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The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.

The Spy Who Caught a Cold. 1995.

A bus stops and drops off a mother and daughter at a British holiday resort by the sea. Which happens also to be a naturist resort. The girls frolic carefree on the beach. Mother is looking for a new man and her daughter giggles at the different shapes...

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Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer. 1968.

Som havets nakna vind / One Swedish Summer. 1968.

SE. …som havets nakna vind är en svensk komedi- och dramafilm från 1968 i regi av Ulf Palme och Gunnar Höglund. I rollerna ses bland andra Hans Gustafsson, Lillemor Ohlson och Barbro Hiort af Ornäs. Den unge Leander är en lyckad student i Schweiz, men...

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Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse. 1983.

Konrad oder Das Kind aus der Konservenbüchse. 1983.

"Guten Tag, liebe Mutter, die Nährlösung ist im Deckel!" Die Malerin Bartolotti fällt aus allen Wolken, als sie ein schrumpeliger Knirps aus der Konservenbüchse anspricht. Aufgrund eines Computerfehlers in der Fabrik für Instant-Kinder ist der unkonventionellen...

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Estiu 1993 / Verano 1993 / Summer 1993. 2017.

Estiu 1993 / Verano 1993 / Summer 1993. 2017.

EN. Summer 1993 (Original title: Estiu 1993) is a 2017 Catalan-language drama film directed by Carla Simón. The film premiered in the Generation section at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival, where it won the GWFF Best First Feature Award. It...

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Saliva. 2007.

Saliva. 2007.

PT. Uma viagem na mente de uma menina de 12 anos prestes a dar seu primeiro beijo. Duvidas e medos mergulhados em saliva. EN. A journey into the mind of a 12 year old girl about to give her first kiss: doubts and fears engulfed in saliva. Director: Esmir...

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Helden wie wir / Heroes Like Us. 1999.

Helden wie wir / Heroes Like Us. 1999.

Heroes Like Us presents as heroes ordinary teenagers and young East German adults, who in Thomas Brussig's (the novel and screenplay author) story, caused the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Our young hero falls in love, from an early age, with a girl whose...

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Anjos do Sol / Angels of the Sun. 2006.

Anjos do Sol / Angels of the Sun. 2006.

In 2002, 12-year-old Maria, living in dire poverty with her family, is sold by her fisherman father to prostitute recruiter Seu Tadeu, who takes her to a low-class brothel in the Amazon region. While she suffers innumerable abuses, Maria only thinks of...

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Tüskevár / Thorn Castle. 1967.

Tüskevár / Thorn Castle. 1967.

HU. A Tüskevár 1966-ban forgatott, 1967-ben bemutatott fekete-fehér ifjúsági filmsorozat, melyet a Magyar Televízió Fekete István híres regényéből Fejér Tamás dirigálásával készített. A film hőse egy kisfiú, a széltől is óvják, még az úttörőtáborba se...

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初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968.

初恋・地獄篇 / Hatsukoi: Jigoku-hen / Nanami: The Inferno of First Love. 1968.

Hatsukoi Jigokuhen (初恋・地獄篇) is a 1968 film directed by Susumu Hani and co-scripted by him with Shūji Terayama. It is one of Hani's best known works. In the West, it is known as Nanami, The Inferno of First Love or as Nanami, First Love. The movie focuses...

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風の中の子供 / Kaze no naka no kodomo / Children in the Wind. 1937.

風の中の子供 / Kaze no naka no kodomo / Children in the Wind. 1937.

Brothers Zenta and Sanpei carelessly wile their summer away in the countryside, bullying neighbor Kintaro and fighting over who gets to deliver their father's daily lunchbox. Sunny days come to an abrupt end when their father is accused of forging documents...

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Vive les vacances! 2009.

Vive les vacances! 2009.

Vive les vacances! était une série télévisée diffusée en 2009 en France sur TF1 et en Belgique sur La Une. Une superbe maison de vacances au bord de la mer et trois couples avec enfants qui s'y installent pour le mois d'août. Problème ! Chaque couple...

