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Mustang. 2015. HD.

Mustang. 2015. HD.

Mustang is a 2015 internationally co-produced drama film directed by Turkish-French film director Deniz Gamze Ergüven in her feature debut. The film is set in a remote Turkish village and depicts the lives of five young orphaned sisters and challenges...

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Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.

Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.

Der tapfere Schulschwänzer ist ein vom DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, Künstlerische Arbeitsgruppe (KAG) „Berlin“, produzierter Kinderfilm aus dem Jahr 1967. Regie führte inmitten der „kulturellen Eiszeit“, die im Dezember 1965 nach dem XI. Plenum des ZK...

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Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.

Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.

While playing outside one day, nine-year-old Michele discovers Filippo, who is chained to the ground at the bottom of a hole. Michele witnesses town baddie Felice nearby and suspects something bad is happening. Michele is unsure whom he should tell about...

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Interior. 2018. HD.

Interior. 2018. HD.

NO. Det anstrengte forholdet mellom en ensom gutt og hans mor når et klimaks en kveld i et hjem som har blitt et fengsel for dem begge. EN. The fraught relationship between a lonely boy and his mother comes to a head within the home that has become a...

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La miel / Honey. 1979.

La miel / Honey. 1979.

ES. "La miel" cuenta la historia de un sacerdote que ejerce la profesión de maestro, Don Agustín. El profesor siente especial predilección por un alumno, Paco, no obstante las travesuras que éste suele cometer. El niño es listo, pero necesita una ayuda...

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Én és a nagyapám. 1954.

Én és a nagyapám. 1954.

Az Én és a nagyapám Gertler Viktor rendezte, 1954-ben készült színes, magyar ifjúsági filmszatíra. A film jeleneteit Dunaújvárosban (akkor még: Sztálinváros), Almásfüzitőn, illetve a budapesti Széchenyi-hegyi Gyermekvasút (akkor még: Budapesti Úttörővasút)...

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Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.

Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.

Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns them: they have one week to succeed; if they resign now, then, tomorrow, facing life difficulties, they...

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Shanghai. 1996.

Shanghai. 1996.

A nostalgic, slightly sad film about the fall of the empire through the eyes of simple former Soviet people: the Soviet Union has already collapsed, but people of different nationalities still cling to each other in a small street of the old one intended...

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Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.

Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.

14 year old Leander is being teased by the other boys at school because he thinks his willy is too small. The teasing gets worse when he falls in love with Martina who is helping him with his geometry homework. As a result the boys play a game in the...

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Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.

Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.

SE. Dårfinkar & dönickar är en svensk barn- och ungdomsserie som ursprungligen sändes i SVT under perioden 25 december 1988,-29 januari 1989 efter Ulf Starks bok med samma namn från 1984. Den har visats i repris flera gånger och finns sedan 2008 utgiven...

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Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama. 1985.

Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama. 1985.

8-year old Alek's parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He can feel that after the divorce there has been a big void in her life. He decides to help her by finding a suitable husband. He first decides on an athlete, then a driver but none...

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Pollyanna. 1919.

Pollyanna. 1919.

When Pollyanna is orphaned, she is sent to live with her crotchety Aunt Polly. Pollyanna discovers that many of the people in her aunt's New England home town are as ill-tempered as her aunt. But Pollyanna's incurable optimism - exemplified by her "glad...

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Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.

Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.

Gang In-ho, who is working to earn money for his daughter's surgery, is appointed to a school for hearing-impaired children in Gwangju. But what he discovers there is an ugly truth: the children are being physically and sexually abused by their teachers....

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Du bout des lèvres / On the Tip of the Tongue. 1976.

Du bout des lèvres / On the Tip of the Tongue. 1976.

FR. Du bout des lèvres est un film belge réalisé par Jean-Marie Degèsves, sorti en 1976. Fernand est solitaire, observateur, différent des autres adolescents de son âge tout en leur étant si proche. Il a quinze ans, l'âge des regards furtifs, du mensonge...

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Sexy Baby. 2012. HD.

Sexy Baby. 2012. HD.

Sexy Baby is the first documentary film to put faces to a seismic cultural shift: the cyber age is creating a new sexual landscape. While doing research for the film, we had intimate and candid conversations with kids in middle school classrooms, suburban...

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De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.

De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.

Put in charge of his young son, Ali leaves Belgium for Antibes to live with his sister and her husband as a family. Ali's bond with Stephanie, a killer whale trainer, grows deeper after Stephanie suffers a horrible accident. Director: Jacques Audiard....

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Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996.

Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996.

FR. Le Bel Été 1914 est un film français réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti le 21 août 1996. Le scénario est adapté d'après le roman de Louis Aragon, Les Voyageurs de l'impériale. À la veille de la guerre de 14-18, Pierre et Paulette Mercadier partent...

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Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996.

Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996.

FR. Le Bel Été 1914 est un film français réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti le 21 août 1996. Le scénario est adapté d'après le roman de Louis Aragon, Les Voyageurs de l'impériale. À la veille de la guerre de 14-18, Pierre et Paulette Mercadier partent...

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A Child Went Forth. 1941.

A Child Went Forth. 1941.

A line from Whitman, "There was a child went forth every day," starts this film: a visit to a farm that's a summer camp and progressive school for exploration and discovery. The children, as young as two or three, have room and time to question, wonder,...

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Punťa a čtyřlístek. 1955.

Punťa a čtyřlístek. 1955.

I děti by měly mít rády zvířátka - tak jako kamarádi z tohoto filmu, kteří se vzorně starají o nalezeného pejska. Je jim líto, když se o něho přihlásí skutečná majitelka a zmatek ještě vnese ztracená psí známka. Svou výchovnou dikcí film nezastře, že...

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Pleurer des larmes d'enfance / Childhood Tears. 2015. HD.

Pleurer des larmes d'enfance / Childhood Tears. 2015. HD.

FR. La dernière journée d'une petite fille, heureuse, et la première nuit de ce qui cassera sa vie pour toujours... EN. The last pure day of a happy young girl, the first night of a broken life...Directors: Emilie Barbault, Sarah Barbault.Cast: Bruno...

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