Hey Babe!, also known as Babe! and also known as Rise and Shine, is a 1980 film, a musical drama starring Yasmine Bleeth and Buddy Hackett. This was Yasmine's first film at the age of 12 years. Theresa O'Brian is a 12-year-old orphan who desperately wants...
Read moreCZ. Requiem pro panenku je český film, který v roce 1991 natočil režisér Filip Renč na motivy skutečné události z roku 1984. (Ovšem podle výpovědí některých svědků události, jež byla předobrazem k filmu, popisuje film spíše tehdejší oficiální verzi prezentovanou...
Read moreDE. Sabine Kleist, 7 Jahre… ist ein deutscher Kinderfilm von Helmut Dziuba aus dem Jahr 1982.Die kleine Sabine lebt nach dem Unfalltod ihrer Eltern im Heim. Langsam lebt sie sich ein. In ihrer Erzieherin Edith sieht sie fast eine zweite Mutter. Als Edith...
Read moreWith the release of his new short film "Crabs in the Sand", Tom Gerber hopes to put the often-ignored subject of childhood sexuality on society’s agenda. "Crabs in the Sand" is not an easy film to watch. It begins with a picture of innocence and calm...
Read moreDrifting Flowers (Chinese: 漂浪青春; pinyin: Cì Qīng; literally: "Piao Lang Qing Chun") is a 2008 Taiwanese lesbian drama film by director Zero Chou. The original Chinese title means “The Drifting Waves of Youth.” Three stories that share the theme of women...
Read moreThe story of Daniel, an 11 year-old victim of the foster system, and his last chance at finding a family. Director: Rick Stevenson. Cast: Nathan Gamble, Darius Williams-Watt, Marlette Buchanan, Rachel Pate, Amy Prestas, Kevin Warren, Bryan Sevener, Nick...
Read more"Devochka na share" is a Soviet children's film of 1966, based on the script of Victor Dragunsky based on his stories about Denis Korablev. After Deniska saw Tanya in the circus he decided that she came to him directly from the Picasso painting. Directors:...
Read moreMen Behind the Sun (Chinese: 黑太阳731 / 黑太陽731; pinyin: hēi tài yáng 731, literally meaning "Black Sun: 731") is a 1988 Hong Kong–Chinese historical horror film directed by T. F. Mou. The film is a graphic depiction of the war atrocities committed by the...
Read moreTF Mous' unique style of exploitation kicked off with this grim gem which centres around the unfortunate travails of a group of Chinese boat people who arrive in Hong Kong by stealth and are immediately targeted by low-level people traders. The director...
Read moreA Long Walk (長い散歩 Nagai Sanpo) is a 2006 film directed by Japanese director Eiji Okuda.Matsutaro Yasuda, a retired girl's High School Principal who has lost his wife to alcoholism and is forsaken by his Daughter, moves to an old apartment in a country...
Read moreDK. Nogle 10-16-årige børn vil ikke snydes for deres ferie, selvom fritidshjemmets pædagoger strejker. Efter indbrud og andre ulovligheder tager de til en ubeboet ø i en stjålet båd. Da båden forsvinder, er de overladt til sig selv, og ferien udvikler...
Read moreFR. Y aura-t-il de la neige à Noël? est un film français réalisé par Sandrine Veysset, sorti en 1996. Une famille recomposée: un homme marié ailleurs et qui y retourne chaque soir, une femme qui a sept enfants de lui, la misère et la rudesse à la campagne...
Read moreNO. Newton er et naturvitenskapelig program for aldersgruppen 8-12, men på NRK Super sin app er det fri tilgang for alle. Newton NRK mener de bedriver kunnskapsformidling på barnas premisser. Foreldre reagerer på at barn i alle aldre har fri tilgang....
Read moreSE. Hundra svenska år är en dokumentär-TV-serie, producerad av Olle Häger och redigerad av Kjell Tunegård med Hans Villius som berättare (han syns aldrig i bild - man hör bara hans röst). Serien består av åtta avsnitt, som vart och ett berättar Sveriges...
Read moreFR. Le Grand Départ est un film français réalisé par Martial Raysse, sorti en 1972. Une fin de repas comme tant d'autres: un couple au regard vide devant un écran de télévision, plongé dans une digestion béate; puis, rupture avec l'arrivée brutale et...
Read moreA unique rare - a documentary film, whose name can be translated as "Machine No. 1 breaks its way," from Nazi Germany intended to show only for members of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). Medizinische Notstandsgebiete im Deutschen...
Read moreThrough the eyes of Jean, a child of ten, we share the everyday life of a family on holiday by the ocean. This summer, at the end of the seventies, Jean realizes that his father and his mother do not love each other any more. Suddenly, the family is confronted...
Read moreMarie is growing up but she mixes up growing and illness. Desperately she tries to handle her complex thoughts and doubts, unable to share any of them with her young and absent mother. Still, there seems to be one place where Marie finds solace, the swimming...
Read moreThis is one of the episodes (Season 8, Episode 7) of the American television series "ABC Afterschool Special" that aired on ABC from October 14, 1972, to July 1, 1997. “What Are Friends For?” is about a 12 year old girl named Amy whose parents are divorced...
Read moreBG. „Вятърът на пътешествията“ е български игрален филм от 1972 година на режисьора Лада Бояджиева, по сценарий на Кольо Николов. Оператор е Красимир Костов. Музиката във филма е композирана от Георги Генков.Малкото биволарче Колето е запленено от разказите...
Read moreBG. „Лачените обувки на незнайния воин“ е български игрален филм (драма) от 1979 година, по сценарий и режисура на Рангел Вълчанов. Оператор е Радослав Спасов. Музиката във филма е композирана от Кирил Дончев. Сюжетът е развит около детските спомени на...
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