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Philipp, der Kleine / Phillip the Small. 1976. FULL-HD.

Philipp, der Kleine / Phillip the Small. 1976. FULL-HD.

DE. Philipp, der Kleine ist ein Kinderfilm der DEFA von Herrmann Zschoche aus dem Jahr 1976. Philipp fühlt sich viel zu klein. Zwar sind seine Freunde in der Schule auch nur gerade drei Käse hoch; er aber meint, Großes könne man nur als Großer vollbringen....

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賽虎 / Sai Hu / Saihu the Dog. 1982. FULL-HD.

賽虎 / Sai Hu / Saihu the Dog. 1982. FULL-HD.

CN. 土地革命時期,贛東北某邊遠山區。地主趙百萬家的守林人旺崽父子,養了一隻聰明忠實的獵犬——賽虎。賽虎與旺崽父子相依為命,是父子倆看家、狩獵的幫手,生活中最好的夥伴。 EN. The story sets in the agrarian revolutionary period, a brave boy and his smart loyal dog rescue his father from the evil landlord's dungeon. Directors: Hua Yong-Zhuang,...

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Anthology of short films. Part 107.

Anthology of short films. Part 107.

Today is an extraordinary release of the Anthology of short films, number one hundred and seven. Again, there will be no titles and synopsis of the short films included in this issue. I can only say that they are all fresh, in HD and three of them are...

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Anthology of short films. Part 106.

Anthology of short films. Part 106.

So we present to your attention the next issue of the Anthology of short films number one hundred and sixth. Today there will be no titles, no synopsis of mini-movies, and there are reasons for this. This time there are 11 mini-films, mostly from Latin...

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The Baby Sitter. 1969.

The Baby Sitter. 1969.

This is one of the episodes of the first season of "The Doris Day Show". With Buck and the boys out bowling for the evening, Doris is enjoying the peace and quiet at home, that solitude which is suddenly shattered when neighbor, Dorothy Benson, telephones,...

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Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.

Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.

DE. Natalie – Endstation Babystrich ist der Titel eines deutschen Fernsehfilms, der von Kinderprostitution handelt.Natalie Schneider wohnt in gutbürgerlichen Verhältnissen in der Frankfurter Vorstadt. Beide Eltern gehen geregelten Arbeiten nach, sie selbst...

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Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. HD.

Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. HD.

ES. Tras la muerte de Evaristo, un viejo obrero de la salina de Las Cumaraguas, el cumplimiento de su última voluntad se convierte en un rito inicial para sus dos únicos hijos: María y Enrique. Ellos creen que ser adultos es un juego de roles. Sin embargo,...

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แฟนฉัน / Fan Chan / My Girl. 2003. FULL-HD.

แฟนฉัน / Fan Chan / My Girl. 2003. FULL-HD.

TH. ภาพแห่งอดีต จริง ๆ แล้วมันไม่เคยจากไปไหน มันอาจจะซุกอยู่ที่ซอกหนึ่ง ในลิ้นชักความทรงจำ และอยู่อย่างนั้นมาตลอด จนความทรงจำใหม่ ๆ เข้ามาทับ เข้ามาซ้อน ดันมันไปจนสุดลิ้นชัก แต่เมื่อใดก็ตามที่ได้ยินเพลงอย่างนี้แว่วมา หรือเห็นรูปภาพสีเหลือง ๆ แดง ๆ เก่า...

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Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.

Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.

DE. Frank, mathematisch begabt, FDJ-Sekretär der Schule und Sohn eines Betriebsdirektors, beginnt sich in der 10. Klasse für die Neue, Regine, zu interessieren. Er begegnet ihr mehrfach im Fahrstuhl des Hochhauses auf der Berliner Fischerinsel, wo auch...

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Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. FULL-HD.

Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. FULL-HD.

BY. «Птушкі бяз гнёздаў» (руск.: Птицы без гнёзд) — мастацкі фільм пра беларускую паэтэсу Ларысу Геніюш, створаны на падставе яе ўспамінаў.Геніюш Ларыса Антонаўна (1910, в. Жлобаўцы Ваўкавыскага р-на – 07.04.1983), паэтэса, празаік. Скончыла Ваўкавыскую...

