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Tomka dhe shokët e tij / Tomka and His Friends. 1977.

Tomka dhe shokët e tij / Tomka and His Friends. 1977.

AL. Filmi "Tomka dhe shokët e tij" prodhim i kinostudios Shqipëria e Re i vitit 1977. Tomka është një djalë i vogël që i pëlqen të luajë me top së bashku me shokët e tij. Por fushën e futbollit e marrin nazistët që kanë hyrë në qytet. Tomka nën kujdesin...

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Il ragazzo invisibile / The Invisible Boy. 2014.

Il ragazzo invisibile / The Invisible Boy. 2014.

IT. Il ragazzo invisibile è un film commedia-fantascientifico del 2014 diretto da Gabriele Salvatores. Il film ha per protagonista Michele, un adolescente apparentemente come tanti che vive in una tranquilla città sul mare. Non si può dire che a scuola...

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Pengantin Pantai Biru / The Bridegroom of Blue Beach. 1983.

Pengantin Pantai Biru / The Bridegroom of Blue Beach. 1983.

ID. Pengantin Pantai Biru adalah film Indonesia tahun 1983 dengan disutradarai oleh Wim Umboh serta dibintangi oleh Meriam Bellina dan Sandro Tobing. Ketika kapal ekspedisi purbakala mendapat musibah, Prof. Hasnan Rasyid dan cucunya Andri terpisah. Sewaktu...

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Sexy Thing. 2006.

Sexy Thing. 2006.

Georgie, 12, is growing up in Sydney's Western suburbs in the 1970's. She's a tomboy, creative, and a dreamer; but always lives just outside herself and never quite in the present. She creates a magical underwater world to escape paternal abuse, and dreams...

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Dong dong de jia qi / A Summer At Grandpa's. 1984.

Dong dong de jia qi / A Summer At Grandpa's. 1984.

This film is inspired by screenwriter Chu Tien-wen's childhood memories. It is the first installment of director Hou Hsiao-Hsien's "Coming-of-Age Trilogy" that features three prominent Taiwanese screenwriters' coming-of-age stories - the other two are...

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Drenge. 1977.

Drenge. 1977.

Filmen bestеr af tre episoder i en drengs forhold til det seksuelle; Fшrst mшdet som femеrig med den stшrre og mere erfarne fжtter, dernжst den fшrste alvorlige forelskelse som syttenеrig og endelig studentertidens ubekymrede pigejagt. And: In the scene...

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Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.

Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.

ES: Cuando Valeria decide dejar de tocar el piano, sale a la luz un secreto que rompe la armonia familiar. EN: When Valeria decides to quit playing the piano, a secret comes to light and the family's harmony is broken. Director: Miguel Salgado. Cast:...

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Lejos de Africa / Black Island. 1996.

Lejos de Africa / Black Island. 1996.

ES: La historia de la amistad entre dos niсas de diferentes razas, una blanca, Susana, y otra negra, Rita, en Guinea Ecuatorial, entre los aсos 1950 y 1961. Susana irб descubriendo junto a su amiga el fascinante mundo de Africa, al tiempo que se hace...

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American Nudist. 2011.

American Nudist. 2011.

A young woman invites a filmmaker to follow her through the modern world of nudism. More info - imdb . Director: Clinton H. Wallace. Cast: Tony T.L. Young, Magda Marcella, Alicia Arden, Martin William Harris, Bogdan Szumilas, Arielle Brachfeld, Andrea...

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L'amant / The Lover. 1992. DVD.

L'amant / The Lover. 1992. DVD.

«She gave her innocence, her passion, her body. The one thing she couldn't give was her love.» The Lover (French: L'Amant) is a 1992 drama film produced by Claude Berri and directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud. Based on the semi-autobiographical 1984 novel...

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Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas / Innocents from Hell. 1977.

Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas / Innocents from Hell. 1977.

