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Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.

Daddy Longlegs / Go Get Some Rosemary. 2009.

After months of being alone, sad, busy, sidetracked, free, lofty, late and away from his kids, Lenny, 34 with graying frazzled hair, picks his kids up from school. Every year he spends a couple of weeks with his sons Sage, 9, and Frey, 7. Lenny juggles...

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Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.

Oblako Nad Rayem / A Cloud Above Paradise. 1999.

A better version of this film is found! "A Cloud above paradise" is a presentation short feature film, which symbolizes eternal problems of human life. Its plot is developing on a background of the Chernobyl tragedy consequences. This movie received the...

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A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.

A nagy füzet / The Notebook. 2013.

HU. A film a második világháború idején egy határszéli faluban a nagymamájuknál nevelkedő és a könyörtelen világban túlélni igyekvő ikerpár megrázó története. A gyerekeknek egyedül kell megtanulniuk mindent, ami a túléléshez szükséges. Magányosan, éhezve...

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Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988.

Nun sind endlich die Sommerferien herangekommen. Marco (Tobias Blume) und Tobi (René Hahn) haben vorab viele Pläne geschmiedet, die aus ihrer Sicht geeignet sind, die gesamten acht Wochen Ferien entsprechend abwechslungsreich und unter Jungs zu gestalten....

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Los días. 2012.

 Los días. 2012.

ES. Martina y Micaela, dos hermanas gemelas, viven con madre que se ocupa de ellas: las despierta, les cocina, las ayuda con los deberes escolares, las peina y las viste. También las acompaña a sus clases de catequesis y a castings en la Capital, con...

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Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.

Chiedo asilo / Seeking Asylum. 1979.

IT. Chiedo asilo è un film del 1979 diretto da Marco Ferreri, vincitore dell'Orso d'argento, gran premio della giuria al Festival di Berlino del 1980. Per la prima volta in una scuola materna di Corticella (Bologna) prende servizio un maestro di sesso...

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Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.

Unde eşti, copilărie? / Childhood Memories. 1988.

După mai bine de douazeci de ani de la întâlnirea celor doi interpreți ai serialului Năică, Alexandra Foamete și Bogdan Untaru, Smărăndița, azi regizoare, pornește în căutarea interpretului ideal pentru un rol de copil… Director: Elisabeta Bostan. Cast:...

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Anthology of short films. Part 53.

Anthology of short films. Part 53.

Next, at number 53, a collection of shorts from around the world, the best mini-films in the last 50 years. Today in the anthology of short films there are 9 films. 1. The Boy in the Water. 2011. A lonely young girl, Pandora, turns on the bath taps to...

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Plivnik. 1990.

Plivnik. 1990.

Malá Bětka se trápí pro ztracené černé kuřátko. Tatínek, aby ji utěšil, vypráví holčičce pohádku o Plivníkovi a také to, že Plivník, ztracené černé kuře, na sebe mohlo vzít jinou podobu, třeba i lidskou. To je ovšem něco pro Bětčinu fantazii. Vykonstruuje...

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Dead Birds. 1963.

Dead Birds. 1963.

Dead Birds is a 1963 documentary film by Robert Gardner about the Dani people of New Guinea. It was produced as part of the Harvard-Peabody Expedition to study the highlands of New Guinea, at that time one of the few remaining areas in the world uncolonized...

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Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.

Meine Kindheit an der See. 2010.

Eine nostalgische Zeitreise ins Norddeutschland der 50er, 60er und 70er Jahre. Eine Kindheit an der See ist verbunden mit dem Geruch von Schlick, Schiffsdiesel und Fisch. Ob in Rostock, Cuxhaven, am Greifswalder Bodden oder auf der Hallig - Seekinder...

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ป่า / The Forest. 2016.

ป่า / The Forest. 2016.

TH. เป็นหนังผีที่แหวกขนบหนังผีแบบไทยๆ หลายแง่มุม ซึ่งเล่าผ่านมุมมองของผู้กำกับชาวอังกฤษ พอล สเปอร์เรียร์ (Paul Spurrier) ที่อยู่ในไทยมากว่า 10 ปี โดยหนังได้ติดตามชายหนุ่มที่เพิ่งออกจากร่มกาสาวพัสตร์มาเป็นครูยังภาคอีสาน ดินแดนที่มีเรื่องเล่าถึงผีและวิญญาณมากมาย...

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Stein. 1991. HD.

Stein. 1991. HD.

DE. Stein ist ein deutsches Filmdrama der DEFA von Egon Günther aus dem Jahr 1991. DDR-Bühnenstar Ernst Stein bricht am 21. August 1968 aus Protest gegen den Einmarsch der Sowjet- und DDR-Truppen in die CSSR mitten in einer Aufführung ab, verlässt die...

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Home. 2008.

Home. 2008.

FR. Au milieu d'une campagne calme et désertique s'étend à perte de vue une autoroute inactive, laissée à l'abandon depuis sa construction. Au bord du bitume, à quelques mètres seulement des barrières de sécurité, se trouve une maison isolée dans laquelle...

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Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa. 1997.

Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa. 1997.

FR. Bienvenue dans le monde féerique de Tippi. Une petite fille de 6 ans vit en Namibie avec ses parents chasseurs d'images. Les animaux sauvages sont devenus ses plus fidèles compagnons, sans oublier les "Bushmen", une tribu dont l'histoire semble remonter...

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Clips from movies. Part-53.

Clips from movies. Part-53.

A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema". More than 350 fragments of films from different countries around the world. Download Clips from movies. Part-53. Clips from movies. Part-53.

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Anthology of short films. Part 52.

Anthology of short films. Part 52.

The new issue of the collection of shorts for number 52 is ready, it consists of five mini-films of different countries and times. 1. Balavica / Little Darling. 2013. CR. Vrh nebodera, dvoje djece na krovu svijeta s pogledom na more. On je Tom Sawyer,...

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Prehistoric Women / The Virgin Goddess. 1950.

Prehistoric Women / The Virgin Goddess. 1950.

Prehistoric Women is a 1950 low-budget fantasy adventure film, written and directed by Gregg C. Tallas and starring Laurette Luez and Allan Nixon. It also features Joan Shawlee, Judy Landon, and Mara Lynn. Released by Alliance Productions, the independent...

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Mondo. 1995.

Mondo. 1995.

Mondo is a 1995 French drama film written and directed by Tony Gatlif based upon the short story by Jean-Marie G. Le Clezio. The film debuted at the Unifrance French Film Festival in Japan 1995, and premiered in France April 17, 1996. A fable unfolds....

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