de l'été. 2021. HD.

FR. Louison, onze ans, est en vacances au bord de la mer. Un soir, le garçon pour lequel elle a craqué lui propose une balade sur la plage. Mais l’escapade romantique qu’elle espérait se révèle bientôt un prétexte pour lui imposer un contact sexuel. EN....

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尿不出来 / Niao bu chu lai / Can't Piss. 2014.

尿不出来 / Niao bu chu lai / Can't Piss. 2014.

CN. 离异的中年男人一直独居生活,直到前妻将儿子忽然送到他的面前。小男孩的到来给他的生活带来了翻天覆地的变化,他不得不隐藏起自己的工作室但无奈还是被儿子发现而陷入尴尬。与此同时,他也发现自己的儿子有着害羞性膀胱症候群,人多的时候会尿不出来。父亲决定为儿子治好病。两人在相处过程中从陌生到矛盾,最后归于谅解,就在关系缓和之际相处的日子也所剩不多。一切似乎都没有改变,而一切又似乎都不一样了。 EN. The divorced middle-aged man lived alone until his...

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Children In Cinema. Part-94.

Children In Cinema. Part-94.

The fresh issue of collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number Ninety Four. This time all the videos are from relatively films 1970-2009. The names of the clips usually have the name of the movie from...

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Yo, 'El Vaquilla' / I, 'The Heifer'. 1985. FULL-HD.

Yo, 'El Vaquilla' / I, 'The Heifer'. 1985. FULL-HD.

ES. Yo, el Vaquilla es una película de 1985 dirigida por José Antonio de la Loma y protagonizada por Raúl García Losada que narra la vida del delincuente El Vaquilla. El propio Juan José Moreno Cuenca, más conocido como "El Vaquilla", cuenta en primera...

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Le voleur d'enfants / Il ladro di ragazzi / The Children Thief. 1991. FULL-HD.

Le voleur d'enfants / Il ladro di ragazzi / The Children Thief. 1991. FULL-HD.

Le voleur d'enfants / Il ladro di ragazzi / The Children Thief. 1991. FULL-HD. FR. Le Voleur d'enfants est un film franco-italo-espagnol réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti en 1991. Il s'inspire du roman Le Voleur d'enfants. En 1925, le colonel Philemon...

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Gorod shchedrogo solntsa. 1979.

Gorod shchedrogo solntsa. 1979.

Gorod shchedrogo solntsa. 1979. Soviet documentary film about the organization of children's recreation in Anapa during the summer holidays on the coast of the Black Sea. Director: Andrey Dobrovolsky. USSR, TO Ekran, 1979. Language: Russian. Download...

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Extrait de naissance. 1989.

Extrait de naissance. 1989.

FR. Une demeure, on ne sait si elle est encore habitée, si l'on assiste à un départ ou à un retour. Une voix d'homme raconte, nomme les objets, les lieux. Souvenirs d'enfance improbables. Un garçon, seul, attend dans le hall. EN. An apartment, who knows...

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Lola. 1989. FULL-HD.

Lola. 1989. FULL-HD.

ES. Lola, es una madre soltera quien lucha diario por sobrevivir y sacar a delante a su hija pequeña, vendiendo ropa en las calles de la ciudad de México. Ante la soledad y conflictos emocionales, abandona a su hija con su abuela, dejándola “libre” de...

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Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.

Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.

DE. Frank, mathematisch begabt, FDJ-Sekretär der Schule und Sohn eines Betriebsdirektors, beginnt sich in der 10. Klasse für die Neue, Regine, zu interessieren. Er begegnet ihr mehrfach im Fahrstuhl des Hochhauses auf der Berliner Fischerinsel, wo auch...

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The Boys of St. Vincent. 1992. FULL-HD.

 The Boys of St. Vincent. 1992. FULL-HD.

The Boys of St. Vincent is a 1992 Canadian television film directed by John N. Smith for the National Film Board of Canada. It is a two-part docudrama based on real events that took place at the Mount Cashel Orphanage in St. John's, Newfoundland, one...

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Las chicas del tanga / The Girls in Thong. 1987. FULL-HD.

Las chicas del tanga / The Girls in Thong. 1987. FULL-HD.

ES. Comedia dedicada a la Espana veraniega de Benidorm donde aparece toda la "troupe" de Franco de la decada de los 80. 3 parejas demenciales haciendo de las suyas y Jesus Franco prestando la voz a un actor de travestismo. Play-boys, desenganos amorosos...

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Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979. FULL-HD.

Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979. FULL-HD.

Laura, les ombres de l'été / Laura, Shadows of a Summer. 1979. FULL-HD. Found the final version of the film in perfect quality, a rip from a Japanese Blu-ray disc. Laura: Shadows of a Summer or (French: Laura, les ombres de l'été) is a 1979 French romantic...

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Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986. FULL-HD.

Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986. FULL-HD.

FR. Mort un dimanche de pluie est un thriller français, adapté du roman de Joan Aiken, réalisé par Joël Santoni et sorti en 1986. Un couple psychopathe cherche à se venger d'un architecte que le mari tient pour responsable d'un accident de chantier lui...

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