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Szamárköhögés / Whooping Cough. 1987. FULL-HD.

Szamárköhögés / Whooping Cough. 1987. FULL-HD.

HU. 1956 októberében, a forradalom ideje alatt játszódik a cselekmény. Egy testvérpár, Tomi és Annamari annak örül, hogy nem kell iskolába menniük. Apa hazajön a munkahelyéről, és elújságolja, hogy felpofozta az egyik munkatársát. A nagymama kenyeret...

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Kruh / Circle. 2001. FULL-HD.

Kruh / Circle. 2001. FULL-HD.

CZ. Desetiletá Fanynka je hvězdou oddílu sportovní gymnastiky, je nejlepší a dává to najevo svým spolužákům a kamarádům. Po rozchodu rodičů žije s otcem a nedokáže se smířit s tím, že její matka čeká se svým novým partnerem rodinu.Fanynčina ambicióznost...

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The Naked Venus. 1958.

The Naked Venus. 1958.

A young American painter and his French wife move with their small daughter to the US when the husband's father dies. His mother takes an instant dislike to the wife, and when she finds out that her daughter-in-law is a nudist who once posed naked for...

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Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.

Když má svátek Dominika. 1967. HD.

CZ. Hudební anekdota o tom, jak vyměnit bratříčka za kocoura. Honzík vymění svého čtyřletého bratříčka Míšu za kocoura Kajetána. Kocour je ale kradený. Děvčátko, které kocoura vymění, se jmenuje Dominika a má ke všemu svátek. Protože rodiče Honzíka a...

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Naerata ometi / Igry dlya detey shkolnogo vozrasta / Well, Come On, Smile. 1985. FULL-HD.

Naerata ometi / Igry dlya detey shkolnogo vozrasta / Well, Come On, Smile. 1985. FULL-HD.

EE. Mari ema on surnud ja isa joob. Elu lastekodus tundub talle võimatu, kuid minna pole kuhugi. Tal tuleb harjuda elama kodusoojuseta, jõhkravõitu kaaskasvandike seas. Õnneks on seal Tauri, kes käitub hästi, kuid keda miskipärast eriti ei armastata....

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Silip / Daughters of Eve / Peeping. 1985. FULL-HD.

Silip / Daughters of Eve / Peeping. 1985. FULL-HD.

Silip (lit. To witness) is a 1985 Philippine horror seхploitation film written by Ricardo Lee and directed by Elwood Perez. The film was released outside of the Philippines as Daughters of Eve.In the remote countryside of Ilocos, various women are seхually...

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Tøser + Drengerøve / Tjejsnack & killsnack. 1998.

Tøser + Drengerøve / Tjejsnack & killsnack. 1998.

DK. 7. b skal holde klassefest, og eleverne skal sove på skolen. Stemningen inden er ladet med fnis og forventninger. To piger giver hinanden sugemærker, og drengene studerer pruttende pornoblade. Festen starter sløvt, men så sker der noget. Nysgerrigt...

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Das verbotene Paradies / Forbidden Paradise. 1955. DVD.

Das verbotene Paradies / Forbidden Paradise. 1955. DVD.

Das verbotene Paradies / Forbidden Paradise. 1955. DVD. Das verbotene Paradies ist einer der ersten deutschen Nudistenfilme, die nach 1945 hergestellt wurden. Unter der Regie des angesehenen Max Nosseck, der dieses Werk nur unter Pseudonym („Maximilian...

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Nadia. 1984. FULL-HD.

Nadia. 1984. FULL-HD.

Nadia is a 1984 made-for-television biopic directed by Alan Cooke about Olympic gymnast Nadia Comăneci. Comăneci herself had nothing to do with the production of the film (the content of which was described to her by others). She stated at the time of...

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Angolský deník lékařky. 1984.

Angolský deník lékařky. 1984.

CZ. Angolský deník lékařky je televizní film pojednávací o skupině československých občanů, kteří v rámci rozvojové hospodářské pomoci budují papírenský průmysl v Alto Catumbela v Angole. Film byl natočen na motivy skutečné události a popisuje přepadení...

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池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021. FULL-HD.

