A shy girl named Ana is sent to an English boarding school. After a period of adjustment, she travels to London with two of her more world weary classmates and becomes the target for a trio of men who take illicit photographs of young girls to be published...
Read moreEN: The director of Meztelen Vagy was imprisoned for many years during the latter part of the Stalin era and is known for his highly imagistic and symbolic storytelling techniques. This film tells its story in the same way, and at no point is the story...
Read moreEN. Phil, 10 years old, living with his mother, has fallen in love with a girl of his age. He also likes skateboarding with his friends. FR. Phil, 10 ans, vit avec sa mere, aime la planche a roulettes et... il est tombe amoureux d'une fille de son age....
Read moreMauro, jovem engenheiro ferroviario e muito bem casado com a linda Katia vive em completa harmonia junto de seu sogro, o irmao de Katia, Beto, Adriana esposa de Paulo e Kika a namorada de Beto. Num dos passeios da familia ao terminal ferroviario, Mauro...
Read moreGR. Μια παρέα παιδιών περνά τις καλοκαιρινές διακοπές της σε ένα χωριό. Ανακαλύπτουν σε έναν σκουπιδότοπο αρχαία αγάλματα και τα μεταφέρουν στον κήπο. Κρύβουν την ανακάλυψή τους από τους μεγάλους και γίνονται φίλοι με τα αγάλματα, παίζουν και μιλάνε μαζί...
Read moreHU. A Na végre, itt a nyár! színes magyar ifjúsági vígjáték, melyet 2002-ben mutattak be, és melyet az alkotók később egy 13 részes televíziós sorozattá bővítettek. A történet főszereplői napjaink Magyarországán élő gyerekek, akikre izgalmas, mulatságos...
Read moreNL. België, tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het verhaal van de jonge Louis, die overeind blijft ondanks oorlog, hypocrisie, leugens, onderdrukking, zijn collaborerende vader en zijn verbitterde moeder, die het aanlegt met een Duitse officier. Louis heeft...
Read moreCZ: Dospivajici Blazena travi s nekolika kamaradkami bezstarostne leto na divcim tabore, kdyz je jeji pobyt necekane a ve spechu ukoncen. Tata, ktery si pro ni prijel, nese tolik ocekavanou radostnou novinu - narodil se ji braska Petrik. Jenze vzapeti...
Read moreMarion is a 14 year old girl, on holidays at the sea. She is in conflict with her mother and family. She meets a man there, to whom she feels close. Back in Paris, she goes to see him again. For the first time, she is gonna make love. Director : Emmanuelle...
Read more"Blood Sisters", Danish filmmaker Louise Friedberg's sophomore short film, is the kind of flick that you simply can't take your eyes off of. It's a relatively simple story that has been played out time and time again: a young girl feels threatened by...
Read moreSaunominen on suomalaiselle sekä taidetta että tiedettä. Kun maassa on lähes kaksi miljoonaa saunaa, erilaisia höyryhuoneita riittää joka lähtöön. Finland, 1957. Language: Finnish. Download Saunasta sisua. 1957. Saunasta sisua. 1957.
Read moreDurant l'ete 1958, Frederique, 13 ans, et sa petite s?ur Sophie, 8 ans, partent comme tous les ans en vacances a La Baule pour aller voir leur oncle Leon, leur tante Bella et leurs cousins. Mais cette annee, Lena, leur mere, leur annonce qu'elle ne viendra...
Read moreLéon is ten years old, has lots of problems and an overly fertile imagination. Of course, there is mom and dad who are always fighting, and those annoying neighbors who get to spend the summer at the beach. And then, there's Léa, the exasperating girl...
Read moreA small-town tale of Niels, a 14-year-old boy with nothing on his mind but handball. His coach, recognizing his great goal-keeping talent, takes special care of him. On the night of the qualification rounds for the final Danish championships, the coach...
Read moreTrochu bláznivá, trochu fantastická komedie pro děti: Působením blesku a dalších záhadných okolností se nadaný žák šesté třídy začne objevovat v dalších mutacích, které se od sebe charakterově liší... Director: Drahomíra Reňáková-Králová. Cast: Pavel...
Read morePríbeh trinásťročného chlapca, jeho prvej lásky a jeho túžby prekonať svoj vlastný strach. Director: Ludovit Filan / Ľudovít Filan. Cast: Tomas Dolinek / Tomáš Dolínek, Richard Stanke, Robert Cisár, Michal Suroviak, Pavlína Mourková, Zuzana Pravňanská,...
Read moreThe old Soviet film about the future pioneers. Tyomka says goodbye to kindergarten and teacher. Tomorrow Tyomka will go to school in the first grade, so today he has a lot to do. The last summer day and real life is just beginning... Director: Alexander...
Read moreIn the country reformatory school both the teacher and the children are trapped by the circumstances. From among the pupils excels Sanyi, who cannot accept the fact that his mother does not love him and he keeps on escaping after her. From among the teachers...
Read more"El Pollo," a 13-year-old child in reform school, witnesses and experiences the brutalization of the guards and the other inmates. A beautiful, poetic movie regarding the tormented existence of young inmates in Argentinian's juvenile jails, more or less...
Read moreA lonely police detective tracks down a crazed child murderer. The movie develops both characters equally well. Most of us would be drawn more to the depiction of the killer as an aberrant type. He is well played as a person lost in his own world, with...
Read moreHonzik je pysny, ze nacvicuje se skolaky na spartakiadu, zejmena proto, ze jeste sam nechodi do skoly. Necekane se do obce pristehuje pan Horak se synem skolniho veku, ktery Honzika nahradi. Honzik si zoufa. V den oblastni spartakiady deti odjedou a Honzik...
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