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Svédcsavar. 1975. Episodes 1-3. HD.

Svédcsavar. 1975. Episodes 1-3. HD.

HU. Mamcserov Frigyes ifjúsági mini-sorozata Mezei András (Szerencsés Dániel) forgatókönyve nyomán" készült. A történet az 1930-as években játszódik Budapesten. A gyerekek az utcán futballoznak. Az egyik be akarja mutatni társainak a svéd csavart. Közben...

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Álmodó ifjúság / Dreaming Youth. 1974. HD.

Álmodó ifjúság / Dreaming Youth. 1974. HD.

HU. Herbert boldogan éli gyermekkorát a század eleji Magyarország egyik kisvárosában. Új barátja, Ödön színt, izgalmat visz életébe, közös rejtekhelyet találnak egy raktárhelyiségben. Egyszer egy szökött intézeti lányt is bezárnak ide, akit Herbert később...

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Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010. FULL-HD.

Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010. FULL-HD.

NL. Joppe is een mooi meisje van 13 jaar. Ze heeft een oogje op Brian. Maar wat Brian nog niet weet, is dat ze eigenlijk een jongen is. EN. Every 13-year-old girl dreams of that nice, but hard-to-get, boy. And Joppe is no different, consulting her friend...

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Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.

Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.

Viva Cuba is a 2005 Cuban film, directed by Juan Carlos Cremata and Iraida Malberti Cabrera, and written by Cremata and Manolito Rodriguez. It was the first Cuban film to be awarded the ‘Grand Prix Écrans Juniors’ for children's cinema at the 2005 Cannes...

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Just You and Me, Kid. 1979. FULL-HD.

Just You and Me, Kid. 1979. FULL-HD.

In this comedy, an elderly ex-vaudevillian is surprised to find a naked young woman in the trunk of his car. He soon discovers that she is a runaway fleeing from both the police and an enraged drug dealer she cheated out of $20,000. Meanwhile, the codger's...

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Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.

Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.

In the small town of San Jorge, a 12-year-old girl watches in horror as her father, a local telegraph operator is thrown in prison by the local military dictatorship. Meanwhile, her mother, Florencia, must make tough moral decisions in order for them...

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על חבל דק / Al Hevel Dak / The Thin Line. 1980. HD.

על חבל דק / Al Hevel Dak / The Thin Line. 1980. HD.

IL. על חבל דק הוא סרט קולנוע ישראלי משנת 1980 בכתיבתה ובבימויה של מיכל בת-אדם, בהשתתפות גילה אלמגור, אלכס פלג והילדה ליאת פנסקי בתפקידים הראשיים.העלילה היא על מערכת היחסים בין ילדה בת שמונה לאמה ההולכת ומאבדת את שפיותה. גילה אלמגור משחקת את האם הבלתי...

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Classes vertes. 2009.

Classes vertes. 2009.

FR. Jonathan, 7 ans, fait sa valise. Demain il part en classes vertes avec l'école. Mais sa maman n'a pas envie qu'il parte. Et l'amour d'une maman, c'est bien connu, ça peut faire des ravages... EN. Jonathan, age seven, prepares his suitcase. Tomorrow...

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Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.

Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.

Night Games (Swedish: Nattlek) is a 1966 Swedish movie directed by Mai Zetterling and starring Ingrid Thulin. The film premiered at the 27th Venice International Film Festival where it was considered so controversial that it was shown to the jury in private....

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Bedwetter. 2008.

Bedwetter. 2008.

Dramatic short film about 10-year-old boy confronts the horror of his mother bringing a new man back to their apartment. Director: Nat Livingston Johnson. Writer: Zayd Dohrn.Cast: Judy Jerome, Cole Kwiatkowski, Luke Temple. USA, 2008. Language: English....

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I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. FULL-HD.

I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. FULL-HD.

A road movie, an unorthodox crime story.A man in his thirties is on the run with a young girl. As they take a ferry to the UK, traces of a common past come to light - a past filled with loss and sorrow. Fleeing in secret, they end up hiding in a small...

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