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El amor del capitán Brando. 1974.

El amor del capitán Brando. 1974.

Aurora (Ana Belen) is a high-school teacher. When two attractive men fall in love with her, she enjoys their attention. One of them is a young student of hers (Jaime Gamboa), the other is a man returning from his many years of exile following the Spanish...

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Swim Team. 1979.

Swim Team. 1979.

Funny and silly comedy about a new swimming coach who is hired to break a team's seven-year losing streak. Director: James Polakof. Cast: James Daughton, Stephen Furst, Richard Young, Jenny Neumann, Elise-Anne, Kim Day, Buster Crabbe, Mickey Newbury,...

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La' os være / Leave Us Alone. 1975.

La' os være / Leave Us Alone. 1975.

In this Danish film, like the unrelated but very similar film Lord of the Flies, a largish group of unformed young people find themselves alone on an island with no civilizing adult presence to restrain them. In this film, the group includes adolescent...

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Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013.

Wakolda / The German Doctor. 2013.

The true story of an argentine family who lived with Josef Mengele without knowing his true identity, and of a girl who fell in love with one of the biggest criminals of all times. Director : Lucia Puenzo. Cast: Natalia Oreiro, Alex Brendemuhl, Diego...

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Maslin Beach. 1997.

Maslin Beach. 1997.

1. Financed outside the political funding system now controlling the Australian film industry, Maslin Beach demonstrates an interesting filmmaking strategy - no costumes, no sets, one location and action contained within real time. The film features a...

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Matias y Jeronimo / Matias and Jeronimo. 2015.

Matias y Jeronimo / Matias and Jeronimo. 2015.

ES. Matías y Jerónimo se conocen desde la infancia. Su amistad, una fuerte alianza, mezcla de juego y deseo, cambia la noche en que van al carnaval. Juntos presencian cómo un grupo de jóvenes le da una paliza a un chico gay detrás de las gradas. No dicen...

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¡Ya soy mujer! / I'm a Woman Already. 1975.

¡Ya soy mujer! / I'm a Woman Already. 1975.

ES. Manuel Summers recupera uno de sus temas predilectos, el paso a la pubertad, en este film que sigue los pasos de Celia, una niña que está a punto de convertirse en mujer. El film muestra sus temores y descubrimientos ante los cambios. A pesar del...

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Maja Steinansikt. 1996.

Maja Steinansikt. 1996.

NO. Maja kaller sammen til full krigsmaling med bestevenninen Silvia, når verdens beste pappa får en langbent og mørkhåret hemmelighet. Men det er først når Silvia flytter, og mamma ligger på sykehuset for å få lillebror, at ting begynner å skje... Blant...

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Himmel und Hölle. 1994.

Himmel und Hölle. 1994.

In dem TV-Drama von Hans-Christian, Himmel und Hölle, Schmid gerät ein sensibles Mädchen in die Fänge einer Sekte. Film-Mutter Katja Riemann schaut hilflos zu. Nach ihrer Scheidung zieht Birgit mit ihrer elfjährigen Tochter Nina von München aufs Land....

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Un week-end sur deux. 1990. Full HD.

Un week-end sur deux. 1990. Full HD.

Camille vit séparée de son mari et de ses enfants, dont il a la garde. Elle ne les voit que quelques week-ends et les emmène justement à Vichy, ou elle doit animer un gala. Son mari lui reproche durement ses "guignolades". Alors elle part avec eux en...

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Kompis. 2014.

Kompis. 2014.

Kent only has his buddy Thomas, but that doesn’t mean he is a good friend for that reason. But today something happens that will change their relationship forever. Director: Mads Eriksen. Cast: Jone Kalvig Egdetveit, Bjarne Fiskå-Andersen, Emma Aasland,...

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Der grüne Heinrich / Henri le Vert / Henry's Romance. 1993.

Der grüne Heinrich / Henri le Vert / Henry's Romance. 1993.

It is carnival time in Munich and participants are overindulging in alcohol and sensual pleasures. "Follow us into madness" beckons Lys who is drunk on life, but the sensitive Henry does not follow him. Lys has betrayed his fiance, as Henry once betrayed...

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Den vita stenen. 1973.

Den vita stenen. 1973.

SE. Den vita stenen ar en svensk TV-serie pa 13 delar fran 1973. Den var baserad pa Gunnel Lindes barnbok Den vita stenen fran 1964. TV-serien premiarvisades pa SVT1 fran 6 oktober till 29 december 1973. Serien visades ocksa pa norsk tv forsta gangen...

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閃光 / Senko / Spark. 2008.

閃光 / Senko / Spark. 2008.

JP. 田舎に暮らす6歳の少年が、初めて直面する死を自然を通しながら受け入れてゆく。 EN. A young Japanese family is confronted with their mother’s illness. This impressive short film shows us in deeply symbolic images how Yu and his father deal with the possibility of death, and how it affects...

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Deutschland privat. 1980 & 2007.

Deutschland privat. 1980 & 2007.

DE. Deutschland privat – Eine Anthologie des Volksfilms ist ein Filmprojekt von Robert van Ackeren aus dem Jahr 1980. Auf der Basis von diversen privaten Filmaufnahmen erstellte er unter anderem aus Mitschnitten von privaten Feiern, Urlaubsbildern sowie...

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La Femme Enfant. 1980.

La Femme Enfant. 1980.

Elisabeth a treize ans, et elle vit dans un faubourg industriel du Nord de la France. Douee pour la musique, elle joue de l'orgue a l'eglise locale, alors que ses parents assez bornes ne s'interessent qu'a leur salon de coiffure. Depuis trois ans deja,...

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El sexo ataca (1ª jornada).(1979.

El sexo ataca (1ª jornada).(1979.

ES. Tip y Coll, Gracita Morales. Comedia. Manuel Summers realizó este filme a mayor gloria del peculiar sentido del humor de la pareja Tip y Coll (Dios los cría y ellos se juntan), que en este caso centran sus inconfundibles chistes en el sexo como motor...

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Piso pisello / Sweet Pea. 1981.

Piso pisello / Sweet Pea. 1981.

Cristiano, aged thirteen, seems to be a teen-ager with clear ideas about his future. One evening he meets May, a stranger, who is probably drunk and, so, she ends up in his bed. An unforgettable night... The morning after, May leaves and vanishes. Some...

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Des enfants qui s'aiment. 2005.

Des enfants qui s'aiment. 2005.

FR. Des vacances en famille à la montagne. Eliane, une petite fille de neuf ans, est aussi libre qu'un oiseau en cage. Elle tente d'échapper à l'autoritarisme de sa mère qui exerce sur elle et sur ses autres enfants une pression maladive. Souffrant de...

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Summerhill at 70. 1992.

Summerhill at 70. 1992.

Summerhill School is an independent British boarding school that was founded in 1921 by Alexander Sutherland Neill with the belief that the school should be made to fit the child, rather than the other way around. It is run as a democratic community;...

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Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979.

Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979.

NL. De film is geregisseerd door Nouschka van Brakel, die ook het script schreef in samenwerking met Judith Herzberg. De muziek in de film is van Laurens van Rooyen. De hoofdrollen in deze film worden gespeeld door Monique van der Ven, Marijke Merckens,...

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