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Meisterschaft. 1996.

Meisterschaft. 1996.

Hallo, Onkel Doc! ist eine deutsche Krankenhausserie. Sie wurde von 1994 bis 2000 von Sat.1 produziert und erstmals ausgestrahlt. Dr. Markus Kampmann returns from the USA to his native Germany, where he starts work in the children's hospital in his home...

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Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.

Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.

Serial opowiada o stu latach polskiej historii z punktu widzenia kobiet, tytułowych panien i wdów. Akcja serialu zaczyna się w roku 1863, a kończy na początku lat 90. XX w. Telewidz śledzi dzieje pięciu dam, wywodzących się z zamożnej rodziny ziemiańskiej...

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Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.

 Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.

NL. Het jaarlijkse bezoek van Roos aan haar moeder in Noorwegen is dit keer anders. Ze heeft slecht nieuws. Het verleden maakt het voor Roos echter onmogelijk haar moeder dit te vertellen. Geholpen door haar halfbroertje en een oude liefde vinden de twee...

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Anthology of short films. Part 61.

 Anthology of short films. Part 61.

New, first this year issue of a collection of shorts from around the world is number 61. Today, the anthology presents 6 films from around the world - old and newest, fiction and documentary. 1. A Day With The Boys. 1969. A group of boys spend their day...

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Voltati Eugenio. 1980.

Voltati Eugenio. 1980.

IT. Voltati Eugenio è un film del 1980, diretto da Luigi Comencini, tra i protagonisti il giovane Francesco Bonelli con Dalila Di Lazzaro. Eugenio è un bambino di dieci anni, figlio di due sessantottini la cui unione inizia a scricchiolare fin dopo la...

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The Nomads of the Rain Forest. 1984.

The Nomads of the Rain Forest. 1984.

One of the many episodes of the documentary TV series "Nova".NOVA visits the Waorani Indians of Eastern Ecuador less than 30 years after their first contact with Western civilization. Records a multidisciplinary expedition in 1983 to research the Waorani...

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Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988.

Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988.

NO. I Margrethe Robsahms debutfilm møter vi syv år gamle Marin, som bor på en idyllisk sørlandsøy sammen med moren sin og to brødre. Det er i slutten av 40-årene, og Marins far er i fengsel for angivervirksomhet under krigen. Marin opplever de voksnes...

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Clips from films. Part 61.

Clips from films. Part 61.

And now the newest issue of collection of piquant clips number sixty one: now freshly cut fragments of feature films with scenes of "female relaxation" - the most interesting and seductive moments with full or partial exposure of actresses, beautiful...

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Königin von Niendorf / Queen of Niendorf. 2017. HD.

Königin von Niendorf / Queen of Niendorf. 2017. HD.

DE. In Brandenburg haben gerade die Sommerferien begonnen, doch die zehnjährige Lea (Lisa Moell) fährt in diesem Jahr nicht wie sonst mit ihren Freundinnen ins Ferienlager. Überhaupt findet sie die anderen Mädchen in ihrer Schule zunehmend seltsamer....

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櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.

櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.

JP. 緒方は女衒だった。妻はそんな緒方を支えながら二人の男の子を育てていた。そこに緒方が街で拾ってきた女の子(後の石原)を拾ってくる。その日から、石原は十朱の娘になる。緒方は裏の貧乏な家の娘(後の名取)を売り、その家に米を運ぶことになる十朱。そこで、赤痢で死ぬ母親に驚愕する。そして10年、石原は立派な娘になり十朱を支えていた。名取は高知一の芸者になっていた。緒方は、興業の仕事にのりだし義太夫の女(真行寺君枝)とできてしまう。長男(井上純一)は病弱で、石原が好きだった。次男(田中隆三)は放蕩を重ねる。緒方と真行寺の間に子が出来、十朱は実家に帰っていた。大貞楼の女将(草笛光子)のはからいで帰る事になり、真行寺が産んだ娘(後の高橋)をひきとることとなる。初めは乳母にまかせ無視していた十朱だったが、母性愛からか、溺愛するようになる。そんな中、田中の放蕩をやめさえようとした井上が殴られ帰らぬ姿になってしまう。田中は刑務所に入る。そして、また10年、高橋はすこやかに育ち、十朱を母と疑わなかった。緒方はまたも女(白都真理)をかこっていた。十朱は病に倒れるが、なんとか持ち直す。だが、緒方とはあわず、帰ってきた田中も緒方の跡をつぐことになり、高橋と実家の世話で貧乏暮らしを始める。緒方は高橋を返せといい。なくなく高橋を渡す事にする。途中の橋で車を降り、高橋の後ろ姿を見つめ、向き直る十朱だった。...

