PT. A medica Julieta (Julia Lemmertz) e mae de Francisco (Lucas Cotrim quando crianca e Joao Gabriel quando adulto), fruto de seu relacionamento com o argentino Pedro (Jean-Pierre Noher). Depois da separacao, ela conhece o arquiteto Alexandre (Fabio Assuncao),...
Read moreBG. „Пльонтек“ е български игрален филм от 1991 година на режисьора Борислав Шаралиев, по сценарий на Виктор Пасков. Оператор е Емил Христов. Пльонтек е момче със слаба физика и травмирана психика. За да укрепне, го изпращат в детски санаториум. Там има...
Read moreIN. बिन मां कि साशा कॆ जीवन में अकेलेपन दुर करनॆ वाला उसका पिल्ला ‘ हेलो ’ है. जब हेलो खो जाता है तब साशा कॆ मन मॆ केवल एक ही विचार है – उसे किसी भी कीमत पर वापस पाना. यॆ सात वर्षीय लड़की उसके कुत्ते कि खोज, मुंबई के भव्य सड़कों पर, ऐलिस कॆ खरगोश छेद...
Read moreSE. 11-årige Reine Larsson skall tillbringa en lång sommar på kolonin Barnens ö i Stockholms skärgård, men han beslutar sig för att stanna i stan. En gryende könsmognad får Reine att fundera över livet, döden och framför allt sin sexuella identitet. Han...
Read moreA collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema". More than 300 fragments of films from different countries around the world. Download Clips from movies. Part-52. Clips from movies. Part-52.
Read moreBambuľkine dobrodružstvá je česko-slovenský rodinný 30-dielny televízny seriál z roku 1982. Malá 5-ročná Bambuľka (hrá Monika Haasová) sa dostane k pánovi Dedovi Jozefovi (hrá Július Pántik), ktorý ju začne vychovávať. V každom dieli je na rôznych príhodách...
Read moreA selection of six films from Vietnam about the hard times of this long-suffering country and about the lives of children during the tragic events such as the Vietnam War, split the country into southern and northern Vietnam, the construction of socialism...
Read moreIT. Il neonato fin dalla nascita ha bisogno di esternare la propria carica affettiva e la latente sessualità attraverso la bocca con la quale, prende il nutrimento: sente così il calore dell'amore materno e nello stesso tempo viene a contatto con il mondo...
Read moreThe next issue of the collection of shorts for number 51 is ready for viewing, it consists of six mini-films of different countries, mostly fresh ones. All shorts in high quality 1280x720 HD. 1. Aire / Air. Alma is in love with her best girlfriend. In...
Read moreCZ. Dovolená u moře. Na pláži filozofují po prohýřené noci doktor Rosťa s přítelem Petrem o podstatě člověka. Jejich vzrušenou debatu o tom, zda je člověk Bůh nebo Ďábel, přeruší vpád naháče z vedlejší nudistické pláže Paradiso. Muž zoufale hledá lékaře,...
Read moreCollection of clips number fifty, this time fragments of feature films with the participation of young actors. In this part of the clips from the 17 films, all videos of good quality 1280x720 and 1920x1080 HD. Clips has the names of the films from which...
Read moreEN. Madita is the German title of a novel for children of Astrid Lindgren (Swedish original title: Madicken). The heroine Margareta (called Madita) is a braunhaariges, pfiffiges girl.It lives with her parents, its small sister Elisabet (mentioned: Lisabet),...
Read moreThe 50th issue of a Anthology of short films are ready, it consists of eight mini-films of different countries and epochs - from very old to modern fancy. Today again I will not disclose the content of the films for me laziness)). 1. Enfants annamites...
Read moreRare film Nagarahole (Kannada: ನಾಗರಹೊಳೆ) is a 1977 Indian Kannada children's film written by H. V. Subba Rao, with screenplay and direction by S. V. Rajendra Singh Babu, starring Bharathi and Vishnuvardhan. Madhu (Bharathi) takes 4 children on a dangerous...
Read moreFR. Dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, le temps d'un séjour d'été, une colonie de vacances accueille une cinquantaine d'enfants en provenance de Paris et de Marseille. Encadrés par quatre moniteurs sympas mais parfois dépassés, un couple chargé de l'intendance...
Read moreCZ. Lyrický príbeh o vzťahoch otca a syna počas prázdnin na vidieku. Otec - spisovateľ, ktorý musí v termíne odovzdať scenár novej rozhlasovej hry, sa pod váhou argumentov rozhodne stráviť časť prázdnin so synčekom v domčeku zdedenom po starej mame na...
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