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Roula / Roula. Dunkle Geheimnisse. 1995. HD.

Roula / Roula. Dunkle Geheimnisse. 1995. HD.

A prosperous writer of kid's books falls in adore with a female which very special connection to her dad results in a terrible horror significantly changing the life of all persons engaged. Leon, a writer of children's books, and his eleven-year old girl...

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Yellow. 1998.

Yellow. 1998.

This intriguing short film is a tale about power and desire. It explores the deep unease adults feel when confronted by pre-pubescent sexuality and the strange combination of naivety and power that children can possess. Directors: Simon Beaufoy, Bille...

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Flickan / The Girl. 2009. FULL-HD.

Flickan / The Girl. 2009. FULL-HD.

SE. Sommaren 1981 blir en tioårig flicka lämnad ensam med sin faster när resten av familjen reser till Afrika på ett biståndsprojekt. Fastern blir snart uppvaktad och ger sig iväg med löftet att vara tillbaka om "bara" några dagar. Flickan hemlighåller...

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Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.

Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.

IT. Le prime foglie d'autunno è un film del 1988 scritto e diretto da Raimondo Del Balzo.Viene considerato come ultima produzione del genere denominato lacrima-movie. Martina e Marco sono una coppia separatasi da poco; nonostante ciò, continuano a rimanere...

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Surnuaiavahi tütar / Graveyard Keeper's Daughter. 2011. FULL-HD.

Surnuaiavahi tütar / Graveyard Keeper's Daughter. 2011. FULL-HD.

EE. Lucia elu ühes Eesti alevikus on lõbus ja vaba, kuid koolis on õpetajad mures, sest hinded on tal halvad. Tema isa, surnuaiavaht Kaido putitab autosid ja teeb muid juhutöid, ema Maria peab töö kaotamisest saadik teiste omasugustega pidu. Lucia kooliasjade...

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Ett hjärta av guld / A Heart of Gold. 1982. HD.

Ett hjärta av guld / A Heart of Gold. 1982. HD.

SE. Ett hjärta av guld är en svensk TV-film från 1982, regisserad och skriven av Lars D.O. Sjögren. I rollerna ses bland andra Liv Alsterlund, Viveka Seldahl och Krister Henriksson.Den nioåriga flickan Tulle tillbringar sommaren på landet tillsammans...

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La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005. HD.

La casa de mi abuela / My Grandmother's House. 2005. HD.

At first glance, not much is happening in My Grandmother's House. A grandmother is taking care of her grandchild while her parents are at work. Six-year-old Marina is expected to conform to the daily rituals that determine 75-year-old Marita's conservative...

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Ecce homo Homolka / Behold Homolka. 1969. FULL-HD.

Ecce homo Homolka / Behold Homolka. 1969. FULL-HD.

CZ. Rodina Homolkových opouští každou neděli zaprášenou Prahu a vyráží na celodenní výlet do přírody. V dědově taxíku se v plném počtu - děda a babi, jejich syn Ludva s manželkou Heduš a dvojčaty Péťou a Máťou - vydávají do lesů. Tady nejprve v rojnici...

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Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.

Kærlighed ude Grænser / Love without limit. 1980.

A rare and risky Danish coming of age 10 minute short film by Lasse Nielson (Producer of “Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978” and “La' os være / Leave Us Alone. 1975“) showing bisexual relationships. Director: Lasse Nielsen. Cast: ... Denmark,...

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La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.

La Canta delle Marane. 1961. FULL-HD.

IT. La canta delle marane è un documentario del 1961, diretto Cecilia Mangini con testi originali di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Documentario sulle periferie cittadine, ispirato dal romanzo Ragazzi di vita. Storie di ragazzi della periferia romana degli anni...

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Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa. 2001. FULL-HD.

Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa. 2001. FULL-HD.

Nowhere in Africa (German: Nirgendwo in Afrika) is a 2001 German drama film that was written and directed by Caroline Link. The screenplay is based on the 1995 autobiographical novel of the same name by Stefanie Zweig. It tells the story of the life in...

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Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994. HD.

Thalassa, Thalassa - Die Rückkehr zum Meer / Thalassa, Thalassa. Return to The Sea. 1994. HD.

DE. Eine Gruppe rumänischer Kinder entdeckt ein herrenloses Jaguar-Cabriolet. Der zehnjährige Fane will die Freunde zum Meer fahren. Alkohol und eine Pistole aus dem Kofferraum lassen die fröhliche Anarchie der Rasselbande bald in gefährliche Protzerei...

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Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD.

Biologie! 1990. FULL-HD.

DE. Biologie! ist ein Spielfilm der DEFA von Jörg Foth aus dem Jahr 1990 nach dem Roman „Wasseramsel“ von Wolf Spillner aus dem Jahr 1984. Eine Kleinstadt im Norden. Die fünfzehnjährige Oberschülerin Ulla und Winfried lieben sich. An einem Waldbach außerhalb...

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Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.

Aglaja / Aglaya. 2012. FULL-HD.

«Aglaja - Life hangs on a hair's breadth» This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young...

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