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Zusje / Little Sister. 1995.

Zusje / Little Sister. 1995.

1. The video-obsessed Martijn ... pays a surprise visit to his sister ... on the day of her 20th birthday. As soon becomes apparent, Martijn has a bit of a chip on his shoulder -- probably something to do with his incestuous lust for his kid sis when...

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Diep. 2005.

Diep. 2005.

A story about the 14 year old Heleen who makes the transition of child to adult with pain and effort in the wild 70s. While her parents going to divorce she is exploring the world of sex, drugs and love on her own. Director: Simone van Dusseldorp. Cast:...

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Sanning eller konsekvens. 1997.

Sanning eller konsekvens. 1997.

«Allting ar som vanligt, men inget ar som forr. Sommarlovet ar over och Nora borjar sexan...» Summer holiday is over. Nora begins sixth grade and is drawn to intrigues and doesn't really know what side she's on. Or wants to be on. On one hand she feels...

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Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981.

Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981.

FR. Après un voyage en train, effectué en compagnie de trois Argentins, Louis Haines-Pearson visite son amie Nena, qui est malade. Nena lui parle de son dernier livre, où une fillette se débat avec des fantasmes érotiques et la douloureuse absence de...

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36 Fillette. 1988. DVD.

36 Fillette. 1988. DVD.

Lili, a pouty and voluptuous 14-year-old, is caravan camping with her family in Biarritz. She's self-aware and holds her own in a cafe conversation with a concert pianist she meets, but she has a wild streak and she's testing her powers over men, finding...

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Une vraie jeune fille / A Real Young Girl. 1976. DVD.

Une vraie jeune fille / A Real Young Girl. 1976. DVD.

August, 1963; Alice, 14, an only child, and physically well developed, is home for vacation. She's moody, silent, keeps a diary, and explores tactile sensations with broken eggs, candle wax, ear wax, vomit, urine, blood, and, perhaps, if the summer goes...

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Art for Teachers of Children. 1995.

Art for Teachers of Children. 1995.

Jennifer, an intelligent but insecure 14-year-old student at a boarding school, seduces her married dormitory counselor, a photographer who has offered to teach her about his art and winds up shooting her in the nude. She is naive, and he manipulates...

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Tantsuyushchiye prizraki / Dancing Ghosts. 1992.

Tantsuyushchiye prizraki / Dancing Ghosts. 1992.

The intense competition and discipline associated with the development of a Prima Ballerina in a top St.Petersburg Ballet School serves as the background and focus of this well acted romantic drama. The Beauty of the Dancers and their dancing contrasts...

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Giselle. 1980.

 Giselle. 1980.

Sexy girl seduces all the members of her family. She indirectly causes the failure of his father's marriage, for her stepmother falls in love with her. Then, she has affairs with her father's stepson, and with the farm housekeeper. She and some friends...

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Hayop sa ganda. 1983.

Hayop sa ganda. 1983.

Rare and forgotten Filipino movie, film debut as a director famous theater director, professor of University of the Philippines Jehu Sebastian. One night with a total stranger. And fate brought them together once again. That's where their whirlwind romance...

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Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978.

Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978.

A student strike at a Danish boys school is the backdrop of YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The leisurely paced tale explores the relationship between 15-year-old Bo and Kim, the younger son of the stern boarding school headmaster. Mounting school tensions over the...

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Susanne und der Zauberring. 1974.

Susanne und der Zauberring. 1974.

DE. Die zwölfjährige Susanne ist ein bißchen verträumt und fühlt sich von ihren Mitschülern unverstanden. Sie schüttet dem alten Schleusenwärter, der viel Verständnis hat, ihr Herz aus. Er schenkt ihr einen Ring, der die Fähigkeit haben soll, seinem Besitzer...

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Jours tranquilles a Clichy / Quiet Days in Clichy. 1990.

Jours tranquilles a Clichy / Quiet Days in Clichy. 1990.

The American writer Joe arrives in Paris to research and write about Proust. He meets the Polish Karl and they become friends and costumers of brothels and restaurants. When the fifteen year-old Colette arrives in Paris, they both fall in love with her....

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Stille dage i Clichy / Quiet Days in Clichy. 1970.

Stille dage i Clichy / Quiet Days in Clichy. 1970.

Not so quiet, Joey and Carl's days in Clichy... The two men, living in a small apartment, are penniless writers, with not enough to eat, which does not prevent them from enjoying life. One of their main interests is to get laid with women of various ages,...

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Roula. 1995.

Roula. 1995.

In this German psychological drama, troubled Roula finds herself drawn to Leon, an author of children's books who has suffered an enormous emotional and creative blockage ever since his wife died in a motorcycle accident two years before. Leon has only...

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Mort un dimanche de pluie. 1986.

Mort un dimanche de pluie. 1986.

Thriller about a psycho looking for revenge. Bronsky is a paraplegic because of an accident at a construction site that was partly due to the head architect, David Briand. Many years after the accident, Bronsky shows up at Briand's residence with his...

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Playa Prohibida / Forbidden Beach. 1985. DVD.

Playa Prohibida / Forbidden Beach. 1985. DVD.

When a new neighbour stops by to say hello, Michel starts becoming jealous. The 2 boys and their mother lost their father/husband 2 years ago and the mother is ready to start dating again, but the kids feel that they don't need another man in the home....

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Las chicas del tanga \ The Girls in Thong. 1987.

Las chicas del tanga \ The Girls in Thong. 1987.

Comedia dedicada a la Espana veraniega de Benidorm donde aparece toda la "troupe" de Franco de la decada de los 80. 3 parejas demenciales haciendo de las suyas y Jesus Franco prestando la voz a un actor de travestismo. Play-boys, desenganos amorosos y...

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So ein Bienchen. 1976.

So ein Bienchen. 1976.

Die neunjährige Bienchen liebt ihren großen, schon erwachsenen Bruder Lutz über alles. Doch dann merkt sie, dass er ihr nicht immer die Wahrheit sagt. Und zu Bienchens großem Kummer trennt sich Lutz auch noch von seiner langjährigen Freundin Anke, weil...

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Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder. 1975. Episodes 5, 6, 7.

Krempoli - Ein Platz für wilde Kinder. 1975. Episodes 5, 6, 7.

Die Serie spielt in München und handelt von Kindern, die in ihrer Umgebung zunächst keine Spielmöglichkeiten finden. Der freundliche Besitzer eines Sperrmüll-Lagers – von den Kindern später liebevoll „Opa Krempel“ genannt (gespielt von dem damals keineswegs...

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Krempoli - Ein Platz fur wilde Kinder. Series 1-4. 1975.

Krempoli - Ein Platz fur wilde Kinder. Series 1-4. 1975.

Die Serie spielt in München und handelt von Kindern, die in ihrer Umgebung zunächst keine Spielmöglichkeiten finden. Der freundliche Besitzer eines Sperrmüll-Lagers – von den Kindern später liebevoll „Opa Krempel“ genannt (gespielt von dem damals keineswegs...

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