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Paskutinė atostogų diena / Devochka i ekho / The Girl and the Echo. 1964. FULL-HD.

Paskutinė atostogų diena / Devochka i ekho / The Girl and the Echo. 1964. FULL-HD.

A restorated copy of the film, a classic of the Lithuanian Soviet cinema. LT. Ši poetinė Arūno Žebriūno drama pasakoja apie jaunos mergaitės Vikos jausmų pasaulį. Ji - svajotoja, kuri dažnai lankosi pajūryje ir klausosi tarp uolų skardenančio aido. Nors...

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Naissance des pieuvres / Water Lilies. 2007. FULL-HD.

Naissance des pieuvres / Water Lilies. 2007. FULL-HD.

FR. Naissance des pieuvres est un film dramatique français écrit et réalisé par Céline Sciamma sorti en 2007.Il s'agit du premier long métrage de la réalisatrice, basé sur son scénario de fin d'étude à la Fémis.Pendant l'été de leurs quinze ans, trois...

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Tainá 2: A Aventura Continua / Tainá 2: A New Amazon Adventure. 2004. HD.

Tainá 2: A Aventura Continua / Tainá 2: A New Amazon Adventure. 2004. HD.

PT. Nesta nova fase da luta contra os piratas de biodiversidade, Tainá enfrenta uma perigosa quadrilha que, para capturar e comercializar espécimes raros da fauna amazônica, ataca as árvores milenares onde muitos deles se abrigam. Agora uma pré-adolescente,...

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Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976.

Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976.

A documentary film about the first acquaintance of babies with swimming - a sport for body and soul, an almost universal means of raising strong, healthy and tempered children. We invite you to watch the future champions.Director: Andrey Dobrovolsky....

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Anthology of short films. Part 101.

Anthology of short films. Part 101.

Today we present to your attention issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred and one, the last one this year. There are 12 mini-films in this pre-New Year collection, the content of the films is absent because the pre-festive bustle in the...

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Clips from films.

Clips from films.

Collection of clips from films. The most interesting and piquant episodes from more than a thousand feature films around the world.All clips have the names of the movies from which they are cut. Download Clips from films.

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Muñecas / Dolls. 2010. FULL-HD.

Muñecas / Dolls. 2010. FULL-HD.

ES. Cuando Valeria decide dejar de tocar el piano, sale a la luz un secreto que rompe la armonía familiar. EN. Valeria's family is all love and harmony. However - when Valeria decides to terminate her piano lessons- a secret comes to light- and everything...

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Asfour Stah / Halfaouine: L'Enfant des Terrasses / Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces. 1990. FULL-HD.

Asfour Stah / Halfaouine: L'Enfant des Terrasses / Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces. 1990. FULL-HD.

A coming-of-age comedy/drama set in Tunisia. Twelve-year-old Noura is an impressionable boy who must learn to reconcile two conflicting worlds - the loving world of Muslim women and the vastly different, harsher world of men - while also dealing with...

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Cipriana. 2015. HD.

Cipriana. 2015. HD.

ES. Cipriana, una chica de 12 años, se enfrenta a la burla de sus compañeros y el deseo de los adultos debido al tamaño de sus pechos. Sus cambios físicos la sumergen y acabara por inundar todo a su paso. EN. Cipriana, a 12-year-old girl suffers mockery...

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En proie / Falling Prey. 2016. HD.

En proie / Falling Prey. 2016. HD.

FR. Thomas ne peut ni accepter, ni changer ce qu’il est : un pédophile. Sa perversion est un fardeau et son abstinence, une lutte. Lors de la fête d’anniversaire de sa fille, son chemin croise celui de la petite Mathilde. Ce qui ne devait être qu’un événement...

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Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. HD.

Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. HD.

FI. H.C. Andersenin samannimiseen teokseen perustuva elokuva kertoo Kertun matkasta Kain luokse lumoavan Lumikuningattaren valtakuntaan. Lumikuningatar hamuaa viimeistä Vihreää Kiveä kruunuunsa voidakseen hallita koko maailmaa, mutta hän voi saavuttaa...

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Milka: Elokuva tabuista / Milka - A Film About Taboos. 1980.

Milka: Elokuva tabuista / Milka - A Film About Taboos. 1980.

FL. Eletään harvaanasutulla maaseudulla jossa ihmiset ovat yhtä luonnon kiertokulun kanssa. Tytöstä naiseksi kypsyvä Milka hiihtää talvisessa koivikossa ja rukoilee ""Jumala, anna mulle rakkaus."" Kesällä Milkan rukous toteutuu kun kylään ilmaantuu Kristus-Perkeleeksi...

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Put na stsenu / The way to the stage. 1982.

Put na stsenu / The way to the stage. 1982.

A documentary film about the difficult path that the pupils of the Novosibirsk State Choreographic School will have to go through before they step on the stage. These are real workers. For 8 years of study, they graduate from three schools - choreographic,...

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Balkonas / Balcony. 2008.

Balkonas / Balcony. 2008.

Soviet eighties. A little town in the periphery. After his parents' divorce, 11-year-old Rolanas and his dad move in next door to same-aged Emilija. Friendship is born between the kids, however, shyness or fear of opening up makes them communicate through...

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Alba. 2016. HD.

Alba. 2016. HD.

Alba is a 2016 Ecuadorian drama film directed by Ana Cristina Barragán and starring Macarena Arias. It was selected as the Ecuadorian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards, but it was not nominated.Alba, 11 years old, passes...

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Tendres cousines / Tender Cousins / Cousins in Love. 1980. FULL-HD.

Tendres cousines / Tender Cousins / Cousins in Love. 1980. FULL-HD.

The highest quality version of this movie has been found. This is BDRemux from Japanese Blu-ray. Tendres Cousines (English: Tender Cousins) is a 1980 French film directed by David Hamilton. The film was released as Cousins in Love in the United Kingdom.Summer...

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Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983.

Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983.

DE. Peppermint Frieden ist ein deutsches Filmdrama von Marianne Rosenbaum aus dem Jahr 1983. Der Film erhielt 1984 den Sonderpreis des Max-Ophüls-Festivals.Der Film schildert den Nachkriegsalltag aus Kindersicht in einem kleinen deutschen Dorf zwischen...

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