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The Bathers. 2003.

The Bathers. 2003.

Set in the late 19th or early 20th century, the film opens with three upper class women and a little girl picnicing on a deserted beach. The little girl begins playing around and eventually strips to her underwear. The women tollerate this as she is only...

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Madita. 1979. 10 episodes.

Madita. 1979. 10 episodes.

List of episodes: 1. Ein Sommertag auf Birkenlund 2. Der Ausflug 3. Eine gute Tat 4. Das Gespenst im Waschhaus 5. Alle Jahre wieder 6. Die Erbse in der Nase 7. Walpurgisnacht 8. Die Lдuse-Mia 9. Abbe geht in die Luft 10. Eine Erinnerung fьr das Leben....

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Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985.

Avaeté - Semente da Vingança / Avaete, Seed of Revenge. 1985.

PT. Avaeté - Semente da Vingança é um filme brasileiro de 1985, dirigido por Zelito Viana. O filme de ficção faz referência ao massacre dos índios Cintas-largas ocorrido na região de Fontanillas, hoje município de Juína, no noroeste do Mato Grosso. Participaram...

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Badhuset. 1989.

Badhuset. 1989.

EN. Set in the WWII era, the story tells of a boy in a small village who befriends three girls around his age. One day he discovers a young couple sneaking into an old and cracked bathing shack and decides to alert his new friends. When the kids join...

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Fickende Fische / Fucking Fish. 2002.

Fickende Fische / Fucking Fish. 2002.

«Wenn du den Richtigen gefunden hast, halt ihn fest!» "What does your paradise look like, then?" - "Dark. Quiet. Wet. And full of fish." Jan likes Shakespeare, water and fish. Nina likes roller-skates, cars and brightly dyed hair. Jan loves Nina. Nina...

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Pianke. 1983. DVD.

Pianke. 1983. DVD.

DE. Pianke ist ein Spielfilm der DEFA im Auftrag des Fernsehens der DDR von Gunter Friedrich aus dem Jahr 1983 nach dem Roman Pianke von Peter Abraham aus dem Jahr 1981. Zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bewegt sich auf einem Fluss ein Segelboot zwischen...

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Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.

Metta Meta Gakido Koza. 1971.

Metta Meta Gakido Koza is a live-action comedy from 1971 directed by Mio Ezaki, based on a manga by Tanioka Yasuji. It’s a crazed blend of Benny Hill, Monty Python, and Takashi Miike’s Visitor Q. The main character is a lecherous boy, around twelve years...

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Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989.

Dva lidi v ZOO. 1989.

CZ. Hlavní postavou je starý zoolog Montelík, přezdívaný Monty. Seznámit se s ním můžete v okamžiku, kdy se od něj odstěhuje jeho žena Josefína, protože už má dost problémů, které jim působí zvířata ze zdejší ZOO, a kdy k nim mají přijet na návštěvu vnuci...

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Škriatok. 1995. Episode 2.

Škriatok. 1995. Episode 2.

Seriál o dvoch deťoch a počítačovom škriatkovi. Peter a Evka práve vďaka počítačovej technike pochopia hodnoty ľudskej tvorivosti v literárnych dielach klasickej svetovej tvorby pre deti, akými sú Dobrodružstvá Toma Sawyera, Traja mušketieri, Peter Pan,...

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Žlutý kvítek. 1982.

Žlutý kvítek. 1982.

CZ. Poetický příběh holčičky, které zelený balónek přivedl kamarády. V poetickém příběhu jedenáctileté holčičky, kterou zranění páteře uvěznilo doma, hraje důležitou roli zelený balonek. Se vzkazem od Markéty se vznáší oblohou a dostane se do správných...

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Bilitis. 1977. HD.

Bilitis. 1977. HD.

IT. La giovanissima Bilitis lascia il collegio e la sua amichetta "particolare" per andare a trascorrere le vacanze presso la ricca Melissa e il di lei rozzo marito Pierre. Qui la ragazzina riprenderà i suoi giochi saffici malgrado la presenza di un giovane...

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Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.

Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper. 1980.

DK. Børnefilm om drengen Lille Virgil (Bror Bødtker-Næss), der bor alene i et hønsehus, med sin etbenet hane Sigurd, som vækker ham hver morgen. Sammen med sin trofaste ven Oskar (Christian Honoré) oplever han spændende ting, blandt landsbyens særprægede...

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Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher / The Molesters. 1963.

Der Sittlichkeitsverbrecher / The Molesters. 1963.

DE. Ein fünfjähriges Mädchen wird mitten in Zürich entführt. Die Mutter informiert sofort die Polizei, die alle umstehenden Gebäude durchsucht. Nach einigen Stunden findet man das Kind in einem Keller, wo der Täter es vergewaltigt hat. Unter Zuhilfenahme...

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Au bout du bout du banc. 1979.

Au bout du bout du banc. 1979.

Four generations of Oppenheim men gather in Paris for Isaac's 90th birthday. He's "Romeo," still a lady's man, waiting to hear from a woman to whom he has proposed, threatening suicide if she says no. They gather at Isaac's grandson's, Ben, who lives...

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Prerušená hra / A Suspended Game. 1979.

Prerušená hra / A Suspended Game. 1979.

Do světa dětských her i soupeření zasáhne uprchlý trestanec: unese jako rukojmí dva chlapce, aby si tak vynutil přechod do zahraničí. Souběžně sledujeme chování obou dětí i záchranné policejní akce. Všimneme si snahy vytvořit akční příběh, ale současně...

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Blinker. 1999.

Blinker. 1999.

Blinker, a boy of eleven, and his friends are really enjoying the summer holidays. A series of mysterious events and the pestering motor gang 'The Red Vampires' turns their idyllic holiday into a thrilling adventure. A feel-good family film, full of romance,...

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Vergeten straat. 1999.

Vergeten straat. 1999.

Picture this: a small dead-end street in a big Belgian city. Due to negligence in the city's building-scheme, the inhabitants of this small street find themselves suddenly confronted with expropriation and evacuation. A celebrated Flemish writer, occupying...

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Phoolan Devi / Bandit Queen. 1994.

Phoolan Devi / Bandit Queen. 1994.

The movie tells the story of the bandit queen Phoolan Devi who was sent to prison in 1983 and got free in 1994. During five years she was prosecuted by the Indian police and turned into a legend (like a modern Robin Hood) by the Indian press. Although...

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Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire. 2004.

Sennenbi / The Thousand Year Fire. 2004.

Having lost both his mother and father, an 11-year-old city boy is sent to live with his grandparents in a small seaside village. Feeling responsible for his father's accidental death, he becomes increasingly introverted and finds himself unable to make...

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Izgubljeni zavičaj / Lost Homeland. 1980.

Izgubljeni zavičaj / Lost Homeland. 1980.

HR. Izgubljeni zavičaj je jugoslavensko/hrvatski dramski film iz 1980. koji je režirao Ante Babaja. Film je nastao slobodnom adaptacijom dvaju proznih djela Slobodana Novaka: kratkog romana Izgubljeni zavičaj te segmenta Nekropola iz romana Izvanbrodski...

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Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.

Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.

'D' is a chronicler of a society in chaos, who looks down on the marauding gangs, and rubbish-strewn streets from the fortress prison of her flat. Buffeted by inner dreams and longings, D finds an alternative world by stepping through the wall of her...

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