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Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped HD.

Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped HD.

Pretty Baby is a 1978 American historical drama film directed by Louis Malle, and starring Brooke Shields, Keith Carradine, and Susan Sarandon. The screenplay was written by Polly Platt. The plot focuses on a 12-year-old prostitute in the red-light district...

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Il ladro di bambini / The Stolen Children. 1992. HD.

Il ladro di bambini / The Stolen Children. 1992. HD.

IT. Il ladro di bambini è un film del 1992 diretto da Gianni Amelio, vincitore del Grand Prix Speciale della Giuria al 45º Festival di Cannes. Una donna viene accusata di prostituire la figlia adolescente. Due carabinieri devono condurla in un orfanotrofio...

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Anthology of short films. Part 85.

Anthology of short films. Part 85.

New issue of Anthology of Short Films, this time a little unusual, number eighty five, goes on the screens of the world. Today we will see eight mini-films, all of them in high resolution. 1. Le pays qui n'existe pas / Neverland. 2012. HD. 12 year old...

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Vkhodyashchaya v more / Entering the Sea. 1965. HD.

 Vkhodyashchaya v more / Entering the Sea. 1965. HD.

This Short film is a thesis work by Leonid Osyka. He was publicly accused of "existentialism", "decadence", "borrowing from the "new wave". The director, despite the opinion of the leadership, did not back down from the film and refused to redo it. "Vkhodyashchaya...

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Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1990.

Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1990.

RO. Campioana este un film românesc din 1990 regizat de Elisabeta Bostan. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Izabela Moldovan, Mircea Diaconu, George Mihăiță. La 10 ani, Corina visează să fie admisă la celebra școală de gimnastică de...

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Pecado Horizontal. 1982. HD.

Pecado Horizontal. 1982. HD.

PT. Após 15 anos sem se verem, três amigos (Marcos, Bruno e Guina) se reencontram durante um casamento na cidadezinha onde foram criados. Cada um dos três conta uma aventura sexual do passado ocorrida com alguma mulher da cidade. A partir daí, o filme...

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Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. DVD.

Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. DVD.

FR. Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez est un film français de Max Pécas sorti en 1986. C'est le deuxième film de la « trilogie tropézienne » du réalisateur, après Les Branchés à Saint-Tropez et avant On se calme et on boit frais à Saint-Tropez. Le film débute...

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Clips from films. Part 70.

Clips from films. Part 70.

Collection of clips number seventy. Today this issue contains the most piquant scenes from the German erotic comedies of 1970. All clips have the names of the movies from which they are cut. 9 uncensored clips. Download Clips from films. Part 70. .

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Passion Despair. 2011.

Passion Despair. 2011.

Steff Gruber's documentary film portrays the Swiss photographer Daniel Leuenberger, who lives in Moldova and specialises in photographing girls aged between 9 and 14. Daniel has caused much controversy with the photos of his models which he sells via...

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Papa est parti, maman aussi. 1989. DVD.

Papa est parti, maman aussi. 1989. DVD.

FR. Papa est parti, maman aussi est un film français réalisé par Christine Lipinska, sorti en 1989. Un dimanche matin, Laurette, 16 ans, constate que ses parents ont quitté le domicile familial après une violente dispute survenue la veille au soir lors...

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Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl / Boy Meets Girl. 1982.

Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl / Boy Meets Girl. 1982.

Boy Meets Girl (Hebrew: בן לוקח בת) is a 1982 Israeli drama directed by Michal Bat-Adam. It was filmed on location at Kibbutz Ma'ayan Tzvi. The story is a semi-autobiographical account of Bat-Adams' own upbringing at a kibbutz boarding school. Her 1994...

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Cap d'Agde, Naked City. 2000.

Cap d'Agde, Naked City. 2000.

Cap D'Agde is a popular summer resort town in France. A large section of the town is clothing-optional, and thousands of tourists flock there every year for the opportunity to spend their days naked--not only on the beach or in the pool, but in the shopping...