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Gates to Paradise / Bramy raju / Die Pforten des Paradieses. 1968.

Gates to Paradise / Bramy raju / Die Pforten des Paradieses. 1968.

Gates to Paradise is a 1968 film by Polish director Andrzej Wajda. The film is set in medieval France and is based on a story by Polish writer Jerzy Andrzejewski (1960) that seeks to expose the motives behind youthful religious zeal. It was entered into...

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Jhing Chik Jhing. 2009.

Jhing Chik Jhing. 2009.

The film is set around the problem of agrarian debt and farmer suicides in Maharashtra. Mouli (Bharat Jadhav), a farmer who ekes out a living on a 2 acre farm is trying his best to support his family. He is in debt to the tune of Rs. 10,000 to the local...

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Schulmädchen-Report / The School Girls. All Episodes. 1970-1979.

Schulmädchen-Report / The School Girls. All Episodes. 1970-1979.

DE. Schulmädchen-Report ist der Titel eines 1970 erschienenen Buches von Günther Hunold, das Interviews mit zwölf Mädchen und jungen Frauen im Alter von 14 bis 20 über ihre Sexualität präsentierte. Der noch im selben Jahr in die westdeutschen Kinos gekommenen...

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Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006.

Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006.

DK. Lille mand, Mathias på 8 år, er ved at skrive verdens vigtigste opgave i skolen: "Sådan er kvinder" en håndbog af Mathias'. CZ. Osmiletý Mathias dostal za úkol napsat do školy esej, kterou nazval "Jak porozumět ženám". Jeho práce se ale ukáže celkem...

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Edges of the Lord. 2001.

Edges of the Lord. 2001.

Polish 12 year-young city Jew Romek gets a crash-course in Catholicsim from his daddy ('stay hanging by your arms till your prayers are perfect') so he can be sent away and escape deportation (Auschwitz?) hiding in the country where the clergy found a...

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Suominis. 1961.

Suominis. 1961.

LT. Lietuvos kino studijoje sukurtas trumpametražinis meninis filmas. Nespalvotas, filmo trukmė - 19 min. EN. This short film, filmed on the novel of the writer Mykolas Sluckis, diploma work Algimantas Kundelis - graduate of VGIK (course of Alexander...

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Veneno para las hadas / Poison for the Fairies. 1984.

Veneno para las hadas / Poison for the Fairies. 1984.

Mexico City circa 1965: Flavia is an aristocratic little girl, who is very lonely and bored. At school she meets and befriends a strange and beautiful girl named Veronica, who dreams of becoming a witch. Their games get increasingly sadistic and macabre,...

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მაგდანას ლურჯა / Magdanas Lurja. 1955.

მაგდანას ლურჯა / Magdanas Lurja. 1955.

GE. ეს არის ყველასათვის საყვარელი ფილმი, რომელიც არის ქართული კინემატოგრაფიის ერთ–ერთი შედევრი.. ეს ფილმი 1955 წელს გამოუშვა კინოსტუდია "საქართველოს ფილმმა"... ფილმი გადაღებულია ცნობილი ქართველი მწერლის ეკატერინე გაბაშვილის ამავე სახელწოდების მოთხრობის...

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A Mala de Cartão / La Valise en Carton. 1988.

A Mala de Cartão / La Valise en Carton. 1988.

C’est l’histoire d’une petite fille pauvre de Beringel, au sud du Portugal. La rudesse de sa mère, les coups de son père et un orphelinat à la discipline de fer remplissent ses jeunes années. A treize ans, elle travaille déjà à l’usine. Jeune mère d’un...

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Ottokar der Weltverbesserer. 1977.

Ottokar der Weltverbesserer. 1977.

Ottokar geht in die 5. Klasse und hat eine auffallende Eigenart: Er mischt sich uberall ein, wo er Ungerechtigkeiten zu entdecken glaubt, au?erdem ist er sehr hilfsbereit und schreckt dabei auch vor kleinen Lugen nicht zuruck. An Lehrer Kunz racht er...

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