Present to your attention the first spring issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred and three. Today our new collection contains 10 mini-films, old and new, documentaries and fiction. 1. Odin den v detskom sadu №22. 2013. HD. Documentary about...
Read moreThe highest quality version of this film has been found. HU. A rendező gyermekekkel játszatja el a madáchi drámát. A szabad, elvadult természetbe helyezett látomásszerű, a látvány szintjén is egymáshoz kapcsolódó bibliai és történelmi színekben a gyermek...
Read moreBY. «Птушкі бяз гнёздаў» (руск.: Птицы без гнёзд) — мастацкі фільм пра беларускую паэтэсу Ларысу Геніюш, створаны на падставе яе ўспамінаў. Геніюш Ларыса Антонаўна (1910, в. Жлобаўцы Ваўкавыскага р-на – 07.04.1983), паэтэса, празаік. Скончыла Ваўкавыскую...
Read moreOld romantic Soviet film about a young dreamer, first mutual sympathy to the girl and a great friendship with her grandmother. And in general - it is a story about another pioneer summer in the village. Director: Gennadiy Shumskiy. Cast: Dariya Mikhaylova,...
Read moreES. Ana recuerda todo lo ocurrido desde de la muerte de su padre, veinte años antes. Su hija, de nueve años, cree tener poder sobre la vida y la muerte de quienes viven con ella. Hay otro poder que Ana cree poseer: el de invocar la presencia de su madre....
Read more“Are you a man or a mouse?” asks the bandy trainer? Viggo answers with doubt but the team chant “MEN!”. After training, Viggo and Noel go home to Noel’s house and have a sauna. The friends start to compete on who is most manly, a tough competition where...
Read moreLove Strange Love (Portuguese: Amor Estranho Amor) is a 1982 Brazilian erotic crime drama film written and directed by Walter Hugo Khouri. The film stars Vera Fischer, Tarcísio Meira and Xuxa Meneghel. Fischer won the Best Actress Award at the 15th Festival...
Read moreFR. Juliette, 12 ans, timide et mal dans sa peau, voue un véritable culte à son professeur de français, Madame Solenska. Belle quadragénaire souvent provocante, Madame Solenska aime séduire son jeune auditoire : sa classe est son théâtre et ses élèves,...
Read moreCZ. Příběh složitého dospívání citlivého chlapce Kvida vznikl podle stejnojmenného románu Michala Viewegha. Nostalgická komedie ze života jedné svérázné české rodiny se opírá především o atraktivní téma: šedá léta "reálného" socialismu jsou totiž pro...
Read moreThe musical film is dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Sergeevich Loktev, the creator and leader of the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers.The film starred: Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren,...
Read moreJP. 宮尾登美子の短編傑作「夜汽車」「岩伍覚え書」をもとに映画化した情念の物語。 露子が13歳のとき、母親は妹の里子を産んで死んだ。 そしてやくざな父親は遊ぶ金欲しさに露子を料亭に売り飛ばし、そのまま野垂れ死んでしまう。 露子は泣く泣くまだ乳飲み子の里子を人手に預け、彼女の養育費を稼ぐため芸*として各地を転々とする。 EN. Based on a novel by Tomiko Miyao (Kai, Kura, Midwinter Camellia). A woman's love is tested...
Read moreDE. Frühreifen-Report (auch Der Frühreifen-Report) ist ein deutscher Erotikfilm aus dem Jahr 1973. Er ist nach dem Schulmädchen-Report-Schema entstanden und kann als Pseudo-Report angesehen werden, da der Wahrheitsgehalt eher gering ist. In neun Episoden...
Read more«Kære Gud giv mig et bevis på at du ikke eksisterer...» DK. Pigen Johanne anbringes nogle måneder på en streng katolsk klosterskole. Her drages hun af den nye fremmede verden med de traditionsrige og mystiske ritualer. Men da nonnerne begynder at opfatte...
Read more"AAlone with Her Dreams" (aka "PICCIRIDDA") tells the story of Lucia, a little girl of eleven whose parents emigrate to France, at the end of the 60s', in looking for work, entrusting her to grandmother Maria, a strict woman unable to express her feelings....
Read moreDance of the Polar Bears (Danish: Lad isbjørnene danse) is a 1990 Danish drama film directed by Birger Larsen. The film was selected as the Danish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 63rd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.At...
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