ES. Este cortometraje realizado en Estados Unidos recrea la relación de cariño entre una nana latina y un niña norteamericana que se encuentra a su cuidado. Con una marcada presencia del agua como elemento que une al corto, la película deja en evidencia...
Read moreIT. Un bimbo, una bimba e il vagabondare sospeso tra gli indizi dellТestate. Agosto ш unТatmosfera, ш il caldo che dilata il tempo e lascia esplodere i luoghi negli occhi dei due piccoli protagonisti. FR. Deux enfants, la campagne. Les heures que s’écoulent,...
Read moreES. Fernando y Pablo son dos hermanos con una relación divertida e infantil. En una noche como cualquiera, sus juegos cotidianos toman un sendero diferente para convertirse en algo real y completamente desconocido. EN. Fernando and Pablo are two brothers...
Read moreSI. Učna leta izumitelja Polža je 89-minutni slovenski celovečerni film, ki je bil posnet in premierno predvajan 1. januarja 1982. Režiral je Jane Kavčič, sceniral pa Željko Kozinc. Takoj po snemanju pa je v prometni nesreči umrl glavni igralec, Miha...
Read moreDet er en rigtig dum dag. Grå-gammel-leverpostej-karklud-januar-mandag-morgen. Fanny er også lidt snotnæset, så det er nok rarere at blive hjemme under dynen. Fanny spiller syg, og mor hopper på den. Men lige lidt hjælper det, for mor skal på arbejde,...
Read moreFR. Le Voleur d'enfants est un film franco-italo-espagnol réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti en 1991. Il s'inspire du roman Le Voleur d'enfants.En 1925, le colonel Philemon Bigua, cinquante ans, est un riche argentin, exile politique, qui ne rêve...
Read moreGood Health is an ITV and later Channel 4 schools TV series from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, covering PSHE for primary school pupils.Health education films for children of 8-12, often using dramatised real-life situations and documentaries about family...
Read moreHU. Igazi retro csemege 1976-ból Gothár Péter rendezésével, Usztics Mátyás főszereplésével.Ifjúsági TV film egy kisdobos örs különös napjairól.Fekete-fehér, a hang nem töké a látvány megéri.Gothár Péter is megjelenik a filmben! EN. Real retro...
Read moreAmanda, a 7-year old girl, has to go to open heart surgery as she has had heart surgery since birth. She is very afraid and tries to get away from it, but in the hospital she meets another young child Tomi, who also has heart disease. With friendship...
Read moreNL. De 12-jarige Katelijne groeit eind jaren tachtig op in een strenggelovig boerengezin in Zeeland. Als enig meisje tussen zes broers wordt ze nauwelijks bij het boerenwerk betrokken. Hierdoor gaan ook de gesprekken aan tafel grotendeels aan haar voorbij....
Read moreIn the countryside of Pernambuco, in a small village nearby a sugarcane plantation and an alcohol plant, the despicable and cheap Heitor abuses of his sixteen year-old granddaughter Auxiliadora, submitting her to slavery and humiliations during the days,...
Read moreLanguage of Love (Swedish: Ur kärlekens språk) is a 1969 Swedish sex educational film directed by Torgny Wickman. It was an international success.It gained publicity when 30,000 people gathered on Trafalgar Square in London to protest against a nearby...
Read moreFR. Marie, enfant vive d'une douzaine d'années passionnée d'astronomie, est fille de parents séparés. Son père, reporter photographe envoyé au Brésil, la laisse seule dans leur appartement de l'avenue Foch, la confiant à son ami Pierre, tandis que sa...
Read moreIn a city with little water, the chaotic life of Alexandra 30, and her adorable daughter Maria 9, takes a turn with the death of her father who inherits a little hotel on the beach. In the Caribbean they begin a life of responsibilities, work, new friendships...
Read moreCZ. Kde končí fikce a začíná realita? Kdo koho poslouchá a kdo kým manipuluje? Doktor je během prvního dne své dovolené odvolán jakýmsi naháčem na nudistickou pláž. Červený exkrement malého kluka budí ve zdejší komunitě obavy z infekce. Doktor je vlastně...
Read moreCZ. Kde končí fikce a začíná realita? Kdo koho poslouchá a kdo kým manipuluje? Doktor je během prvního dne své dovolené odvolán jakýmsi naháčem na nudistickou pláž. Červený exkrement malého kluka budí ve zdejší komunitě obavy z infekce. Doktor je vlastně...
Read moreEight-year-old Erik's mother takes him to the sauna for the first time in his life. There he has to get naked like everyone. He sees lots of naked men and women around him. He feels very uncomfortable at first, but interested after a while enjoying it....
Read moreBG. Трагикомични събития в семейство, изоставено от бащата. Единствена следа от него е фамозната му колекция от нощни пеперуди – “свидетелство” за безбройните женски сърца, които е покорил.Унизена от предателството на мъжа си, Виена се опитва да предотврати...
Read moreFR. Chloé, une jeune lycéenne de 16 ans, est désespérée : ses rapports avec sa mère sont excécrables, et Ahmed, dont elle est amoureuse, ne fait pas attention à elle. Alors qu'elle traîne le soir, comme à son habitude, dans les rues tristes de la ville,...
Read moreStrange Spanish short film "Military Mail", one of the first works in the cinema of the famous director Augusto Martínez Torres. I do not know what the film is about, what the author wanted to say with this creative, but it's worth looking at. Director:...
Read moreThe universally recognized topic of this light comedy is the struggle between refusing to fall in love only to be rejected, and falling in love, regardless. After a computer operator (Richard Bohringer) has been through a painful relationship, he is determined...
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