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Melody / S.W.A.L.K. 1971.

Melody / S.W.A.L.K. 1971.

Two youngsters declare to their parents that they want to get married. Not sometime in the future but as soon as possible. The story is told from the children's point of view. Alan Parker spent several months visiting schools in London and tape recording...

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Noyuki yamayuki umibe yuki / To the Fields, to the Hills, to the Beaches. 1986.

Noyuki yamayuki umibe yuki / To the Fields, to the Hills, to the Beaches. 1986.

During the fervently nationalist months leading up to World War II, a rebellious teenager is transferred to a new primary school in a small Inland Sea town. He vies with the school’s reigning bully, who takes a romantic interest in his older stepsister....

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Koi ni itaru yamai / The End of Puberty. 2011.

Koi ni itaru yamai / The End of Puberty. 2011.

Shoko Kimura’s Koi ni Itaru Yamai begins well enough with beyond precocious high schooler Tsubara (Miwako Wagatsuma) seducing her nerdy teacher Madoka (Youichiro Saitou). Through their impetuous coupling on a pile of exam papers, somehow their sex organs...

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Heimat, deine Lieder. 1959.

Heimat, deine Lieder. 1959.

Neun Flüchtlingskinder hat die junge Eva in ihr Herz geschlossen. Wie eine Mutter kümmert sie sich um die Mädchen und Jungen im SOS-Kinderdorf. Das einzige, was Eva fehlt, ist ein lieber Mann und treu sorgender Vater. Bei einem Unfall trifft sie mit dem...

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Die dicke Tilla. 1982.

Die dicke Tilla. 1982.

DE. Die etwa zehnjährige Tilla gibt in ihrer Klasse den Ton an. Alle machen, was sie will. Als eine Neue kommt, Anne, bricht Feindschaft auf den ersten Blick aus. Anne malt gern, trägt eine Brille und hat lauter Einsen. Tilla hetzt auch die anderen gegen...

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Ich liebe Victor. 1984.

Ich liebe Victor. 1984.

Katrein (Annegret Siegmund) verbringt die Sommerferien bei ihrer Freundin Ina (Henriette Engel) auf dem Land. Nach den ersten schönen Ferientagen kommt der hübsche Victor (Timo Jacob) ins Dorf, um für einen Künstler Modell zu stehen. Als er beiden Mädchen...

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La canción de los niños muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.

La canción de los niños muertos / The song of the dead children. 2008.

Set on a remote beach, this long short is at times a harrowing account of brutality and recrimination. Several traumatised children mete out punishment to their elderly father for unimagined crimes in this meditation on grief, blame and consequences....

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The Children of Theatre Street. 1977. DVD.

The Children of Theatre Street. 1977. DVD.

A documentary on the Kirov School of Ballet in Russia, narrated by Princess Grace of Monaco. "Talent is considered worth measuring only when it occurs in the right body," the narrator announces as hundreds of children are paraded across the camera. Each...

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Siroce. 1978.

Siroce. 1978.

EN. Story of children growing up in Yugoslavia right after the end of World War II. BA. Trenutak decjeg izrastanja u jednom dobu kada je rastenje bilo ubrzano i u doba rata i odmah posle rata. Director: Zdravko Sotra. Cast: Ljubomir Cipranic, Tatjana...

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Voor een verloren soldaat / For a Lost Soldier. 1992.

Voor een verloren soldaat / For a Lost Soldier. 1992.

The story of a romantic relationship between a grown-up and a child. Set in the Netherlands near the end of WWII, the film is a flashback recalling an adolescent relationship between Jeroen and a Canadian soldier. A difficult subject handled with style...

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Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué. 1994.

Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué. 1994.

FR. Gil, 8 ans, tombe fou amoureux d'une élève de sa classe, Jessica. Mais les adultes ne comprennent pas cette passion entre deux enfants, et Gil est interné dans un centre pour enfants psychotiques. Là, il se confie au Dr Edouard Valmont, seul médecin...

