DE. Der Baader Meinhof Komplex ist ein Politdrama von Uli Edel mit Martina Gedeck, Moritz Bleibtreu und Johanna Wokalek. In dem historischen deutschen Drama Der Baader Meinhof Komplex werden Geschichte und Hintergründe der linksradikalen Organisation...
Read moreThe Shiralee is a 1957 British film in the Australian Western genre. It was made by Ealing Studios, starring Peter Finch, directed by Leslie Norman and based on the novel by D'Arcy Niland. Although all exterior scenes were filmed in Sydney, Scone and...
Read moreInnocence is a 2004 French mystery drama film written and directed by Lucile Hadžihalilović, inspired by the novella Mine-Haha, or On the Bodily Education of Young Girls by Frank Wedekind, and starring Marion Cotillard. The film follows a year in the...
Read moreEE. Tammaru talus kasvab üles kolm last – perepoeg Margus ja kaks orbu, Mari ja Tiina. Tiina on erk ja väle nagu tulesäde ning Margusele ütlemata armas. Isa ja ema tahavad, et ta võtaks naiseks Mari, sest too on nende hõimust, Tiina aga võõrast verd....
Read moreES. Retrato de la vida de los niños marginados en Ciudad de México a través de tres delincuentes de un centro tutelar de menores. Uno de ellos mató a su padrastro para proteger a su madre, otro dejó ciego a su tutor para defenderse de sus abusos, y un...
Read moreThe longing of a little girl for her father, a military pilot who died in peacetime, becomes unbearable. But Major Lukyanov appears in the house, looking like Tanya`s father. Having found a friend, the girl dreams of getting a father. But the anxiety...
Read moreThe film tells about the merry adventures of two inseparable friends - Misha and Kolya, who once in the summer stayed at their country house without adults. With them were only Mayka little girl and a friend of friends — a shaggy, loyal and patient dog...
Read moreHR. Film pruža nekoliko varijanti stvarnog i mogućeg djetinjstva u ambijentu Mediterana.U obliku sjećanja starac prilaže priče iz djetinjstva u svom 'životnom računu'. To je sentimentalni dug onom čistom trenutku u životu čovjeka, trenutku opredjeljenja:...
Read moreA 12-year-old kid who misses his father becomes really affectionate with a young delinquent he just met.Martin finds the going tough. Manhood is approaching, but so far mostly as aches and pain. His mother's men friends are definitely nothing like the...
Read moreThe new issue of the anthology of short films number 66 online now. Today this collection contains 6 minifilms both old and new, both documentaries and feature films from around the world. 1. Dalaw. 2017. Neneng, a pre-teen suburban girl, enters puberty....
Read moreOur Little Girl is a 1935 drama, in which Shirley Temple and Joel McCrea play the leading roles. The film was the final work of the veteran director, John S. Robertson.The protagonist, Molly Middleton (Temple), is the daughter of a physician, Donald Middleton...
Read moreIT. Fortunata (Jasmine Trinca), una giovane madre con un matrimonio fallito alle spalle, quotidianamente combatte per conquistare il suo sogno: aprire un negozio di parrucchiera sfidando il suo destino, nel tentativo di emanciparsi e conquistare la sua...
Read moreThe good old, a little romantic Soviet movie about the choice of life.A graduate of the music school Lyubochka Vetkina agrees to work temporarily in kindergarten. After a series of comic adventures that Lyubka experienced together with the kids, she comes...
Read moreDE. Die Kinder werden vom Verkehr bedroht und verdrängt, spielende Kinder auf der Strasse sind gefährlich, überall sind Verbote, auf dem Robinsonspielplatz ist genügend Platz für die Kinder, dort können sie nach Herzenslust werken, hämmern, ein Spielplatzleiter...
Read moreHR. Priča o ratnom siročetu koje se sjeća prvih poslijeratnih dana, svoga boravka u domu za ratnu siročad, svojih odgajatelja, prijatelja, a najviše svoga "jedinog brata". To je u isto vrijeme priča o ljubavi i nesporazumima, o dječačkim snovima kroz...
Read moreThe good old Soviet movie based on the story by Alla Drabkina "...And a little ahead" about one summer of the future builders of communism.The main character of the film, Masha, in preparation for entering the pedagogical institute, decided to work as...
Read moreOne elf's fondest hopes and dreams while changing some dirty diapers. Director: Nick Zedd. Cast: Reverend Jen Miller. USA, 2001. Language: English. Download Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001. Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.
Read moreFR. Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué est un film français réalisé par Jean-Claude Sussfeld, sorti en 1994. Gil, 8 ans, tombe fou amoureux d'une élève de sa classe, Jessica. Mais les adultes ne comprennent pas cette passion entre deux enfants, et Gil est...
Read moreLulu is based on the same novel that G.W. Pabst's Pandora's Box was adapted from. Pandora's Box is one of the greatest films ever made so Lulu was bound to suffer by comparison. Both film versions tell the tragic story of Lulu, a vivacious woman, who...
Read moreDanny Lyon is one of America's great photographers, best known for his series on Chicago bike gangs and his on-going series of death row inmates in the Texas prison system. Lyon was partners with Robert Frank in a company they formed to make documentaries...
Read moreMababangong Bangungot or Perfumed Nightmare is a 1977 Philippine film starring, written, and directed by Filipino filmmaker Kidlat Tahimik. It tells the story of a young Filipino taxi driver infatuated the idea of space travel and the West who gradually...
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