Modern, bizarre version of Little Red Riding Hood. Precocious girl takes a TV set to her grandmother’s. After a strange meeting on the way and a stop at the DVD store, she decides to let her friend go in. Disquieting, with chillingly fine acting by the...
Read moreES. Durante dos años el cineasta Juan Rayos documenta el proceso de diálogos, batallas, ensayos y viajes, que comienza de puntillas, buscándose a sí mismo, y acaba convirtiéndose en "Materia Prima". Una creación escénica de la compañía La tristura, que...
Read moreCN. 《微笑的美元》-一起回味童年的烦恼和欢笑 EN. During the game, the little sister loses a hundred dollar bill. The older brother takes the blame. Directors: 万田, 李寅. Cast: 陈妤轩, 万子豪, 李征瑞, 舒俊南, 吴家宜, 罗阳. China, 2016. Language: Chinese.Subtitles: English, Chinese. 1920x1080...
Read moreFR. Ludovic est délaissé par ses parents. Il tombe amoureux de Sophie, une fille de son âge. Ils passent du temps ensemble et un jour Ludovic va chez Sophie. Ils décident de passer la nuit dans le même lit, nus. Mais le père de Sophie les surprend. Ludovic...
Read moreThis is a collaborative work by seventeen authors. The stories are not for everyone nor are they appropriate for all ages. They range from "pg-rated" stories about life to "r-rated" stories with violence. Volume 4: 1960s-1970s. 1. The Secret Dream Models...
Read moreA collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema".26 clips. Download Children In Cinema. Part-22. Children In Cinema. Part-22. Children In Cinema. Part-22.
Read moreA man walks with his child on the grass of a hill. He reaches an old country house, where years before he had spent his childhood during World War II. The deserted and desolate rooms make him travel back in memory to the time when the war was ending....
Read moreRatcatcher is a 1999 drama film written and directed by Lynne Ramsay. Set in Glasgow, Scotland, it is her debut feature film and was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1999 Cannes Film Festival.Glasgow, summer, 1973. Dustmen are striking;...
Read moreA two-part television film about the adventures of the pioneers during the summer holidays. Vasya, Oleg, Igor, Yana, Tanya and the youngest of them, Little Vova with his pet rooster Fyodor, go camping with a tent on their land. Ahead of them will meet...
Read moreCherrypicker is a comedy horror tragedy, a film that maintains a tone of delightful absurdity and delivers laugher punctuated by moments of wild terrifying glee. Rooted in the tradition of Greek tragedy, where a hero’s downfall extends from the traits...
Read moreDE. Der große Sprung ist ein heiterer Ski- und Sportfilm, den Arnold Fanck nach eigenem Drehbuch 1927 für die UFA realisierte. Das Szenenbild und die Bauten erstellte Erich Czerwonski. Die Photographie lag in den Händen von Sepp Allgeier, Hans Schneeberger,...
Read moreJP. 昭和20年4月、太平洋戦争も終わりの頃の広島。国民学校2年の中岡ゲンは、今がわんぱく盛りの男の子。ゲンの父・大吉は、日頃から戦争に批判的だったが、ある日、町内会の竹やり訓練の時「この戦争は間違ってる」と言ったために“非国民”とののしられ、特高警察に逮捕されて拷問を受けた。原作は中沢啓治の同名劇画。脚本・監督は「太陽の詩」の山田典吾、撮影も同作の安承[王文] がそれぞれ担当。 EN. Barefoot Gen (はだしのゲン, Hadashi no Gen) is a 1976 Japanese...
Read moreNO. Filmen er basert på sagnet om Jostedalsrypa. Den store pesten i Norge ble kalt svartedauen og herjet i Europa rundt 1350. Den rammet Norge svært hardt og to tredjedeler av befolkningen døde. En av de viktigste bærerne av håpet om en nasjonal gjenfødelse...
Read moreTH. เป็นหนังผีที่แหวกขนบหนังผีแบบไทยๆ หลายแง่มุม ซึ่งเล่าผ่านมุมมองของผู้กำกับชาวอังกฤษ พอล สเปอร์เรียร์ (Paul Spurrier) ที่อยู่ในไทยมากว่า 10 ปี โดยหนังได้ติดตามชายหนุ่มที่เพิ่งออกจากร่มกาสาวพัสตร์มาเป็นครูยังภาคอีสาน ดินแดนที่มีเรื่องเล่าถึงผีและวิญญาณมากมาย...
Read moreIL. חיי ילדים על סף גיל ההתבגרות והאהבה הראשונה בחברה הקיבוצית הסגורה כפי שהם נראים מבעד לעיניה של איה, ילדת חוץ EN. Boy Meets Girl (Hebrew: בן לוקח בת) is a 1982 Israeli drama directed by Michal Bat-Adam. It was filmed on location at Kibbutz Ma'ayan...
Read moreJP. 博多から多摩市立緑ヶ丘中学に、ムキンポこと木村一郎が転校して来た。彼は同じクラスに先日、坂道で一目惚れした近藤桃子がいるのを見て喜ぶ。最初にムキンポの意味を知ったのは山田進と高橋守という凸凹コンビで、ムキンポはこの二人とはすぐ仲良くなる。妹のキレ痔を初潮と勘ちがいして駆け込んだ病院は桃子の家だった。それ以来、ムキンポは桃子と急速に親しくなるが、彼女には学校一秀才でパソコンが趣味の小山英介という恋敵がいることを知らされる。ムキンポは、またクラスメートの大石麻衣も好きになってしまった。彼女はムキンポが親しくなったお百姓の娘だった。...
Read moreChildren In Cinema. Part-51. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number 49. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous...
Read moreChildren In Cinema. Part-50. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number 49. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous...
Read moreIR. سازدهنی فیلمی ایرانی به کارگردانی امیر نادری و محصول سال ۱۳۵۲ است.اميرو پسركي است ساده و سرشار از حركت، كه در حوالي بوشهر زندگي مي كند. او آن قدر افسار گسيخته است كه هميشه يك پاي دعواي همسن و سال هاي خودش است. عبدالله نوجواني است كه پدرش، براي آنكه...
Read moreFR. Une fillette de 6 ans, Sarah, s'enfuit de son orphelinat. Elle ne veut pas se séparer de son petit chien, Toto, qui lui donne beaucoup d'affection. Elle rencontre alors Aurélien Brada, ancien pilote de Formule 1, dont la carrière fut brisée à cause...
Read moreClips from films. Part-49. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors "Children In Cinema" number 49. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous...
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