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Respiro / Grazia's Island. 2002. HD.

Respiro / Grazia's Island. 2002. HD.

IT. Isola di Lampedusa. Pasquale, detto Boccanera, è un tredicenne che ama trascorrere il tempo a cacciare uccelli con la fionda, scontrarsi con le bande rivali e a impennare la Vespa per fare colpo sulle ragazzine. Boccanera ha una sola persona a cui...

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Mérette. 1982. DVD.

Mérette. 1982. DVD.

FR. Mérette est un téléfilm suisse réalisé par Jean-Jacques Lagrange, sur un scénario de Jean-Louis Roncoroni d'après un récit de Gottfried Keller, diffusé en 1982. Mérette est l'histoire d'une jeune fille révoltée, au XIXe siècle, qui en veut à Dieu...

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Mare di grano. 2018.

Mare di grano. 2018.

IT. Mare di grano è un film del 2018 diretto da Fabrizio Guarducci. Adam è un bambino di otto anni che è alla ricerca dei suoi genitori e partirà all'avventura insieme ad altri due bambini Arianna e Martino, si aggiungerà a loro anche un poeta di nome...

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Drømmen / We Shall Overcome. 2006.

Drømmen / We Shall Overcome. 2006.

Drømmen (Danish "The Dream", English: We Shall Overcome) is a 2006 Danish film based on a true story about a young boy's crusade against a dictatorial headmaster of the "old school". Denmark 1969. When 13 year old Frits is caught in the girls locker room,...

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Anthology of short films. Part 84.

Anthology of short films. Part 84.

The new, number eighty four, issue of Anthology of short films is ready. Today in this compilation there are 5 mini-films. 1. Ice Cream. 2014. HD. In the wild, remote jungle of the playground, three 7 year old's find themselves caught in a love triangle....

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கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. HD.

கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. HD.

TA. கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் 2002இல் வெளியான தமிழ்த் திரைப்படமாகும். இந்தத் திரைப்படம், இலங்கை இனப் பிரச்சனையை கதைக்கருவாகக் கொண்டிருந்தது. இது இந்திய இயக்குனர் மணிரத்னம் இயக்கத்தில் மாதவன் மற்றும் சிம்ரன் நடிப்பில் வெளிவந்த தமிழ் படம். எம்.டி.சியாமா...

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Veľká Kata a jej brat. 1994.

Veľká Kata a jej brat. 1994.

SK. Pôvodná hra o problémoch dospievania Katy, ale aj celej rodiny v zmenených spoločenských a sociálnych podmienkach. EN. Original TV movie about the problems of growing up of Katy, but also of the whole family in changed social and social conditions....

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O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002. Episodes 1-9.

O ztracené lásce / Love Lost. 2002. Episodes 1-9.

Devítidílný televizní seriál O ztracené lásce byl natočen podle stejnojmenné knihy a scénáře Evy Hudečkové. Říši krále Skrčka z Fištrónu postihne prokletí, jedno neštěstí stíhá druhé, lidská srdce se naplní bezohledností a krutostí, ztracen je i královský...

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愛のコリーダ / Ai no corrida / In The Realm Of The Senses. 1976. HD.

愛のコリーダ / Ai no corrida / In The Realm Of The Senses. 1976. HD.

JP. 『愛のコリーダ』 (あいのコリーダ、仏語 L'Empire des sens、英語 In the Realm of the Senses)は、1976年公開の日本・フランス合作映画。大島渚監督、藤竜也、松田暎子主演。 制作プロダクションのノートによると、『本作は日本初のハードコア・ポルノとしてセンセーショナルな風評を呼んだ』としている。題名の「コリーダ」はスペイン語で闘牛を意味する「Corrida de toros」からとっている。フランス語の題名 L'Empire des sens (官能の帝国)は、ロラン・バルトによる日本文化論...

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