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Tendre adolescente / Zarte Knospen / La prima esperienza. 1983.

Tendre adolescente / Zarte Knospen / La prima esperienza. 1983.

An older adolescent girl has a number of sexual adventures in France, then moves on to Montreal and New York, there finding erotic pleasure, love and danger. Flashbacks place our heroine at approximately eight years of age and perhaps suggest that her...

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L'adolescente / An Adolescent Girl. 1979.

L'adolescente / An Adolescent Girl. 1979.

The summer of 1939. Marie, at 13, goes with her parents to visit her grandmother in a small town near Avignon. Although rumors of war reach the countryside, it's an idyllic place. Marie's parents are constantly making love. Surrounded by sexual frankness,...

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Un'ombra nell'ombra / Ring of Darkness. 1979.

Un'ombra nell'ombra / Ring of Darkness. 1979.

IT. Un'ombra nell'ombra è un film del 1979, diretto da Pier Carpi, tratto dal romanzo omonimo scritto dallo stesso regista. Carlotta, Raffaella, Lena e Agata si consacrano a Lucifero, che impedisce loro di avere rapporti sessuali. Dalle unioni infernali...

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Mikres Afrodites / Young Aphrodites. 1963.

Mikres Afrodites / Young Aphrodites. 1963.

Parallel stories of Eros set in 200 B.C. Nomadic shepherds, plagued by drought, happen on a fishing encampment with plentiful fresh water. The local men are away but will return when it rains; the shepherds stay to refresh their flock until the rain comes....

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Afrodita. 1993.

Afrodita. 1993.

1. Jedenáctiletý Michal Ronec žije po smrti matky s otcem - řidičem náklaďáku, který je často na cestách. Ani ve škole to Michal nemá jednoduché, spolužáci jsou k němu nepřátelští. Michal se seznámí s chlapem jménem Vojta, který se svým koněm Afroditou...

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Putkinotko / Ödemarkens barn. 1954.

Putkinotko / Ödemarkens barn. 1954.

Teuvo Tuliolta vaikutteita ottaneiden melodraamojen ja sotilasfarssien jälkeen Roland af Hällström ohjasi neljä merkittävää klassikkokirjallisuuden filmatisointia, joita voi pitää ohjaaja-käsikirjoittajan päätöinä. Ensimmäisenä valmistui Joel Lehtosen...

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Salut les frangines. 1975.

Salut les frangines. 1975.

Denis spends a holiday at his friend's home, Marc. Staying with the family for several days, even though the Chotards have other things in mind than sex, he will have nice encounters with the girl of the house, Marianne, a young maid, and more. Director...

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All films of David Hamilton.

All films of David Hamilton.

Bilitis. 1976. A coming of age story centering on the exploits of a young girl during summer vacation. Director : David Hamilton. Cast: Patti D'Arbanville, Mathieu Carriere, Mona Kristensen, Bernard Giraudeau, Gilles Kohler, Irka Bochenko. Britain, France,...

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Den Åttonde dagen / The Eighth Day. 1979.

Den Åttonde dagen / The Eighth Day. 1979.

SE. Ända sedan förra sommaren har den tolvåriga Anna väntat på Pejter -- väntat och väntat i ett helt år, berättar hon i inre monolog. Men när den krullhårige Pejter anländer med båten för att bo hos pappa en vecka (mamma har semester), vågar Anna nästan...

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Juillet août / July-August. 2016.

Juillet août / July-August. 2016.

FR. C’est l’été. Les familles migrent et se recomposent. Laura, 14 ans, et Joséphine, 18 ans, partent en juillet avec leur mère dans le Sud, puis en août chez leur père en Bretagne. La cohabitation entre ados et adultes ne manque ni de tendresse, souvent...

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Fragile. 2014.

Fragile. 2014.

When 8 year old Alex moves in permanently with his Dad, he is forced to suppress his true identity as he struggles to live up to the expectations set for him. He is bullied and beaten at school and is pushed to abide by his Dad's rules at home. Alex realizes...

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Martha... Martha. 2001.

Martha... Martha. 2001.

FR. De marché en marché, de coin de pêche en partie de monopoly, Martha, Reymond et leur fille Lise vivent et s'aiment à contre-courant. Le bonheur semble à portée de main. Mais les fantômes de l'enfance guettent, et Martha, traquée, entraîne son petit...

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Le tombeau des filles. 2011.

Le tombeau des filles. 2011.

Sissi and Victoria are sisters. Whereas the younger is slowly emerging from the world of childhood, the elder tries in vain to be a grown up. In the room they share, Sissi is preparing for her gymnastic competition and Victoria has boys coming and going....

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'Non', ou A Vã Glória de Mandar / No, or the Vain Glory of Command. 1990.

'Non', ou A Vã Glória de Mandar / No, or the Vain Glory of Command. 1990.

Episodes from entire military history of Portugal are told through flashbacks as a professorish soldier recounts them while marching through a Portuguese African colony in 1973. He easily draws his comrades into philosophical musings, and the little contingent...

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Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.

Ellos Volvieron / They Returned. 2015.

Ellos Volvieron (aka They Returned) is a beautifully touching and unnerving story about the unexplained disappearance of three children, two boys and one girl, and their reappearance three days later in a semi-autistic state. Not even the children themselves...

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Pějme píseň dohola. 1990. DVD.

Pějme píseň dohola. 1990. DVD.

K prvnim citovym i sexualnim zazitkum lze prijit ruzne, docela spolehlive byvaly zejmena pionyrske tabory, hojne poradane za minuleho rezimu. Zjistuje i ponekud vykuleny praktikant, jenz se jedne takove akce ucastni. Vznikla nahorkla komedie, zajiste...

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Munted. 2011.

Munted. 2011.

Innocence and prejudice weave together in a child’s story of betrayal. Munted is an unusual story about an accusation of pedophilia and its terrible consequences. Set in 1961 in a remote rural community, it tells the story of a ten-year old girl and her...

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Cuore Di Mamma. 1969.

Cuore Di Mamma. 1969.

This film is a social commentary about the mindless violence that is perpetuated on impressionable youth by television. Lorenz (Carla Gravina) has three young children who are victims of a media who wishes to turn out terrorists. She contends with her...

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Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985.

Vägen till Gyllenblå! 1985.

Ratio Rasch, the president of planet Gyllenblå, has banned laughter and emotions in order to create a society based on reason. Police are constantly patrolling the planet and anyone caught laughing is imprisoned and given anti-laughter serum. Only a few...

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A világ legrosszabb gyereke.1987.

A világ legrosszabb gyereke.1987.

Kavicsék új lakásba költöztek. Apja külföldön vállalt munkát, anyja sokat túlórázik, a kisfiúra a Nénike vigyáz, aki nem engedi senkivel játszani. Kavics mindent elkövet, hogy játszópajtásokat szerezzen magának, s eközben válik a világ legrosszabb gyerekévé....

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La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.

La fille et l'amande / The Girl and the Almond. 1996.

FR. Portrait d'une jeune fille qui n'a jamais fait l'amour et qui en meurt d'envie. EN. Portrait of a girl who never made love and who dies of envy. Film was demonstrated at the Cannes International Film Festival. Director: Bénédicte Brunet. Cast: Laure...

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