Grasshopper Island is a British television serial for children created by Joy Whitby. It was first broadcast in 1971. It was filmed on location in London, Milford Haven and Corsica. The series centres on three brothers, nicknamed Toughy (wants to be a...
Read moreIT. Pagine chiuse è un film del 1968 ed esordio cinematografico del regista Gianni Da Campo.Il film fu presentato nella Settimana internazionale della critica del 22º Festival di Cannes.In procinto di divorziare, i genitori dell'undicenne Luciano decidono...
Read moreSanna and Moa are best friends. One afternoon a week the two girls are allowed to be home alone instead of going to After-school. It is exciting and of course they have to try everything they normally aren't allowed to do. But after a while the games...
Read moreThe Jubilee issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred is ready for viewing. This time there are 7 minifilms here including a Russian documentary about a ballet school in Siberia. 1. Ballet, ballet, ballet. 1998. HD. Siberia on screen №5. Newsreel...
Read moreCZ. Děti umí někdy pořádně překvapit! Povídka z oblíbeného cyklu Bakaláři 1979.Season 8, Episode 39. Tatínek.Malá Renatka (N. Švédová) dává svému novému tatínkovi (L. Frej) otevřeně najevo, že ho nemá ráda a považuje ho za cizího člověka. Žárlí, že nemá...
Read moreThe Trouble with Being Born is a 2020 science fiction drama film directed and co-written by Sandra Wollner. An international co-production of Austria and Germany, the film stars Lena Watson as an android who was built by a father (Dominik Warta) as a...
Read moreDer Fan (transl. The Fan) is a 1982 West German horror film directed by Eckhart Schmidt. The film follows a disturbed teenage girl's obsessive love for a pop singer named R who, after meeting her, eventually reveals that he does not love her back, leading...
Read moreThe Door in the Floor is a 2004 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Tod Williams. The screenplay is based on the first third of the 1998 novel A Widow for One Year by John Irving.Alternately tragic and comic, an exploration of the complexities...
Read moreCZ. Prakticky celý svět zná osudy židovských dětí z terezínského ghetta, tragédii dětí z Lidic, ale málokdo ví o tragickém údělu několika tisíc dětí ze smíšených česko-německých manželství v okupovaném pohraničí. Skutečný příběh malého chlapce, který...
Read moreBastard Out of Carolina is a 1996 American drama film made by Showtime Networks, directed by Anjelica Huston. It is based on a novel by Dorothy Allison and adapted for the screen by Anne Meredith. Jena Malone stars in her debut as a poor, physically abused...
Read moreFR. L'action se passe en juillet 1979, pendant les quelques jours où la France a craint la chute de la station spatiale Skylab sur son sol. Une grande famille se réunit pour un week-end d'été dans sa maison de campagne. Le film recrée l'atmosphère de...
Read morePětiletému Honzíkovi Tichému přišel do školky dopis, v němž ho dědeček zve k sobě na návštěvu. Chlapci se na venkově u prarodičů loni moc líbilo a rád by jel znovu. Rodiče ale nemají čas ho tam zavézt. Honzík maminku přemluví a ta nakonec svolí, aby jel...
Read moreThe Ice Palace (Norwegian: Is-slottet) is a 1987 Norwegian drama film directed by Per Blom based on the novel of the same name. The film was selected as the Norwegian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 61st Academy Awards, but was not accepted...
Read moreCZ. Příběh o přátelství dvou děvčátek a o soupeření klukovských fotbalových mužstev ze dvou sousedních vesnic, z nichž každý se snaží pro sebe získat svého vrstevníka Janka, který přijel na kolotoči a hraje fotbal "jako Pelé"... Autorkou portrétu v památníku...
Read moreOne summer morning, a young girl drowns in the family swimming pool. Her body stays there until her mother finds it. She leaves her other child, Cleo, alone at home for hours. Some time later Cleo’s aunt arrives, with “the cousins”: Leoncia, Manuela and...
Read moreThe newest issue of Anthology of short films number ninety nine is ready for viewing. This time there are 6 minifilms here, they are all fresh and in high resolution. 1. Digitalis Purpurea. 2017. HD. Seleccionado en el Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia...
Read moreES. Después de vivir en el exilio, Juan, un niño de doce años, regresa con su familia a Argentina, donde todavía gobierna la Junta militar que les obligó a huir por ser montoneros. Aunque Juan es testigo de la actitud combativa de sus padres, intenta...
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