Selma's mother died giving birth to her, and Selma's step aunt is living proof that men only cause trouble. So the 11 year old girl makes a deal with her best friends that they will stay away from boys and dedicate their lives to science. And by the way,...
Read moreA tale of obsession and deception, and the struggle for love and faith in a world where both seem impossible. The film charts the emotional and physical hothouse effects that bloom one summer for two young women: Mona, behind a spiky exterior, hides an...
Read moreRare film from communist Albania, a summary: Gazi një djalë i vogël çdo mëngjez kur shkon në shkollë përshëndet djaloshin sklupturë që është vendsour në parkun e qytetit dhe fëmijët i kanë vënë emrin Ilir. Por një ditë Ilirit i thyejnë krahët dhe Gazi...
Read moreA charismatic leader and a high-spirited student group are on holiday in Italy. The surreal adventures of these friends are a free-flowing, four-part "multi-sensual symphony," bereft of traditional story line. One national critic described the boys' anarchic...
Read moreFR. Célibataires, Marie et Aminthe vivent dans la maison de leur grand-père. Au moment où la seconde pense qu'il faut vendre cette demeure dans le but d'acheter un appartement, elle se heurte au refus catégorique de la première. EN. Two elderly ladies,...
Read moreEinzug ins Paradies: DDR-Serie über Glück und Leid in einem neuerrichteten Plattenbau in Berlin-Marzahn. Fünf Familien ziehen erwartungsvoll in die oberen Stockwerke eines gerade fertig gestellten Wohnblocks in Berlin-Marzahn. Familie Hellgrewe samt Oma,...
Read moreGermany, WWII: 10-year old Dagmar has just lost her beloved twin brother Doug and her family through a bomb attack. Together with a young girl who worked in the bakery of Dagmar's parents they escape to Bavaria and find shelter at some far relatives of...
Read moreEN. The story of two friends who while at first enemies become fast friends at a recreation area Here they try to experience youth friendship and love while trying to avoid the negative influences that society has had on... CZ. Film Karla Smyczka podle...
Read moreTeenage Caveman is a 2002 science fiction-horror film directed by controversial filmmaker Larry Clark. It was made as part of a series of low-budget made-for-television movies loosely inspired by B movies that Samuel Z. Arkoff had produced for AIP. In...
Read moreA sister and brother must deal with their parents' divorce in this Danish family drama. It is set during the Berlin crisis in 1962. Carmen, the nervous one, and her brother Adrian, aka Babyface, lead happy lives. Their father is a ceramist, and their...
Read moreDE. Paul ist unglücklich verheiratet. Gegenüber seiner Wohnung lebt die alleinstehende Paula mit ihren beiden Kindern. Ihre Begegnung in einer Kellerbar wird zu Leidenschaft. Während Paula sich fortan im siebten Himmel wähnt, bleibt Paul distanziert,...
Read moreThis old documentary film is about the ballet and consists of two parts: the first part will tell about how is the reception in the Moscow choreographic school, which trains ballet dancers. And in the second we will see the educational process, training...
Read more"A Cloud above paradise" is a presentation short feature film, which symbolizes eternal problems of human life. Its plot is developing on a background of the Chernobyl tragedy consequences. This movie received the prize for the best short film of 2000...
Read moreLa narrazione, con continue analessi si intreccia con i primi anni di vita di Benedetto, ragazzino vivace e sfrontato che vive in un paesino agricolo della Ciociaria. Benedetto è orfano: di lui si occupa soltanto una zia nubile e libertina, che lo rimprovera...
Read moreAngeles y querubines is the first feature directed by Rafael Corkidi, cinematographer of such visual masterpieces as El Topo and The Holy Mountain. This surreal Mexican fantasy shows influences of Alejandro Jodorowsky as you would expect, and also of...
Read moreNjë fshat i bukur bregdetar… Çeta vullnetare e fshatit gjatë stërvitjes ushtarake ndez fantazinë e fëmijëve. Duke imituar të rriturit dhe duke imagjinuar veten në një kohë lufte ata ndahen në dy grupe dhe nisin një lojë mjaft tërheqëse. Spikat trimëria...
Read moreAL. Një grup fëmijësh kalojnë pushimet në bregun e Adriatikut. Midis tyre është Detini një djalë i ndrydhur dhe fjalëpak shokët e vënë në lojë dhe ai mendon të largohet. Por shoku i tij më i afërt Gjini e ndihmon të rimarrë veten dhe të futet në shoqëri....
Read moreDE. Die Schüler Franz und Schorsch sind der Schrecken aller Lehrer. Ständig zu Unfug aufgelegt, stören sie den Unterricht. Der Rest der Klasse sieht tatenlos zu. Nur die neue Mitschülerin Vera ist entsetzt und versucht, den Jungen ins Gewissen zu reden...
Read moreIT. Verona, 1970. Il novenne Sergio è figlio unico ed è molto amato dai suoi genitori, non ha amici ma è dotato di una immaginazione tanto fervida che gli permette di divertirsi anche da solo. Le cose per lui iniziano a cambiare quando, durante un'estate...
Read moreA lfons Zitterbacke ist ein liebenswerter Pechvogel. Eigentlich mochte er immer alles richtig machen und den anderen helfen, eckt aber gerade dadurch uberall an. Er traumt viel, spinnt ein bisschen, lasst sich nicht alles gefallen, hat einen eigenen Kopf...
Read morehilipp fühlt sich viel zu klein. Zwar sind seine Freunde in der Schule auch nur gerade drei Käse hoch; er aber meint, Großes könne man nur als Großer vollbringen. So träumt er von großen Taten und Dingen. Und siehe da, er bekommt eine Flöte geschenkt,...
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