At the age twenty, Older escapes incarceration and seeks out his ten year old little brother, Younger. Clearly the bad influence, Older gets the boys mixed up in the "accidental" killing of a young girl and they are forced to go into hiding as they wait...
Read moreIT. Alice, che nel film precedente era stata rapita, scopre che il padre non era intenzionato a pagare il riscatto per liberarla. Questo fatto la fa dubitare che l'uomo sia davvero suo padre. Inizia a indagare sul passato della madre fino a scoprire Lucio,...
Read moreDie Brüder Peter, Günter und Klaus wandern los, um das Objekt ihrer Träume zu finden. Günter und Klaus wollen einen Mähdrescher und einen Traktor finden, geben jedoch schon nach kurzer Zeit auf. Der jüngste, Peter, sucht das Märchenschloss, von dem er...
Read more"The Aborgine and the girl 30,000 years apart ...together." A privileged British family consisting of a mother, a geologist father and an adolescent daughter and son, live in Sydney, Australia. Out of circumstance, the siblings, not knowing exactly where...
Read moreBased on V.C. Andrews' controversial cult-classic novel, "Flowers in the Attic" tells the story of the Dollanganger kids who, after the unexpected death of their father, are coerced to stay hidden in the attic of their ruthless grandmother. Director:...
Read moreV poetice dětského filmu lze řešit závažné problémy - třeba citovou rozervanost malého chlapce z dětského domova, jenž přilnul ke svým adoptivním rodičům, avšak po čase se ozvala jeho biologická matka... Příběh je samozřejmě hodně didaktický, uzpůsoben...
Read moreTwo people are standing in the middle of a desert, which once has been the bottom of the largest river of the world; they are looking for water. They discover a point, being the basis of a line. During the process of their search for water, they are creating...
Read moreA family three-part comedy Tri vesyolye smeny (Three Funny Sessions) is about a funny adventures of the children in a summer camp during summer vacation. 3 stories: 1. Selyuzhonok. 2. Oshibka Mikoshi. 3. Tayna Fenimora. Directors: Dmitri Mikhleyev, Yuri...
Read moreModerná rozprávka, poeticky ladený príbeh o chlapcovi - prvákovi, ktorý sa nevedel dočkať zrelých čerešní. Director : Vladimir Kavciak / Vladimír Kavčiak. Cast: Робин Шурина / Robin Surina / Robin Šurina, Марош Тварожек / Maros Tvarozek / Maroš Tvarožek,...
Read moreWhile playing outside one day, nine-year-old Michele discovers Filippo, who is chained to the ground at the bottom of a hole. Michele witnesses town baddie Felice nearby and suspects something bad is happening. Michele is unsure whom he should tell about...
Read moreRain Shower", also "Shower" or "Sonagi," is a Korean short story written by Korean writer Hwang Sun-won in 1959. "Rain Shower" is a translation of the Korean title “Sonagi.” A sonagi is a brief but heavy rain shower that starts suddenly, usually on a...
Read moreCategory III soft sex comedy about two 8 year old girls who want to become adults. One day through magic this happens, but how should they handle this new situation? Director: Man Kei Chin. Cast: Chun Chung, Stephanie Fong, Christine Hung, Qi Shu, Elvis...
Read moreLila wants to emulate the sexual exploits of her more experienced best friend. She fixates on a tough older guy who will "sleep with anyone" and tries to insert herself into his world, putting herself in a dangerously vulnerable situation. Director: Eliza...
Read moreAnna is a 12-year-old girl, living in a small fishing village. She is at a crossroad in her life. Her surroundings are changing - and so is she. Director : Rúnar Rúnarsson. Cast: Marie Hammer Boda, Daniel Stampe, Petrine Agger, Kristianna Nordoy, Leonora...
Read more2 Birds takes place during one bright summer night and follows a group of young teenagers on a journey from innocence to adulthood. The main character is a timid boy who has a typical schoolboy crush on a girl his age, who happens to be a friend of his...
Read moreThe story is simple. A boy has a mother who is dedicated to him in every way, emotionally engaged and prepared for extreme sacrifice for the smallest pleasure for him. On the other side is a father so stern he makes Bergman's Scandinavian Lutherans seem...
Read moreWeasel, villain of fables, known for sucking out eggs and leaving shells intact. Weasel, a film concerned with man, boy, and rope. Director: Charles Birns. Cast: Hale Lytle (Young Bodies Heal Quickly), Michael Joseph Robinson, Robert Clohessy, Anthony...
Read moreBased on a true story of two brothers in 1970's Ohio. It tells of their abandonment by their alcoholic parents and how the brothers turned to each other for support. Director: J.C. Oliva. Cast: Kevin Fabian, Malcolm McRae, Mathis Fender, Jonathan Robert...
Read moreAnton zieht mit seiner Familie in ein Hochhaus. Damit die neuen Nachbarn seine Trompetenmusik akzeptieren, muss er erst ein kleines “Wunder” mit dem Instrument vollbringen. Director : Wolfgang Hubner. Cast: Andreas Pfaff, Madeleine Lierck, Jurgen Heinrich,...
Read moreDazed by her mother's death, 9-year-old Hanali travels with her father to a remote town where she meets Rosa, a mother who recently lost her child. Under the weight of their grief, delusion takes hold - pulling the two together as they seek to find what...
Read moreES. Este cortometraje realizado en Estados Unidos recrea la relación de cariño entre una nana latina y un niña norteamericana que se encuentra a su cuidado. Con una marcada presencia del agua como elemento que une al corto, la película deja en evidencia...
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