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52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.

52 procent / The 52 Percent. 2006.

PL. Film opowiada historię 11 - latki z Petersburga, której marzeniem jest dostanie się do szkoły baletowej - Akadamii Waganowej. Dziewczynka idzie na egzaminy wstępne i nie dostaje się, ma jednak drugą szansę. Zdeterminowana, z pomocą matki ciężko ćwiczy...

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Pia Piano. 2022. FULL-HD.

Pia Piano. 2022. FULL-HD.

DE. Die zwölfjährige Diana stößt am frühen Morgen auf einen seltsamen Fund im Wald. Eine junge Frau liegt regungslos im Moos, die Beine verkratzt. Doch sie erwacht. Diana fragt nicht, sie kümmert sich. Sie spürt, die andere braucht Hilfe.Die 23-jährige...

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Giselle. 1980.

Giselle. 1980.

Sexy girl seduces all the members of her family. She indirectly causes the failure of his father's marriage, for her stepmother falls in love with her. Then, she has affairs with her father's stepson, and with the farm housekeeper. She and some friends...

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La rivière. 2001.

La rivière. 2001.

FR. La Rivière est un court métrage réalisé par Michel Houellebecq et diffusé en 2001 sur Canal+ dans la série « L'Érotisme vu par... ». EN. An artistic erotic short film showing five women enjoying themselves by a river. Director: Michel Houellebecq....

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Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.

Liebte der Osten anders? - Sex im geteilten Deutschland / Do Communists Have Better Sex? 2006.

DE. Ein Film über Sex im geteilten Deutschland und die Frage, auf welcher Seite des Eisernen Vorhangs man „besser“ war. 40 Jahre Trennung haben vielerorts Spuren hinterlassen – auch in deutschen Schlafzimmern. Am Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs waren die...

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Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.

Lolita Per Sempre / Lolita For Ever. 1991.

Classic Italian еrotic movie about horny men and young girl.The main heroine of the film - nymphet, which all men admire. Girl, you want it! Director: Pasquale Fanetti (as Frank De Niro). Cast: Petra Scharbach, Moris Brocchi, Cristina Colecchia, Marc...

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Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1994.

Dorothea's Rache / Dorothea's Revenge. 1994.

DE. Die Gymnasiastin Dorothea, 17 Jahre jung, hat nur wenige Erfahrungen in Sachen Liebe. Von Neugier getrieben begibt sie sich auf den Hamburger Kiez. Zwischen Huren, Exhibitionisten, Dominas und Masochisten sucht Dorothea nach echten Gefühlen. Doch...

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Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.

Bolero: An Adventure in Ecstasy. 1984. DVD.

Bolero is a 1984 American romantic drama film starring Bo Derek, and written and directed by her husband John Derek. The film centers on the protagonist's sexual awakening and her journey around the world to pursue an ideal first lover who will take her...

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Fucking 14. 2004.

Fucking 14. 2004.

DK. På sin 14-års fødselsdag får Laura besøg af sin mors ven, modefotografen Asger, som Laura altid har været fascineret af. Asger skal fotografere Laura, hvilket hendes mor, Henriette, længe har set frem til – til trods for en voksende jalousi til den...

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Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.

Gojitmal / Lies. 1999.

A conscious exploration of fantasy and flesh. The director talks about the novel upon which the film is based, we see the crew at work, the actors talk about what's going on. Y, a schoolgirl of 18, chooses her first lover (rather than wait to be raped,...

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Silip / Daughters of Еve. 1985. DVD.

Silip / Daughters of Еve. 1985. DVD.

Silip (lit. To witness) is a 1985 Philippine horror seхploitation film written by Ricardo Lee and directed by Elwood Perez. The film was released outside of the Philippines as Daughters of Eve. In the remote countryside of Ilocos, various women are sexually...

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Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.

Anita / Anita: Swedish Nymphet. 1973. DVD.

Anita: Swedish Nymphet is a 1973 erotic drama film directed by Torgny Wickman, starring Christina Lindberg and Stellan Skarsgård.Anita is a girl of only 16 years, and while she has developed early physically, to a mature woman, she is psychologically...

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Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Du und icke und Berlin ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm von Eberhard Schäfer aus dem Jahr 1977.Der heitere Fernsehfilm von 1977 bot den Zuschauern ein Wiedersehen mit beliebten Darstellern in einer Geschichte über zwei Freunde, die durch den Einfluss der...

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I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. DVD.

I mavri Emmanouella / Emanuelle: Queen of Sados / Emanuelle's Daughter. 1980. DVD.

After years of abuse at the hands of her husband, a woman, Emmanouella, is pushed to the breaking point. She hires a hitman to do in her husband, but just when she thinks her troubles are at an end, the assassin blackmails her. As her husband's business...

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Lulu. 1980. DVD.

Lulu. 1980. DVD.

Lulu is based on the same novel that G.W. Pabst's Pandora's Box was adapted from. Pandora's Box is one of the greatest films ever made so Lulu was bound to suffer by comparison. Both film versions tell the tragic story of Lulu, a vivacious woman, who...

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My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.

My Little Princess / I'm Not a F**king Princess. 2011. DVD.

FR. Hannah et Violetta forment un couple hors du commun : mère insaisissable et fillette en quête d’amour maternel, artiste fantasque et modèle malgré elle. Lorsqu’Hannah demande à sa fille si elle veut être son modèle, tout bascule dans la vie de Violetta...

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Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.

Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.

One elf's fondest hopes and dreams while changing some dirty diapers. Director: Nick Zedd. Cast: Reverend Jen Miller. USA, 2001. Language: English. Download Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001. Elf Panties: The Movie. 2001.

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Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.

Wir sind doch keine lahmen Enten. 1988. DVD.

DE. Nun sind endlich die Sommerferien herangekommen. Marco (Tobias Blume) und Tobi (René Hahn) haben vorab viele Pläne geschmiedet, die aus ihrer Sicht geeignet sind, die gesamten acht Wochen Ferien entsprechend abwechslungsreich und unter Jungs zu gestalten....

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Dead Birds. 1963. HD.

Dead Birds. 1963. HD.

Dead Birds is a 1963 documentary film by Robert Gardner about the Dani people of New Guinea. It was produced as part of the Harvard-Peabody Expedition to study the highlands of New Guinea, at that time one of the few remaining areas in the world uncolonized...

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Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.

Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.

Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alenxandra's house, a long time friend. She is living on a beautiful island where she is doing art. From his travels, Helmut brought back some old manuscript...

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Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.

Muñecas / Dolls. 2010.

ES: Cuando Valeria decide dejar de tocar el piano, sale a la luz un secreto que rompe la armonía familiar. EN: Valeria's family is all love and harmony. However - when Valeria decides to terminate her piano lessons- a secret comes to light- and everything...

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