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Anthology of short films. Part 108.

Anthology of short films. Part 108.

Today we present to your attention the first issue of this year's collection of short films number one hundred and eight. This time we have collected eleven mini-films, mostly fresh French ones, but there are also unusual ancient ones from other countries.Enjoy...

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Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. FULL-HD.

Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. FULL-HD.

FI. H.C. Andersenin samannimiseen teokseen perustuva elokuva kertoo Kertun matkasta Kain luokse lumoavan Lumikuningattaren valtakuntaan. Lumikuningatar hamuaa viimeistä Vihreää Kiveä kruunuunsa voidakseen hallita koko maailmaa, mutta hän voi saavuttaa...

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Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Maiden. 1991. FULL-HD.

Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Maiden. 1991. FULL-HD.

CZ. Requiem pro panenku je český film, který v roce 1991 natočil režisér Filip Renč na motivy skutečné události z roku 1984. (Ovšem podle výpovědí některých svědků události, jež byla předobrazem k filmu, popisuje film spíše tehdejší oficiální verzi prezentovanou...

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Al lado del río / By the River. 2020. FULL-HD.

Al lado del río / By the River. 2020. FULL-HD.

The hours get even longer between the tedium and monotony of the days in the country house by the river. The vacation of a mother with her two daughters has become a tortuous confinement more than an escape in which it is impossible to escape the sadness...

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Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.

Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.

Based on Claude Jasmin's European bestseller of the same name, Don't Cry Germaine chronicles the often hilarious journey of the Bedard family to their new home in Spain. Following the apparent suicide of their daughter Rolande, Gilles and Germaine have...

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Paulina 1880. 1972.

Paulina 1880. 1972.

In 1880's Italy, young Paulina must join a monastery to escape a doomed relationship with a married count. However, neither she, nor the count can just move on and all elements for a tragedy are there. Director: Jean-Louis Bertuccelli. Cast: Olga Karlatos,...

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Un monde / Playground. 2021. HD.

Un monde / Playground. 2021. HD.

Playground (French: Un monde) is a 2021 Belgian drama film directed by Laura Wandel. In June 2021, the film was selected to compete in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. At Cannes, it won the FIPRESCI Prize in the Un Certain...

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Hud / Vilde, the Wild One / Skin. 1986. FULL-HD.

 Hud / Vilde, the Wild One / Skin. 1986. FULL-HD.

NO. Handlingen i denne visuelt storslåtte filmen er lagt til året 1885 og et sterkt mannsdominert øysamfunn. Her bor Vilde (spilt av Løkkeberg selv) og hennes ti år gamle datter som er et resultat av blodskam: Vildes forhold til sin egen stefar. Barnet...

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Hud / Vilde, the Wild One / Skin. 1986. HD.

Hud / Vilde, the Wild One / Skin. 1986. HD.

NO. Handlingen i denne visuelt storslåtte filmen er lagt til året 1885 og et sterkt mannsdominert øysamfunn. Her bor Vilde (spilt av Løkkeberg selv) og hennes ti år gamle datter som er et resultat av blodskam: Vildes forhold til sin egen stefar. Barnet...

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Marcel! 2022. FULL-HD.

Marcel! 2022. FULL-HD.

FR. La jeune fille, une insomniaque. La mère, une artiste. Le chien, nommé Marcel. La petite fille aime sa mère passionnément, mais sa mère aime Marcel plus que tout au monde. Est-ce qu'un événement imprévu permettra à ces cercles d'amours de se reconnecter...

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Camping Cosmos. 1996.

Camping Cosmos. 1996.

Camping Cosmos is a 1996 Belgian satirical comedy film and a sequel to La Vie seхuelle des Belges 1950-1978, directed by the same director: Jan Bucquoy.The movie's tagline is: Revolution, football, beer and frites. It is an unconventional and non-conformist...

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Blanka. 2015. FULL-HD.

Blanka. 2015. FULL-HD.

Blanka (Cydel Gabutero) makes her living on the street of Manila from small thefts and tricks. She dreams of saving enough money to "buy" a mom. When she meets talented Peter (Peter Millari), a blind gambling musician, her life takes an unexpected direction....

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Kunsten at græde i kor / The Art of Crying. 2006. FULL-HD.

 Kunsten at græde i kor / The Art of Crying. 2006. FULL-HD.

Follows a precocious, eleven-year-old Allan, who tries desperately to keep his dysfunctional, rural family together during the social upheavals of the early seventies. Allan reveres his father, Henry, the local milkman, and can't understand why others...

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Children In Cinema. Part-57.

Children In Cinema. Part-57.

A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors Children In Cinema number 57. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence of repeats from the previous collections.42 clips. Download...

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Drømmen / We Shall Overcome. 2006. FULL-HD.

 Drømmen / We Shall Overcome. 2006. FULL-HD.

Drømmen (Danish "The Dream", English: We Shall Overcome) is a 2006 Danish film based on a true story about a young boy's crusade against a dictatorial headmaster of the "old school".Denmark 1969. When 13 year old Frits is caught in the girls locker room,...

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Children In Cinema. Part-58.

 Children In Cinema. Part-58.

Children In Cinema. Part-58. Children In Cinema. Part-58. A collection of clips from the movies which starred the young actors Children In Cinema number 58. The name of the clips usually have the name of the movie from which they are cut.Possible presence...

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What grows out of pink. 2015. FULL-HD.

What grows out of pink. 2015. FULL-HD.

Pink: charm, courtesy, sensitivity, tenderness, sweetness, childhood, feminine and romantic. Moa does not fit into any of her friends’ clothes, they are too big. Her friends convince her that she has anorexia. Moa has never gotten so much attention and...

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No Bikini. 2007. HD.

No Bikini. 2007. HD.

Robin takes us back to that glorious time when she was seven years old and shows us how it defined her for the rest of her life. Director: Claudia Morgado Escanilla. Cast: Matreya Fedor, Christine Lippa, Apollonia Vanova, Nicholas Frost, Andrew French....

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Adiós, Alicia / Goodbye Alicia. 1977. FULL-HD.

Adiós, Alicia / Goodbye Alicia. 1977. FULL-HD.

ES. Tras la muerte de su madre, Alicia vive con su padre y la vieja criada Emilia que les ha acompañado desde tiempo inmemorial. Su padre administra un viejo cine en una ciudad de provincias situada en los Andes venezolanos, y allí marcha todos los días...

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Au bras du lac / The Cove. 2022. FULL-HD.

Au bras du lac / The Cove. 2022. FULL-HD.

FR. À 11 ans, Claudia vit des évènements bouleversants durant une journée pourtant imprégnée du plaisir d’être à la plage. Dans une ambiance sensuelle et aquatique faite de promenades sur le lac, de baignade et de jeux entre cousins, la succession de...

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Papá Oso. 2021. 2K.

Papá Oso. 2021. 2K.

A story about Eva, a 12-year-old girl who doesn't have a good relationship with her father Jorge after the first day of her parents' divorce. Director: Verónica Valladares. Cast: Aina López Mollà, David Morilla. Spain, 2021. Language: Spanish. 2880x2160...

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