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Yaaba / Grandmother. 1989. FULL-HD.

Yaaba / Grandmother. 1989. FULL-HD.

Yaaba is a 1989 Burkinabé drama film written, produced, and directed by Idrissa Ouedraogo. It won the Sakura Gold prize at the 1989 Tokyo Film Festival. The film was selected as the Burkinabé entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 62nd Academy...

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Jutro będzie lepiej / Tomorrow Will Be Better. 2010. HD.

Jutro będzie lepiej / Tomorrow Will Be Better. 2010. HD.

PL. Trzech bezdomnych chłopców, dwaj bracia i ich kolega, mieszka na rosyjskim dworcu kolejowym. Pewnego dnia postanawiają wyruszyć w poszukiwaniu lepszego jutra. Chcą przejść przez zieloną granicę do Polski, aby znaleźć wszystko to, czego do tej pory...

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Silence / Dans le Silence. 2013. FULL-HD.

Silence / Dans le Silence. 2013. FULL-HD.

'Silence', the debut feature-length film by artist and filmmaker Michael Salerno, is an intimate portrait of the life of a ten year old girl as an intense storm is about to descend upon her city. Director: Michael Salerno. Cast: Clovis Fouin, Christèle...

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Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.

Memoirs of a Survivor. 1981.

Memoirs of a Survivor is a 1981 British science fiction film directed by David Gladwell, with some scenes filmed at the location of Argyle Street, Norwich. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival. It is based...

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בן לוקח בת / Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl / Boy Meets Girl. 1982. FULL-HD.

בן לוקח בת / Ben Loke'ah Bat / Boy Takes Girl / Boy Meets Girl. 1982. FULL-HD.

IL. חיי ילדים על סף גיל ההתבגרות והאהבה הראשונה בחברה הקיבוצית הסגורה כפי שהם נראים מבעד לעיניה של איה, ילדת חוץ EN. Boy Meets Girl (Hebrew: בן לוקח בת) is a 1982 Israeli drama directed by Michal Bat-Adam. It was filmed on location at Kibbutz Ma'ayan...

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Princess. 2014. FULL-HD.

Princess. 2014. FULL-HD.

Princess is a 2014 Israeli drama film directed and written by Tali Shalom Ezer. It is Ezer's first feature film. Shira Haas stars as Adar, a 12-year-old girl whose close relationship with her mother's boyfriend becomes sexually abusive. Princess premiered...

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Little Canyon. 2008. HD.

Little Canyon. 2008. HD.

Greta's dad is moving the family cross-country, promising a California paradise and packing half the household into a dented station wagon. All that's missing is Mom. As they travel through forest, plains and desert, stopping at fast food joints, shoddy...

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Little Canyon. 2008. HD.

Little Canyon. 2008. HD.

Greta's dad is moving the family cross-country, promising a California paradise and packing half the household into a dented station wagon. All that's missing is Mom. As they travel through forest, plains and desert, stopping at fast food joints, shoddy...

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Bilitis. 1977. FULL-HD.

Bilitis. 1977. FULL-HD.

IT. La giovanissima Bilitis lascia il collegio e la sua amichetta "particolare" per andare a trascorrere le vacanze presso la ricca Melissa e il di lei rozzo marito Pierre. Qui la ragazzina riprenderà i suoi giochi saffici malgrado la presenza di un giovane...

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Balavica / Little Darling. 2013. FULL-HD.

Balavica / Little Darling. 2013. FULL-HD.

Two kids on top of a skyscraper, and a view of the sea. He is Tom Sawyer and she is Alice in Wonderland. Treading towards the edge and doing everything they shouldn't. In this hot summer, left under her grandma's charge, she will feel what love is for...

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Septyni nematomi žmonės / Seven Invisible Men. 2005. HD.

Septyni nematomi žmonės / Seven Invisible Men. 2005. HD.

LT. Septyni nematomi žmonės (angl. Seven Invisible Men, rus. Семь человек-невидимок) – 2005 m. Lietuvoje studijoje „Kinemos grupė ir partneriai“ sukurta 115 min. trukmės vaidybinė juosta. Premjera Lietuvoje – tų pačių metų lapkričio 4 d. Filmo režisierius,...

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La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.

La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.

ES. Una niña cierra los ojos intentando no pensar en nada durante 10 segundos que se hacen eternos. En esos instantes, una sucesión de imágenes referentes a los miedos de la infancia pasan por su cabeza.Pieza de ficción dirigida por Isabel Ayguavives...

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Robinsonka / Robinson Girl. 1974. FULL-HD.

Robinsonka / Robinson Girl. 1974. FULL-HD.

CZ. Je léto a čtrnáctiletá Blaženka Borová (M. Šafránková) tráví s několika kamarádkami bezstarostné prázdniny na táboře, když je její pobyt nečekaně ukončen. Tatínek (P. Kostka), který si pro ni přijel, nese radostnou novinu – narodil se jí bráška Petřík....

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Menuet / Minuet. 1982. HD.

Menuet / Minuet. 1982. HD.

Menuet is a 1982 Belgian-Dutch drama film directed by Lili Rademakers. The film was selected as the Belgian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 55th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.A young husband and wife live at close quarters...

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The Bathers. 2003. HD.

The Bathers. 2003. HD.

Set in the late 19th or early 20th century, the film opens with three upper class women and a little girl picnicing on a deserted beach. The little girl begins playing around and eventually strips to her underwear. The women tollerate this as she is only...

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Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995. FULL-HD.

 Lust och fägring stor / All Things Fair / Love Lessons. 1995. FULL-HD.

All Things Fair (Swedish: Lust och fägring stor, literally "Great Lust and Beauty") is a Swedish drama film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 3 November 1995. Written and directed by Bo Widerberg, the film is about a sexual relationship between...

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Nicki. 1979. FULL-HD.

Nicki. 1979. FULL-HD.

DE. Nicki ist zwölf Jahre alt und hat schon eine Menge Pflichten. Seit die Mutter tot ist, führt sie praktisch den Haushalt und kümmert sich um die drei jüngeren Geschwister. Das bringt Probleme, auch in der Schule hat sie zurzeit Schwierigkeiten, besonders...

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Penfield. 2011. HD.

 Penfield. 2011. HD.

A very laconic atmospheric Spanish short film like a Picasso painting.Is Penfield a place? No, no such place exists. A person then? No. There is no such person.- Is it perhaps a sensation?... Something like irritation in a member that already does not...

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Quelque part vers Conakry / Somewhere Near Conakry. 1992. HD.

Quelque part vers Conakry / Somewhere Near Conakry. 1992. HD.

1971: Guinea, thirteen years after independence. A revolutionary storm is brewing on the streets of the city of Fria. Somewhere near Conakry - Children play, far from the adults' worries. The gigantic land stretches from the savanna to the marshes. In...

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La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.

La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.

ES. Una niña cierra los ojos intentando no pensar en nada durante 10 segundos que se hacen eternos. En esos instantes, una sucesión de imágenes referentes a los miedos de la infancia pasan por su cabeza.Pieza de ficción dirigida por Isabel Ayguavives...

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Septyni nematomi žmonės / Seven Invisible Men. 2005. HD.

Septyni nematomi žmonės / Seven Invisible Men. 2005. HD.

LT. Septyni nematomi žmonės (angl. Seven Invisible Men, rus. Семь человек-невидимок) – 2005 m. Lietuvoje studijoje „Kinemos grupė ir partneriai“ sukurta 115 min. trukmės vaidybinė juosta. Premjera Lietuvoje – tų pačių metų lapkričio 4 d. Filmo režisierius,...

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