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Alamar / To The Sea. 2009.

Alamar / To The Sea. 2009.

ES. Con sólo cinco años, el pequeño Natan siente que este viaje con su papá Jorge no es un viaje más, sino el capítulo previo a abandonar la tierra mexicana paterna rumbo a la de los orígenes de su mamá italiana . Sin embargo, la ruptura familiar del...

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Beasts of the Southern Wild. 2012.

Beasts of the Southern Wild. 2012.

Hushpuppy, an intrepid six-year-old girl, lives with her father, Wink, in the Bathtub, a southern Delta community at the edge of the world. Wink's tough love prepares her for the unraveling of the universe; for a time when he's no longer there to protect...

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Min afrikanske dagbog / My African Diary. 1999.

Min afrikanske dagbog / My African Diary. 1999.

DK. Hjalmar er 9 år og er med sin lillebror Simon på rejse i Sydafrika, hvor deres far er på filmoptagelse. Hjalmar går i forskellige skoler og får nye kammerater. Det land, han møder, er ikke hans drømmes Afrika om søde buskmænd, men et samfund, der...

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Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994.

Trollsyn / Second Sight. 1994.

NO. Filmen er basert på sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Den store pesten i Norge ble kalt svartedauen og herjet i Europa rundt 1350. Den rammet Norge svært hardt og to tredjedeler av befolkningen døde. En av de viktigste bærerne av håpet om en nasjonal gjenfødelse...

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Å snu seg mot solen. 2012.

Å snu seg mot solen. 2012.

NO. Norsk kortfilm. Lennart mistrives på skolen. Han hater gymnastikk og særlig den ufyselige gymlæreren. Så en dag flytter pene og mystiske Julia inn i naboleiligheten. De to utvikler raskt et godt forhold og Julia lærer Lennart å slå tilbake. Vennskapet...

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Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes.

Nesthäkchen. 1983. 6 Episodes.

DE. Nesthäkchen ist eine deutsche Kinder- und Familienserie von Gero Erhardt, die als fünfte Weihnachtsserie des ZDF 1983 ausgestrahlt wurde. Als Vorlage dienten die ersten drei Nesthäkchenbände der Schriftstellerin Else Ury. Die Geschichte dreht sich...

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Weiser. 2001.

Weiser. 2001.

A man struggles to come to terms with a mystery that has haunted him throughout his adult life in this drama from Poland. In 1967, a 13-year-old boy named Dawid discovered a cache of explosives and began experimenting with them; one day, several of his...

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Perras / Bitches. 2011.

Perras / Bitches. 2011.

ES. Perras es un thriller, una montaña rusa emocional que revela la ética, la estética y la erótica de diez jóvenes sospechosas de una falta imperdonable. A través de la historia de la más bonita, de la coja que quiere su fiesta de quince años, de la...

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Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994.

Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994.

DE. Eine Gruppe rumänischer Kinder entdeckt ein herrenloses Jaguar-Cabriolet. Der zehnjährige Fane will die Freunde zum Meer fahren. Alkohol und eine Pistole aus dem Kofferraum lassen die fröhliche Anarchie der Rasselbande bald in gefährliche Protzerei...

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Friends. 1971.

Friends. 1971.

In this teen romance, a young neglected English boy named Paul Harrison (Sean Bury) runs away and becomes friends with a French girl named Michelle La Tour (Anicee Alvina) on the same flight. Together, they go to an idyllic marsh location in France; specifically,...

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Baby. 2000.

Baby. 2000.

A teenage boy finds all around him has sexual overtones as he lives a teenage life of drugs and masturbation. A mesmerising depiction of adolescent sexual anxiety, Baby will resonate with anyone who remembers being a sex-crazed teen. In this early example...

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Pauline à la plage / Pauline at the Beach. 1983. DVD.

Pauline à la plage / Pauline at the Beach. 1983. DVD.

FR. Pauline à la plage est un film français réalisé par Éric Rohmer, sorti en février 1983. Marion, styliste à Paris, et Pauline, sa jeune cousine, passent leurs vacances dans une station balnéaire normande. Elles y rencontrent Pierre, amoureux de Marion,...

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Die Unerzogenen / The Unpolished. 2007.

Die Unerzogenen / The Unpolished. 2007.

DE. Stevie, ein eigenwilliges, 14-jähriges Mädchen, landet völlig unvorbereitet aus dem Süden Europas in einer deutschen Kleinstadt. Von Heute auf Morgen muss sie in dieser provinziellen Fremde mit der Haltlosigkeit ihrer leichtlebigen Eltern zurechtkommen....

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Reckless. 2013. HD.

Reckless. 2013. HD.

An uncompromising and controversial short set in the Scandinavian suburbia on the hottest day of the summer. A sister reluctantly babysits her little brother. Two young boys catch her attention, and she makes a crucial decision. Director: Bjorn Erik Pihlmann...

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Olle Hexe / Ol' Witch. 1991.

Olle Hexe / Ol' Witch. 1991.

Eight year old Paul and his mother just moved to a skyscraper. After an embarrassing encounter with Anna, Paul meets her in the elevator. Anna makes fun of him and they start to quarrel. They can't arrange about going up or down. The elevator suddenly...

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Sonja fra Saxogade. 1968–1969. 8 Episodes.

Sonja fra Saxogade. 1968–1969. 8 Episodes.

Sonja fra Saxogade - Danish TV Series consisting of two seasons of 4 series in each. Sonja fra Saxogade er en dansk børne-tv-serie i 4 afsnit, der blev produceret af Nordisk Film for DR i 1968. Serien er instrueret af Jytte Hauch-Fausbøll, der også har...

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Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage. 2008.

Surviving Crooked Lake / Portage. 2008.

A summertime canoe trip turns into a nightmare for four 14-year-old girls. In this sensual, intense, indie feature drama, a quartet of teenage girls embark on a canoe-and-camping trip with a slightly older male guide in the endless wilderness of the Canadian...

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Ava. 2017. HD.

Ava. 2017. HD.

FR. Ava est un film écrit et réalisé par Léa Mysius sorti le 21 juin 2017. Le film a concouru lors de la 56e Semaine de la critique. Ava, 13 ans, est en vacances au bord de l'océan quand elle apprend qu'elle va perdre la vue plus vite que prévu. Sa mère...

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Jess + Moss. 2011. HD.

Jess + Moss. 2011. HD.

Jess (18) and Moss (12) are second cousins who have spent their summers together since either of them can remember. Without immediate families that they can relate to, and lacking friends their own age, all they have is each other. Through a series of...

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Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. 1917.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. 1917.

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp is a 1917 silent film fantasy directed by Chester and Sidney Franklin and produced and distributed by Fox Film Corporation. It is preserved in the George Eastman House, Cinemateca Do Museu De Arte Moderna and the Library...

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Naissance des pieuvres / Water Lilies. 2007. DVD.

Naissance des pieuvres / Water Lilies. 2007. DVD.

FR. Naissance des pieuvres est un film dramatique français écrit et réalisé par Céline Sciamma sorti en 2007. Il s'agit du premier long métrage de la réalisatrice, basé sur son scénario de fin d'étude à la Fémis. Pendant l'été de leurs quinze ans, trois...

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