A small boy opens his eyes in the morning, astonished by the sunlight. The family life is as usual, almost idyllic. But the boy starts to hear noises during the nights; arguments and crying. The father disappears; the mother takes the kids to the grandparents’...
Read moreLovely Rita is not lovely at all. She is a sulky, deceitful, calculating teenager bent on seducing the local bus driver. She is very much an outsider at school and is the source of many arguments at home. In the title role Barbara Osika gives a good rendition...
Read moreSecret Letter tells about 11-year old Eva, who's fed up with all the tensions at home. In order to make her parents clear how she feels about this, she runs away from home. She hides in the attic of her best friend's place, Jackie en Thomas. When she...
Read moreES. Y que patatín... y que patatán es una película filmada en blanco y negro de Argentina dirigida por Mario Sabato según su propio guion escrito en colaboración con el guion de Mario Mactas que se estrenó el 30 de septiembre de 1971 y que tuvo como protagonistas...
Read moreMixed Company is a 1974 comedy-drama film directed by Melville Shavelson and written by Shavelson and Mort Lachman. It stars Barbara Harris, Joseph Bologna, Tom Bosley, Lisa Gerritsen, Dorothy Shay, Ruth McDevitt and Haywood Nelson. Kathy Morrison (Harris),...
Read moreEin Zimmer mit Ausblick ist eine aus sieben Episoden bestehende Fernsehserie der DEFA aus dem Jahr 1978. Die Serie erzählt das Leben von Jette, die als Waisenkind bei ihrer Großmutter, Frau König, lebt. Da Jette nicht weiß, dass sie ein Waisenkind ist,...
Read more"Novemberkatzen" - so werden die jungen und schwachen Kätzchen genannt, die erst im Herbst zur Welt kommen und die es nach landläufiger Meinung sehr schwer haben. Auch die elfjährige Ilse, die Jüngste in der Familie, merkt schon früh, daß das Leben für...
Read moreGelsomina's family functions according to very particular rules. First of all, Gelsomina, at twelve years of age, practically runs the family. Her three younger sisters obey her and work under her watchful eye. But the outside world mustn't know anything...
Read moreDesaťročná Katka cestuje z Bratislavy na prázdniny. Ide na dedinu ku svojej tete, ktorá ju ale nečaká, pretože ju náhle museli odviezť do nemocnice. Čo teraz? Domov sa vrátiť nemôže, pretože mamička odišla za oteckom do zahraničia. Katky sa ujíma suseda...
Read moreIn this explosive celebration of children's creativity, PRIMARY! Follows the lives of students and their teachers in a peculiar yet somewhat recognizable primary school. When Jose Maria, more apt at lecturing Fine Arts at University than controlling a...
Read moreAnna a young teenager comes home from her Catholic boarding school for the holidays and discovers her father has left. Her mother is devastated and confined in the company of the local priest, who is also a childhood friend. Anna clings to her beloved...
Read moreThe movie consists of two novels with the same characters, but different adventures. A group of kids spend all their holidays together at the seaside. They never grow tired of games and mischief. But sometimes they decide to arrange the lives of the adults,...
Read moreSE. Den förtrollade vägen är en tv-film från år 1986 producerad av Yle. Manus till filmen är skrivet av Benedict Zilliacus och baserat på Oscar Parlands roman med samma namn från 1953. Berättelsen skildrar händelser inspirerade av Parlands barndom, och...
Read moreThe Hungarian version of the famous Soviet film on the script Yuri Nagibin Девочка и эхо / Paskutinė atostogų diena. A filmben szereplő furcsa kislány visszahangokat gyűjt, s "csodálatos gyűjteményét" megmutatja kis barátjának is. Később a kisfiú is dicsekedni...
Read moreIn a town near Salamanca, an eccentric widower, aged 60, is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old. Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun. Gregoria (Goyita) the daughter of a weak-willed policeman and...
Read moreSE. Den förtrollade vägen är en tv-film från år 1986 producerad av Yle. Manus till filmen är skrivet av Benedict Zilliacus och baserat på Oscar Parlands roman med samma namn från 1953. Berättelsen skildrar händelser inspirerade av Parlands barndom, och...
Read moreStan, screeplay writer, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte. A writer played by Serge Gainsbourg, is asking his agent for money which he needs because he...
Read moreEgy első osztályba lépő kisfiú és osztálytársai a film hősei. Hétköznapjaikat és ünnepeiket látjuk, mindvégig gyermekszemmel. Bepillantást nyerünk a kisfiú családjának életébe, megismerkedünk elfoglalt és kissé szórakozott édesapjával, aranyos édesanyjával...
Read more1. A couple of young kids living in Los Angeles (played by Rockwell's children Nico and Lana), decide that they want to see "the river." Setting out alone, their encounters along the way provide the heart and soul of the movie. Moments of wordless play...
Read more“Rreziku i ardhjes së njerkës” vjen papritur në jetën e Bledit të vogël. Ky lajm që vogëlushi e mëson rastësisht ishte një shok emocional për të. Nga ana tjetër kjo ndikon në lidhjen shpirtërore midis babait të Bledit Agronit dhe Zanës një kolege e tij...
Read more"Bułeczka" to 8-letnia dziewczynka – sierota, która przyjeżdża do wujostwa do Wrocławia ze wsi, gdzie wychowywali ją dalecy krewni. Jest oszołomiona miastem, niechętnie przyjęta przez cioteczną siostrę "Dziunię" – rozpieszczoną jedynaczkę. Mimo to nie...
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