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Blanka. 2015. FULL-HD.

Blanka (Cydel Gabutero) makes her living on the street of Manila from small thefts and tricks. She dreams of saving enough money to "buy" a mom. When she meets talented Peter (Peter Millari), a blind gambling musician, her life takes an unexpected direction. They decide to join forces in order to face everyday struggles. Thanks to Peter, Blanka discovers to be a talented singer and, more importantly, understands that money cannot buy the love of a person.
Director: Kohki Hasei.
Cast: Don Gordon Bell, Jomar Bisuyo, Raymond Camacho, Cydel Gabutero, Peter Millari, Ruby Ruiz.
Italy, Philippines, Japan, 2015.
Language: Tagalog, German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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