By CineMatrix
I Still Hide To Smoke (in French: À mon âge je me cache encore pour fumer) is a 2016 French-Greek-Algerian drama film directed by Rayhana Obermeyer.
Fatima, a strong-minded woman, is the lead masseuse of a hammam in Algiers. This is 1995 and the situation is tense in the capital. The day ahead promises to be hectic for all, and for Fatima in particular. Already, while walking to her place of work, she is the distant witness of a terrorist attack. At the hammam, Fatima should feel better, but the atmosphere proves electric in her small enclosed world, she has great difficulty in maintaining order. All the more as Meriem, a sixteen-year-old pregnant girl comes to take shelter at the hammam. And as irate brother, Mohamed, is after her to cleanse his honor in blood.
Director: Rayhana Obermeyer.
Cast: Hiam Abbass, Fadila Belkebla, Nadia Kaci, Nassima Benchicou, Sarah Layssac, Maymouna, Lina Soualem, Faroudia Amazit, Fethi Galleze, Biyouna, Aliki Kalogirou, Maria Stefanidou.
France, Greece, Algeria, 2016.
Language: Arabic, French.
Subtitles: French, English, Portuguese, Romanian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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