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Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.

Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.

Saint Monica is a 2002 Canadian film written and directed by Terrance Odette. It was nominated for Best Lead Performance by a Female actress (Genevieve Buechner) in a Feature Length Drama at the 2002 Leo Awards and won Best Achievement in Music for an...

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Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD & DVD-Rip..

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD & DVD-Rip..

IT. Un dentista separato con due figli piccoli decide un'estate di farsi una crociera sulla "barca" (acquistata a rate) assieme ai figlioli. Ma è talmente imbranato che la moglie decide di imbarcarsi anche lei per evitare che i figli affoghino. La crociera...

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Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. HD.

Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. HD.

Tree of Knowledge (Danish: Kundskabens træ) is a 1981 Danish coming-of-age drama directed by Nils Malmros. The film details the lives of 17 teenage schoolmates in 1950s Denmark. Shooting on location at the high school which he had attended, Malmros took...

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Hugo. 2016. HD.

Hugo. 2016. HD.

ES. HUGO, la historia de un niño invidente que pasara unas vacaciones en un camping donde acompañada de Maria su mejor amiga, vivirán una experiencia llena de amor, amistad, celos, acosos y envidia. No te lo puedes perder. Tras dos meses de verano rodando...

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Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.

IT. Un dentista separato con due figli piccoli decide un'estate di farsi una crociera sulla "barca" (acquistata a rate) assieme ai figlioli. Ma è talmente imbranato che la moglie decide di imbarcarsi anche lei per evitare che i figli affoghino. La crociera...

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Niklas och Figuren. 1971.

Niklas och Figuren. 1971.

The full version of this movie has been found. SE. Niklas och Figuren är en svensk familjefilm från 1971 i regi av Ulf Andrée. I rollerna som Niklas och Figuren ses Peter Malmsjö respektive Stefan Grybe. Förlagan är Bengt Anderbergs barnbok med samma...

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Stockholm. 2016. HD.

Stockholm. 2016. HD.

ES. Un sicario, por orden de su jefe, secuestra a una niña, hija de un vendedor de drogas que no ha pagado una carga. Pero el dinero no aparece y los días pasan. EN. Desperation and debt causes a man to kidnap a little girl for her ransom. It is a bold...

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Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020. HD.

Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020. HD.

IT. Favolacce, film diretto da Damiano e Fabio D'Innocenzo, è una favola dark ambientata nella periferia meridionale di Roma, uno spazio suburbano isolato, nel quale ogni cosa è talmente banale da diventare monotona, mentre la vita scivola via insipida....

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...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. DVD.

...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. DVD.

DE. Die elfjährige Lena fährt zum ersten Mal in ein Ferienlager. Direkt auf der Hinfahrt verguckt sie sich in den älteren Wolfgang, und in den folgenden Tagen entwickelt sich eine innige Vertautheit zwischen den beiden. Allerdings treten bald Probleme...

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Gyerekbetegsegek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.

Gyerekbetegsegek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.

A Gyerekbetegségek 1965-ben készült színes magyar film, amelyet Kardos Ferenc és Rózsa János rendezett. Készült a Magyar Filmgyártó Vállalat műtermeiben. Egy első osztályba lépő kisfiú és osztálytársai a film hősei. Hétköznapjaikat és ünnepeiket látjuk,...

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Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton / And Next Year at Balaton. 1980.

Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton / And Next Year at Balaton. 1980.

Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton ist ein im Jahr 1980 veröffentlichter Spielfilm der DEFA. Er basiert auf der Erzählung Ich bin nun mal kein Yogi von Joachim Walther. Jonas wollte eigentlich allein mit seiner Freundin Ines verreisen. Aber ihre Eltern haben...

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Anthology of short films. Part 89.

Anthology of short films. Part 89.

Another issue of Anthology of Short Films number eighty nine is ready for viewing. Today in this issue are 5 mini-films of various countries both feature and documentary. 1. Sports Kids: Varicella.2015. HD. A portrayal of two talented sisters, aspiring...

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Konec léta. 1967.

Konec léta. 1967.

Film podle scénáře F. Pavlíčka a v režii V. Hudečka divákům nabídne hrubínovsky laděný letní obrázek malé vesnice a jejích obyvatel, kde se prolíná několik milostných vztahů. Na léto ke svému otci přijíždí mladá vdova s dospívající dcerou. Matka má románek...

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O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013. HD.

O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013. HD.

RO. O vacanță la mare, de Cristina Groșan, este un scurtmetraj care a avut premiera la Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sarajevo, câștigând cel mai important premiu al categoriei la care a participat (Cel mai Bun Scurt Metraj Atlantic Group). Cu...

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Sestra moya, Lyusya / My Sister Lyusya. 1985.

Sestra moya, Lyusya / My Sister Lyusya. 1985.

The film is a recollection of an adult about the unforgettable days of the first post-war year. Klava, who lost her husband at the front, with her 12-year-old daughter Lyusya sheltered Aygul with a seven-year-old boy in her house. Aygul's son - the main...

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Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.

Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.

The architect and head of the family Markus Larsen secretly lives out his bisexual tendencies while his wife Christine and their 11-year-old daughter Elisabeth drown in unbearable loneliness. When Markus gets to know the 12-year-old son of a colleague,...

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Anthology of short films. Part 88.

Anthology of short films. Part 88.

Another issue of Anthology of Short Films number eighty eight is ready for viewing. Today in this issue are 8 mini-films of various countries mostly old and almost forgotten. 1. Karine. 1976. Two hundred photographs of a child taken between birth and...

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Wrony / The Crows. 1994. HD.

Wrony / The Crows. 1994. HD.

PL. Film Doroty Kędzierzawskiej traktuje przede wszystkim o potrzebie miłości. Bohaterkami są dwie fascynujące, małe dziewczynki. Kędzierzawska często pracująca z dziećmi tak o tym mówi: "Myślę, że trudniej porozumiewać się z dorosłymi, którzy udają,...

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Dirty South. 2017. HD.

Dirty South. 2017. HD.

In the dog days of summer, two sisters and their mother move into a concrete tower surrounded by farmland as far as the eye can see. Twelve-year-old Violette innocently concentrates her budding desires on Franklin, while Isa, her older sister, staves...

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Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.

Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.

Nana, the True Key of Pleasure is a 1982 Italian drama film directed by Dan Wolman based on Émile Zola's novel Nana. The music is by Ennio Morricone. At only 18 years of age (according to some sources she was 16), German actress Katya Berger plays the...

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Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.

Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.

A writer returns home from World War I. He has developed a very bad case of post traumatic stress disorder. His genitalia was also blown away during the war. He contemplates suicide, but becomes interested in the 12 year old niece of the innkeeper at...

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