By CineMatrix
ES. Gema se ha quedado sin trabajo. Su hija Zoe sueña con tener alas. Gema desea volar con ella, salir de ese lugar que asfixia, que alimenta el miedo. Ambas imaginan un nuevo hogar pintado de rojo, alejado del ruido, cerca de ellas mismas.
EN. Gema is unemployed. Her daughter Zoe dreams of having wings. Gema wаnts to fly with her, to get out of this place that asphyxiates, that feeds the fear. Both imagine an identical house painted in red, far away from the noise and close to themselves.
Director: Ander Duque.
Cast: Zoe Gavira, Rosalinda Galán.
Spain, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Zoe. 2016:
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