At the age twenty, Older escapes incarceration and seeks out his ten year old little brother, Younger. Clearly the bad influence, Older gets the boys mixed up in the "accidental" killing of a young girl and they are forced to go into hiding as they wait...
Read moreES. Una tragedia que tiene lugar en la árida pampa argentina: el adulterio, el odio y varias diferencias acaban en una explosión de rabia y violencia que destroza a dos familias. Cuando Poldo se percata de que su gran camarada, el granjero Pichón, ha...
Read moreWandering Girl (original title: Niña Errante) is a 2018 Colombian film directed by Rubén Mendoza. Mendoza's fourth feature, the coming-of-age road movie made its world premiere as part of the Official Selection and won Grand Prix for Best Film and Best...
Read moreA 12-year old boy (Isham Samzudeen) is accused of the murder of one Courtseen. His father was a retired judge (Ravindra Randeniya) and his mother (Piyumi Samaraweera) was also a famous magistrate. The movie depicted a controversial scene where child and...
Read moreThe new issue of Anthology of Short Films number eighty six. Today in this issue will be 10 mini-films of various countries and eras. The content of the films is absent, let it be a surprise in this difficult quarantine time. 1. Ballet for Boys. USA,...
Read moreNorsk dokumentarserie. Sesong 2. (1:13) Vi drar igjen. Denne gangen skal Ivi og Jack reise til Stillehavet sammen med naboene sine Vilja og Iben. Alle foreldrene, og fetter Jørgen skal også være med. Vi bygger fyrtårn av søppel og gjør oss klare til å...
Read moreNorsk dokumentarserie om en familie som drar til den bittelille øya Tikopia, en bortgjemt perle med litt over 1000 innbyggere. «Lillebror Jack, fetter Jørgen og jeg bor på Tikopia med mamma og pappa og lever et annerledes liv. Her skal vi lære hvordan...
Read moreBo is a 2010 Belgian film directed by Hans Herbots based on the novel Het engelenhuis by the Belgian author Dirk Bracke. It tells the story of a fifteen-year-old girl, Deborah (played by Ella-June Henrard), who, in an attempt to escape from the triviality...
Read moreNL. Exit 7 is het verhaal van Marc Dumont, een veertiger die alles heeft om in deze moderne tijd een gelukkig man te zijn. Hij heeft een goede baan als architect, een lieve charmante vrouw, twee kinderen, een mooie woning buiten de stad. Hij beschermt...
Read moreFR. Domrémy, 1425. Jeannette n’est pas encore Jeanne d’Arc, mais à 8 ans elle veut déjà bouter les anglais hors du royaume de France. Inspirée du Mystère de la charité de Jeanne d’Arc (1910) et de Jeanne d’Arc (1897) de Charles Péguy, la Jeannette de...
Read moreL'Eté de nos quinze ans est un film français réalisé par Marcel Jullian et sorti en 1983. François, un petit garçon de cinq ans dont le père, André, tient un restaurant à Deauville, fait une fugue en compagnie de Malène Dupuis, la fille d'une célèbre...
Read moreThis film is a dark contemporary make of the classic tale 'Little Red Riding Hood'. A young runaway girl travels across the country to meet her grandmother. However, little does she know that something dark and beastly is stalking her. The young girl...
Read moreHU. A rendező gyermekekkel játszatja el a madáchi drámát. A szabad, elvadult természetbe helyezett látomásszerű, a látvány szintjén is egymáshoz kapcsolódó bibliai és történelmi színekben a gyermek Ádám a gyermek Luciferrel végigjárja a tudás megszerzésének...
Read moreA better version of this movie has been found, DVD9. Hideous Kinky is a 1998 drama directed by Scottish director Gillies MacKinnon. Based on Esther Freud's semi-autobiographical 1992 novel of the same name, it follows a young English mother who moves...
Read moreHideous Kinky is a 1998 drama directed by Scottish director Gillies MacKinnon. Based on Esther Freud's semi-autobiographical 1992 novel of the same name, it follows a young English mother who moves from London to Morocco with her two young daughters in...
Read moreThe Boys of St. Vincent is a 1992 Canadian television film directed by John N. Smith for the National Film Board of Canada. It is a two-part docudrama based on real events that took place at the Mount Cashel Orphanage in St. John's, Newfoundland, one...
Read moreHU. Balázs szülei Bulgáriába mennek nyaralni, s erre az időre a fiút Terus nénihez adják. Balázs teljesen felforgatja az idős asszony életét, mégis a két hét elmúltával Terus néni egészen másként látja a világot. EN. Balázs' parents go to Bulgaria on...
Read moreMisterul lui Herodot este un film românesc din 1976 regizat de Geta Doina Tarnavschi. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Silviu Stănculescu, Ernest Maftei, Melania Ursu. Doi copii găsesc întâmplător o fibulă romană. Ei bănuiesc că aceasta...
Read moreMads' parents are going away for the weekend. Reluctantly, his fifteen years old sister Sofie, takes him to the local city pool. Her task as a babysitter is turned upside down when she discovers two young boys in the pool. Her lust prevails. Later that...
Read moreKR. 2016년 6월 16일에 개봉한 한국 영화.영화의 아역들은 연기 경력이 한번도 없는 아이들이며 대본을 숙지하지 않고 연기를 하기 위해 상황극을 한 뒤 촬영을 진행했다고 한다. 때문인지 대본을 숙지하고 연기를 하는 위화감이 없다.그 여름, 나에게도 친구가 생겼다…“내 마음이 들리니”언제나 혼자인 외톨이 선은 모두가 떠나고 홀로 교실에 남아있던 방학식 날, 전학생 지아를 만난다.서로의 비밀을 나누며 순식간에 세상 누구보다 친한 사이가 된 선과...
Read moreFR. Laura vit seule avec son père dans un petit village d'Auvergne. À quatorze ans, la jeune adolescente fait face aux contraintes du quotidien et trace son chemin à l'aide de ses propres refuges. EN. Laura, a young teenager, lives alone with his father...
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