DE. Kalle Blomquist lebt gefährlich (Originaltitel: Mästerdetektiven och Rasmus) ist ein Kinderfilm von Rolf Husberg nach dem Roman Kalle Blomquist, Eva-Lotta und Rasmus von Astrid Lindgren. Der kleine Rasmus will in den Geheimbund "Weiße Rose" aufgenommen...
Read moreSanta Claus, high above the North Pole in his cloud-borne castle equipped with more surveillance devices than the Impossible Mission Force, prepares to deliver presents on Christmas Eve night. Santa is especially interested in helping Lupita, the daughter...
Read moreEvery year, the whole gather in the French region of Auvergne's home. During this 1944 summer, Louis falls in love with his cousin Laurence. The arrival of a British skydiver, Jack, will completely upset Laurence. Louis, jealous like crazy, will betray...
Read moreCZ. Představitelka dospívajících dívek se začala cítit lépe na jevišti než před kamerami... Gabriela Hyrmanová prošla v životě mnoha rozmanitými etapami. Po úspěšné roli ve filmu Ludvíka Ráži Odysseus a hvězdy se odstartovala její televizní a filmová...
Read moreNO. Handlingen i denne visuelt storslåtte filmen er lagt til året 1885 og et sterkt mannsdominert øysamfunn. Her bor Vilde (spilt av Løkkeberg selv) og hennes ti år gamle datter som er et resultat av blodskam: Vildes forhold til sin egen stefar. Barnet...
Read moreTV Series about 5 women from the period 1953-1979. Episode 1. 5.a 1953. For Alice, Bente, Hanne, Kirsten and Ursula, the spring of 1953 is special. The 11-12 years old girls are revolting against the female role that parents and school have intended for...
Read moreNO. Fjernsynsteatret viser "Laurdagskveld". Etter ei novelle av Tarjei Vesaas, i samlinga "Vindane". To barn bur på ein liten gard saman med far og mor. Dei ventar utolsame på at laurdagskvelden skal begynne. Kvelden med all sin fine dåm er i huset, men...
Read moreWhile a nobleman is away to visit and invite the king to his daughter's upcoming wedding, a strange pilgrim knocks on his door for shelter. Said visit ends in a violent confrontation and the pilgrim takes on different identities to seek revenge. Meanwhile...
Read morePå skolans stundande vårfest ska Ellen 10 år uppträda med sin dansgrupp. Hennes mamma ska introducera gruppen, men hennes och Ellens känslor kring mammans sätt att vara skiljer sig åt. De hamnar i en känslomässig dispyt om kroppsideal och vad som är fint...
Read moreIT. Il ragazzo invisibile è un film commedia-fantascientifico del 2014 diretto da Gabriele Salvatores.Il film ha per protagonista Michele, un adolescente apparentemente come tanti che vive in una tranquilla città sul mare. Non si può dire che a scuola...
Read moreAn excommunicated priest sets up a satanic cult that only looks Catholic on the outside. He convinces a man to sign over his daughter's soul so that she will become the devil's representative on earth on her eighteenth birthday, but as that day nears,...
Read moreCZ. Tři devítiletí kluci zavinili, že jejich spolužák skončí pod koly náklaďáku. Jak se přiznat k tomu, co se stalo? Dospělí nemají čas nebo se ze sobeckých důvodů nechtějí vážněji zabývat dětskými problémy. Moralita pro děti a rodiče. EN. Three nine-year-old...
Read moreFR. Les vacances d'un adolescent dans un camp naturiste, en compagnie de sa mère et de jeunes gens de son âge. EN. La Fonte des neiges (English title: Thawing out; literally The melting of the snows) is a 2009 short comedy drama film directed by Jean-Julien...
Read moreMixed Company is a 1974 comedy-drama film directed by Melville Shavelson and written by Shavelson and Mort Lachman. It stars Barbara Harris, Joseph Bologna, Tom Bosley, Lisa Gerritsen, Dorothy Shay, Ruth McDevitt and Haywood Nelson.Kathy Morrison (Harris),...
Read moreDK. Århus by Night er en dansk film fra 1989, skrevet og instrueret af Nils Malmros. I 1990 modtog Tom McEwan Robert for årets mandlige birolle for sin præstation i filmen. En ung århusiansk filminstruktør skal i gang med sin første film på stort budget...
Read moreWhilst growing up in rural Thailand, a young orphan girl is taught the ways of magic by her grandmother. But when grandmother falls sick, Dau is lured to Bangkok to find work so that she can buy medicine. She finds herself working in a go-go bar, and...
Read moreMark & Olly: Living with the Tribes is the umbrella term for three documentary adventure reality television series that aired on BBC Knowledge and the Travel Channel which premiered in 2007. The program follows British explorers Mark Anstice and Oliver...
Read moreEN. Old Swedish documentary about a girls first day in school. Aired 20 august 1972. SE. Marie Jansson berättar hur det var när hon började skolan, som ligger i Bredäng i Stockholm och vad hon fick göra där första tiden. Director: Annika de Ruvo. Sweden,...
Read moreSeхy Baby is the first documentary film to put faces to a seismic cultural shift: the cyber age is creating a new sexual landscape. While doing research for the film, we had intimate and candid conversations with kids in middle school classrooms, suburban...
Read morePerth, Western Australia. Shark Attacks 10 year-old boy leaving a scar that will never heal. Director: Giovanni Basso. Cast: Olivia Charlotte, Finleigh Dignam, Tommaso Puccini, Adam T Perkins, Daniel Wilkins. Australia, 2013. Language: English. Subtitles:...
Read moreA line from Whitman, "There was a child went forth every day," starts this film: a visit to a farm that's a summer camp and progressive school for exploration and discovery. The children, as young as two or three, have room and time to question, wonder,...
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