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Non è giusto. 2001.

 Non è giusto. 2001.

IT. Non è giusto è un film del 2001 diretto da Antonietta De Lillo.Il film è stato presentato in concorso al Festival di Locarno 2002 e invitato agli Incontri del Cinema Italiano ad Annecy, alle Grolle d'Oro Saint Vincent, al Festival di Villerupt, al...

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Espérame mucho / Keep Waiting for Me. 1983.

Espérame mucho / Keep Waiting for Me. 1983.

ES. Enmarcada social y politicamente en la Argentina entre 1950 y 1952, la pelicula supone una evocacion del final de la infancia. Las dudas, miedos, mitos y conflictos propios del transito hacia la adolescencia. La historia de Juan y de su familia; de...

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Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.

Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.

FR. A Carcassonne, de nos jours. Daniel Dalbret (Daniel Sarky), garagiste, quadragénaire cordial mais manquant un peu de caractère, quitte, après 17 ans de vie commune, sa femme Sarah (Sarah Siritzky) au profit d'une jeune et jolie secrétaire de préfecture...

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Campo Grande. 2015.

Campo Grande. 2015.

EN. Campo Grande is a 2015 Brazilian-French drama film directed by Sandra Kogut. The film received a production funding award in 2013 from Agência Nacional do Cinema and enterered production. The film had its world premiere screening in the Contemporary...

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Poslednie kholoda / The Last Cold Days. 1993.

 Poslednie kholoda / The Last Cold Days. 1993.

Poslednie kholoda (The Last Cold Days) - a feature film based on the story by Albert Likhanov. The film takes place in 1945, in a provincial town, away from the front line. In the center of the plot is the story of the friendship of two evacuated children,...

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Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.

Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.

“Asif, Vasif, Agasif” is a children's film of director Rasim Ismayilov, shot at the Azerbaijanfilm film studio. The family has three small children: Asif, Vasif and Agasif. Mom is against them going to kindergarten. After all, they are loaded: they have...

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Weiße Kreide für Franziska. 1989.

Weiße Kreide für Franziska. 1989.

DE. Franziska (Manja Lucke) ist ein aufgewecktes Mädchen, das schon sehnsüchtig auf ihre Einschulung wartet. Wenige Wochen, bevor das große Ereignis stattfinden soll, erfahren sie und ihre Eltern, dass Franziska aus gesundheitlichen Gründen (schwere Hörstörungen)...

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Puzyrki / Bubbles. 1975.

Puzyrki / Bubbles. 1975.

1970s. Big seaside town. Pupils collect scrap metal, waste paper, bubbles. There is a competition of two classes. Passionate guys sometimes forget that competition is not a goal, but a means. They remove the caps from someone else's car, give Grandmother...

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Leto na pamyat. 1987.

Leto na pamyat. 1987.

A two-part feature film based on Arkady Gaidar’s short stories "Blue Cup", "The Fourth Dugout", "Hot Stone", diaries and letters from the writer. A young family - father and mother with daughter Svetlana - rented a summer cottage for the summer: an old...

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Pohischenie. 1984.

Pohischenie. 1984.

Realizing that, thanks to the efforts of his grandparents, the six-year-old Boriska turns into a little despot, his father, (an athlete who recently completed his career) could not stand it and, taking advantage of his wife's departure, kidnapped his...

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Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954. HD.

Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954. HD.

DE. Das musikalische Wunderkind Wolfgang Fabricius leidet unter grosser Erschöpfung. Ein Kuraufenthalt in den Schweizer Bergen soll den Kleinen für die nächste Städtetournee wieder fit machen. Er erholt sich schnell, schliesst Freundschaften und findet...

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