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Hud / Vilde, the Wild One / Skin. 1986. FULL-HD.

NO. Handlingen i denne visuelt storslåtte filmen er lagt til året 1885 og et sterkt mannsdominert øysamfunn. Her bor Vilde (spilt av Løkkeberg selv) og hennes ti år gamle datter som er et resultat av blodskam: Vildes forhold til sin egen stefar. Barnet er stumt og støtes vekk fra samfunnet, og Vilde opplever et umenneskelig press.
EN. Hud ('Skin') is a 1986 Norwegian crime film directed by and starring Vibeke Løkkeberg. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival.
This is truly a Norwegian classic. There are many people that have seen this film and found it boring. It was made in 1986 and it was the most expensive film ever made. The film is about incest on a small Norwegian island. Vibeke Løkkeberg plays the role as a young woman and she is living a life knowing that her stepfather has given her a child. The child has not been baptized and the narrow-minded society on the island is bullying her. Her stepfather and the priest demands her to marry a rich newcomer and baptize the kid, but she refuses.
Director: Vibeke Løkkeberg.
Cast: Vibeke Løkkebergro, Keve Hjelm, Terence Stamp, Elisabeth Granneman, Frank Audun Kvamtrø, Per Jansen, Tonje Kleivdal Kristiansen, Per Oscarsson, Thale Svenneby, Jan Andersen, Patricia Hodge, Olga Marie Mikalsen, Hans Lindgren, Olaf Jacobsen, Gjert Haga.
Norway, 1986.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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