池塘 / Chi tang / The Day Is Over. 2021. FULL-HD.

CN. 大山裏的野花逕自成長,安靜得幾乎無人在意。個性倔強的少女嘉興遭同學誤當小偷,搞出土味情書的尷尬。嘉興希望到深圳尋找父親,好友也想帶着幾歲大的妹妹到大城巿打工,但對堂堂二千元路費苦無對策,被成人的金錢遊戲弄得焦頭爛額。赤貧限制了小孩的生命力,無依無靠的獨守兒童,最終到池塘一遊,恍如回歸母親的子宮。攝影出身的漆銳,首作以紀實鏡頭的樸淳淨素,拍出了花自飄零水自流的詩意,戳破脫貧時代的荒謬。 EN. Living quietly in the mountains, a young girl humiliated...

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As Duas Irenes / Two Irenes. 2017. FULL-HD.

As Duas Irenes / Two Irenes. 2017. FULL-HD.

Irene, 13, is part of a traditional family. One day she discovers that her father has a second family and another daughter of the same age, also called Irene. The two become friends and Irene repeats the double life of her father in a game of secrets...

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The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.

This children's adventure is set in South Africa and chronicles the bond between a boy and his cheetah. The two have been pals for a long time, so when the cat is taken and placed in a traveling circus, the boy does all he can to free it. Mayhem ensues,...

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Zalesie / Virgin Woods. 2018. FULL-HD.

Zalesie / Virgin Woods. 2018. FULL-HD.

Eleven-year-old Joanna, on the verge of womanhood, lives in the middle of the fairy tale-forest alone with her mother. A story between dream and reality about a girl from Zalesie and her innocent ideas about love and death. Director: Julia Zborowska....

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Reetta Robinson. 1986. FULL-HD.

Reetta Robinson. 1986. FULL-HD.

FL. Kertomus kahdeksanvuotiaasta Reetasta ja pikkuveljestä, jotka joutuvat elämään "robinsoneina" autiolla mökkisaarella vanhempien veneen saatua moottorivian. Tylsät kesäpäivät muuttuvat ravisuttaviksi seikkailuiksi – Pertsa ja Kilu, Susikoira Roi ja...

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Dressirovshchiki. 1961.

Dressirovshchiki. 1961.

Old Soviet short film based on the story of the same name by Yuri Sotnik. About schoolchildren Grisha and Irisha, who decided to raise a dog for the border guards. Director: Vsevolod Tsvetkov. Cast: Elena Cheremshanova, Gennady Biryukov, Georgy Vitsin,...

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The Suicide. 1978. FULL-HD.

The Suicide. 1978. FULL-HD.

Thought lost for many years, this first short film directed by a 17 year old (!) Todd Haynes, was rediscovered in 2014 and put as a special feature on the DVD for the movie 'Safe'. Bullied boy, left by his father, supported by a over-optimistic and naive...

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My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. FULL-HD.

My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. FULL-HD.

FR. Hannah et Violetta forment un couple hors du commun : mère insaisissable et fillette en quête d’amour maternel, artiste fantasque et modèle malgré elle. Lorsqu’Hannah demande à sa fille si elle veut être son modèle, tout bascule dans la vie de Violetta...

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Frankie15. 2016. FULL-HD.

Frankie15. 2016. FULL-HD.

FR. Frankie veut perdre sa virgnité avant de fêter ses 16 ans, convaincu qu'elle en sortira plus mature. FRANKIE15 raconte l'histoire d'une amitié pleine de sens, de l'exploration de sa propre sexualité en tant que jeune bruxelloise. EN. Frankie wants...

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I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. FULL-HD.

I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. FULL-HD.

After years of abuse at the hands of her husband, a woman, Emmanouella, is pushed to the breaking point. She hires a hitman to do in her husband, but just when she thinks her troubles are at an end, the assassin blackmails her. As her husband's business...

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Malva. 2014. FULL-HD.

Malva. 2014. FULL-HD.

Estela is an eight-year-old girl who faces her first approach to death when witnessing the death of her best friend during a car accident. Estela seems to face in a very peculiar way these situations related to mortality, while she discovers herself on...

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