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Children In Cinema. Part-54.

 Children In Cinema. Part-54.

Children In Cinema. Part-54. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors Children In Cinema number 54. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous...

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Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.

Amazon Forever: L'âge de l'innocence / Amazon Forever. 2004. HD.

Nicolas is a young adventurer filmmaker. He arrives in an Indian village in the heart of the Rio Xingu valley with the aim of shooting a documentary there about an ancestral tribal ceremony, Kuarup.He immediately falls in love with Luacema, the daughter...

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Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1990.

Campioana / La championne / Reach for the Sky. 1990.

RO. Campioana este un film românesc din 1990 regizat de Elisabeta Bostan. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Izabela Moldovan, Mircea Diaconu, George Mihăiță. La 10 ani, Corina visează să fie admisă la celebra școală de gimnastică de...

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Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016. FULL-HD.

Juillet août / July-August / The Summer of All My Parents. 2016. FULL-HD.

FR. C’est l’été. Les familles migrent et se recomposent.Laura, 14 ans, et Joséphine, 18 ans, partent en juillet avec leur mère dans le Sud, puis en août chez leur père en Bretagne.La cohabitation entre ados et adultes ne manque ni de tendresse, souvent...

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Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006. HD.

Lille Mand / Little Man. 2006. HD.

DK. Lille mand, Mathias på 8 år, er ved at skrive verdens vigtigste opgave i skolen: "Sådan er kvinder" en håndbog af Mathias'. CZ. Osmiletý Mathias dostal za úkol napsat do školy esej, kterou nazval "Jak porozumět ženám". Jeho práce se ale ukáže celkem...

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Saliva. 2007.

Saliva. 2007.

PT. Uma viagem na mente de uma menina de 12 anos prestes a dar seu primeiro beijo. Duvidas e medos mergulhados em saliva. EN. A journey into the mind of a 12 year old girl about to give her first kiss: doubts and fears engulfed in saliva. Director: Esmir...

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Pějme píseň dohola / Let's All Sing Around. 1990. FULL-HD.

Pějme píseň dohola / Let's All Sing Around. 1990. FULL-HD.

CZ. Ještě ani ne osmnáctiletý Ondra přijede se svým kamarádem Markem na pionýrský tábor. Ondra si slibuje, že právě tady přijde konečně o své panictví. Marek se tam vloni seznámil se svou zdravotnicí Vendulkou a to je důkaz, že pionýrský tábor je pro...

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Muidhond / Tench. 2019. FULL-HD.

Muidhond / Tench. 2019. FULL-HD.

NL. Jonathan, een zachtaardige jongeman, wordt bij gebrek aan bewijs vrijgelaten uit de gevangenis. Hij keert terug naar zijn moeder die in een klein huis bij de duinen woont. Jonathan wil het verleden vergeten en neemt zich stellig voor een ander, beter...

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Træneren / The coach. 2009.

Træneren / The coach. 2009.

A small-town tale of Niels, a 14-year-old boy with nothing on his mind but handball. His coach, recognizing his great goal-keeping talent, takes special care of him. On the night of the qualification rounds for the final Danish championships, the coach...

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Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.

Allons enfants / Cléo & Paul. 2018.

FR. Allons enfants est un drame réalisé par Stéphane Demoustier, sorti en 2018.Il a été notamment sélectionné au Festival International du film de Berlin, ou il a reçu la mention spéciale du jury Génération.Dans les jardins de la Villette, Cléo (3 ans...

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Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010. FULL-HD.

Agua fría de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010. FULL-HD.

ES. Rodrigo y Mariana, una pareja joven, van a la costa del Pacífico, en el sur de Costa Rica, para pasar las vacaciones del año nuevo. Perdidos en medio de la noche, descubren a una niña, Karina, dormida sobre hierbas salvajes. Deciden pasar el resto...

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Yo niña / El Otro Nombre / I Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.

Yo niña / El Otro Nombre / I Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.

ES. Armonía es una niña pequeña que vive con sus padres. Ellos no encajan con la definición tradicional de familia y viven en una cabaña al sur de la Argentina sin luz, gas ni agua corriente. Son críticos con el sistema capitalista, la «mierda de la ciudad»...

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Coeurs vaillants / Valiant Hearts. 2021. FULL-HD.

Coeurs vaillants / Valiant Hearts. 2021. FULL-HD.

FR. COEURS VAILLANTS retrace l’odyssée de 6 enfants juifs cachés pendant la guerre, partis trouver refuge là où personne ne pense à aller les chercher... dans le château et le parc du domaine de Chambord, au milieu des œuvres d’art cachées du Louvre....

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Stockholm. 2016. FULL-HD.

Stockholm. 2016. FULL-HD.

ES. Un sicario, por orden de su jefe, secuestra a una niña, hija de un vendedor de drogas que no ha pagado una carga. Pero el dinero no aparece y los días pasan. EN. Desperation and debt causes a man to kidnap a little girl for her ransom. It is a bold...

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Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020. FULL-HD.

 Favolacce / Bad Tales. 2020. FULL-HD.

IT. Favolacce, film diretto da Damiano e Fabio D'Innocenzo, è una favola dark ambientata nella periferia meridionale di Roma, uno spazio suburbano isolato, nel quale ogni cosa è talmente banale da diventare monotona, mentre la vita scivola via insipida....

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O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013. FULL-HD.

O vacanță la mare / Holiday at the Seaside. 2013. FULL-HD.

RO. O vacanță la mare, de Cristina Groșan, este un scurtmetraj care a avut premiera la Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sarajevo, câștigând cel mai important premiu al categoriei la care a participat (Cel mai Bun Scurt Metraj Atlantic Group). Cu...

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Beppie. 1965.

Beppie. 1965.

1. "She was ten years old and was a ray of sunshine from the canal where i lived. A true Amsterdam girl, both sweet and mischievous like a monkey." Beppie recounts her adventures to filmmaker, who follows her through her daily life in the city. In the...

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Dirty South. 2017. FULL-HD.

Dirty South. 2017. FULL-HD.

In the dog days of summer, two sisters and their mother move into a concrete tower surrounded by farmland as far as the eye can see. Twelve-year-old Violette innocently concentrates her budding desires on Franklin, while Isa, her older sister, staves...

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Princesita. 2017. FULL-HD.

Princesita. 2017. FULL-HD.

ES. Una película inspirada en hechos reales sucedidos en el sur de Chile. Tamara, de once años, vive en una secta que está regida por las reglas y creencias de Miguel, su líder, quien le impone un destino a la niña: procrear junto a él a su sucesor. Pero...

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Le a cipövel! 1975-1976. DVD.

Le a cipövel! 1975-1976. DVD.

Palánk, Bádogos, Csepcsányi és a többiek először mennek háromnapos kirándulásra szülői felügyelet nélkül - minthogy már nagyfiúk.A szülők titokban megbízzák a helybelieket, figyeljék fiaikat, vigyázzanak rájuk - minthogy azok még kisfiúk. Az "őrangyalszolgálat"...

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Héraclite l'obscur. 1967.

Héraclite l'obscur. 1967.

Deval shot “Heraclite l’obscur” in Tunisia in 1967, with his then-girlfriend and editor Jackie Raynal, in 35 mm and in color. He was the first Zanzibar member to shoot a film not only outside of Paris but also in an exotic location. “Heraclite l’obscur”...

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