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Naerata ometi / Igry dlya detey shkolnogo vozrasta / Well, Come On, Smile. 1985.

Naerata ometi / Igry dlya detey shkolnogo vozrasta / Well, Come On, Smile. 1985.

EE. Mari ema on surnud ja isa joob. Elu lastekodus tundub talle võimatu, kuid minna pole kuhugi. Tal tuleb harjuda elama kodusoojuseta, jõhkravõitu kaaskasvandike seas. Õnneks on seal Tauri, kes käitub hästi, kuid keda miskipärast eriti ei armastata....

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Искам Америка / Iskam Amerika / I Want Amerika. 1991.

Искам Америка / Iskam Amerika / I Want Amerika. 1991.

A film director goes back to the place where he was born to shoot a film about his father - a resistance hero. The childhood memories prove painful, the meetings with the old friends, who have changed beyond recognition, are a distressing experience....

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The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.

The Finishing Line. 1977. HD.

The Finishing Line is a short film produced in 1977 by British Transport Films, warning about the dangers children face on railway lines. Although it is not strictly a public information film, it is often considered to be so by fans of the genre. It was...

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Anna. 2009. HD.

Anna. 2009. HD.

Anna is a 12-year-old girl, living in a small fishing village. She is at a crossroad in her life. Her surroundings are changing - and so is she.The story is so simple and the cinematography is so beautiful, the feel to see watercolors portraits so powerful...

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Mérette. 1982. FULL-HD.

Mérette. 1982. FULL-HD.

FR. Mérette est un téléfilm suisse réalisé par Jean-Jacques Lagrange, sur un scénario de Jean-Louis Roncoroni d'après un récit de Gottfried Keller, diffusé en 1982.Mérette est l'histoire d'une jeune fille révoltée, au XIXe siècle, qui en veut à Dieu de...

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Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. HD.

Kam doskáče ranní ptáče. 1987. HD.

Kam doskáče ranní ptáče je československý film z roku 1987 režírovaný Drahomírou Reňákovou-Královou. Trochu bláznivá, trochu fantastická komedie pro děti: Působením blesku a dalších záhadných okolností se nadaný žák šesté třídy začne objevovat v dalších...

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Moonlight / The Afghan. 2002. FULL-HD.

Moonlight / The Afghan. 2002. FULL-HD.

A bored teen piano prodigy has her life turned upside down one day when she learns her parents are divorcing. After a horrible accident that drives her to run away, Claire befriends a young refugee from war torn Afghanistan. As the two of them dream of...

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Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.

Le souffle au coeur / Murmur of the Heart. 1971. HD.

FR. Dijon 1954. Une famille bourgeoise parmi d'autres. Le pere est gynecologue et particulierement absorbe par son travail. La mere est gaie et legere, les trois fils sans histoires. Laurent le plus jeune est particulierement intelligent et souffre de...

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רובה חוליות / Roveh Huliot / The Wooden Gun. 1979.

רובה חוליות / Roveh Huliot / The Wooden Gun. 1979.

The Wooden Gun takes place in Tel Aviv in the early 1950s. In a clear-eyed fashion that would have been impossible in a film made by "outsiders", the plot details the conflict between native-born Israelis and the newly arrived European refugees. The various...

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Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.

Kid Svensk / That Special Summer. 2007. FULL-HD.

SE. Kid Svensk är en svensk-finländsk dramafilm från 2007 i regi av Nanna Huolman med Mia Saarinen i huvudrollen. Året är 1984. Tolvåriga Kirsi bor i Göteborg med sin finskspråkiga mamma. Hennes pappa har nyligen omkommit i en drunkningsolycka. Kirsi...

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Mords pas, on t'aime! / Don't Bite, We Love You. 1976.

Mords pas, on t'aime! / Don't Bite, We Love You. 1976.

FR. Frédéric, un petit garçon de 10 ans, qui vit chez ses grands parents, souffre de la séparation de ses parents et en veut à son père des tentatives maladroites qu'il fait pour conquérir son affection. Peu à peu, une certaine tendresse naitentre eux...

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X. 1986. FULL-HD.

X. 1986. FULL-HD.

NO. Den unge Jon Gabriel er fotokunstner. Dyktig på sitt område, men hjemløs i omgang med mennesker. Som type, attraktiv nok, men egentlig redd og uten tilhørighet i verden. 13-årige Flora er i mer konkret forstand hjemløs, men nærværende og tilstede...

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The Awakening of Annie / The Virgin of Saint Tropez. 1976. DVD.

The Awakening of Annie / The Virgin of Saint Tropez. 1976. DVD.

The lovely orphan Annie is wandering St Tropez when she meets a mysterious photo-journalist, who convinces her to pose nude for him on the luscious beaches. Proud of her work as the photographer's muse, Annie agrees to travel to Brazil with him to model...

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Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.

Ekko / Echo. 2007. FULL-HD.

DK. Politimanden Simon (Kim Bodnia) har efter en skilsmisse mistet forældremyndigheden over sin 6-årige søn Louie (Villads Milthers Fritsche). I desperation kidnapper Simon sønnen og tager ham med til Møn, hvor de skjuler sig i et tomt sommerhus. Simon...

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Κλέφτης ή η πραγματικότητα / Kleftis i I pragmatikotita / Thief or Reality. 2001.

Κλέφτης ή η πραγματικότητα / Kleftis i I pragmatikotita / Thief or Reality. 2001.

Angelidi's highly theatrical, experimental and allegorical film is divided into three independently existing segments that intertwine because of the involvement of the Thief, the connecting link between the three reality perspectives. The three segments...

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