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Foster Child. 2007.

Foster Child. 2007.

Thelma, together with her husband Dado and teenage sons Gerald and Yuri, are an urban poor family hired by a local foster care facility to provide temporary home and care to abandoned babies pending the latter's formal adoption. The inevitable separation...

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Ilo Ilo. 2013.

Ilo Ilo. 2013.

Set in Singapore, Ilo Ilo chronicles the relationship between the Lim family and their newly arrived maid, Teresa. Like many other Filipino women, she has come to this city in search of a better life. Her presence in the family worsens their already strained...

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To dendro pou pligoname / The Tree We Hurt. 1986.

To dendro pou pligoname / The Tree We Hurt. 1986.

GR: Καλοκαίρι 1960, σ' ένα γραφικό χωριό της Χίου, τελευταίες μέρες του σχολικού έτους. Η φιλία δυο αγοριών της Δ’ τάξης του Δημοτικού κλονίζεται. Το σχολείο κλείνει και τα δυο παιδιά περνούν ένα μεγάλο μέρος του καλοκαιριού χωριστά. Ο ένας βοηθάει τη...

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Diary of a Teenage Nudist. 2004.

Diary of a Teenage Nudist. 2004.

Documentary about nudism and naturism in USA and UK. This sensitive and touching film follows 18-year-old Bianca as she embarks on an investigation into what motivates people to take off their clothes in public. Director: Alex Berk. Cast: Bianca Badham,...

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Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981.

Los Parchis contra el inventor invisible. 1981.

Los Parchís contra el inventor invisible es una película de Argentina filmada en Eastmancolor dirigida por Mario Sabato según su propio guion escrito en colaboración con Víctor Proncet que se estrenó el 9 de julio de 1981 y que tuvo como actores principales...

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Sommerjubel / Joy of Summer / After Spring. 1986.

Sommerjubel / Joy of Summer / After Spring. 1986.

NO. Sommerjubel er en norsk novellefilm for barn fra 1986, regissert av Alexander Røsler etter en novelle av Rune Belsvik. Filmen handler om barns erotiske oppvåkning i en sommerferie. Vi møter noen 10-åringer som begynner å utforske sine erotiske følelser...

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Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.

Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.

NO. Filmen handler i hovedsak om to 11-årige jenter, Siss (Line Storesund) og Unn (Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen). Det begynner en ny jente i klassen til Siss. Det er Unn, som bor hos sin moster (Merete Moen) siden foreldrene hennes er borte. De to jentene...

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Blaue Wimpel im Sommerwind / Blue Pennants In The Summer Wind. 1952.

Blaue Wimpel im Sommerwind / Blue Pennants In The Summer Wind. 1952.

DE. Farb-Dokumentarfilm der vordergründig über das Pioniertreffen in Dresden 1952 berichtet. Drei Jungen und zwei Mädchen erzählen dabei ihre Ferienerlebnisse bei den Pioniergruppen auf Rügen, von ihrem Aufenthalt auf dem Segelschulschiff "Wilhelm Pieck"...

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Aventuras com Tio Maneco / Jorney to an unknown world. 1971.

Aventuras com Tio Maneco / Jorney to an unknown world. 1971.

PT. Tio Maneco (Flávio Migliaccio) leva os filhos de seu cunhado Alfredo (Walter Forster), os meninos Beto (Lui Farias) e Zequinha (Maurício Farias), para passar férias no sítio do avô em Mato Grosso. O avô é um rádio-amador maníaco, obcecado em contatar...

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Das Mädchen Störtebeker. 1980.

Das Mädchen Störtebeker. 1980.

DE. 1. Das Mädchen Antje lebt bei ihrem Großvater. Ihr Vater ist Steuermann auf einem großen Kreuzer und seine Frau durfte ihn auf einer weiten Reise begleiten. In Südermünde, am Meer, wird sie von allen Störtebeker gerufen, weil sie in ihrer Phantasie...

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