ES. Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas es una película de horror mexicana de 1978, dirigida por Juan López Moctezuma y protagonizada por Tina Romero en el rol principal. Está basada en Carmilla, novela corta de 1872 escrita por Sheridan Le Fanu. Narra...

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Sune i Grekland - All Inclusive. 2012.

Sune i Grekland - All Inclusive. 2012.

SE: Sune ar tillbaka! Tillsammans med lillebror Hakan Brakan, storasyster Anna, mamma Karin och pappa Rudolf drar Sune till Grekland pa sommarlovet. Som varje sommar forut planerar familjen Andersson sin semestervecka i Myggtrask. Da hander det mest ovantade,...

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Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas / Nicholas on Holiday. 2014.

Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas / Nicholas on Holiday. 2014.

FR. C’est la fin de l’année scolaire. Le moment tant attendu des vacances est arrivé. Le petit Nicolas, ses parents et Mémé prennent la route en direction de la mer, et s’installent pour quelques temps à l’Hôtel Beau-Rivage. Sur la plage, Nicolas se fait...

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Dziewczyna i chłopak. 1977.

Dziewczyna i chłopak. 1977.

Polski film i serial telewizyjny w reżyserii Stanisława Lotha z roku 1977, luźna adaptacja filmowa książki Dziewczyna i chłopak, czyli heca na 14 fajerek Hanny Ożogowskiej. W Warszawie mieszka dwójka bliźniaczo podobnego do siebie rodzeństwa: Tomek i...

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Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.

Addio zio Tom / Goodbye Uncle Tom. 1971. DVD.

IT. Della serie "Africa Addio", questa volta però dedicato allo schiavismo negli Stati Uniti. Un pseudo-documentario realizzato da due autori da tempo dediti al genere, dotati di mezzi e di indubbie capacità tecniche, decisamente spese male. Jacopetti...

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Ko zorijo jagode / Strawberry Time. 1978.

Ko zorijo jagode / Strawberry Time. 1978.

SL. Ko zorijo jagode je slovenski mladinski film iz leta 1978. Film je režiral Rajko Ranfl po istoimenskem romanu Branke Jurca, glasbo je napisal Jože Privšek. Glavna junakinja knjige je Jagoda Kopriva, ki živi v Ljubljani z mamo, očetom in sestro Marinko....

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Pafnucio Santo / Holy Pafnucio. 1977.

Pafnucio Santo / Holy Pafnucio. 1977.

Pafnucio Santo is a 1977 Mexican drama film directed by Rafael Corkidi. The film was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 50th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. The controversial, sexy, surreal story...

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Savana violenta / Mondo Diavolo / This Violent World. 1976.

 Savana violenta / Mondo Diavolo / This Violent World. 1976.

Savana violenta (1976) (English: Violent Savanna), also known as This Violent World and Mondo Violence, is a Mondo film directed by Antonio Climati and Mario Morra. The film documents various scenes of graphic behavior in an attempted exposé of worldly...

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Der Dicke und ich. 1981.

Der Dicke und ich. 1981.

Der Dicke und ich ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm der DEFA von Karl Heinz Lotz aus dem Jahr 1981. Er beruht auf dem gleichnamigen Kinderbuch von Jens Bahre, der auch am Drehbuch beteiligt war. Während eines Ostseeurlaubs erfährt der neunjährige Florian,...

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Lawn Dogs. 1997. DVD.

Lawn Dogs. 1997. DVD.

Lawn Dogs is a 1997 British-American fantasy-drama film directed by John Duigan and starring Mischa Barton and Sam Rockwell. The film tells the story of a precocious young girl (Barton) from a gated community who befriends a landscape worker (Rockwell),...

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Dolina miru / Valley of Peace. 1956.

Dolina miru / Valley of Peace. 1956.

Valley of Peace (Slovene: Dolina miru) is a 1956 Yugoslavian (Slovenian) war film directed by France Štiglic. It was in competition at the 1957 Cannes Film Festival, where John Kitzmiller received the Best Actor award for his role as Sgt. Jim. The music...

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