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La tua presenza nuda! / Diabólica malicia / Night Child / What the Peeper Saw. 1972. HD.

La tua presenza nuda! / Diabólica malicia / Night Child / What the Peeper Saw. 1972. HD.

In this stylish and atmospheric psychological thriller reminiscent of Henry James's Turn of the Screw, a widowed English writer brings a young, glamorous new bride to his bleak, isolated home in rural Spain. She soon becomes obsessed with her 12-year...

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Anthology of short films. Part 104.

Anthology of short films. Part 104.

Today we present to your attention another issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred and four. This time we are very lazy and therefore only the names of minifilms without synopsis and other information, but there are a lot of them - 12 pieces....

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Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995.

Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995.

A Mongolian Tale (simplified Chinese: 黑骏马; traditional Chinese: 黑駿馬; pinyin: Hēi jùn mǎ) is a 1995 Chinese film directed by Xie Fei and adapted by the novelist and ethnographer Zhang Chengzhi from his novel, Black Steed.[Bayinbulag and Somiya are brought...

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Heli. 2013. FULL-HD.

Heli. 2013. FULL-HD.

Love story between a 12 year old girl and a police man, both of them had connections with drugs but in opposite ways. This will create a conflict that love will try to overcome. A dark and twisted tale set in Mexico with beautiful cinematography. It might...

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סיפור חצי רוסי / Sipur Hatzi-Russi / Love & Dance. 2006. HD.

סיפור חצי רוסי / Sipur Hatzi-Russi / Love & Dance. 2006. HD.

Love & Dance (Hebrew: סיפור חצי רוסי , translit. Sipur Hatzi-Russi) is a 2006 Israeli drama film directed by Eitan Anner. It was entered into the 28th Moscow International Film Festival.Chen, a young kid, is battling a cultural conflict between his Russian...

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Mima. 1990. FULL-HD.

Mima. 1990. FULL-HD.

FR. En 1960, dans un quartier de Sète où vit une famille chaleureuse d'italiens. Mima, 12 ans, au seuil de l'adolescence, accepte mal l'éducation stricte imposée par sa mère. Ce n'est que dans la relation avec son grand-père que Mima trouve un certain...

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Erotic clips from films. Part 74.

Erotic clips from films. Part 74.

Erotic clips from films. Part 74. Collection of clips number seventy-four. Today this issue contains the most piquant scenes from the Asian movies 1996-2011 - Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan...All clips have the names of the movies from which they...

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Le livre de Marie. 1984. FULL-HD.

Le livre de Marie. 1984. FULL-HD.

FR. Le Livre de Marie est un court métrage franco-suisse réalisé en 1984 par Anne-Marie Miéville, troisième épouse de Jean-Luc Godard. Ce court métrage a été écrit de manière à servir de complément au long métrage de Godard Je vous salue, Marie, variation...

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Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988. HD.

Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988. HD.

NO. I Margrethe Robsahms debutfilm møter vi syv år gamle Marin, som bor på en idyllisk sørlandsøy sammen med moren sin og to brødre. Det er i slutten av 40-årene, og Marins far er i fengsel for angivervirksomhet under krigen. Marin opplever de voksnes...

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Når mor kommer hjem... / Mama klaut / On Our Own. 1998.

Når mor kommer hjem... / Mama klaut / On Our Own. 1998.

DK. Da Linda, mor til Kasper på 11, Sara på 8 og Julie på 5, skal ind og ruske tremmer for butikstyveri, må Kasper overtage rollen som familiens overhoved, men udsigten til et par dage uden overvågning fra voksne er ikke just noget, der skræmmer de tre...

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Dérive / The Far Shore. 2018. FULL-HD.

Dérive / The Far Shore. 2018. FULL-HD.

Andre has died under mysterious circumstances leaving behind his wife and two daughters. The youngest daughter desperately tries to fit in with the other adolescent girls in her new school while her older sister finds a lover for the first time : a man...

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Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. DVD.

Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. DVD.

EE. "Värvilised unenäod" on 1974. aastal valminud Tallinnfilmi mängufilm.Väikese Kati mängukaaslasteks maal vanaema juures on nii külapoisid kui kogu loodus - loomad ja lilled, tuul ja kivid. Kati loitsib välja päikese ja hõljub lilleväljade ja kogu ilmamaa...

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The Trouble with Being Born / Die Last geboren zu sein. 2020. FULL-HD.

The Trouble with Being Born / Die Last geboren zu sein. 2020. FULL-HD.

The Trouble with Being Born is a 2020 science fiction drama film directed and co-written by Sandra Wollner. An international co-production of Austria and Germany, the film stars Lena Watson as an android who was built by a father (Dominik Warta) as a...

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Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010. FULL-HD.

Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010. FULL-HD.

ES. Rodrigo y Mariana, una pareja joven, van a la costa del Pacífico, en el sur de Costa Rica, para pasar las vacaciones del año nuevo. Perdidos en medio de la noche, descubren a una niña, Karina, dormida sobre hierbas salvajes. Deciden pasar el resto...

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Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.

Gražuolė / The Beauty. 1969. FULL-HD.

LT. Negražią, šlakuotą mergaitę Ingą, gyvenančią su vieniša mama – mašininke mėgsta visi kiemo vaikai, ir žaidžiant (ratu susėdę vaikai vidury šokantįjį apipila pagyromis arba patyčiomis) ją visada išrenka „gražuole“. Ji – širdingiausia ir tiesiog spindinti...

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Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978. FULL-HD.

Tobi / Tobi, el niño con alas. 1978. FULL-HD.

ES. Tobi, un precioso niño rubio, lleva una vida feliz y normal hasta que un día, de manera inexplicable, le nacen unas alas en la espalda que le dan un aspecto angelical. La investigación médica llevada a cabo en el Instituto de Biología Molecular no...

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Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. FULL-HD.

Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. FULL-HD.

DE. Der Architekt und Familienoberhaupt Markus Larsen lebt heimlich seine bisexuelle Tendenzen aus, während seine Frau Christine, zusammen mit der gemeinsamen 11jährigen Tochter Elisabeth, in unerträglicher Einsamkeit ertrinkt. Als Markus den 12 jährigen...

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Vyprávěj / Wonderful Times - DDR. 2010. FULL-HD.

Vyprávěj / Wonderful Times - DDR. 2010. FULL-HD.

CZ. Poměrně dramatické a smutné léto vylepší dovolená.A tak se nejen Honzík ale i Karel s Evou podívají poprvé k moři! Cílem se má stát německý Prerov, a tak Josef, ač s těžkým srdcem, půjčuje Karlovi svého čtyřkolého miláčka, milované embéčko. Na cestě...

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Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986. FULL-HD.

Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986. FULL-HD.

FR. Mort un dimanche de pluie est un thriller français, adapté du roman de Joan Aiken, réalisé par Joël Santoni et sorti en 1986.Un couple psychopathe cherche à se venger d'un architecte que le mari tient pour responsable d'un accident de chantier lui...

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Rookie of the Year. 1973.

Rookie of the Year. 1973.

This very rare TV movie is of interest only to fans of Jodie Foster as it has no artistic value. A story about sex discrimination that focuses on the experiences of Sharon Lee, a sports-loving eleven-year-old girl who triggers a rash of controversy among...

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Seppan. 1986. HD.

Seppan. 1986. HD.

SE. Trakterna kring Tullingesjön utanför Stockholm. Några barackliknande hyreshus vid sjön har i folkmun fått namnet Seppan efter den närbelägna fabriken Separator AB (senare Alfa-Laval), där de flesta av familjefäderna i husen arbetar. Nästan alla familjerna...

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